Eustoma flower (Lisianthus) (100 Photos) - planting and care at home. An unusual plant in your garden + Reviews

eustoma home

eustoma (Eustoma grandiflorum) or Lisianthus has gained immense popularity in recent years. Between August and September, it overshadows the queen of gardens - the rose. Buyers are increasingly giving preference to her in flower markets. Eustoma is a whimsical flower, but even a novice gardener, having received the necessary knowledge about planting and care, will be able to enjoy a flowering plant in the garden or at home.

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Eustoma will decorate your garden

Eustoma is native to the south of the United States of America. In the wild, the plant is only blue and purple and is called Prairie bluebell. Japanese breeders have created very beautiful hybrids of various shapes and colors.

Low-growing varieties and hybrids have a height of only 15 - 20 centimeters, tall ones reach one meter. Rimmed eustoma, terry hybrids are very popular.

Irish rose in the garden

Irish rose in the garden

In order for the flower to bloom in July, the seeds will have to be sown in December., the growing season is up to six months.

In order for the plant to be more bushy, it must be pinched. This procedure will allow you to get up to 20 inflorescences on one root.

Species characteristics are preserved when using seeds collected from your plants for many years, so do not be afraid to experiment - create a bank of planting material for your garden.

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Eustoma - How to grow?


  • The miracle flower propagates only by seeds.
  • The division of the bush is not permissible, the plant simply will not tolerate it. Seeds can be purchased at flower centers, ordered online.
  • Dragee seeds are quite expensive, but the plant is also exclusive.
  • If you manage to save the plant after a year of cultivation, it can safely be called a perennial plant. The whole difficulty lies in the preservation of the plant in the autumn-winter period.
  • Seeds are sown very early in January, February. Remember that they take a very long time to rise. Germination will take 3 weeks, or even a whole month.
  • Don't lose hope if your seeds haven't sprouted after a month. It is convenient to use peat tablets for germination. This method of planting will keep the seed for a long time.
  • Peat is able to block growth processes at the first stages of germination due to increased acidity.

Germination of seeds in peat tablets

Germination of seeds in peat tablets

  • Eustoma does not like acidic soils. When planting in a container, it is good to use the soil for saintpaulia (home violets). Irish the Rose prefers slightly alkaline soil.

Seeds may germinate unevenly. You should not do thickened crops.

With this approach:

  • seedlings are stretched
  • lag behind in growth
  • seedlings are weak and painful

Seed germination can occur without access to light.The seed container can be covered with a plastic bag or glass to create a favorable microclimate.

After the first shoots appear, plants need good natural light. Provide light by placing the container on a windowsill.

  • The temperature should not be lower than 22 degrees, the plant is quite thermophilic.
  • A feature of growing this unusual flower is the constant moisture content of the soil.

Don't let it dry out. Ensure even watering with warm water from above the container, avoid overflows and stagnant water in the pot.

Sowing dates

The optimal sowing time is November - February.

  • The growing season is 5 - 6 months.
  • After the first sprouts appear, Lisianthus will delight you with flowers by the 20th week of cultivation.
  • Sometimes, with the wrong sowing dates, the plant does not bloom at all in the first year of cultivation.
  • Inexperienced gardeners who sow seeds in early spring are faced with the fact that their plants leave with unblown buds under the snow.
  • In order for the flower to bloom in July, the seeds will have to be sown in December, the growing season is up to six months.

Eustoma shoots in January

Begins to rise in January

More about sowing

Most often, there are five seeds in sachets. They are quite expensive, so it is necessary to create conditions for good germination.

What is needed for this?

  • A very loose substrate is needed for sowing small seeds;
  • Flower soil purchased, in the store you need to dilute with coconut substrate, perlite, vermiculite;
  • It is recommended to sow in cassettes;
  • It is impossible to thicken seedlings, since the plants will not grow in height, but in width;
  • Two seeds are enough for one cell;
  • Cassettes are stuffed with soil and moistened with a spray bottle.

