Ficus Benjamin (100 Photos) - home care, varieties, reproduction, transplant, disease (Video) + Reviews

Ficus Benjamin at home

Caring for Benjamin's ficus at home is simple and even a novice florist can handle it. Like all southeastern plants, Benjamin's ficus is very fond of light and moisture in large quantities. The main advantage of this plant is the ability to change its design in a wide variety of ways, in which you can get both miniature compositions and its giant specimens, sometimes similar to hedge.

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According to many florists, ficus is one of the integral parts of the image of home comfort and well-being. Even one plant that has grown in a flowerpot "on its own", that is, without any corrections to its crown and stems, creates a unique impression, thanks to the abundance of bright green or greenish foliage.

The aesthetic appeal of the abundance of bright greenery has a positive effect on the psyche of both the owners and guests of any home.

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Ficus varieties

From the point of view of botany, Benjamin's ficus is an evergreen plant of the mulberry family, whose homeland is Southeast Asia. In its natural habitat, this species can reach several tens of meters in height.

Variety Variegated

Variety Variegated

In the apartment conditions of our latitudes, plant sizes rarely exceed 2.5 meters. The plant has a short trunk and a highly branched crown. This ficus is often characterized by the presence of aerial roots. Currently, there are more than a dozen of its varieties cultivated as houseplants. Consider the most popular of them:


Small plant; its height rarely exceeds 1.5 meters. It has wavy leaves of small (up to 6 cm) length. The leaves have a wavy shape, their color is dark green, uniform. The conditions for keeping the Exotic variety correspond to the usual conditions in the apartments of our climate. This variety is recommended for breeding beginner growers.

Variety Monique

Sort Exotic


A more graceful plant than Exotica. It has a thin stem and longer and thinner branches. The leaves are also distinguished by their increased length; it is 3-4 times their width. Coloring is traditionally light green. The leaves have a wavy shape along the edges. It has a high growth rate, and is also unpretentious in care.

Variety Monique

Variety Monique


The color of this variety is peculiar: from 30 to 90% of the leaf area are white-yellow. Sometimes there are variegated marble-colored leaves with many light spots or stripes. The plant itself is small; leaves are short, not more than 4 cm in length.

Variety Safari

Variety Safari

Care, difficult: has a relatively low growth rate and requires a lot of light. In the shade and partial shade, the variegation of the leaves may disappear. Moreover, the leaves can become both green and yellow.


It has leaves of medium size (up to 6 cm), which are twisted in half rings. The number of leaves on one stem is small. In this regard, several stems are planted in one pot.It is difficult to care for: it does not like changing habitats and cold rooms.

Variety Baroque

Variety Baroque


It is valued by flower growers for the beautiful bends of the stem, which can sometimes change the direction of growth even to the opposite. Thus, making it possible to grow exotic plants in which the stem is woven into a ring. The leaves are dark green, bent "boat". Growth rate is average, requires a lot of light.

Variety Viandi

Variety Viandi

The presented varieties of ficus Benjamin are only a small part of the wealth of its varieties. Therefore, when choosing a plant for growing it at home, you can choose a variety that is ideal for your case. Most ficuses are relatively unpretentious and blend well with other representatives of the flora.

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plant conditions

One of the main requirements for the normal growth and development of ficus Benjamin is the constancy of its location. This, at first glance, an insignificant requirement, is actually a key one. Ficus transplantFicus even transfers transplants more easily than changes in the place of detention.

Most likely, this is due to the fact that the way of life of the plant, its "daily routine" and metabolic rate, is tied to specific conditions and "rebuilt" with great difficulty. According to statistics, about a third of ficuses, when transferred to a new place (even with better conditions), completely shed their leaves, and require considerable time to adapt. In this case, a certain number of plants may even die.

Ficus does not tolerate drafts; it is desirable that the active movement of air near it does not occur. In addition, the proximity of heating devices (batteries, fan heaters, etc.) and air conditioners negatively affect the ficus.

