Beans: a description of the beneficial properties for our health, possible harm to the body of women and men (Photo & Video) + Reviews

Beans - At every dacha

Beans - At every dacha

Beans are a favorite dish of many inhabitants of the planet. Do gourmets realize the full extent of the benefits and harms of their favorite dish? Everyone knows beans, they can present it according to a general description, gardeners can name its types, nutritionists can talk about the benefits and dangers of this vegetable, but you can get the most complete information by reading this article.

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What is a bean?

This is a vegetable! What did this representative of the legume family (Fabaceae lat.) bring more - harm or benefit, over the long 5 thousand years that a person grows it?

The Latin name for the bean is Phaseolus vulgaris, which means vulgar, that is, common.

The Latin name for beans is Phaseolus vulgaris, which means vulgar, that is, common.

In warm regions of both hemispheres of the Earth, a little less than 100 species of this vegetable are successfully cultivated.

Almost all types of herbaceous vines with feathery leaves produce fruits - bivalve hanging beans, commonly accepted under the name "pods", which contain from 2 to 10 seeds-grains, which are called "beans". Each half of an open bean with unripe grains is colloquially referred to as a "shovel".

The beans themselves with shoulder blades and their bean seeds are used for food. Beans, like beans, can be small (4-5 mm) or large (15-20 mm). Just like bean pods have colors mottled, white, mosaic, purple, pink, plain and even black.

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Interesting Facts

Where Phaseolus came to Europe - opinions differ. Some pundits suggest that this herbaceous one-year-old (most often) sailed from America along with potatoes and tomatoes. Others point out that even ancient Rome and Egypt were well aware of the taste and benefits of this culture.

Still others do not get tired of repeating that in ancient China they knew well how to grow beans and what to do with it.

The mention of a plant that is very similar in appearance and fruits, indeed, is in the archaeological documents of different eras and different countries. Moreover, there is evidence that noble ladies (in particular, Cleopatra) used beans as a rejuvenating agent for the face and body, powder was made from grains ground into fine flour, and lappings for the face were made from juice.

bean pod

In ancient Greece, grains were used to prepare cheap and nutritious food for warriors.

In Asian countries, bean flour is popular, from which airy cookies and pies are baked, along the way making special sweets with fruits and butter, somewhat reminiscent of our “bars” or halva.

From some types of legumes, they even managed to make soap.

After the Spaniards and the Dutch introduced the rest of the world to the Amerindian species of this plant (XVI century), only 2 centuries passed and “middle” Europe finally got to know the taste of rounded strong grains. In the truest sense! Until now, Phaseolus flowers have adorned gardens and hairstyles, while the grains were considered "terribly poisonous."

Who first ate a pot of beans is unknown, but it is known that:

In the British Isles, fried beans are held in high esteem.And in a year this vegetable is eaten there as much as the rest of Europe eats it.

Such an amount can only be compared with that which Americans eat. True, they prefer these legumes in a stew. And best of all - with tomatoes, which were also considered in Europe at one time "terribly poisonous."

bean bushes

bean bushes

In Bulgaria, bean grains are also loved. On the last Sunday of November, they even celebrate the Bean Festival. There is no word for "beans" in Bulgarian, they call it "grain" or "bean". What dishes of beans are not prepared there! They say that local varieties have a special taste!

And from what beans and what do we prepare?

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Types of beans

Strictly speaking, all beans are divided into only two types:

  • Curly legumes

curly beans

curly beans

  • Bush

Bush beans

Bush beans

Each of these species has 3 divisions:

shelled beans

shelled beans

shelled beans

  • These varieties are grown for the sake of "Schob bulo!" - thanks to the specific protective parchment layer covering the grain, such beans can be stored for more than one year.
  • These are late-ripening varieties, in the middle lane they do not have time to fully ripen.
  • And in the southern regions, ripened seeds from shrunken bean flaps are removed with the help of friction - they are shelled.