Seedlings will be in cassettes for a long time, so it is necessary to provide them with good nutrition.
Lisianthus seedlings in cassettes

Lisianthus seedlings in cassettes

Lighting and temperature

Actually, seeds do not need light to germinate. Cassettes or peat tablets can be covered with an opaque plastic bag to create a favorable microclimate.

But when the first sprouts appear, provide daylight with diffused light, avoid direct sunlight on the seedlings.

  • To create diffused lighting, use a translucent film and fluorescent lamps.
  • The optimum temperature for germination of eustoma seeds is 20–25°C; small seedlings appear in 10–15 days; they develop slowly for the first two months.
  • In the middle of winter, the illumination necessary for normal growth can only be created artificially.
  • A short daylight hours does not provide enough light, even if the plants are placed on the windowsill. Plants stretch, turn yellow, become weak and slow down development.

Provide additional lighting with phytolamps

Provide extra lighting with phytolamp

Watering seedlings

Lisianthus is a moisture-loving plant that is sensitive to watering!

  • At the first stages of development, watering is contraindicated, a humid climate under a protective film will provide the plants with the right amount of moisture.
  • Twice a week, you need to remove the film to ventilate and acclimatize the plants to room conditions.
  • If not ventilated, condensation will form. Drops of condensed moisture can destroy a microscopic seedling and cause decay.
  • You can resort to watering a month after the emergence of shoots. This should be done carefully, preferably in a drip way.

Watering Lisianthus seedlings in cassettes

Watering seedlings lisianthus in cassettes

Seedling disease prevention

Coconut substrate and vegetable fibers are prone to mold. Therefore, before using it, it is necessary to treat it with potassium permanganate or a fungicide.

When seeds germinate, be sure to ventilate to prevent mold.

  • For the prevention of black leg and Fusarium rot, Fundazol is used.
  • Recently, many flower growers fell in love with epin and zircon. These drugs stimulate physiological processes in the plant organism, increase stress resistance.

Picking seedlings

  • When four normal leaves appear, the plant is ready for picking. Seedlings grown in a container or peat tablets need to be picked in separate pots, sometimes two or three plants in one container are allowed.
  • This procedure will accelerate the growth of the flower, make the plant stronger, and improve the development of the root system.
  • With a thin object, carefully pry off a miniature plant and remove it from the peat soil.
  • In the pot where the pick will be made, make a small depression. The sprout is transferred into this recess.
  • The soil must be well moistened. Deepening is carried out along the lower leaves.
  • Immediately after the procedure, put on a protective cap (plastic bag or plastic cup). For several weeks, the plants are kept in this state.
  • As a rule, plants tolerate picking well. In two weeks, your seedlings will already be twice as large.

Picking seedlings at the age of 2 months

Picking seedlings at the age of 2 months

V early spring grown plants should be transplanted into containers for permanent cultivation. Transshipment is carried out carefully, without injuring the roots, together with a clod of earth.

Provide drainage from broken shards or small pebbles

Provide drainage from broken shards or small pebbles

For transplanted plants, high humidity is desirable, which will help to provide a cap from a plastic bag.

Adaptation to illumination should take place in stages. Plants hardened in this way can be on the windowsill until planted in open ground.
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Growing in the garden

A single plant in your garden will not show itself in its full glory:

  • For greater effect, it is recommended to create group landings. It is in group plantings that the Irish rose looks most chic.
  • Plant a whole clearing of eustoma to create a spectacular splash of color. This island will become true decorating your garden.

disembarkation seedlings produced with the onset of sustained heat in late spring, do not rush to transplant. The plant is afraid of the slightest frost!

Transplanting seedlings in open ground

Transplanting seedlings in open ground

  • The plant is ready for planting in open ground after the formation of four true leaves.
  • In good sunny weather, the vegetative mass quickly increases.
  • After 30 days, you won't recognize your seedlings.


