Do-it-yourself summer shower in the country: step-by-step instructions for construction and arrangement | (30 Photos & Videos)

Do-it-yourself summer shower in the country

With the advent of the sun and the first warm days, there is a massive movement of summer residents from the stuffy, gray city to suburban areas. Here you can relax and enjoy complete silence, take care of your favorite beds or just fry shish kebabs.

However, the cottage has one small drawback - the lack of plumbing and hot water. How to be and what to do in the circumstances? The answer is obvious: you need to build a shower with your own hands.

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Detailed plan of the shower room from different angles

Detailed plan of the shower room from different angles

Before you go to the hardware store and purchase materials, you need to find out a number of questions for yourself:

  • determine the features of the foundation
  • select available materials for the manufacture of walls, doors and floors
  • choose a tank with sufficient volume
  • consider a way to supply water and heat it if necessary

Before starting large and small construction, it is necessary to draw up a detailed plan. It will help to visually see the object on a scale, make an estimate and calculate the total cost of construction.

In small summer cottages, to save space, it is convenient to combine several buildings under one roof at the same time, placing them in sections. Such buildings take up little space and are easy to maintain.

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Choosing the right place

The open area contributes to uniform heating of water throughout the daylight hours

The open area contributes to uniform heating of water throughout the daylight hours

Before starting work, choose the location of the shower. It should be easy to maintain and comply with legal regulations. For this, a secluded corner, remote from the wells and the well at a great distance, is suitable.

An area open on all sides, not cluttered with trees and tall bushes, will provide access to the sun during the day.

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Stages of building a summer shower

Has the plan been drawn up, all the necessary materials purchased, and the ideal site chosen? You can start a fascinating and exciting activity - building your own soul.

It is performed in the following sequence:

  • equip the drain
  • weld metal frame
  • sheathe the walls
  • install doors
  • equip the interior if necessary

Let's take a closer look at each stage.

shower drain

Drainage pit device for draining used water

Drainage pit for draining used water

With active use of the shower, a reliable drain will be required. It is necessary to think about its device at the planning stage.

To drain water organize:

An ideal option for draining water in the country is a drainage pit. It can be dug right under the shower or not far from it.

The size of the drain hole depends on personal preferences, the characteristics of the shower and the number of active users.

Its displacement should be twice the volume of the shower tank. This will allow during operation to avoid overflowing the drain pit with used water.
Old wheels will prevent premature shedding of the drainage pit

Old wheels will prevent premature shedding of the drainage pit

To avoid shedding, the walls of the drainage pit are reinforced with sheet metal, bricks, boards or worn-out wheels. The pit is covered with coarse gravel, a layer of sand is laid on top and lightly tamped.


Installation of a cabin without a foundation

Cabin installation without foundation

In summer cottages, they often practice installing a shower without capital foundation. When installing temporary buildings, this option is quite acceptable. In this case, a cinder block or bricks installed at the corners serve as the basis for the shower.

Strong winds can cause the shower enclosure to topple over. Digging the side posts into the ground will help prevent a fall. If desired, the racks can be concreted.

Metal carcass

A profile pipe with a square section is great for making a frame

A profile pipe with a square section is great for making a frame

The simplest option is to build a shower using frame technology. Work is carried out in the following sequence:


Racks are made of a profile steel pipe with a square or rectangular section with dimensions of at least 40x40 mm. For the manufacture of the frame, four main racks and one additional one for installing the door will be required.


As a reliable connection between the racks, horizontal jumpers made of the same profile pipe are used. Jumpers are installed from below, above and in the middle of the structure.

When manufacturing the frame, it is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the tank and provide horizontal bars on the roof in accordance with its dimensions.
Pipe cutting

Pipe cutting


A small shower 2.2 x 1.2 m is usually quite enough for a summer residence. Based on these dimensions, the profile pipe is marked and cut with a grinder. All elements of the frame are laid out on the ground or a workbench. They are set geometrically correctly and in the same plane. Check the correspondence of diagonals and angles.


The most reliable way of fastening metal elements to each other is welding.

Pipe welding

Pipe welding


However, if there is no possibility to make a welded frame, metal corners and metal screws or screw connections are used as fasteners. The fastening is reinforced with steel corners-kerchiefs.

Corner fixing

Corner fixing


The contour and transverse elements of the frame are welded or bolted together, leaving openings for the door and holes for ventilation.

Reinforcement of fasteners

Reinforcement of fasteners


Weld seams are carefully cleaned with a grinder.

Grinding seams

Grinding seams


All elements of the frame are cleaned of contaminants. Then primed and treated with anti-corrosion agents. Top painted with waterproof paint or varnish in several layers.



Tank installation


Water tank

Most often, large-volume tanks made of the following materials are used to store water:

  • plastic
  • black steel
  • of stainless steel
  • galvanized metal

In a finished tank with holes for a shower and water intake, you must:

  • install hose for water supply
  • install a crane
  • put on a spray bottle

Water hole

Water hole

When using a conventional container, you will have to drill holes yourself. Such tanks require staining in dark colors and only after complete drying they are installed on the roof.

The size of the tank is chosen taking into account the number of residents. If necessary, install two interconnected containers.

