Before buying a land plot or building a residential building on it, each owner checks the quality of the soil. Ideal soil falls to a rare owner, most often the earth has relief features, and groundwater lies close to the surface.
Drainage can prevent excessive flooding of the site and the emergence of threats to buildings and garden crops. We will tell you about what drainage is for, and how to make it on the site with your own hands in the material.
- What are drains and why are they needed
- Where is drainage required?
- How to determine the level of groundwater
- How to determine the water level yourself
- Types of soil drainage systems
- Step-by-step instructions for arranging drainage
- How to extend the life of your plumbing systems
- How to drain a plot without drains
- Disputes with neighbors
![[Instructions] How to make beautiful and unusual wall shelves with your own hands: for flowers, books, TV, kitchen or garage (100+ Photo Ideas & Videos) + Reviews](
What are drains and why are they needed
Drains or drainage pipes are used to drain the area from excess moisture, groundwater or soil water. The drain system forms a drainage - a set of pipes that help maintain soil quality, the stability of technical and residential buildings.
Water in the surface layers of the soil or under foundation buildings in the summer cottage must be taken away in order to:
- The garden building did not "sag", its foundation did not sink
- There were no puddles on the platforms and paths due to stagnant water
- There was no flooding of basements and basement floors
- Avoid the appearance of fungi on the walls of buildings due to excessive dampness
- To prevent the destruction of the bearing parts of the building or individual structural elements under the influence of salts and aggressive chemical compounds contained in the water
- Prevent waterlogging and freezing of the soil in winter, which will negatively affect the germination, flowering and fruiting of horticultural crops
- Avoid washing out the fertile soil layer in sloping garden plots

Where is drainage required?

drainage grate
Each owner independently decides whether to install a drainage system on his site or not, however, there are cases when water drainage must be done.
- On flat terrain, because of which the water simply has nowhere to go, it penetrates deep into the soil, leading to waterlogging.
- In a lowland where all the precipitation falls
- On the slope, which leads to the washing out of the fertile soil layer
- In areas with heavy soils: clay and loamy. Without natural drainage in the form of a layer of sand, water stagnates on the surface
- In a place of shallow groundwater (less than 90–100 cm from the surface)
If the site has a garden building or a residential building, then drainage is required in the following cases:
- the sole of the foundation of the building is located in the zone of seasonal rise in the groundwater level
- most of the site surface is covered with asphalt, concrete or solid garden paths
- lawns are equipped with automatic watering systems

How to determine the level of groundwater
Before acquiring land or designing a residential building on it, you need to study the site for the depth of groundwater.
For this, geological and geodetic surveys are carried out, which include:
Based on the results of the study, specialists prepare a conclusion for the owner of the site, in which they give recommendations:
- what type of drainage should be used
- how deep should it be foundation suburban buildings and their preferred design
- what type of waterproofing materials to choose
- what potentially destructive chemical compounds are in the soil, and what methods of protection against them to choose

How to determine the water level yourself

ground water
Geological exploration and services of a surveyor are paid by the owner of the land plot independently. There are no legal methods to force the leadership of a gardening partnership or the municipal administration to conduct a soil analysis or drain on the site for free.
If the owner of the land is not able to pay for the services of specialists in measurements and calculations, then he may well, by indirect evidence, determine the feasibility of constructing drainage.
There are the following ways:

Types of soil drainage systems

Drying system
Depending on where the drains are located, there are two types of drainage systems: deep and surface. The decision which one to choose is made depending on the tasks for diverting water.
The main purpose of different types is presented in the table.
Type of drainage system | For what purposes is it better to use |
For what purposes is it better to use Surface (open) | Removal of precipitation, excess moisture from excessive irrigation or technological processes associated with pouring water |
Deep (closed) | Lowering the water level in the soil, removing stagnant excess moisture in the flat terrain and in the lowlands |
zasypnye | No pipes are used, suitable for draining the soil after heavy seasonal rainfall |
Surface drainage

Point and line elements for drainage
This drainage system is constructed most often around the perimeter of buildings, structures, structures or in places where drainage systems drain. Surface drainage is:
- point or local. Located in specific locations where a lot of water will obviously flow
- Linear. It is used for a larger area and can take the form of drainage trays and channels equipped with protective storm gratings and sand traps
For the industrial production of surface-type drains, the following are used:
- concrete
- plastic (polypropylene or low pressure polyethylene)
- polymer concrete
deep drainage

drainage well
It is a collection of drains, which are dug into the ground to a depth below the depth of the base of the foundation. Pipes are directed at an angle to natural or artificial reservoirs (wells or tanks).
If the terrain is sloping, then the drains are laid in the direction from the higher area to the lowland. On a flat area, the slope is created due to the different depths of the trenches for the pipes.
- for sandy soil - lowering the level by 3 cm down every 100 cm of length
- for loamy and heavy clay – 2 cm deep every 100 cm distance
A drainage well is designed to take excess water. The main types of construction are summarized in the table.
Type of well | Specifications |
water intake | Accumulates excess moisture that enters through the pipe system. Water is pumped out of it with a pump or simply used to water plants. |
Turning | Are established in places of fastening of two differently directed drains. In addition to their direct purpose, they are used to revise the state and fullness of the entire system. |
absorbent | It is used when the middle layers of the soil retain water, and the lower ones, on the contrary, can absorb moisture. They usually consist of light sandy soil. They are larger than other wells in diameter and installation depth. Able to withstand a limited amount of water. |
Backfill drainage