It is best to transplant seedlings in open ground in the evening or in rainy weather. In no case should you uproot the ground from the roots.

Lower the plant with an intact clod of earth into a previously prepared hole. It is not necessary to deepen the plant too much. After planting, cover the flowers with protective caps made of plastic bags or bottles. After a few days, remove the protective cover.

Placement and type of soil

Choose a sunny, wind-sheltered landing site. In this case, the flower will open in its full splendor.

Choose a sunny, wind-sheltered landing site. In this case, the flower will open in its full splendor.

The Irish rose feels great on black earth soils. When grown on other types of soil, the maximum effect is achieved by introducing mineral supplements.


  • The plant is very responsive to watering;
  • Do not allow the soil to dry out;
  • In rainy months, take care to protect the root zone from decay;
  • Use a fungicide to keep disease away.


Eustoma loves feeding like no other flower. Additional mineral elements can be applied after the seedlings are fully rooted, 60 days after planting.

  • Eustoma is a very capricious flower that needs proper mineral nutrition, temperature and water conditions.
  • The requirement for the pH of the soil solution - 6.0 - 6.2
  • Salt requirement - 0.5 millisiemens
  • Nitrogen and calcium are needed to build up the vegetative mass
  • Such fertilizers will allow you to get a lush terry flower of bright color: Raykat development, Aminokat, Kelik potassium, Kelik potassium with silicon, Razormin, Nutrivant universal.

For the development of the root system, three weeks after germination, foliar top dressing with zircon should be done (spraying).

The Irish rose is very fond of fertilizers containing trace elements:

  • Uniflor growth
  • Uniflor bud
  • Kemira Lux
  • Kemer Combi
  • Fertik

For abundant flowering during the budding period, it is necessary to apply phosphorus and potash fertilizers:

  • potassium phosphate
  • Potassium humate the color of sleeping tea

It is desirable to pinch the bush between the fourth and fifth pair of leaves. This technique will allow you to get up to 20 peduncles on one bush.


Subject to the optimal sowing dates, the buds open in mid-summer. Flowers continue to delight until mid-autumn.

For good branching of the stem, pinching is used. Thanks to this technique, the bush becomes lush, the number of buds can reach 30 pieces.

Buds against the backdrop of blossoming flowers are a spectacular sight

Buds against the backdrop of blooming flowers are a spectacular sight

After cutting, the bush produces additional flower stalks from the axils of the leaves, which causes the second wave of flowering to approach. During the flowering period, fertilizing with potash and phosphorus fertilizers is necessary.

Seed collection

  • In order for the seeds to ripen, it is necessary to remove part of the inflorescences and transfer the plant to the house at the end of autumn.
  • When frost occurs, the pots from the plant should be brought to a warm place and pruned, leaving two pairs of leaves.
  • Provide a temperature of 8 - 10 degrees, reduce watering, stop feeding. In this state, the flower is until March.
  • The plant is well pollinated by insects and forms seeds in special boxes. Collecting these seeds is not difficult.
  • First and second generation hybrids tend to inherit the traits of their parent plants, so feel free to harvest seeds from your Lisianthus within two years.
  • Third generation hybrids will not inherit the characteristics of the original plants, but as an experiment, you can try to sow seeds collected from third generation plants.

Irish Rose Seeds

Irish Rose Seeds

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Diseases and pests

In the very first stages of growth, the plant can suffer diseases. First of all, these are fungi that settle on the ground and lower leaves.

  • In this case, soil treatment with the biological preparation phytosporin is recommended.
  • The presence of diseases in the seedling phase can lead to the plant not blooming in the first year of cultivation.
  • Aktara, Aktelik, Prestige preparations can help in the fight against pests such as white-winged, scale insects, aphids, slugs.
  • With high humidity, the risk of decay, powdery mildew, and fusarium increases. Preventive treatments with Fundazol will help to cope with them.

leaf disease

powdery mildew

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Wintering eustoma

In mid-autumn, the bush can be dug up and transplanted into a flower pot.. The plant needs to be trimmed, leaving only two pairs of lower leaves. The plant can overwinter in a cool room at a temperature of 10 - 15 degrees.

