Everyone knows about the benefits of wood ash in "gardening matters". Without hesitation, it is applied under any plants and in any growing season.
Natural mineral supplementation is really useful. Ash as a fertilizer has been used for centuries. But no one has canceled the application rules, and knowledge of the composition of a natural product will not be superfluous.
Let's figure out what is the use of ash elements and how to properly apply them to the soil.

Composition of wood ash

What is wood ash? Burnt organic remains of woody plants that are commonly used as fuel
It is a gray-brown powder with inclusions of coal and charred branches. The composition of the ashes contains part of the periodic table: macroelements, the percentage of which is quite high, and microelements, which are in small, “trace” amounts. Among the components there is no nitrogen at all, chlorine is contained in a minimum amount.
When burning household waste, painted boards, impregnated printed materials, rubber or synthetics, combustible materials, the ash content is recognized as harmful and toxic to plants. In addition, it contains a lot of slag and impurities (unnecessary waste). The composition of wood and its age affects the% content of elements.
For instance:
- if hardwoods are burned, then there is more calcium and its salts in the ashes;
- conifers give a good yield of phosphorus;
- dried grass, tops, straw retain potassium components after burning;
- buckwheat and rye straw also contain a significant% potassium;
- when dry wormwood, stems and sunflower leaves are burned, potash is formed, which is saturated with potassium and is able to deoxidize the soil.
Ash obtained by burning young branches, straw, dry weeds and various cereal grasses has the richest composition. Few useful minerals are formed during the combustion of coal and peat ingredients. Coal ash is poor in composition.

Wood ash contains most of the elements useful plants
Table: "The composition of ash depending on the combustible object"
Raw material | Phosphorus, % | Potassium, % | Calcium, % |
birch firewood | 6-8 | 12-14 | 35-40 |
Spruce firewood | 2-3 | 3-4 | 23-26 |
oak firewood | to 10 | up to 20 | up to 75 |
Buckwheat straw | 2-4 | 25-35 | 16-19 |
rye straw | 4-6 | 10-14 | 8-10 |
wheat straw | 3-9 | 9-18 | 4-7 |
potato tops | up to 8 | over 20 | up to 32 |
Sunflower stems | 2-4 | 30-35 | 18-20 |
The natural products suitable for burning include dung. It is used more often than others by the peoples of the East, where there is practically no wood. This is manure that is mixed with straw and pressed into bricks.
It has the property of burning with a smoldering flame and retains heat for a long time. Ash dung contains phosphorus, potassium, calcium, some trace elements. When preparing an infusion or decoction, the dose of ash from the dung is increased by 2 times compared to the traditional product from straw or tree species.

Getting wood ash
The fertilizer is environmentally friendly, it does not pollute the environment. In addition, it is easy to get it yourself.
There are no problems with natural fertilizer in rural areas, since houses and outbuildings are heated with firewood, and stove ash is most useful.The growth stimulator needed in the garden and vegetable garden in the form of coal ash is always “at hand”.
Each of the elements affects the plant in a certain way, and in general, they satisfy the needs of horticultural and vegetable crops for the necessary nutrition by 80%.
Table: «The impact on the plant of the elements that make up the ash»
№ | Element | Effect on the plant | Signs of shortage |
1. | potassium | Increases resistance to frost and temperature changes in heat-loving crops, creates a stable immunity to diseases, maintains water balance | Deformation of leaves and partial loss of color, falling of flowers, ovaries, buds, dark spots on fruits |
2. | sodium | Increases frost resistance, increases the formation of chlorophyll pigment, improves water-salt metabolism | Chlorosis and necrosis of leaves, slow formation of flower buds |
3. | calcium | Participates in carbohydrate-protein metabolism, promotes the development of the root system | The leaves curl up or wither, the edges of the leaf blade dry out, the flowers lose their aroma |
4. | magnesium | It is part of chlorophyll, therefore it plays a primary role in carbohydrate metabolism, the formation of glucose and starch | The leaves curl up or wither, the edges of the leaf blade dry out, the flowers lose their aroma |
5. | phosphorus | Stimulates fruiting, enhances drought resistance, promotes the development of the root system | The plant becomes blue-green in color, grows poorly, the foliage darkens and curls up. |
6. | iron | Participates in respiration and metabolism, is part of enzymes | The leaves turn yellow and lighten, chlorosis is observed |
7. | sulfur | It is part of the proteins, vitamins, oils and other substances in the plant | The stems become thin, the leaves turn yellow with bluish-red veins |
8. | manganese | Increases the content of chlorophyll in the leaves, contributing to the process of photosynthesis, participates in the formation of vitamin C and sugars | The leaves become patterned and variegated, brighten, as with chlorosis |
9. | boron | Promotes the growth of flowers and fruits, is needed for the ripening of seeds, increases resistance to diseases | The growing point dies, the venation is brown, the shoots break easily, brown spots appear on the fruits. |
10. | zinc | Participates in the formation of enzymes and chlorophyll, affects the metabolism of carbohydrates, phosphates and proteins. Increases drought resistance of plants and helps in the absorption of phosphorus | The leaves are deformed, their size changes, a yellow color with brown spots appears. There is a delay in apical growth. |
11. | molybdenum | Affects plant growth. Involved in the synthesis of vitamins, part of proteins, needed for nitrogen metabolism | The growth of the plant slows down, wilting and twisting of the leaves are noticeable, the appearance of small spots on them. Flowering is deteriorating. |