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soil for the plant

The soil for the plant must be sufficiently fertile and have a neutral acidity. The use of slightly acidic soil mixtures is allowed.

The drainage system should be of small thickness, consisting of medium-sized stones or expanded clay.

The drainage system should be of small thickness, consisting of medium-sized stones or expanded clay.

The optimal composition of the substrate: peat soil, sand and garden soil in equal proportions. Sometimes sand is used as the top layer in a pot (depth 1-2 cm). If the soil is acidic, it can be limed with wood ash.

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The maximum possible illumination is not required for most of its varieties. Direct sunlight is also undesirable: they cause leaf burns. Diffused light is best for lighting, and the plant itself will feel good a few meters from the windowsill.

Sometimes for the summer period it is recommended to put a pot of ficus on the street, without greatly changing the conditions of its illumination and air temperature; the ideal place for his summer content would be the outside of the windows, near which he stands in the winter. It is not advisable to expose the ficus to the south side of the house.

Summer on the north side of the house

Summer on the north side of the house

There are some subtleties in choosing lighting for certain varieties of ficuses. For monotonous leaves, the rule is quite simple: if the foliage of the ficus is dark, it is best to place it in partial shade, if it is light, then in the light. Variegated leaves require a lot of light; there are few green cells containing chlorophyll in them, therefore, for the full synthesis of sugar, the illumination should be above average.

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Temperature conditions

In the summer season, the temperature of the ficus content should be in the range from + 18 ° С to + 23 ° С. For some varieties, both temperature reductions up to +16°C and increases up to +30°C are allowed. At temperatures below + 15 ° C, ficus significantly reduces the growth rate and its leaves may begin to wither and crumble.

If the ficus is on the street, then with significant temperature fluctuations during the day, at night it is better to bring it into the room. Some varieties of ficus Benjamin do not like daily temperature changes of more than 7 ° C, even if its maximum and minimum lie within acceptable limits. In this case, it is recommended to take measures to maintain the required temperature range.

With the onset of winter, the temperature of the content of ficuses decreases somewhat - from + 18 ° С to + 22 ° С. In general, ficuses normally tolerate our winters in apartment conditions. The critical temperature for ficus Benjamin is + 12 ° C. In the event of a fall, the plant, as a rule, can no longer be saved.

Thermal burns of overheated ficus

Thermal burns of an "overheated" plant

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ficus care

Following simple rules, plant care will be easy. It consists in proper watering, providing it with the necessary air humidity and timely fertilization. Particular attention is also required to maintain the crown of the plant in good condition.


In general, watering a plant is quite individual. Its frequency depends on the variety of ficus and its conditions of detention.

Factors affecting the frequency and abundance of watering are:

  • content temperature
  • degree of illumination
  • plant age
  • seasonality

Usually, watering is done when the earthen substrate in the pot dries out. If the soil dries out completely to a depth of 2-3 cm, then the plant must be watered. For ficuses, pots with a moderate drainage system and low pallets are used. As moisture accumulates in the pan, it must be removed.

The approximate frequency of watering in the summer is twice a week; in winter - once every one and a half weeks.

Since waterlogging of the root system is not allowed for ficus, there should be no stagnation of water in pots.

With an excess of moisture, the lower leaves of ficuses may fall off.

When watering, it is recommended to use boiled or settled water with a temperature not exceeding room temperature by more than 5 ° C.

Sometimes, to ensure maximum watering efficiency, it is recommended to water the plant with a shower. This is done as follows: a pot of ficus is placed in a bath, the soil in the pot is covered with a plastic film, and the crown of the plant is watered with slightly warm water from the shower for several minutes.

Watering ficus with a shower

Watering with a shower

This procedure actually imitates for the ficus its natural habitat: it creates the illusion of a tropical downpour. Part of the water, flowing down the stem, reaches the root system, so watering will be complete. At the end of the procedure, the plant remains in the bath for half an hour. The frequency of repetition of the "tropical shower" is 20 days. In winter, such watering is not carried out.