Semi-sugar beans

Semi-sugar beans

Semi-sugar beans

  • These varieties are mid-season - from 90 to 150 days.
  • They cannot lie down for a long time, although some of them have a thin parchment shell.
  • Basically, they are eaten immediately by removing the pod.
  • The pod itself does not go to people for food (too many coarse fibers), but cattle are happy with such a delicacy.
  • Therefore, semi-sugar beans are also called "fodder".

sugar variety

sugar variety

sugar variety

  • The second name is “asparagus”, although this early ripe bean has nothing to do with the Asparagus family.
  • It is simply eaten with shoulder blades, juicy, easy to prepare and has a pleasant sweetish aftertaste.
  • In the middle lane, for obvious reasons, they prefer early and mid-ripening varieties in terms of their ripening.
  • Bush beans are held in high esteem, however, if you plan to harvest a large crop, then it makes sense to put trellises for climbing varieties even in a small area.

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Beans that are not beans

It is interesting that many "varieties" of beans grown in our gardens and orchards do not belong to the genus Phaseolus, although they are in the Fabaceae family - legumes.

Of the most popular "defectors" will probably be Vigna, Mash and Adzuki, which actually refer to some pea species (Písum lat.).

Vigna is the most common legume crop in South, Southeast Asia, the North Caucasus, India, Pakistan, South America, etc., etc. Cowpeas (as this “bean” is called) come from the African West, but found a second home in China from where it spread throughout the world.

 Vigna, Radiant

Vigna, Radiant

Often you can also hear such names:

  • Chinese cowpea
  • boron
  • snake bean
  • cob beans
  • horse or Russian beans

There are just over 15 of them in total. And all this diversity is different pea subspecies VignaVicia faba!

Mash - Vigna radiata (lat.). Previously called Phaseolus radiatus or Phaseolus aureus, which means beans. However, now it is precisely established - peas! In addition, it is well known in Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, the Caucasus, Kazakhstan, Asia and beyond: Turkey, India, Egypt, America, Australia.

Other names:

  • gave
  • Turkish or Turkmen peas
  • golden beans
  • mung beans
  • dhal
  • pea beans

Mash is valuable for its unique healing properties. Culinary experts distinguish it for its delicate, refined nutty flavor.

Adzuki or Red bean turns out to be another type of pea Pisum - Vigna angularis (lat.)! Very small grain - only 5 mm! Vigna angularis is native to the Himalayas.

Adzuki, red beans

Adzuki, red beans

Azuki is the Japanese version of the name of Vigna, where it is the 2nd most common dish.

Is there some more:

  • chyori - the Himalayas
  • Xiaodou or Hongdou - China
  • Phat - Korea
  • dai do – vietnam
  • lal chawali - India
  • Kambu - Somalia

The most popular preparation of Adzuki is sweet fillings, ice cream filler, drinks, pasta.

All types of beans-not-beans can be soaked in water for 1.5-2 hours to facilitate cooking. And you can not soak - the worst will not happen!
For grains of real beans, this process cannot be skipped! - Causes:

  1. Raw beans are toxic to the digestive tract. Soaking eliminates toxic substances
  2. Oligosaccharides dissolve in water, which complicate digestion and cause flatulence
  3. Speeds up cooking time. For 8-10 hours, dry grain regains its lost moisture.

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What is the value of Phaseolus beans?

Can beans replace meat?

Can beans replace meat?

This product is highly respected by people who for some reason cannot eat meat.Meat contains all amino acids, fats, and other "building materials" that are indispensable for the proper functioning of the body. When eating without meat, this entire set will have to be recruited from other foods.

Common bean (Phaséolus vulgáris) will be able to provide them not in due, but in sufficient quantity:

Thanks to selection work, now there are already varieties in which proteins make up 30% or more; carbohydrates mono-saccharides - 50% or more; omega fatty acids - 4% or more.

The content has also been upgraded:

  • carotene
  • phosphorus
  • copper
  • calcium
  • zinc
  • sulfur
  • gland
  • magnesium
  • nitrogenous substances

Accordingly, the amount of organic acids and vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, PP increases.

