Do-it-yourself bunk bed: how to assemble functional wood and metal furniture, simple drawings and diagrams | 80+ Photos & Videos

DIY bunk bed

The life of a large family with children in a small apartment forces many owners to look for ways to use space wisely. One of the interesting solutions on how to increase the living space is to assemble the beds into 2 tiers: it is convenient and the kids like it. We will tell you about how to assemble a bunk bed with your own hands, what materials and building skills you will need in the work.

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Characteristics of a safe bed

The bed in 2 tiers saves space and is suitable for a children's room

The bed in 2 tiers saves space and is suitable for a children's room

A bunk bed consists of 2 sleeping places located one above the other and connected by a ladder.

High-quality furniture for children's sleep should be:

  • safe (eliminate the risk of injury, fire, breakage)
  • sustainable
  • durable
  • comfortable
  • beautiful
  • functional
  • durable

Self-assembly of furniture for a non-professional is a responsible and time-consuming process, which, however, has a number of positive aspects:

  • accurate measurements for a specific child
  • unique author's design
  • low price compared to finished products
  • high quality
  • maximum security
  • assembly reliability

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Stages of work

Design option for 2 tiers for baby sleep

Design option for 2 tiers for baby sleep

Before purchasing materials and direct assembly, the main stages of self-creating a bed are determined:

  1. Choice of model (shape, design)

  2. Collection of measurements (room area, height of children who will sleep in bed)

  3. Drawing up a diagram, drawing with specific parameters

  4. Selection and purchase of material (wood, chipboard, metal, profiles)

  5. Preparing the necessary tool

  6. Production of parts in accordance with the drawings

  7. Assembly of parts into a common design

  8. Painting, varnishing, decoration

  9. Mattress installation

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Design Options

Bed with perpendicular arrangement of tiers

Bed with perpendicular arrangement of tiers

Homemade beds for 2 separate beds according to the arrangement of tiers are:

  • perpendicular
  • parallel

According to the type of stairs, the furniture is divided into beds with:

  • retractable ladder
  • built-in steps

Furniture for children's sleep happens:

  • national team
  • whole

The lower tier with drawers is one of the popular designs of two-story children's bedroom furniture.

The lower tier with drawers is one of the popular designs of two-story children's bedroom furniture.

There are also such options for design solutions:

  • loft bed
  • with exit tier
  • with a double bed on the lower bunk
  • with wardrobe and stairs
  • bed over sofa
  • with working area at the bottom
  • sliding (roll-out) drawers, cabinets

The ladder, as an important element of the bed, is designed as:

  • flat design on one of the sides, additionally acting as one of the sides for the lower tier
  • inclined or curved shape with flat steps and protective railings
  • structures where drawers play the role of steps

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Homemade sleeping places for 2 children are advised by professionals to be assembled from such safe and reliable materials:

  1. Wood (solid or board). A durable, environmentally friendly choice for a child's room. However, construction skills will be required in the work. It is not advised to use lumber, deformed and uncured wood. Experts call a balanced choice a pine board with a section of 5x15 cm or a furniture board glued from bars of different types of wood

  2. MDF. Modern material, has reliable performance characteristics. If carefully assembled, the bed made of sheet material cannot be distinguished from the factory model.

  3. Metal. The design is considered the most reliable, but assembly requires welding and the cost of the resulting product is high. The work uses round steel, pipes, wire

  4. Chipboard (Fibreboard). Suitable for the manufacture of individual elements (drawers, frame side panels, backrests). Due to the use of formaldehyde in the production of building materials such as laminated chipboard, beds are not made from it.

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Drawing rules

The drawings contain specific parameters and dimensions, the number of parts, the order in which they are assembled

The drawings contain specific parameters and dimensions, the number of parts, the order in which they are assembled

A schematic representation of the planned structure is the basis for the successful completion of the assembly work. A drawing is considered to be of high quality if it contains:

  • design dimensions in centimeters with a margin
  • dimensions of individual elements
  • order of assembly of parts (frame, backrest, handles, stairs, headboard, footboard, side panels)
  • method and order of connection of nodal elements

Drawings are flat and voluminous, made manually on paper or in special computer design programs.