The dark tank heats up perfectly from the sun and provides warm water for the whole family

The dark tank heats up perfectly from the sun and provides warm water for the whole family

You can fill the tank with water manually. However, it is much more convenient to automate the process. A pumping station will help supply water in the absence of a centralized water supply.

On hot days, the rooftop tank heats up quickly and cools down slowly. It allows you to easily wash with warm water. However, in cloudy weather and with the onset of cool autumn days, the water heats up slowly and often remains cold.

The heated tank will provide the family with warm water in cool weather

The heated tank will provide the family with warm water in cool weather

During this period, it can be difficult to wash comfortably. This problem can be solved by installing a heated tank.

You can equip a heated shower using one of the options:

  • buy a metal tank with a heating element installed
  • independently put the heating element in the system

Also, ready-made water heaters are often used to heat water in summer cottages:

  • flowing
  • funded

Solar water heating

Solar water heating

Using a solar water heater installed on the roof will save you energy costs and provide hot water in sunny weather at any air temperature.

External and internal lining

For exterior decoration, a board is often used.

For exterior decoration, a board is often used.

The frame is installed and dug into the ground. It's time to start decorating the walls.

Outside, the frame is sheathed:

If a dry edged board is chosen as the outer skin, the work is performed in the following sequence:


Boards are marked in accordance with the required dimensions.

Board marking

Board marking


Cut with a circular saw


The blanks are treated with a primer, antiseptics and several layers of paint or varnish


Installation of boards starts from the bottom up. The bottom board is leveled and fixed to the metal frame with self-tapping screws.

Installation of boards

Installation of boards

Many summer residents sheathe the room inside. Internal work is carried out using moisture-resistant materials:

A shower with an interior finish acquires a beautiful appearance and is very convenient to use.

Sheathed outside and inside shower

Sheathed outside and inside shower


A wooden porch will facilitate the descent and prevent injury

A wooden porch will facilitate the descent and prevent injury

The frame for the manufacture of the door is assembled from a bar. The fastening is reinforced with jibs and jumpers. The frame is sheathed with the same material that was used for finishing the outer walls. Doors are hung on hinges, having previously installed handles and locks.

If desired, instead of a main door, you can hang any dense fabric, tarpaulin or oilcloth.

If the frame is installed at a sufficiently high height, a porch can be arranged for convenient exit from the shower.

For this, any improvised material is suitable:

  • unnecessary brick
  • logs sawn in half
  • edged board
  • gravel
  • stones

Above the door, you can install a polycarbonate entrance canopy that protects the porch from rain.


The capital room allows you to comfortably wash in any season

The capital room allows you to comfortably wash in any season

Some summer residents live outside the city all year round. However, with the onset of cold weather, taking a shower becomes problematic. There is a way out of this situation - you will have to take care of high-quality wall insulation in advance.

As a heater use:

The insulation is placed between the frame tightly to each other, trying to avoid large gaps. To protect the insulation from moisture and premature destruction, waterproofing materials are used.

High-quality wall insulation and installation of a heating system or the installation of a temporary heater will allow you to comfortably take a shower even in late autumn.
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Arrangement of the interior

Wooden shower for giving

Wooden shower for giving

For a calm adoption of hygiene procedures, it will be necessary to organize a drain of water. To do this, use ready-made shower trays or a home-made lattice made of wooden slats.

We collect a pallet from wooden slats

The wooden grate will prevent the accumulation of water

The wooden grate will prevent the accumulation of water

For the manufacture of pallets, dry wooden slats with a width of at least 50 mm are used.

The pallet is assembled in the following sequence:

1Using a jigsaw or circular saw, cut the slats of the required length
2Carefully processed with a grinder
3Cover with several layers of any antiseptic to prevent the development of fungus and mold
4The slats are laid on the lower crossbars of the metal frame. Leave a small gap between them to drain the water.
5All elements are securely fastened with self-tapping screws to the frame
6The finished pallet is covered with several layers of varnish
7If the shower cubicle is large, the grille is mounted on a pre-prepared frame of perpendicular crossbars.
A rubber mat placed on top of such a grill will provide a comfortable acceptance of procedures.

We install the finished pallet

Installing a ready-made pallet greatly facilitates the disposal of used water into the drain pit

Installing a ready-made pallet greatly facilitates the disposal of used water into the drain pit

For arranging a shower in the country, you can use a ready-made pallet. It is especially useful when the drainage pit is installed next to the shower. In this case, the installation of sewer pipes will be required to drain the water.

However, the installation of the finished pallet must be provided for at the stage of welding the metal frame. Installation of the finished pallet will be facilitated by additional profile pipes welded to the base of the shower stall. A pallet is installed on them.

Building a summer shower in the country with your own hands is not at all difficult. A little effort - and you can comfortably take procedures even on cool and cloudy days.

Do-it-yourself summer shower in the country: step-by-step instructions for construction and arrangement

How to make a summer shower in the country with your own hands (with dimensions)

Do-it-yourself summer shower in the country: step-by-step instructions for construction and arrangement | (30 Photos & Videos)

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Step-by-step instructions for building a shower in the country

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