A good ratio of components and easy bioavailability for plants raise natural fertilizer to the rank of the most popular

Benefits of mineral supplements

Ash “works” more efficiently when combined with other natural, organic soil fertilizers
The benefits of ash as a fertilizer are as follows. When entering it:
- acidic soil changes its composition, not neutral or alkaline, which is necessary for most garden and horticultural crops;
- plants are quickly saturated with useful components, as they are contained in an accessible form;
- an entire "army" of pests dies;
- seedlings take root better and its adaptation to the external environment is painless;
- soil microorganisms decompose organic matter faster;
- improved fruiting of plants on heavy soils.
Wood ash works more effectively if mixed with peat, compost, humus before application. This combination reduces acidity, creates a looser soil. Compost matures faster when ash is added to it in advance. The mixture is stored in compost heaps.
Macro- and microelements are part of the ash concentrate in the form of various salts: sulfates, carbonates, chlorides, silicates, orthophosphates, forming other chemical combinations. Salts and alkalis reduce soil acidity by raising the pH level.

Garden compost matures faster when ash is added to it
Ash as a fertilizer has several advantages over other inorganic compounds. Ash properties:
- ease of preparation and low cost;
- environmental friendliness, safety for people and plants;
- replenishment of nutritional deficiencies;
- balanced composition;
- readily available to plants;
- suitable for most horticultural crops;
- shelf-life Unlimited;
- you can not be afraid of an overdose.

Types of dressings

Ash as a fertilizer: it is applied in the form of dry raw materials or liquid mixtures
Natural fertilizer is well absorbed in any form, it all depends on the specific situation, the capabilities and preferences of the gardener.
Ash ash is introduced into the soil during plowing, during planting, and also used as top dressing during the growing season.
Dry ash mix

Dry ash acts as a top dressing and at the same time repels some pests, serves as a prophylactic against diseases
It is introduced during the growth period of cultivated plants several times per season. This is the easiest way to use:
- ash is poured under the root;
- lightly buried in the soil;
- watered abundantly.
Ashes are sprinkled on beds, brought into holes, between rows, under shrubs and trees in a small layer, or plants are powdered. In this case, natural fertilizer "works" as a prophylactic in the fight against pests and diseases.
Preparation of ash decoctions and infusions

Preparation of the ash solution
Knowing how to use ashes as fertilizer in the garden and in the garden, it is possible to significantly increase the yield of vegetable, flower, and fruit crops.
To prepare solutions in the required proportions, we use the table: "Weight of ash in different containers"
Capacity | Ash weight (g) |
1 st. l. | 6 |
glass 0.2 l | 100 |
jar 0.5 l | 250 |
jar 1 l | 500 |
Ash-based mixtures are prepared in advance. You can’t just pour natural fertilizer into water and water crops with it. Vegetable growers insist ash ash using different recipes.