Minimize watering and stop fertilizing. With the onset of stable heat, the plants are again planted in open ground or left in a flower pot on a balcony or terrace.

Plant prepared for wintering

Plant prepared for wintering

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You bought eustoma - what's next?

The high cost of planting material attracts lovers of easy money. In spontaneous markets, you can meet merchants offering the so-called "eustoma root". Under the guise of this product, unfortunate entrepreneurs sell daylily rhizome to gullible buyers.

Eustoma makes gorgeous bouquets

Eustoma makes gorgeous bouquets

Be careful, eustoma does not reproduce by roots! This plant has a very sensitive root system. An attempt to divide the bush into parts will lead to the death of the flower.

As planting material, it is recommended to buy seeds from trusted manufacturers.

When to sow?

To get a gorgeous flowering plant, you first need to grow strong, healthy seedlings. It is best to sow seeds for seedlings in November - January. Such early dates are due to the long vegetative period of the Irish rose.

With industrial cultivation, as well as with growing a house on a windowsill, year-round sowing is possible.

  • The optimum temperature for germination of eustoma seeds is 20–25°C; small seedlings appear in 10–15 days; they develop slowly for the first two months.
  • In the middle of winter, the illumination necessary for normal growth can only be created artificially.
  • A short daylight hours does not provide enough light, even if the plants are placed on the windowsill. Plants stretch, turn yellow, become weak and slow down development.

How to sow seeds correctly

  • The substrate must be very loose, without foreign inclusions. The flower soil purchased, in the store, must be diluted with coconut fiber, perlite, vermiculite.
  • It is convenient to sow in peat tablets or cassettes;
  • It is impossible to thicken seedlings, since the plants will not grow in height, but in width;
  • Two seeds are enough for one cell;
  • Cassettes are stuffed with soil and moistened with a spray gun.
  • Seeds are laid out on the surface of loose soil with slight pressure, moistened from the sprayer.

A shallow wide container is covered with glass or film

A shallow wide container is covered with glass or film

Also, plastic cups are quite suitable for sowing. Several seeds are added to each.

Also, plastic cups are quite suitable for sowing. Several seeds are added to each

Soil for seedlings

Mixtures for violets with a small amount of sand and perlite are suitable.

Suitable mixtures for violets with a small amount of sand and perlite

If, when growing in peat tablets, shoots did not appear after a month, do not lose hope. The fact is that peat is able to block growth processes at the first stages of germination due to increased acidity.

Germination conditions

  • The seed germination temperature is 23°C.
  • The appearance of the first shoots after 25 days.
  • The substrate must be loose and moist.
  • Avoid drying out.

It is necessary to ventilate the seedlings to prevent soil rotting.

Flower soil purchased, in the store, you need to dilute with coconut substrate, perlite, vermiculite. It is impossible to thicken seedlings, as the plants will not grow in height, but in width.

Seedlings will be in cassettes for a long time, so it is necessary to provide them with good nutrition.

Alternative sprouting method

Recently, the method of germinating seeds on wet wipes or toilet paper has gained particular popularity. In general, it is convenient and good, but you need to immediately dive after the appearance of the roots. Otherwise, the root will grow through the napkin and without damaging it, you will not be able to plant the plant.

About watering

When growing indoors, do not allow drops of water to fall on the buds and petals. Otherwise, there is a risk of decay. Overdrying the soil is not allowed!

Transplanting into a pot

When transferring a young plant to a pot, take care to create drainage from broken clay shards or small pebbles.