When calculating the design parameters, take into account:

  1. Length and width. Measurements are made according to the size of the mattress or according to the growth of children with a margin

  2. The location of the stairs (right, left, from the end) and its dimensions

  3. The height of the tiers and the distance between them. Most often, the height from the lower sleeping tier to the floor is such that it is comfortable for an adult to sit

  4. The distance from the floor to the place to sleep below (to accommodate drawers for things or linen, toys)

  5. Width of bearing beams

  6. Drawer dimensions

Construction drawing with a sleeping place at the top and a working area in the lower tier

Construction drawing with a sleeping place at the top and a working area in the lower tier

 The following sizes are considered optimal for school-age children (from 7 to 14 years old):

  1. The length of the lower bed is 180 cm, the upper bed is 160 cm

  2. The width of the lower bed is 80 cm, the upper bed is 70 cm

  3. The height of the entire structure is 170-185 cm

  4. The height of the sides - 35-40 cm

  5. Ladder height - 150 cm, width - 40 cm

  6. The distance between the steps of the stairs - 20-25 cm

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Required Tools

Tools needed to assemble a bunk bed

Tools needed to assemble a bunk bed

When assembling a bunk bed made of wood, MDF, fiberboard, furniture panels, you will need:

  • drill with drills
  • screwdriver
  • plane
  • countersink
  • roulette
  • milling machine
  • jigsaw
  • sandpaper (sander with 120 and 240 grit stones)
  • knife
  • building level
  • fasteners (dowels)
  • simple pencil
  • wood glue



To work with metal and profiles, add to this list of tools:

  • hacksaw and drill for metal
  • grinder
  • file
  • screws, metal screws
  • metal square
  • brush and brush for working with metal
  • welding machine

Having chosen the type of surface, they acquire varnish, stain, paint for wood or metal, and a primer.

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How to make your own bunk bed

The assembly of structures made of wood and metal occurs in a similar way.

The assembly of structures made of wood and metal occurs in a similar way.

In the most general form, the order of assembling a bed from finished parts occurs in the following sequence:

  1. 2 boxes are made according to the dimensions of the drawing

  2. Provide a shelf, a base for a mattress, mount perpendicular ceilings

  3. Vertical racks are attached to the lower tier

  4. The upper tier is attached to the racks at the desired height.

  5. Headboards are attached on both sides (solid or in the form of separate elements)

  6. Both tiers are connected by stairs.

  7. Attach protective side panels

  8. The structure is primed, varnished or painted

from wood

The best choice for a wooden bed is pine timber or furniture boards.

The best choice for a wooden bed is pine timber or furniture boards.

For the manufacture of a children's bed for 2 tiers from an array, you will need such blanks, sawn to the desired size:

  • 4 uprights
  • 4 drawers
  • 4 side boards for supporting frame
  • 4 outer pads for racks
  • 4 bars for the subsequent laying of boards in the base of the frame
  • 2 headboards and 2 footboards (with the same parameters)
  • 4 boards for mounting ends
  • 24 slats for the base for laying the mattress (12 pieces for each tier)
  • 3 elements under the steps and 2 - under the railing of the stairs
  • 2 elements for fencing and protection

To assemble a bunk bed from wooden blanks, follow these steps:


Side panels (side panels) are interconnected with fasteners at an angle of 90 degrees, forming a rectangular box

Fastening shelves to the frame frame

Fastening shelves to the frame frame


Bars are attached to the tsargs with self-tapping screws, on which boards are then placed in the base for the mattress

First, the lower tier is assembled, starting with the frame and slats for the mattress, then all steps are repeated for the second berth

First, the lower tier is assembled, starting with the frame and slats for the mattress, then all steps are repeated for the second berth


Vertical racks are attached to the box, equal in height to the entire structure, checking the correctness with the building level


Holes are made in the racks with a drill and 3 boards are attached parallel to the floor with dowels to form the back

Bunk bed bottom frame with drawer compartments

Bunk bed bottom frame with drawer compartments


The upper box is connected in the same way to vertical posts.


