Do-it-yourself false fireplace from improvised materials: 140 photos in the interior, assembly video + step-by-step instructions

Do-it-yourself false fireplace from improvised materials

The owners of country houses can please themselves with a warm and cozy hearth right in the living room. In a city apartment, it is not possible to have a real working fireplace. Alternatively, you can install a fake fireplace made by yourself.

Not a single housing inspection will give permission to install a real fireplace, because in apartment there is no chimney, and in general, open fire is prohibited. In addition, the floors of high-rise buildings are not designed for such a load. You can buy a ready-made electric fireplace - but such a pleasure is very expensive.

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Advantages of a false fireplace

A simple idea and effective execution

A simple idea and effective execution

Why not try to make an imitation of a real fireplace, especially since the process is simple and the result is amazing. All family members can participate in the assembly, which unites and unites great. And yet, an artificial fireplace does not require a significant contribution, so the budget will not suffer much.

plywood frame

Painting a plywood frame

An artificial hearth is a win-win solution for a living room decorated in any style. The design itself is decorated at the request of the owners, adjusting the design to the interior of the apartment.

If you have long dreamed of an open decorative stove - make up your mind today, because the device has many advantages:

  1. A fascinating assembly process allows you to connect your imagination, create an exclusive item

  2. The construction helps to hide the unpresentable appearance of heating devices, flaws in the wall

  3. A fake fireplace does not require large financial costs, as available materials are involved in its creation.

  4. All items and tools are easy to find in any hardware store. In some cases, it is enough to break an old sideboard or an unnecessary cabinet

  5. The device can be effectively decorated and give it a modern and natural look.

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Varieties of installations

Pseudo focus

artificial fireplace

All decorative stoves can be divided into three categories, depending on the degree of their naturalism. The solidity of the structure varies, it can be permanent or temporary. For example, fake paper hearths are made to decorate a New Year's interior or for Halloween. 

Complete imitation



Solid fireplace, made with maximum reliability. Its appearance, dimensions and decor naturally imitate the real one. The inside of the firebox is equipped with an electric fireplace or a biofireplace.

The advantages of these devices are the heating function and aesthetic appearance. Biofireplace burns with a real flame, working on ethanol, which does not produce smoke or soot during combustion. The burner is protected by tempered glass, so the design is safe.

Electric fireplace

Electric fireplace

An electric fireplace is a device that simulates the visual image of a fire. It is sold without a portal (or decorative casing), so it is convenient to place it inside a hand-built fireplace. Both devices are quite expensive - for the smallest copy you will have to pay at least 6 thousand rubles. 

It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of the portal and the firebox device in order to order the correct dimensions of the electric fireplace. When we determine the parameters of the fireplace, we measure the entire structure along with the frame. The device should only fit the size of the furnace space.


decorative oven

decorative option

Conditionally natural construction. The portal of such a fireplace only slightly recedes from the wall, and candles, mirror frames, and other medium-sized elements are placed in a shallow firebox. Such a hearth is decorated like a real one, tiled, gypsum stucco is added. 


Christmas decoration

Christmas decoration

The symbolic fireplace is often a simple picture pasted on the wall. It can be spectacular wallpaper. Or a cardboard copy, decorated to look like a real stove. 

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Where to place the structure

Angular pseudolesion

corner option

False fireplaces are also distinguished by the shape on which its location depends:

  • Rectangular wall
  • Angular
  • Island

The wall specimen is placed in the middle of the wall, in a free area. It is placed permanently or built into furniture walls. The top edge is strengthened so that it can be used as a shelf.

Sturdy metal frame design doubles as a stand for a large TV. The device can also be placed in place of the radiator to aesthetically disguise it. They are located in niches, between columns, in any room.

The corner hearth requires more careful measurements so that in the end the structure does not seem cumbersome. The depth of the firebox should appear proportional to the height and width of both sides of the triangle. Dimensions can be chosen arbitrarily, but it is advisable to first draw a sketch on paper. 

An island fireplace requires a lot of space in the room. It helps to zone the room. It looks good in an apartment with a modern interior, in which there are no partitions and an abundance of furniture.

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Production material

Polyurethane foam portal

Decorative fireplace made of polyurethane foam

Consider the materials from which you can make a false fireplace with your own hands

  1. Drywall - the most common raw material on which any finish fits perfectly. It is easy to assemble, it is easy to cut out any shapes from it, even complex and ornate ones. The main advantage of drywall is low cost.
  2. Plywood - available and inexpensive material, which is very pleasant to work with
  3. Cardboard - you can make a temporary fireplace out of it, for a specific event. Ordinary boxes from under large household appliances will do
  4. Brick - a stove can be laid out of real stone only if it is small. The stone is very heavy in weight, the three-dimensional structure can exert too much pressure on the load-bearing floors. It is best to make a frame from light raw materials and stick decorative tiles on it with imitation brickwork
  5. Tree - such a fireplace will turn out to be durable and beautiful. A board made of natural wood is quite expensive. You can choose different natural shades or combine different colors
  6. Chipboard - instead of new sheets, you can disassemble an unnecessary sideboard. Finishing will still close the frame, so if you have an old cabinet, give it a second life
  7. Styrofoam - layers are inexpensive. On sale there are figured skirting boards and corners with which you can decorate the product. As a frame for the structure, you can take a cardboard box
  8. Polyurethane - building material from a subgroup of gas-filled plastics. The raw material is very strong, impact-resistant, not afraid of humidity, high temperatures, fireproof (does not burn, but melts).