Ash to increase the yield of peppers
Recipe number 1.
- Prepare a 200 liter barrel. Pour a 10-liter bucket of ash into it. If this dosage is high, then another option: 1 liter of ash is diluted in 20 liters of liquid
- The barrel is placed for 2-3 days (according to other sources: up to 7 days) in a sunny, warm place. The composition must be mixed regularly
- After 3 days, the infusion is diluted 1:1. They are watered or sprayed evenly on plants in dry weather.
Recipe number 2.
- Pour 3 liters of ash into a 10-liter bucket and dilute with a small amount of water
- The mixture is brought to 10 L and stirred
- Leave for 2-3 days
- Dilute with water 1: 1 and use as directed

It is convenient to prepare the infusion in a barrel, which is located on the site. It is convenient to feed the bulk of horticultural crops with the prepared “mineral elixir”
For foliar top dressing, sifted ash is initially used. The solution is filtered to remove the cloudy residue.The missing volume is topped up to 10 liters. This is the uterine composition that should be diluted.
A 1 liter jar is diluted with 10 liters of water and sprayed over the leaf with such a “nutritional elixir”. The elements are quickly absorbed, which favorably affects the development of the plant as a whole.
For root dressing from the resulting uterine infusion, 1 liter of a jar is diluted in a 10-liter bucket of water. Water the soil under garden and vegetable crops, trying to prevent the composition from falling on the stem and leaves. During infusion, the water-soluble elements from the ash flour pass into the solution, turning it into a nutrient mixture.
Nutrients are well preserved in the decoction:
- Pour 3 kg of ash into a metal container (basin, bucket) and pour 10 liters of boiling water
- Boil for half an hour
- Cool, filter, bring to 10 l
- A liter jar is taken from the mother's broth and diluted in 10 liters of water.
- 30-40 g of laundry soap are rubbed in the form of shavings and added to the solution. Thanks to soap, the decoction is better retained on the surface of the leaf blade.

Not only vegetable, but also flower crops are responsive to foliar top dressing with ash infusions.

How and under what crops natural fertilizer is applied

Ash as fertilizer - application to the soil
In order to restore and improve the mineral composition of the soil, to increase the pH level, in the summer cottage, ash is applied during autumn digging into loam and during spring digging into sandy loam. A single application is enough for 2-3 years.
Biostimulator for seed germination

Treatment with ash nutrient solution acts like a wake-up call for seeds
Seed treatment with ash concentrate is carried out for better germination and survival of small seedlings. Ash solution in the literal sense is not a growth stimulator, but batteries help to increase germination and resistance to a number of adverse factors.
The seeds are pre-etched in potassium permanganate, then the following manipulations are carried out:
- Take 1 cup of hot, boiled water, in which ½ teaspoon of ash is diluted
- Insist 2 days for the batteries to dissolve in water
- Seeds are placed in a bag of loose fabric and placed in a solution for 4 hours.
- Then immediately sown
Protective agent against pests and diseases

Ash against ants in the garden
Wood ash is suitable for solving a number of horticultural problems associated with diseases and pests. It helps get rid of:
- downy or powdery mildew;
- various rots;
- cabbage midges;
- onion fly;
- cruciferous fleas;
- ants;
- Colorado beetles;
- slugs.
Pollination with dry ash helps control snails and slugs. In combination with tobacco (tobacco dust), it effectively acts on insects: cabbage midges and cruciferous fleas. Ash powder is applied to tubers and bulbs before planting to protect against rot and fungal infections.
With the help of an ash-soap solution, you can deal with gray rot and powdery mildew, caterpillars and sawflies. Shoots are treated for 3-4 days, then kept for 15-20 days and re-treated.
Onion fly larvae settle inside the stem, gradually making their way into the bulb. Over time, it rots and the entire crop is lost. Preventive watering with infusion of ash 2 times a week (2 cups per 10 liters) helps to “root” solve the problem.

