How to make a vise with your own hands?

Many locksmith work without a vice is difficult, and sometimes impossible. In the store, locksmith vices are quite expensive. In this article, we will try...

How to make a soldering iron with your own hands?

A soldering iron is a simple and effective device that serves to connect parts. It is used not only in everyday life, but also in industry. But what to do, ...

How to make a pipe bender with your own hands? | Video

If you are not a fan of plastic pipes and are going to change water pipes at home or in the country in the near future, then you definitely cannot do without ...

How to pierce a bottle with a nail? ?

If you are a frequent guest at parties, then you know that there comes a time when guests start to get bored. This is where the owners go out of their way to surprise ...

How to fix a broken zipper?

Zippers are widely used in modern clothing. We often turn to the workshop for help when the fasteners become unusable. But with many...

Do-it-yourself alteration of a 12 volt grinder?

Burned out the engine of your favorite small grinder? Don't rush to throw it away. After all, by replacing it with a 12 V DC motor, you not only ...

Homemade saw chain sharpening machine: just 10 minutes and the saw is ready to work again!

Many have encountered such a problem as blunting the chain in a gas or electric saw. Manual sharpening with a needle file is not only a time-consuming process, but also ...

How to make a mousetrap? with your own hands?

The invasion of small gray rodents is a real problem not only for summer residents, but also for those who live in the private sector. Not only do they eat your supplies in...

How to test spark plugs with a multimeter?

All motorists know: drove 25-30 thousand kilometers - replace the candles. But few think about how to measure the resistance of exploited ...

Toolbox ? do it yourself

Most of you have probably encountered a problem when the right tool fell through the ground at the most inopportune moment. And when you need...

How to harden metal at home?

Surely, at least once in your life, a knife, screwdriver or other hand tool broke in your hands. Most likely, this is due to improper hardening at ...

How to cut a thread on a polypropylene pipe that can withstand a pressure of more than 40 atmospheres?

If you have ever been involved in the installation of plumbing, then you know that it is impossible to foresee everything. At some point, it turns out that a threaded ...

How to make a medical mask with your own hands? in just 5 minutes: an effective way to protect against the virus

With the onset of cold weather, the number of patients with acute respiratory viral infections and influenza increases sharply. And so the question arises: how to protect yourself from infection. Of course, many people know...

How to make a rivet from a nail?

Each of us in life had a case when a rivet broke on the handle of a favorite knife, whether it was a simple kitchen, garden or even hunting one. Don't throw away...

How to cut a glass bottle lengthwise at home? [LIFE HACK]

Are you going to have a bachelor party or cheer with your friends in front of the TV screen for your favorite team? How to surprise them if there are only chips in the assortment, ...

How to get rid of an old stump without uprooting? Fast way? problem solving

Many of us are familiar with the problem: how to get rid of stumps, for example, old fruit trees left after rejuvenating the garden at their summer cottage. Entrance ...

How to make heating in a greenhouse: the best project to protect seedlings ??? from frost

Everyone who grows seedlings in greenhouses has faced such a problem as spring frosts. Although they are short-lived, they can destroy the fruits of your ...

How to eliminate fogging of plastic windows in the apartment? Getting rid of condensation and keep the house warm!

As soon as the cold comes, condensation on plastic windows does not take long. Not only do windows fog up, but moisture also accumulates on ...

How to make a knife? from scissors with your own hands?

Good old scissors broke - it does not matter. Let's make a universal Japanese knife out of them. Moreover, its narrow blade allows it to be used both in carving and ...

How to remove traces of adhesive tape from the surface of plastic or furniture?

Scotch tape and all sorts of stickers are very common in our life. However, they leave marks on plastic, metal and glass surfaces, ...

How to weld thin metal with an electrode: tips for beginners and professionals ⚡⚡⚡

Both professionals and beginners often have the question: “How is the welding of thin metal with an electrode carried out correctly?” Such welding is required when ...

Manual sewing machine for leather: do it yourself for only $ 2

Everyone who has ever worked with leather knows that it can be very difficult to sew it with an ordinary sewing machine. With an electric sewing machine, you...

Homemade step-up transformer: increase the voltage ⚡⚡⚡ at the output by 5000 times!

Do you have an old non-working TV set with a cathode-beam kinescope in your country house? Don't rush to throw it away. Indeed, from the core of its high-voltage ...

How to make a cork for a 20 liter bottle: an easy and reliable way?

If you have a 20-liter bottle, then you probably faced a problem - where to find a cork for it so that you can store, for example, birch ...

How to make a solar ☀️ collector for home heating with your own hands: detailed instructions

It's no secret that with the current exorbitant prices for heating, many of us would like to save on heating the apartment. But how to do that? Option to live in...

How to make a plastic handle for a knife: a comfortable and reliable handle for a penny?

What to do if your favorite knife, which has served you for a long time, has a broken handle. I don’t want to throw it away, and I don’t want to find a good helper in the kitchen, hunting or ...

How to remove mold in the bathroom on the walls between the tiles?

It's no secret that mold is a frequent guest in bathrooms. This is primarily due to high humidity in the room and poor ventilation. ...

How to open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew?: simple life hack

There is a bottle of wine and good company, but no one has taken care of the corkscrew. How to be? An ordinary flat key to an apartment will come to the rescue or ...

Converting a cordless screwdriver to a mains one: only 30 minutes and you will no longer need to charge the battery ⚡

When a cordless screwdriver has served you faithfully for many years, problems with charging batteries are inevitable. Buy new...

Connecting Electrical Wires ⚡⚡⚡: TOP 3 Best Ways ?

Now our houses are full of all kinds of electrical appliances, many of which have high power (boilers, electric stoves, heaters and ...

Powerful pump for pumping water ⛲: an unusual use of a grinder

Those who have a pond or pool in a country house or in the country, for sure, faced a problem when they need to be cleaned. And for this you need ...

Do-it-yourself cork knife handle: a master class on making a non-sinking knife ???

Fishing and hunting are hobbies that are very common among men. And in this case, not only the weather and good company are important, but also equipment. We are offering to you ...

How to flush a foam gun?: your tool will be like new!

A foam gun is a very popular tool not only for builders and window and door installation companies, but also for home craftsmen. If the gun...

Do-it-yourself fire bowl: do we breed? fire without harming nature

It's no secret that when going on a picnic, not everyone digs out a place for a fire, and then returns the turf to the place in order to save the environment. ...

How to make a grinder with your own hands: a master class? with detailed step by step instructions

The grinder on batteries is a mobile and versatile tool that is indispensable when it is not possible to connect to a 220 V power source. Especially ...

How to drill hardened steel?: in just 2 minutes we make a hole with a homemade drill

Surely you know that in order to drill a hole in hardened steel, special carbide drills are needed, which are not cheap. Meanwhile, in...

How to restore a plastic gear ⚙️ with your own hands: a simple but effective way

It's no secret that plastic gears are increasingly replacing metal counterparts in household appliances, automobiles, medical and industrial ...

Nozzles for perforators: TOP-4 Cool homemade equipment?

Everyone who has ever dealt with repairs in an apartment used a hammer drill to drill holes in a concrete wall. It can also be used as...

We install a chain from a chainsaw on a trimmer: how to strengthen a regular trimmer in 15 minutes ??

Everyone who has a dacha knows for sure that it is sometimes not so easy to put things in order on the site. Most summer residents use a trimmer for this purpose. But here in...

How to temper? screwdriver bit and extend its service life by 3 times!

Surely most of those who worked with a screwdriver faced the problem of blunting bits. Now quite common in the construction tools market ...




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