The method of laying drains "herringbone"
For this type of arrangement, drains are not left hollow inside, and covered with soil with higher filtration properties. The inner surface of the pipes is sheathed with geotextiles.
As a natural drainage use:
- sand
- rubble
- gravel
- gravel
Drains in deep and backfill systems are most often located:
- "Christmas tree" (in the center there is a main sewer pipe, to which branches are attached on the sides)
- "snake"
- parallel
- in the shape of a trapezoid

Step-by-step instructions for arranging drainage

Dehumidification systems design
Not only specialists, but also the owner himself, can properly make drainage on the site. It is only important to choose the type of drainage system and high-quality components. The only thing that is better to order from specialists is the project of a drainage system.
Before starting work, the site owner must have a package of documents containing:
- terrain plan taking into account contour lines
- a diagram of the location of pipes near the walls of buildings, indicating the required type and diameter, slope and depth of occurrence
- a diagram of a deep drainage system for a site with recommendations for choosing the type of components, pipe sections, distances between them, location of wells
- size of trays, storm water inlets and sand traps, gratings on them
- calculation of all materials necessary for the construction of drainage and an explanatory note to the project
Choice of component materials

Arrangement of a drainage system
For surface drainage, you will need the following details:
- Trays. There are plastic, concrete and polymer concrete. They are supplied with protective gratings made of cast iron or galvanized steel. The lower price threshold is 800 rubles, the upper one is 1700 rubles
- rain gutter. It is completed with a cast iron grate, a grate for collecting random debris and siphon partitions. Average cost - 1500 rubles
- sand trap. It is installed at the end of a series of connected trays, connecting them to the storm sewer system. It is completed with metal lattices, but itself is made of plastic. Approximate price - 1600 rubles
- drainage pipes from 6 to 20 cm in diameter
- sewer pipes made of polyvinyl chloride (can be laid to a depth of 3–4 m)
- well shafts up to 6 m long
- plugs, tie-ins and manholes for wells
- geotextiles for debris trapping
Technical conditions for mounting and installation

trench drainage
To make a drainage system correctly, the following technical requirements must be met:
open drainage

Open dehumidification system
For the installation and arrangement of a surface drainage system, a minimum of materials will be required:
- plastic well
- shovel
- hammer
- roulette
- level (preferably bubble)
- gravel, wood chips
- geotextile
- wooden pegs
The order of work is as follows:
Closed dehumidification system

Closed drainage system
Having on hand a project for the installation and installation of drains, the owner of the site, when installing deep drainage, is guided by the following algorithm of actions:
Fall asleep trenches with drains in this order:
- A layer of fine gravel 25 cm thick
- Geotextile
- 15 cm layer of river sand
- Soil or fertile soil

How to extend the life of your plumbing systems

Installation of the drainage system
Backfill drainage lasts at least 7-10 years, and properly designed and installed deep drainage - more than 40-50.
You can extend the life of your drainage systems by following these tips:

How to drain a plot without drains

Ditches along the perimeter and around the site
The cost of installation and arrangement of the drainage system on the site is quite high, taking into account geological exploration, project implementation, acquisition of components and earthworks.
Therefore, it makes sense to consider options for draining the site without drainage.
The following methods of removing excess water have the minimum cost, but high efficiency:
- Soil sanding. Clay and loamy soils that do not absorb moisture well can be made looser and lighter by digging with the addition of sand (35 kg per 1 m2). This raw material acts as natural drainage
- Digging ditches along and around the site. The method is similar to surface drainage, but without the use of drains and gravel. Temporary drains are quickly destroyed, but do not require financial investments
- Adding new soil with high filtration capacity, site leveling. Suitable for drainage on a slope or marshy summer cottage. The method is expensive, but effective (2 cubic meters of soil will be needed for each hundred acres of land)
- planting with a strong root system. Trees and shrubs will protect the site from washing out the fertile layer and will take excess moisture through the roots. The main disadvantage of this method is the length of time.

Disputes with neighbors

Neighborhood drainage drains water to your property
Sometimes unpleasant situations arise when neighbors, when arranging drainage, mount structures so that all the water flows onto the site.
If it is not possible to agree peacefully, you can answer the offender in this way:
- fill the border of your site with clay
- raise the ground level with additional soil
- make an earth mound around the perimeter
Also, the issue with a neighbor falls under Article 304 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation “Protection of the owner’s rights from violations not related to deprivation of possession” or Article 391 of the same name of the Civil Code of Ukraine. Thus, the owner of the property has the right to demand the elimination of violations of the rights to use his land due to flooding with water.

drainage system
Properly done drainage in a garden or summer cottage helps to solve existing problems and prevent new troubles from appearing. Despite the fact that the installation of a drainage system seems to be a complicated and lengthy process, it is possible to do it yourself. Do-it-yourself drainage is just as effective, but much more affordable financially.
Tips from an experienced landscape designer on how to make drainage on the site with your own hands are presented in a short training video:
VIDEO: Site drainage. Tips & Tricks
How to make drainage on the site with your own hands: we remove excess water on different types of soil, correctly and inexpensively (20 Photos & Videos) + Reviews
How to equip a closed drainage system in the country is described in the video:
VIDEO: Drainage of the site. DIY drainage
How to make drainage on the site with your own hands: we remove excess water on different types of soil, correctly and inexpensively (20 Photos & Videos) + Reviews
Everything is accessible, understandable and realistic to implement. Of course, this pleasure is expensive. But, on reflection, you can apply the system with its own simplifications, thereby reducing the cost of work, in relation to your conditions. The article is informative and useful.