Dry ash powder is added to the wells when planting potatoes and a number of other cultivated plants
Serious harm to garden crops is caused by the wireworm (larva of the click beetle). It remains viable for up to 5 years before turning into an adult. During this period, it willingly eats potato roots and tubers of cultivated plants. He prefers acidic soil, therefore, when a mineral additive in the form of ash is introduced into the hole when planting, it significantly reduces its amount.
Ash infusion is used against the codling moth, leaf-eating caterpillars, goldtail, which settle on apple trees, pears, plums and other fruit trees. 1 kg of wood ash is infused in 10 liters of water, 50 g of grated laundry soap is added and the garden is sprayed until flowering and again after 7-10 days (after the petals have flown around). This is an excellent prophylactic against powdery mildew, scab and smoky spot.
For vegetable crops

Cucumbers respond to the application of ash by rapid growth and active formation of ovaries
Ash fertilizer is used in early spring when planting seedlings. It is added to pits or furrows, embedded in the ground.
Each vegetable crop requires a special approach when applying ash dressings:
- Greens (various salads, dill, parsley) and legumes respond well to the introduction of ashes. During the season they digest 200g / sq.m.
- Three meals a day is recommended for pumpkin: zucchini, pumpkins and squash. The ash composition is applied during the spring preparation of the beds, on the eve of planting seedlings, during the growing season. Application rate - 200 g/m. sq.
- For peppers and eggplants, a double application is suitable: when digging in the spring, add 600 g / m. sq. soil and when planting seedlings, pour 100 g into the hole
- Cabbage also needs a double serving. During planting, a handful of ash is brought in. Foliar top dressing is carried out during the period of active growth
- Under onions and garlic in the fall, 400 g / m are added for digging. sq. active substance
- Carrots, celery, beets, radish cost a single dose. A glass of fly ash is scattered on every meter of the bed with root crops and dug up
- Fertilizer is applied under potatoes three times: when digging the soil in the spring, add 200 g / m. sq., in the holes when planting a handful (3 large tablespoons) During the secondary hilling, water with a solution of about 400 ml per bush. It is more convenient to introduce the ash solution into the row spacing grooves
- For cucumbers, 2-3 dressings are enough. The first is carried out by spreading ash between the rows (50g/sq.m.). The second is carried out during the period of growth and formation of ovaries. The dry mixture is embedded in the soil (1/2 l per bush), and then watered abundantly with water.
- Tomatoes are the most "greedy". To fertilize them well, 4 doses are needed. The first is carried out when digging (1/2 cup per square meter), the second - when planting in holes. The following liquid feeds are needed for nightshade crops during growth and fruiting. Under each plant pour 1 liter of infusion
For horticultural crops

Ash concentrate is applied between the rows, stimulating fruiting
Consider how to use ash as a fertilizer for fruit crops. How do you react to natural fertilizer:
- Shrubs (for example, currants and raspberries). They are recommended to be fertilized 2-3 times per season with dry concentrate. Under an adult bush contribute 600 g of dry matter. It is closed up in a near-trunk circle, and then washed off with abundant watering to the roots. It enhances fruiting, increases resistance to pests and diseases.
- Berry crops: strawberries and strawberries. Positively applies to root and foliar dressings. The bushes are watered with a solution twice: on the eve of flowering and after the end of fruiting. The ash is buried in the aisles (65 g/m). Spraying stimulates vigorous flowering
- Grape. It belongs to the big fans of ash concentrate.It helps to deoxidize the soil, saves from pests and diseases, replenishes calcium deficiency. It is applied under the vine in dry form (1 liter jar) or in liquid form (infusion of 300g / 10l of water) into the furrows around the trunk
- Trees (for example, apple and walnut). They need to be fed with liquid formulations, at the rate of 2 kg of ash per bucket of water. The infusion is applied every 2-3 years: 10 liters are poured into the trunk circle. For seedlings and young trees, the concentration is reduced by 2 times
For flowers