Air humidification

One of the key procedures for caring for Benjamin's ficus is keeping its crown moist. Since in our climate the relative humidity of the air is much less than in its homeland in the tropics, it is necessary to maintain it artificially.

The procedure consists in daily spraying of ficus leaves with a sprayer. In winter, you can reduce the number of sprayings to once every two days. The temperature of the water should be the same as when watering.

Spraying ficus to ensure air humidity

Spraying to ensure air humidity

Do not think that spraying the leaves can replace the watering procedure! These are two completely different events that do not depend on each other in any way. When caring for a ficus, you need to do both.

Once a month it is recommended to wipe the ficus leaves with a damp cloth.. This will help not only to rid it of dust, but also to escape some pests, in particular, spider mites.


Fertilizers are applied to the soil in early spring. Sometimes, to ensure the rapid growth of the plant, the feeding cycle can last several weeks or months. As a rule, special fertilizers for ficuses purchased at a flower shop are used.

They can be replaced with a mixture of complex fertilizers, however, the composition of the mixture for feeding depends on the variety of the plant and it is impossible to give any specific recommendations in this case.

Since in most cases ficus is used to decorate interiors with stems and leaves, top dressing serves to ensure its good vegetation.

During the season, top dressing can be done as follows:

  • March-April: once a month
  • May-beginning of June: every three weeks
  • June-September: once every two weeks

Such events can increase the growth of deciduous mass by 3-5 times during the season. And if the goal is to quickly form beautiful and dense crowns of ficuses, then top dressing is simply irreplaceable.

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Formation of the crown and stems of ficus

Ficus Benjamin - a plant ideal for various design solutions. The fast regeneration of foliage and stems, as well as the high flexibility of the branches, allows you to create a wide variety of compositions. Fixed in youth, ficus shoots harden and change color over time, giving the plant composition a very original and unique look.

Stem braid

The most commonly used method is the interlacing of three thin stems into a pigtail. Such a procedure is most often performed immediately at the time of planting the ficus during its reproduction. Over time, the trunks grow and can even grow together with each other, forming bizarre shapes.

Braid of three stalks of ficuses

Braid of three stems


In the same way, the stems and branches of several plants can be intertwined and connected in various ways, creating very interesting solutions. It can be hedges, various gazebos, arches and more.

Arbor from ficus Benjamin

Arbor from ficus Benjamin


Ficus benjamina is one of the plants ideal for growing bonsai compositions. Flexible root system, which can be placed almost in the same plane, and fantastic stem regeneration abilities allow the plant to be used for all types of bonsai - from small shohins, up to 15 cm in diameter, to giant daisas (more than 130 cm).

Ficus Benjamina, grown in bonsai kifu style (medium size).

Bonsai-grown kifu (medium size)

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Ficus propagation

Like all higher plants, this type of ficus can reproduce in a variety of ways: several vegetative or seed. In practice, all varieties of Benjamin's ficus are propagated exclusively by cuttings. This procedure should be carried out at the beginning of the season, when the growth rate of the shoots is maximum.

The appearance of the cutting

The appearance of the cutting

Ficus cuttings are obtained very simply: with the help of a disinfected clerical or garden knife, a part of the stem with an internode is cut off. The length of the handle should be 10-12 cm; on such a cutting there are about 5-7 leaves. Typically, the first one or two leaves closest to the cut are removed.

In the future, there are two options for planting the cutting:

Planting a cutting in water

It is performed if there is doubt about the germination of the root system in the substrate.

The sequence of actions in this case is as follows:

  • Remaining white juice is removed from the cut, as they prevent rooting.
  • The cutting is placed in a container with water at room temperature, while the leaves do not touch the water; it is advisable to use an opaque container
  • The container is placed in a moderately lit place for 2-3 weeks.In this case, direct sunlight should not fall on the plant.
  • As soon as the first roots appear, the plant is ready for transplanting into the ground.

 sprouted stalk

sprouted stalk

The criterion for the success of ficus rooting is the appearance within 1-2 weeks of a new sprout next to the transplanted cutting.