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How to make a drawing and choose the right parameters

Simple design drawing

Simple design drawing

The drawing facilitates the cutting of materials, helps to keep the dimensions correctly. It is best to find a finished drawing on the Internet and, after taking your measurements, adjust it as required.

  • First of all, they determine the place for the location of the furnace
  • Select material for production
  • Approve the size of the portal and the niche for the firebox
  • They draw a detailed diagram, all curly components are transferred to paper in expanded form
  • Do not forget that for a biofireplace you need to leave a place inside the niche for the fuel tank, and for an electric fireplace or a 3D frame, bring an outlet

If you plan to purchase a bio or electric fireplace, the parameters of the portal are adjusted to the device.
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Installation of a polyurethane product

Polyurethane hearth

Polyurethane hearth

We offer step-by-step instructions for creating a polyurethane pseudo-focus:

1In a store with finishing materials, you need to buy a ready-made polyurethane portal. Pick up an instance with stucco, patterns or any other in accordance with the chosen style
2Prepare contact adhesive, putty, finishing materials
3Build a rectangular firebox from plywood, chipboard or drywall (its dimensions must match the niche in the frame)
4Choose a place for a fireplace. Apply glue to the inside of the frame and press it firmly against the wall
5Insert a firebox or a pre-purchased electric fireplace inside
6The gaps between the frame and the firebox are carefully filled and smeared with putty
7Do the finishing

Optionally, you can install a wood or plastic mantel, stylized as natural stone, upstairs

A fireplace looks cozy, finished with decorative stone-like tiles, which can be glued on a universal adhesive for ceramics.
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How to make a fake plywood fireplace

Wooden slat frame

Wooden slat frame

In this case, it will not be possible to purchase a ready-made portal. It will need to be built independently.

1Make calculations and create a drawing. Take any scheme from the Internet as a basis
3Install a frame of wooden slats. Fasten them with nails
4Sheathe it with plywood sheets. Optionally add decorative elements: podium, crossbars, columns
5Attach the firebox to the back wall at the desired height
6Paste the entire structure with self-adhesive film. It is better to choose wood or stone print
7Attach the structure to the wall
8Pour pebbles, firewood, sand or other decorative composition into the "oven"
9Order a fireplace grate in advance. At the last stage, it is attached to the firebox window with metal wire.
Such a fireplace is easy to carry from place to place, as the design is one-piece and removable.
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Imitation from old furniture

Stages of rebirth of a mirror sideboard

Stages of rebirth of a mirror sideboard

Consider the stages of the most budgetary way to assemble a false fireplace using the example of an open glass sideboard with a mirrored back wall:

  • The locker has drawers at the bottom of the case. We remove containers, along with glass partitions
  • We close it in front of the plywood sheet and cut a rectangular hole in it for the future firebox. The height of its location is determined arbitrarily, at will
  • In the lower part of the front, we cut out a semicircular hole for the blower. There you can carefully place logs
  • For the plinth and mantelpiece, find old headboards. On such a podium, the structure will stand steadily and reliably.
  • The portal is ready, now you need to start finishing it
  • Use a grinder to go over the polished walls to make them rough. So putty will lie on them better
  • Apply a layer of primer, and after drying, carefully putty the fireplace
  • When the plaster dries, sand the bumps
  • Apply acrylic paint
  • Complete brick finishing, stone, glue plaster elements
  • Paste the bottom of the firebox with LED strip around the perimeter
  • Pour stones, shells, firewood inside
  • If you turn on the backlight, the rear wall mirror will display the contents of the firebox in red-yellow flames

Choose warm colors, maybe even red. She perfectly imitates fire
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Drywall construction

Metal frame sheathed with drywall

Metal frame sheathed with drywall

Let's try to make a drywall fireplace. Buy a moisture-resistant copy, as it is considered more durable. You will also need rack and guide profiles for the frame.

To attach the parts and the entire structure to the wall, prepare self-tapping screws and dowel-nails. Buy everything you need for decoration: wallpaper, tiles, film, curly elements. Of the tools you will need a screwdriver, an electric drill, a level, a tape measure, a knife, a hacksaw.