2-3 top dressings per season with ash concentrate guarantee abundant and lush flowering of geraniums
How to use ash as fertilizer for flowers? For indoor flower crops, a composition is prepared at the rate of 3 tablespoons per 200 ml of water. Infuse for a week and water 2-3 times per season, combining with other top dressings. For a 1 liter pot, use 100 ml of infusion.
Garden flowers are fed twice per season. The first time when digging the ground in the spring (200g / sq. M.), And then ½ cup of the mixture into the hole when planting. If flowers are planted in flowerpots or flowerpots, then the earth is filled with 2 tbsp. l. per 1 kg of soil. The composition is thoroughly mixed. Fuchsias, cyclamens, geraniums grow well in such a land.
What other colors will like ash ash?
- Ash is good for roses. Due to the abundance of nutrients, large inflorescences are formed, immunity is strengthened, resistance to temperature extremes and diseases
- Good for ash top dressing and clematis. It is fed with a mineral composition closer to autumn to enhance flowering and prepare the vine for winter.
- For peonies, top dressing is vital during the formation of buds. At first, it is applied dry, and after 10 days it is poured with ash infusion. Calcium and phosphorus in the composition contributes to abundant flowering and increases the immunity of the plant
Aphids or small fleas often settle on house flowers. Dusting the plant with ashes, wiping or spraying the leaves with an ash-soap solution saves them from them. Ash repels pests.

Contraindications for use

Not all cultivated plants react positively to the introduction of ash
Despite its versatility and natural origin, ash as a fertilizer is not so harmless. It can harm some plants, delaying their growth and development. The ash complex is harmful to plants that prefer acidic soil with dilute acids in the composition.
These crops include:
- conifers;
- camellias;
- rhododendrons;
- heather;
- sorrel;
- radish;
- hydrangeas;
- gladioli;
- orchids and violets.
garden blueberry, blueberry and cranberries are also "lovers" of acidic soils.
At a high pH level, when the soil is alkaline, the introduction of ash is highly undesirable. Alkalinization of the soil affects plants as badly as acidification: their growth and development are suspended, since the roots do not absorb nutrients.
The abundant addition of fertilizers to the soil has a bad effect on the development of seedlings, which are not able to cope with such a volume of useful elements. Fly ash is not applied to seedlings until they have their third true leaf. In the initial period of growth, nitrogen is important for young seedlings, which helps to quickly gain green mass.
Ash contains nutrients in balanced proportions, so the simultaneous application of other fertilizers only brings harm. When combined, chemical reactions occur in the soil and plants are not able to absorb some of the beneficial components.
Incompatible options:
- mixing with nitrogen compounds: ammonium nitrate, urea, mullein, bird droppings;
- joint addition with lime and water-soluble phosphorus supplements (for example, superphosphate).
Nitrogen and ash components neutralize each other's action, so it is better to apply nitrogen in spring, and ash closer to autumn. A break of a month is enough so that the fertilizers are absorbed and do not interfere with each other's action.
The benefits of ash and the features of its introduction are presented in the video:
Ash. Features of the use of ash
Wood ash as a fertilizer for horticultural and horticultural crops, methods of application

In conclusion, useful tips from experienced gardeners
When using a universal natural fertilizer, you should pay attention to a number of important points:
- It is used on clay soils and loams during autumn digging. On sandy soils, it is applied in spring, as it is washed out faster due to the friability of sandy soils.
- One-time application rate of ash - 300 g/m. sq. enough for 2-3 years
- Autumn top dressing of shrubs and trees helps them better endure the winter.
- Compost matures faster if ash concentrate is added to its composition
- An aqueous solution is useful for soaking seeds, which increases their germination and disease resistance.
- Ashes are stored in a container that does not allow moisture to pass through, otherwise the useful components begin to break down.
- Ash is not applied to alkaline soil to avoid its alkalization.
- Ash concentrate is applied separately from other fertilizers
- High-quality ash is obtained by burning natural, natural compounds: wood, branches, tops, wheat and rye straw
- When dry application of ash, it is mixed with the ground, and then carefully spilled with water so as not to burn the root system
Compliance with these rules will help to rationally use useful and affordable biofertilizer, enrich the soil with nutrients and grow an excellent crop.