Planting cuttings in the substrate

If you are sure of the correct composition of the substrate and its sufficient fertility, you can plant a ficus cutting directly into it, bypassing the "water" stage. This does not save much time, however, it is believed that the growth rate of ficus immediately planted in the ground is somewhat higher than that of sprouted in water. Rooting in the ground consists of the following steps:

  • White juice is also removed from the cut, after which the cuttings are dried for about half an hour.
  • The cuttings are inserted into the substrate, poured into a temporary pot, and watered with a rooter. Gilea can be used as a rooting agent.
  • The stalk is covered with plastic wrap (or a bottle) on top and left in a makeshift greenhouse for 3-5 weeks
  • As soon as new shoots appear in the "greenhouse", it can be removed - rooting is completed

Over time, it will be necessary to transplant the ficus into a large pot with a proper drainage system.

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Diseases and pests

By itself, the ficus rarely gets sick.

The main problems with the plant arise due to improper care.

This can be both excessive and insufficient watering, as an insufficient amount of light, or exposure to direct sunlight, and so on.

Waterlogging of the soil leads to the appearance of bumps and yellow spots on the leaves. If the leaves begin to dry out and curl up, the air humidity for the plant is insufficient. If the edges of the leaves turn yellow, the ficus lacks nitrogen and needs to be fed.

Falling leaves due to lack of nutrition of ficus

Falling leaves due to lack of nutrition

As such, ficus has few pests. These include:

  • felters
  • spider mite
  • shield.

All of them are fought with the use of insecticides. The choice of funds is quite large and it will be necessary to choose the optimal one for this plant and given circumstances - it is difficult to give any recommendations on this matter.

However, it should be noted that ficuses (again - with proper care) are little susceptible to pest attacks. Plants with normal immunity have a sufficient amount of funds to resist both diseases and pests.

Ficus Benjamin (100 Photos) - home care, varieties, reproduction, transplant, disease (Video) + Reviews

ficus benjamina

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9.7 Total Score
Home Ficus Benjamin

We have tried to give a complete description of this plant so that you can be fully equipped when caring for it. If you do not agree with these ratings, leave your rating in the comments with the reasoning for your choice. Thank you for your participation. Your opinion will be useful to other users.

Ease of maintenance
  • Many designers consider the presence of this flower a mandatory attribute of any interior.
  • The ability to regenerate the stem allows the plant to be used for the implementation of all types of bonsai
  • Very sensitive to lack of light, can quickly change their color
Buyer ratings: 5 (1 vote)

  1. At home, the “Monique” variety is growing)) By the way, there are two bushes at once)) I can only call them bushes, and not flowerpots, otherwise they really grew specifically)) He probably has energy, very positive, since he is my daughter I like it very much, likes to play near him)) By the way, he’s really not whimsical in care, although of course his mother planted me, she’s “obsessed” with flowerpots in a good sense, she immediately grows 4 ficus bushes)) At the expense of watering, then I water regularly once a week and sometimes imitate rain from a sprayer)) By the way, I thought that the ficus is resistant to sunlight, but it turns out, judging by the article, that, on the contrary, it does not like the sun very much. Although, in principle, I have only one bush growing on the “sunny” side, but so far there have been no problems with it))

  2. A small ficus is growing in my house, which is the most interesting, for about six years it has been almost the same height, compact, neat crown. It is not difficult to care for, if you do not make mistakes, as I did. I had the imprudence to put it next to the computer on the window, and it dried up from the temperature drop in just a day, the leaves drooped, part of it fell off. Luckily, we managed to save it. She returned him to his usual place, fed him with fertilizers, sprayed the remaining leaves with water and he came to life. I didn’t know that he was seriously reacting to changing conditions, now I will be very careful and only if necessary change the position of the ficus pot.