Drainage device for eustoma

Drainage device

Lack of drainage in the grow container can lead to stagnant water and soil rot.

Transplantation in open ground

It is best to transplant seedlings in open ground in the evening or in rainy weather. In no case should you uproot the ground from the roots.

Lower the plant with an intact clod of earth into a previously prepared hole. It is not necessary to deepen the plant too much. After planting, cover the flowers with protective caps made of plastic bags or bottles. After a few days, remove the protective cover.

Eustoma in the open ground

In the open field

Regardless of the growing method chosen, planting outdoors is best done when nighttime temperatures do not drop below 18°C.

"Eustoma root" or Beware of scammers!

Growing seedlings of an Irish rose is not an easy task that requires skill. In order to save time and effort, you can purchase ready-made seedlings in cassettes.

Purchase plants in a special florist shop. Check the integrity of the earthen coma. A plant with a closed root system, with proper planting and careful care, will take root perfectly and will delight you with its flowering for a long time.

Do not buy rhizomes from your hands. Unscrupulous sellers under the guise of eustoma can sell you daylily, phlox or hellebore rhizomes.

Be careful, eustoma does not reproduce by roots. This plant has a very sensitive root system. An attempt to divide the bush into parts will lead to the death of the flower.

Use seeds or seedlings as planting material.

Eustoma: choose a variety for cultivation

Outwardly, the Lisianthus flower is similar to a rose. Petals are terry, dissected, with a white border. The leaves are in the form of an ellipse with a whitish coating. In general, this is an elegant delicate plant. Depending on the variety, the plant can reach from 25 to 100 centimeters.

Bees willingly pollinate flowers, after drying, boxes with numerous tiny seeds are formed. Seeds can be harvested and planted in the next season, first and second generation hybrids usually retain the characteristics of the original forms.

Now on sale a wide range of varieties and hybrids. Twenty years ago, only professional flower growers could buy them, but now even a beginner can buy them in any seed store.

The most popular hybrids:

  • Kyoto F1 - Varieties - Picot Wine Red, Picot Pink - Pink, Picot Blue - Blue, White.
  • Twix F1 - Bud colors - orange, cream, lilac, white.
  • Mermed F1 - The colors of the buds are white, purple, blue, lilac.
  • ABD F1 - terry whisk. Varieties - Mr. Pink, Mr. Bloom
  • Echo F1 - terry whisk. Varieties - Champagne, Blue Pikoti, Pink Pikoti, Lavender.

Read the labels on the packaging carefully. There is always information about which hybrid it is - undersized or tall.

Flower Eustoma (Lisianthus) (100 Photos) - planting and care at home. An unusual plant in your garden + Reviews

Eustoma (Lizianthus) - My experience and my cultivation tips

Eustoma flower (Lisianthus) (100 Photos) - planting and care at home. An unusual plant in your garden + Reviews

7.4 Total Score
Eustoma (Lisianthus)

We have tried to give you comprehensive answers to the questions that you may have in the process of growing this beautiful plant. If you do not agree with these ratings, leave your rating in the comments with the reasoning for your choice. Thank you for your participation. Your opinion will be useful to other users.

Ease of maintenance
  • Low hybrids are good for home growing on windowsills, balconies, terraces.
  • A beautiful and unusual flower that will bring a breath of fresh air to the overall picture of your garden.
  • Preservation of the plant in the autumn-winter period requires no small effort.
Buyer ratings: 3.5 (4 votes)

  1. Cool flower, I really liked it. My husband and I will already be moving to our new house in the spring, then I definitely want a garden and I want the most beautiful flowers in this garden))) True, my experience in gardening is absolutely zero (((Well, in the spring, of course, my mother she promised to help in the way that she herself is from the village, then she knows how to conduct all business in the garden.In general, I will learn from her)) For now, however, I need to learn how to plant and grow those flowers that my mother knows, but when I gain a little experience, I will definitely plant this flower in my garden too. Oh, it’s really very beautiful))) In principle, everything is described in detail in the article, maybe I’ll show it to my mother, I’ll show what kind of flower and we’ll try to plant at least a row of these flowers this year)) In general, I would turn the whole yard into a solid garden, yes I'm afraid my husband won't

