Wasps is the common name for a large number of insects belonging to different genera or even families. There are quite a few varieties of wasps, but most of them are solitary insects and do not pose a particular danger to humans. Moreover, even many social wasps practically do not intersect with a person.

Reasons for the appearance of wasps on the site
Most wasps are predators, destroying various insects, mostly harmful. Thanks to the special device of the sting, the wasp, unlike the bee, can use it repeatedly.
The strength of their poison is such that from one "bite" even a small rodent can die; not to mention insects.
Wasps are not afraid of anyone and always stay in open areas. The behavior of these insects can be quite aggressive, so if they appear on the site and cause problems, it is necessary to take action - the wasps will not leave the place that is attractive to them on their own. The article will discuss how to get rid of wasps on the site.
There is only a relatively small group (within the total number of varieties) of the family. Real wasps, called paper wasps, who frankly like the neighborhood with a person.
The reason for such love of insects for people is quite simple - food. people grow fruit trees, while paper wasps' favorite food is the sugar found in fruit.
In fact, paper wasps are omnivorous, but they prefer sucrose in almost any form to all other types of food. Undoubtedly, the neighborhood of wasps for a person carries more positive aspects than negative ones.
Wasps need protein to grow offspring, which they get by destroying flies and other garden pestsv. In addition, wasps are involved in the pollination of a large number of plants.
On the other hand, attracted at the end of summer to a man’s dwelling by the smells of ripe fruits and sugar syrups, used in conservation, wasps can cause a lot of problems with their bites.
A separate group is the so-called hornets. This is a particularly large variety of paper wasps, belonging to a separate genus. The size of the hornet can reach up to 55 mm, and the amount of poison is so large that its bite can cause anaphylactic shock. There have been documented cases of people dying from multiple hornet stings.
Hornets also love sweets and willingly fly to the smell of ripe fruits and preparing jams. But unlike paper wasps attacking one by one, hornets, when in danger, release alarm pheromones, smelling which, all nearby individuals attack the “marked” object.
Therefore, hornets pose a much greater danger to humans than ordinary wasps.
The behavior of wasps is instinctive, they lack causal relationships, however, they have the rudiments of memory and are well oriented in the area.
That is, if the chosen site completely suits them, they will not migrate, and, having overwintered, they will remain to live on it next year.
Roughly speaking, the wasp colony does not leave by itself.Consider various ways to get wasps and hornets out of the site if they settled there and became a source of problems for humans.

Mechanical Methods
Since wasps are social insects, then the methods of struggle should be based on this feature of them. That is, either be "massive", or directed to the source of distribution of insects - to their nest.
As practice shows, it is the mechanical methods of dealing with these insects that are the most effective. And the main one is the search and destruction of nests. Even the destruction of queens does not bring the desired effect, since wasps, unlike bees, are not polyethic.
If the queen dies or flies away in search of new housing, one of the workers takes her place and begins to lay eggs in her place; it does not affect the quality of the offspring.
Only the complete destruction of the nest and the suppression of any attempts "homeless" populations to create new housing can force insects to leave the site.
Nest search
The basis of any method that aims to destroy a hornet's nest is its correct and quick search. Fortunately for the owners of gardens and orchards, this problem is solved quite simply.
As mentioned earlier, wasps are not afraid of anyone and are always in sight, so simply by following their flight, you can quickly find the place where they fly out and where they return in the evening.
Usually, wasps build their nests under roofs, in attics, in sheds, hollows - in places hidden more from weather factors - precipitation, wind, sunlight and the accompanying heat than from living beings. Often a hornet's nest can simply be in the dense canopy of a tree.
The nest is a set of hexagonal honeycombs made by workers from paper, which they get by crushing wood fibers with their jaws. It has a characteristic appearance and is difficult to confuse with anything.
As the colony grows, the worker wasps cover the honeycomb with a layer of outer shell. As the colony grows further, this shell is covered with new combs, and another one, so to speak, of the second level, is made above it, and so on. With a good combination of circumstances and an abundance of food, there are wasp nests of 9-11 levels.
As soon as the nest is found, they begin to destroy it.
burning nests
This is the fastest and most efficient way. It is the safest for humans. However, it is not always applicable. Only nests located on trees, in the ground, as well as on stone walls or inside stone buildings can be burned.
Technically, the operation is quite simple - the nest is abundantly poured with flammable liquid (you can use spraying with a spray bottle) and set on fire.
The paper from which it is made, soaked in a flammable liquid, will burn in less than a minute. As a liquid, you can use gasoline, alcohol, kerosene, diesel fuel, acetone, etc.
Water use
Nests located on top of vertical and inclined surfaces can be filled with boiling water, however, cases of such an arrangement of nests are quite rare.
Therefore, water is used in a different way.
To destroy the nest, you need to take a large container of water and an ordinary shopping bag made of burlap. You can use chemical fibers or dense fabric as the material for making the bag. But at the same time, the process of filling the bag with water becomes a little more complicated.
The sequence of actions in this case will be as follows:
After these procedures, the nest paper will soften and the wasps will die. Drain the water from the bag and throw it away with the contents.
An alternative way to use water is to use various sources of steam, such as household handheld steamers. Since the nest always has only one inlet, the jet of steam coming out of the steamer can be directed directly into it. Thus, the wasps will be killed and their dwelling destroyed.
All of these methods involve physical contact with the nest. Doing this without protection is not safe. Going to "horse hunting" must be suitably equipped.
An ideal clothing option would be a beekeeper's special suit with a mesh, thick gloves and special boots. Such a suit will exclude the possibility of being bitten by insects.
Using traps
Wasps can be relatively effectively destroyed by other mechanical methods that do not involve the destruction of the nest. They can be applied when the source of insects is not found or its destruction is not currently possible.
In this case, traps of various designs will be effective:
- glutinous, containing a large amount of aromatic sugars
- hanging in the form of small closed containers with a narrow entrance
- from plastic bottles
The first type of traps is well known - these are large sheets of dense fabric, cardboard or wood, covered with a fragrant adhesive. The principle of their action is very simple - insects attracted by the smell sit on them and stick.
Hanging traps are liquid containers with narrow holes. Attracted by the smell, the wasp gets inside and cannot get out.
The plastic bottle trap is a homemade version of the narrow hole trap discussed earlier. It is made very simply - the neck of the bottle is cut off, it is turned over and installed on the base. A fragrant liquid, for example, sugar syrup, is poured inside.
Trapped wasps find themselves in the liquid and cannot get out. The effectiveness of such traps is very high - up to 20 wasps per day.