The whole range of nutrients contained in legumes is absorbed by the human body by 75-80%.
The only thing that beans cannot provide a person is vitamin B12!

This vitamin is produced by bacteria that live in the intestinal tract of herbivores. This means that a person can get it from the outside only by eating a piece of meat.

So, it is wrong to present beans as a complete substitute for meat products.

Product benefits

Grains and pods of all types of Phaseolus vulgaris (and not so much Phaseolus) are not without reason considered a real medical and dietary product that can support the rehabilitation process of seriously ill and postoperative patients.

As a preventive measure against many diseases, it is recommended to eat bean dishes at least 1 time per week.

As a preventive measure against many diseases, it is recommended to eat bean dishes at least 1 time per week.

These dishes are useful for people with:


  • Fruits and beans contain arginine. This basic aliphatic α-amino acid is one of the key metabolites in the processes of nitrogen metabolism in the body, synthesizing urea and thus lowering blood sugar levels.
  • To increase the effect, you should drink bean decoctions before meals daily.

Cardiovascular diseases

  • And cardiac arrhythmias (arrhythmia, atherosclerosis, hypertension, angina pectoris, calcification).
  • All the same arginine, which contributes to the expansion and relaxation of the walls of blood vessels + iron and copper, which contributes to the formation of red blood cells, the production of adrenaline and hemoglobin and the saturation of tissues with oxygen, normalizes blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Metabolic and digestive disorders

  • Possessing a cleansing property (especially red varieties), beans reduce inflammation in the tissues of the liver and gastrointestinal tract, and promote the elimination of toxins.
  • Zinc and sulfur, which are part of the beans, regulate carbohydrate metabolism and heal microcracks in the intestinal walls.

Disorders of the genitourinary system

  • All parts of the plant have a diuretic effect, reduce swelling of all tissues of the body and are included in fees for removing stones and sand from the kidneys and bladder.
  • Regular consumption of beans helps men to maintain potency longer, and women to maintain the elasticity of internal tissues.
  • The substances contained in the finished product regulate and maintain the hormonal tone of the body.

Nervous disorders

  • The high content of tyrosine, methionine, tryptophan and other amino acids makes beans an excellent natural antidepressant that promotes restful sleep and general complacency.
  • Pulmonary and bronchial diseases, including tuberculosis, both pulmonary and other tissues.
  • The weak antibacterial properties of beans are helpful in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections, providing the same supportive effect to the main drugs in the treatment of tuberculosis.
  • In these cases, white varieties are good.

Weak gums and prone to calculus formation

  • Due to the high content of magnesium and calcium, dishes and decoctions from all types of beans help strengthen bone, muscle and smooth tissues of the body.
  • Legumes are also used in the treatment of rheumatism, and in skin diseases, and for the healing of small wounds, and beans are good as an immune, supportive remedy!

Oncological diseases

  • It is believed that beans also help against the formation of cancerous tumors.
  • Bean puree mixed with berry or fruit juice is a wonderful mask for fading or tired skin of the face and neck, restoring freshness, elasticity and radiance.
  • Bean dishes help to “drive away” age-related fat and increase vitality, it’s not for nothing that folk “bean” recipes are so popular.

Folk "bean" recipes

Folk healers have long turned their attention to the beneficial effects of beans on carbohydrate-salt metabolism, the digestive system, and the activation of the brain and heart activity of the body.

bean pods

bean pods

They did not hide from them and the relief of pain in gout and rheumatism, a thorough improvement in potency and hypoglycemic effect.

And the fact that people who want to lose weight should be pressed on the beans, and the “pebbles” are displayed, has been known for a very, very long time!

And here are the recipes:

To reduce sugar (diabetes)

We will need:


  • dried pods - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Steep boiling water - 600 ml.
  • Dishes for a water bath
  • Time - 1 hour.