1Make a drawing first
2Transfer the markup from it to the wall in the selected location
3Fasten the frame rails to the wall
4Fasten them to the racks with self-tapping screws.
5First, assemble the frame for the outer portal. Then install the frame for the firebox inside
6Mark the sheets of drywall and cut out the details. Carefully cut out all the elements
7Sheathe the portal with drywall using screwdrivers. Do not press on the sheets as they are very fragile.
8All seams, attachment points and ends are carefully puttied
9Next up is finishing
10The firebox is made at will
The wall at the installation site must be perfectly flat. Before starting work, check this parameter with a level. If necessary, level the area with putty or choose another place.
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Finishing and decor of an artificial fireplace

Decor with artificial stone

Decor with artificial stone

Finishing plays a big role in the final appearance of a raised fireplace. Make sure that it is combined with the interior of the room, was decorated in the same style. So the hearth will harmoniously fit into the overall design of the room.

  1. Popular cladding materials are decorative brick, stone imitation, ceramic tiles. They are easy to stick on any tile adhesive or liquid nails.

  2. False fireplaces are often pasted over with ordinary wallpaper or adhesive film with different patterns. This method is not suitable if you plan to build in devices with a heating function.

  3. The portal can be painted or applied with liquid plaster. The latter looks very stylish and impressive, especially if you add glitters, textile threads, sawdust or any other decorative composition to the composition.

During laying, keep the same distance between rows, for this, insert temporary gauge rails into the seams.

Firebox design options

Candles and mirrors in decor

Candles and mirrors in decor

The naturalness and authenticity of your fireplace largely depends on how the firebox is framed. There are different options for its submission, both expensive and budget. Let's consider everything in order:

1Built-in electric fireplace or biofireplace. This has already been mentioned above. Appliances will emit heat, visually demonstrate real fire
2A modern solution will be a built-in 3D photo frame. Download the burning campfire GIF to her flash drive and enjoy the impromptu hearth.There are copies with sound on sale - you can download an audio track with crackling logs. Take care of the proximity to the fireplace sockets. The size of the firebox should ideally match the parameters of the photo frame so that the effect is as reliable as possible.
3LED strips in yellow, orange or red perfectly convey the right feeling. They paste over the interior of the firebox and lay out a pile of firewood
4You can not try to simulate a burning fire. Place inside logs, wood chips, sand, shells, stones, pebbles, clay pot
5Elegantly look candles of different heights and diameters, exposed around the entire perimeter of the furnace compartment
6A bold and not the safest option is to install a burner or a kerosene lamp inside. But such a hearth in the included form cannot be left without the attention of adults.
7The back and side walls of the furnace, as well as the bottom, are finished with mirror plates. So the hole seems more spacious, and even minimal illumination looks much more impressive.
8Tidy tempered glass doors look gorgeous on the pseudo-fireplace. This is an optional element, but very expressive and catchy.
9An additional charm and a finished look is given to the structure by a metal grill. It is ordered in a special workshop or bought at a finishing building materials store.

Imitation of the hearth in the interior of the apartment

artificial oven

artificial oven

A false fireplace can be decorated in any style, from ornate baroque to minimalist high-tech.

  • Classic pieces look noble and solid. They are trimmed with materials under an expensive stone, for example, marble. The front side is decorated with bas-reliefs, stucco
  • Products in the spirit of Art Nouveau deny any pretentiousness, openwork and classics. Strict lines, straight forms, a minimum of design are welcome. It can be a simple box against the wall, with a highlight in the form of a catchy color or metal tubes in the finish.
  • Country style is the interior of a cozy village house. A bulky fireplace, decorated with artificial brick, wood, will perfectly fit here. A rough wooden beam can be installed as a mantelpiece


In the care of decorating and decorating your stove, do not forget to arrange the territory closest to it. It is reasonable if a recreation area is located in this place. There are comfortable sofas, a small table for a pleasant tea party.

Candlesticks, photographs, paintings, figurines are placed on the mantelpiece. On the floor, you can lay a carpet with a long pile, a rug knitted from thick cords, or the skin of a wild animal.

Imagine how pretty your living roomif a cozy, homely fireplace appears in it! How nice it will be to spend evenings with your family next to him for an exciting board game. A device assembled by one's own hands will delight not only the owners, but also guests, friends, and acquaintances.

Niche as a hearth

Niche as a hearth

This is a wonderful element of decor, which is able to play a dominant role in the interior. Or become one of his stylish attributes. Such an installation will never go out of fashion, so the design of your apartment will always be stylish and original.

Before starting work, watch a five-minute video that shows how to independently assemble an artificial hearth from improvised materials in one day:

Do-it-yourself false fireplace from improvised materials: 140 photos in the interior, assembly video + step-by-step instructions

Do-it-yourself decorative false fireplace in 1 day. How to make a decorative fireplace yourself.

Do-it-yourself false fireplace from improvised materials: 140 photos in the interior, assembly video + step-by-step instructions


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