fasteners method "under cover" a ladder is screwed to the side tsar of the body from the outside

The parts are connected with glue, but they must be strengthened with self-tapping screws

The parts are connected with glue, but they must be strengthened with self-tapping screws


Protective panels are nailed to the sidewall of the upper tier, bypassing the stairs. On the lower tier, it is allowed to nail the protective shield on one side only

Stages of assembling a wooden structure step by step

Stages of assembling a wooden structure step by step


Knock down drawers from fiberboard, place them under the lower tier

The finished wooden structure is sanded and varnished

The finished wooden structure is sanded and varnished


The structure is sanded, coated with a protective varnish, allowed to dry, painted if necessary.


Mattresses of appropriate sizes are placed in the recess of both frames.

All elements are fastened with glue, self-tapping screws, reinforced with metal corners. For an attractive and neat appearance, fasteners are recommended to be located on the inside of the structure or closed.


Finished construction for 2 tiers of metal

Finished construction for 2 tiers of metal

The assembly of a metal bed on 2 floors suggests that the builder has the following blanks in the arsenal of the builder:

  • profiles with a section of 50x25 mm for the box
  • profiles with a section of 20x25 mm for mattress base rails
  • metal structural elements with a section of 40x40 mm for soldering side racks

Drawing for assembling a two-story children's snowstorm from a metal profile

Drawing for assembling a two-story children's snowstorm from a metal profile

Further, the assembly process from pre-cut parts occurs as follows:

  1. Backrest elements are welded respectively at an angle of 90 degrees

  2. A base is assembled from a profile of a smaller section, which is welded to the long parts of the lower and upper frames at the same distance from each other
  3. Vertical slats connect the backs of two tiers together in pairs by welding.

  4. At a distance of 30-40 cm from the floor to the racks, the bottom frame is welded

  5. The upper base for the mattress is connected to the slats already at a height of 95-100 cm from the bottom

  6. A ladder is made from profiles, which is welded to both floors of the bed in a suitable place.

  7. The joints are ground, the structure is painted

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Recommendations and nuances

Drawer stairs are one of the safest designs.

Drawer stairs are one of the safest designs.

In order for the result - a bunk bed for children's sleep and relaxation - to please and serve for a long time, professionals in the construction business advise taking into account such nuances:

  1. For the manufacture of a loft-type bed made of wood, parts of different sections are used. Work begins with the assembly of the left end element

  2. A pull-out bed (often used in rest rooms in kindergarten) can be assembled from MDF sheets with a thickness of 19-22 mm

  3. The fastening of the wooden structure takes place on spikes and chops, which are pre-lubricated with carpentry glue, or on ordinary metal screws
  4. The backs of the tiers should be made soft to eliminate the risk of the child hitting in a dream

  5. For reliability and structural strength, both tiers are attached to the wall with metal corners

  6. The cross rail in the frame is installed to give the frame rigidity

  7. Traditionally, the staircase has 3 steps, but sometimes it is advisable to make more steps, and as the children grow older, change the distance between the elements.
  8. To give the structure stability, the lower tier is placed on the fifth leg, which is placed in the middle of the transverse beam of the base

  9. Wooden parts are preferably connected with an oblique flush joint.

  10. For greater safety, the stairs are made inclined, with railings, and anti-slip pads are glued to the steps.

For stability, the two-tier structure is screwed to the wall and placed on the fifth leg.

For stability, the two-tier structure is screwed to the wall and “put” on the fifth leg

Whatever model and design is chosen for self-assembly, the main thing that is paid attention to is the accuracy of calculations and the quality of the materials used.. Safety, reliability and convenience characteristics come to the fore in the issue of assembling children's furniture.

If you take measurements correctly, and the work itself is neat, then a self-assembled bunk bed will not yield to factory models in terms of performance and service life, but will surpass them in design.

DIY bunk bed: how to assemble functional wood and metal furniture, simple drawings and diagrams

DIY bunk bed / Bed with work area

Do-it-yourself bunk bed: how to assemble functional wood and metal furniture, simple drawings and diagrams | 80+ Photos & Videos

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DIY bunk bed

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