  • Grind the pods and pour boiling water.
  • Keep in a water bath for 15 minutes.
  • Wrap in a terry towel and let it brew for another 45 minutes.
  • It remains to strain, add boiling water to the original level and you can take a glass during a meal.


  • Dried sashes - 30 y.
  • Boiling water - 300 ml.
  • Thick-walled ceramic container.
  • Cooking time - 1 day.

  • Pour boiling water over the crushed pods, close tightly, wrap and leave for a day.
  • After that, strain, add boiled water and take half a glass 3 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals.


  • Dry beans with grains - 45 pcs.
  • Boiling water - 2 liters.
  • Water bath
  • Time - 4 hours.

  • Pour beans with boiling water and keep in a water bath for 3 hours with the lid closed.
  • Allow to cool with the lid closed.
  • Strain and take 150-200 mg 4 times a day with meals or a few minutes before.


  • Crushed dry pods - 1 tsp
  • Boiling water - 250 ml.

  • We brew like regular tea, cover and wrap with a scarf or shawl for 1 hour.
  • We accept 1 tbsp. l. liquids during meals.


  • Dried and crushed sashes (husks) - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Nettle leaves - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Blueberry leaves - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Dandelion root - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Boiling water - 500 ml.
  • Water bath
  • Cooking time - 1.5 hours.

  • Pour boiling water over the collection, keep in a water bath for 10-15 minutes.
  • Cool, filter, divide into 4 parts, drink during the day.
  • The same recipes can be used for brewing in a thermos.
  • The course of taking bean infusion for diabetes is at least 2, but not more than 3 months.

To add flavor and increase the medicinal effect, not only blueberry leaves, but also oregano, currant or raspberry can be added to dry shoulder blades.

Good sugar-lowering infusion in combination with flax seeds (for 2 parts of leaves 1 part of seeds).

The infusion in a thermos is more saturated than in a steam bath! It is not recommended to take more than 60-70 ml at a time!
Structural infusions

Structural infusions

Recipes for gout and rheumatism


  • Chopped beans husks - 20 g.
  • Boiling water - 1 l.
  • Water bath
  • Cooking time - 3 hours.

  • We simmer the husk in a water bath for 3 hours, filter and drink half a glass 4-5 times a day.


  • Red bean broth (water in which the grains were cooked) - 200 ml.

  • Drink 4 times a day in equal portions after meals.

With low acidity, cardiovascular diseases and diseases of the genitourinary system


  • Dried ground beans - 3-4 tbsp. l.
  • Boiling water - 500 ml.
  • Boil on low heat for 10-15 minutes. Cool, strain, take 100 ml. 4 times a day.
  • All bean infusions and decoctions must be prepared daily! After a day, they are useless to humans.
  • The course of admission is 1 month.

  • If the infusion remains, water them with indoor flowers. Excellent fertilizer!
  • Never use fresh beans or grains! Dried product only!

Skin Recipes

A face mask is best made from red seeds, but white beans are also quite suitable.

A face mask is best made from red seeds, but white beans are also quite suitable.

Nourishing mask

  • Cook 100 g of grains until fully cooked, carefully mash into a puree or grind through a sieve.
  • To the mass add 1 tbsp. l. natural berry or fruit juice with pulp, grind and apply on the face and neck for 20-30 minutes.
  • Rinse off with warm water, then apply a nourishing cream to the dried skin.


  • Bean puree is prepared in the same way.
  • Instead of berry juice (or together with it), we mix 1 tbsp. l. olive (vegetable) oil and 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice.
  • We impose on problem areas, wait 30 minutes. and wash off.
  • Next - a rich nourishing cream.

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What varieties of beans hold the record for the content of nutrients?

White-fruited and red-grain varieties

Small, similar to white peas gives the Nevi variety. Small beans are real champions in vitamin and fiber content!

Small, similar to white peas gives the Nevi variety. Small beans are real champions in vitamin and fiber content!

The slightly flattened grains of Butter Lima have a slightly greenish hue that fades as the grain dries.

The slightly flattened grains of Butter Lima have a slightly greenish tinge that fades as the grain dries.