Use of chemistry
Despite the high effectiveness of insecticides, they are rarely used for wasps. The reason for this phenomenon is the too rich diet of the insect, intersecting with many other species, in particular, bees. Roughly speaking, if some watermelon peels are poisoned against wasps, then with the death of a dozen wasps, hundreds of bees will die.
Naturally, no one will do this, so food and complex insecticides for wasps are not used. The only possible method is the use of contact insecticides.
The insecticide is placed near the entrance to the hornet's nest. Usually, this is a finely granular mixture in the form of a powder, which adheres well to the legs of the insect.
Such a remedy can be one of the following drugs:
- Aktara
- Actellik
- Fitoverm
- Initiator
- Bross, etc.
Moving around the nest, the wasps spread the granules throughout its volume, where they fall on other members of the colony. The active phase of the action of the poison appears after a few hours. Thus, in 1-2 days the entire colony dies and you can safely destroy the nest; for example, cut it off and then burn it.
The use of aerosols is ineffective, since when exposed directly to the nest, the effect will be observed only if it is not covered by a shell. That is, various drugs, such as Dichlorvos, Karbofos and the like, will only be effective against small colonies.
Involvement of special services

The work of a professional service for the destruction of insects. Destruction of nests with insecticide in the form of smoke
If you can’t get rid of wasps on your own, you can seek help from the Sanitary Station or private structures, engaged in cleaning houses and sites from various animals and birds.
The services of such organizations can be expensive, however, they work quite effectively. Many of these organizations are also engaged in preventive measures to prevent wasps and hornets from entering the plots.
In addition, by contacting such organizations, the owner of the site is guaranteed to protect himself from the negative consequences of an independent fight against wasps. After all, with the independent destruction of the wasp colony, you can get a lot of bites.

Wasps are frequent human neighbors as we often supply these insects with their favorite food. This neighborhood has many positive aspects - from the destruction of pests to the pollination of flowers.
However, when wasps become too annoying, they must be dealt with, as allergies to their stings have many negative consequences.
There are several methods of dealing with wasps, each of which is used depending on specific conditions. In any case, in order to remove the wasps from the site, it is necessary first of all to destroy their nest.
Thematic video:
How to deal with wasps in your yard
TOP 5 Ways to get rid of wasps on the site: the reasons for their appearance, the effective means to combat them | (Photo & Video)
Self-destruction of wasps is a risky undertaking for an unprepared person. Requires special equipment and certain skills. It is much safer to trust professionals who will help get rid of uninvited residents once and for all.
I would also include the Wasp Trap trap as a specialized wasp trap. This summer, she saves me very well from these terrible insects.
Do you ever know where such a trap is sold? I looked all over the internet and couldn't find it.
I know, you can buy the Wasp Trap in the online store otpugivately.com.ua