    • This winter, misfortune also happened to me with ficus. I ran, watered homemade greens from time to time. And now ... I noticed that the ficus not only almost flew around, became bald, but the remaining leaves withered and turned yellow. I already wanted to say goodbye, but my agronomist friend dissuaded me) Fortunately, things were going by the spring, she was pouring, not hoping, but the buds came out, and the leaves began to grow little by little, henceforth it’s science for me (Do not skip watering. And she also suggested a way out - add to the soil for insurance some hydrogel.

  3. And I also like the ficus because there are no special problems with its reproduction, and I have already done this procedure four times and everything has always gone well. In principle, I always followed all the rules that are described in the article. She also processed the cuttings correctly, and also did not allow the sun's rays from them. In principle, in general, I read this article and I can say that it was really written by a specialist, since my grandmother, who was a candidate of biological sciences, by the way, brought me to the plant world)) And almost everything that is described in this article, she also told me and showed))

  4. I personally grew my own ficus from a small cutting. Rather, there were several, a friend in the spring formed the crown of her pet, I got the material after pruning. Well, don’t throw away the good, I thought, immediately planting it in vermiculite, not really expecting quick results. However, two particularly persistent sprouted the very first, I landed them. Then I combined them into one large pot, as a friend suggested. I formed it in the form of trees, I wanted more splendor, so I reached chic greenery in a couple of years, they got along luxuriously together, without pressing each other, they adapted very quickly after a joint transplant. I shower with them in the summer. This year I didn’t “bath”, we are waiting for the heat of the summer. To dry on the street and move out to the loggia. And in the apartment while at the aquarium, with the rest of the green brothers.

  5. At my house, large ficus with large leaves grew, but I didn’t really like its appearance, it was just a trunk and large leaves on the sides, which periodically turned yellow from below and fell off. After he did not fit in the window in height, the husband took him to the office. I have always liked small-leaved ficuses, especially the beautiful combination of white and green leaves, they look very nice.Last year, I bought a bushy ficus as a gift for my brother, and planted a small sprout with a root at home, I really wanted to have this flower. But the ficus did not take root either with me or with my brother, it simply simply dried up. After reading the article, I realized that most likely he did not have enough moisture, because it was very hot in our winter period. But I do not want to give up and I will definitely buy this beautiful flower again. After reading the article, I will now have some knowledge regarding the cultivation and care of ficus, now I will not have any particular difficulties with growing ficus, because it is not particularly whimsical to care for and will be able to please me with its appearance.

  6. Many probably do not know, but ficus absorbs formaldehyde. Since ancient times, this flower has been a family symbol. In houses where the plant grows, there is less rubbish, and for couples who want to have a baby, the flower gives an additional chance to have offspring. Also, the flower has a positive effect on the energy in the house, relieving anxious people from anxiety. Ficus is invaluable for the microclimate of the house, it is able to purify the air by absorbing phenol, trichloethylene and benzene from it. That is why Indian medicine recommends growing ficus in every apartment.

  7. I tried many times to start ficuses. I bought flowers in pots, grew them from a shoot, but each time the ficuses died. Those who write that the plant is unpretentious are probably lucky. I have never met a more capricious plant. It seems that the flower requires some special individual approach. Firstly, it is difficult for ficus to find a place in the house. It should be without direct sunlight, but at the same time be well lit. Secondly, the growing place is recommended to be well ventilated, but without drafts. Irrigation is generally a problem. Either water a little, then pour the soil abundantly. There is no golden mean. Top dressing is obligatory, but the plant does not accept every fertilizer positively. It is impossible to turn, and even more so move the ficus pot. The slightest mistake and the plant dies. More like a lottery than normal flower care. Plus, the energy in the apartment should be special, but how to create it? Therefore, she temporarily abandoned attempts to start a ficus. Not mine!!!

  8. Also one of those plants that love careful care for him. Just leaving it on the windowsill and watering once a week will not work. Control with temperature and humidity control is needed at all stages. It is worth focusing on the well-being of the plant by the leaves, if the first signs of yellowing of the leaves appear, then you should think about what is being done wrong. In principle, if you get used to it, then care will become quite a routine job for flower growers and there should not be any particular difficulty.

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