This is the usual “white bean” for us, belonging to the shelling varieties, the high content of starch, protein and fiber makes it a real dietary product.

And the ease and unpretentiousness of growing made Lima one of the favorite varieties of summer gardeners. Can be dried or eaten in pods!

White beans with large white grains - Chali, a favorite for potassium and calcium with a high content of antimicrobials

White beans with large white grains - Chali, a favorite for potassium and calcium with a high content of antimicrobials

The favorite of gardeners in the middle lane is early ripe (90 days) Gribovskaya. Accumulates the maximum possible amount of vitamins and minerals in a short period.

The favorite of gardeners in the middle lane is early ripe (90 days) Gribovskaya. Accumulates the maximum possible amount of vitamins and minerals in a short period

Snow-white Swallow, covered with lilac-copper specks inside (grain) and outside (pod), is good both as a shelling option and as asparagus. The main thing is to keep track of the degree of maturity! Has a high content of copper and zinc.

Snow-white Swallow, covered with lilac-copper specks inside (grain) and outside (pod), is good both as a shelling option and as asparagus. The main thing is to keep track of the degree of maturity! Has a high content of copper and zinc

Another variety to keep an eye on is the red Kidney.

Another variety to keep an eye on is the red Kidney.

It tastes good in both beans and seeds. The seeds are shaped like a human kidney, and, by the way, are great for treating the genitourinary system.

Fava - a variety tempting with the antique beauty of pale colored seeds and valves

Fava - a variety tempting with the "antique" beauty of pale colored seeds and valves

It is used as an asparagus garnish and as a peeling type. Like all red varieties, it has wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties.

No matter how lovers and healers of this vegetable praise beans, it must be admitted that there are contraindications to its use.

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Fortunately, there are much more recommendations for the use of legumes than contraindications.

Fortunately, there are much more recommendations for the use of legumes than contraindications.

They are:

  1. You can not eat all types of beans fresh! At best, it can cause heartburn and intestinal upset - diarrhea. At worst, it can cause serious poisoning. The trouble with everything is lectins, which are massively contained in red fruits, in white they are less, but not by much.
  2. Do not go on a bean diet for older people - exacerbations of chronic senile diseases, stomach ulcers, bile stasis and acute inflammation of the gallbladder walls are possible.
  3. Pregnant women should not abuse Phaséolus vulgaris dishesbreastfeeding and babies under 3 years of age.
  4. The fourth point explains the limitations of the third - when eating legumes, increased gas formation occurs. Flatulence can be reduced by soaking the beans not in ordinary water, but in a weak soda solution. Well reduces intestinal gases dill.
White-fruited varieties cause less trouble than red-grained varieties.
Additional fact. Beans do not lose their healing qualities after hot processing and canning.
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string beans

Asparagus or leguminous differs from ordinary juicy plump shoulder blades, which can and should be consumed whole, along with small, soft grains.

The Italians were the first to taste this dish.

The Italians were the first to taste this dish.

They also brought out the first varieties of asparagus beans, calling them "French" for their tenderness and sophistication of taste.

Just like cereal, this variety contains exactly the same amino acids, vitamins and trace elements.. Plus - asparagus regulates the water-salt balance of the body much more efficiently than grain varieties.

Unlike grains, green beans, on the contrary, are strongly recommended for people over 50. And it is recommended to make such meals more regular - up to 2 times a week.

What will it give?

  • Firstly, due to the high content of iron, copper and zinc, the boiled pod will help improve blood formation and blood branching.
  • Secondly, arginine already known to us will positively affect the cardiovascular system with all the ensuing consequences.
  • Thirdly, increase the body's sensitivity to insulin and normalize sugar levels.
  • FourthBP normalizes.
  • Fifthwill remove toxins from the body.
  • At sixth, improve memory and increase brain performance.
  • Seventh, will help to remove excess body fat.
  • Eighthwill help you cope with depression.
  • Ninth, will strengthen the immune system.
  • tenth, elevenths, etc. due to antibacterial properties, it will help to cure tuberculosis, hepatitis, gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system.