  2. Eustoma is really a very beautiful and delicate flower that will not remain visible in any flower bed. I think it is quite possible to grow such a flower on your own at home. For the first time I saw this beauty on the balcony of a friend, they are not very tall and bloom luxuriantly, they look very beautiful. After that, I really wanted to plant such a flower in my flower bed, which would decorate it and delight me with its beautiful flowers. It is very good that I found a useful, interesting article, where the method of growing eustoma and their varieties is accessible and described in detail. This year I plan to buy terry eustoma seeds and the Mermed F1 variety, which will harmoniously combine in a flower bed with roses and lilies. I think that growing eustoma is much more difficult from seeds, but still I want to try and thanks to the article I think I can do it, the method of growing and planting a plant in open ground is described in great detail and in an accessible way. Such flowers will look great in a flower bed and delight with their beautiful flowering.

    • Here is such a beauty behind the neighbor's fence. Solved the secret. Eustoma. It seemed to me that the owner somehow called him in a different manner. Amazing variety of species and colors. About home growing - is it really possible to plant this on the balcony, will they take root? I know that the plant is tropical originally. And it is problematic to organize a suitable microclimate in an apartment, I think. In our Siberia, it is perhaps unrealistic to grow such exotic on the loggia, I can’t believe it, ELENA. Although if you are inspired ... What variety would be suitable for home experimental cultivation?

  3. On my site, I would hardly dare to grow such a flower, but the territory in front of my site and the neighbor's site is decorated with this particular flower. I have never delved into the varieties of flowers and this has always been the lot of my wife and the neighbor's wife, who plant more and more new varieties every year. If earlier, apart from the garden aster, roses and gladioli, I didn’t see anything else from the flowers, then recently I’ve been increasingly observing how more and more rare and exotic flowers are being grown in the country. In general, I like eustoma and it is somewhat reminiscent of roses, but it is less whimsical. At the same time, the flowers are very beautiful and attract various insects, including bees and bumblebees. During flowering, if you approach the flower beds with these flowers, you can hear the rumble that the wings of various insects emit. As if this is a separate world that attracts insects so much.

  4. Answer
    Mikhail Onishchenko 12/31/2017 at 11:17

    I really liked the article and the flower that is described in it, too. A well structured article that reads in one breath, written for people who love nature. Photos are stunning, bright and memorable. Marinochka in the video review gave five plus. The only thing I do not agree with is that eustoma overshadows the well-known rose, in its beauty, etc. As for me, a flower has not yet been invented more beautiful than a rose, or perhaps I'm just a fan of it. Many thanks to the author for such an article, which describes all the steps from seedlings to planting. My overall rating: 9 out of 10, thanks again.

  5. I learned about these flowers by chance from connoisseurs, I also wanted to try to grow such a flower at home. Seeds planted in early February, germinated for a long time. Growth is very slow, but the wait was worth it. At the end of July, the first ...

  6. I saw a photo of a flower and fell in love. I have some experience in growing flowers, so I took a chance and ordered seeds. I will try to grow it at home. It won't work on the street, because I live in Siberia.

  7. My large flowered austoma was attacked by a spider mite. Tell me how to fight? If sprayed, then with what preparations? Maybe a mixture of drugs?

    • Against ticks, here are such other drugs - acaricides and insectoacaricides, you will find instructions in them.

      Acaricides: Apollo, Borneo, Envidor, Nissoran, Omite, Sunmite, Floromite, Flumite.

      Insectoacaricides: Agravertin, Akarin, Aktellik, Aktofit, Vertimek, Dursban, Kleschevit, Oberon, Fitoverm.

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