And the juice of asparagus varieties helps to relieve pain during inflammation of the articular bags - bursitis. The applied compress from the slurry of fresh pods relieves the condition after a few minutes.

To enhance the effect, you can drink brewed juice for several days.

juice recipe

  • Pass pre-soaked beans through a meat grinder or juicer.
  • In an enameled saucepan, let the resulting mass boil and immediately remove from heat.
  • As soon as the broth cools down, you can drink 1-2 tsp. while eating.

Popular varieties of asparagus and green beans

Early ripe (50 days) bush Saxa surprises with pink grains inside pale green shoulder blades almost devoid of fibers. The length of the pod is 12 cm.

Early ripe (50 days) bush Saxa surprises with pink grains inside pale green shoulder blades almost devoid of fibers. Pod length - 12 cm

Another early ripe variety is the Oil King. The variety is not just fruitful, it is a delicacy.

Another early ripe variety is the Oil King. The variety is not just fruitful, it is a delicacy

Yellow beans are well filled and up to 25 cm long.

Mid-early variety Purple Queen (Purple King) gives good yields of 15-centimeter purple-lilac beans in any soil

Mid-early variety Purple Queen (Purple King) gives good yields of 15-centimeter purple-lilac beans in any soil

Panthera, contrary to its name, has yellow pods and has a medium late maturity.

Panther, contrary to its name, has yellow pods and has a medium late maturation period.

All varieties have a wonderful oily-sweet taste, intended primarily for fresh-cooked consumption, but do not lose their taste and properties in marinade or freezing.

String beans should be soaked before hot processing for at least 30-40 minutes. for the same reasons grains are soaked - toxins.
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decorative beans

There are beans that are grown for their beautiful flowers under the general name "Turkish beans".

The most frequent guest of the "Turkish" in our latitudes - Phaseolus coccineus - fast-growing vines (3.5-5 m) with beautiful bright red inflorescences, playing the role of a hedge or arched decoration.

Popular "Turkish bob" and other colors: white, salmon, two-tone, burgundy.

As an introduction, we can offer the following:

Vigna Caracalla (Vigna caracalla).

Vigna Caracalla (Vigna caracalla)

Dolichos purple (Lablab purpureus).

Purple dolichos (Lablab purpureus)

Although they all belong to decorative species, they are quite edible after soaking in water for at least 8-10 hours. In any case, the species of these legumes, well known in Thailand, Guinea and Goa, are used by the local population for cooking and in folk medicine.

The medicinal properties of juicy green shoulder blades and their seeds are also confirmed by European medicine.
It is impossible to eat ornamental beans without pre-soaking! Fresh pods and grains are dangerous to health!
Beans: a description of the beneficial properties for our health, possible harm to the body of women and men (Photo & Video) + Reviews


Beans: a description of the beneficial properties for our health, possible harm to the body of women and men (Photo & Video) + Reviews

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  1. I read the article in one breath, because the topic is close to me personally. I love beans and very often replace meat with it during the Great and Christmas fasts. I consider the recipes given in the article a nice bonus for myself. So, a curiosity for me was the ability to make face masks from beans. Tomorrow I will try, especially since the recipe is budgetary, and the result promises to be pleasant.
    And of course, various decoctions of beans - here I am generally surprised, because, in my understanding, decoctions are only from herbs or roots, well, not from a vegetable!
    And many thanks for the detailed description of green beans, I read about it with pleasure because it is a favorite among beans.

  2. For me, as for a person who is actively involved in sports, beans are one of the main foods, since there is a lot of well-digestible protein in beans, plus beans are also an excellent fat burner. To taste, too, I have no complaints about beans, they are perfect for soups and as a side dish. In general, a universal product, in my opinion, also grows without problems. By the way, in my dacha, about five acres are planted with beans and I'm not going to change it yet, because not only is it useful, but it's also a cheap source of protein :)

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