A mini drill is mainly used by radio amateurs for drilling textolite boards. But if you apply other special mini nozzles to it - a cutter, ...
A large number of threaded connections used both in technology and in everyday life implies the presence of a large number of keys of various shapes and sizes. AND ...
Terrestrial digital television has firmly entered our lives. But the issue of acquiring a high-quality inexpensive antenna has always remained relevant. In our article, we...
Unsharpened knives are not a trifle, as the famous song says. Ask any housewife about it. After all, with sharp knives, work in the kitchen not only succeeds ...
Solder paste is mainly used in manufacturing when assembling printed circuit boards using surface mount technology (i.e. when components are not inserted ...
Maintaining the fence of a summer cottage in good condition is a headache for any summer resident: either the picket fence has rotted, or the mesh has rusted. Today we will tell you about...
Experienced mushroom pickers are able to quickly distinguish edible mushrooms from inedible ones. Since the latter are extremely dangerous, it is necessary to be able to distinguish which mushrooms ...
An electric drill is in the arsenal of almost every master, which cannot be said about a lathe. In this article, we will tell you how to easily and inexpensively make ...
The specifics of the use of end saws, and the high market price make them an infrequent guest in small carpentry workshops. In this article, we'll show you how...
Summer is the time for mass outdoor recreation. These are picnics with the whole family on their favorite lawn by the pond, and cheerful songs with comrades by the fire, and a quiet hunt for ...
In recent years, summers have become increasingly dry and hot. During such periods, an ordinary garden watering can becomes an indispensable assistant on a personal plot. ...
Welding machines are not cheap. Buying them for a one-time small welding job or plasma cutting of thin metal is not economically ...
Recently, the Tornado manual cultivator has appeared on sale, and we could not get around this topic. After all, having such a cultivator on the farm, they can dig ...
In our articles, we wrote a lot about the use of plastic bottle tape. This is a broom, and a chain and much more. In the process of dissolving bottles into ribbons, ...
Every home craftsman should have a manual cutter on the farm that can cut almost any material. For such a knife to cut a thick tree, ...
Blueing (otherwise oxidation, blueing, blackening) is a method of protecting low-alloy steel, as a result of which a thin layer is formed on its surface.
If you have an old router and its antenna power is not enough to cover the whole house, do not rush to replace it with a new one. After all, there is an easy-to-make wifi ...
Recently, it has become very fashionable to use various decor from glass bottles in the home interior. These are vases, and candlesticks, and pots for ...
Powerful halogen spotlights were widely used not only in production (for lighting workshops, construction sites, etc.), but also in ...
You will find air compressors at any gas station or service station. They serve not only to inflate the wheels of vehicles, they also ...
Anyone who has ever dug a trench for laying cables, pipes or installing curbs in a summer cottage knows firsthand how laborious and ...
Fishing is one of the most beloved hobbies of the strong half of humanity. Someone prefers active fishing with a fishing rod and spinning on the shore ...
A lot of articles have been written about connecting pipes. Of course, the most reliable method is welding, but it requires the mandatory presence of a welding machine. And if ...
Warm and early spring contributes to the rapid planting of vegetables in household plots. Now is the time to think about weed control. Of course, ...
The ideal order in the house is one of the priorities of any housewife. Particular attention in this matter is always redistributed to bathrooms. In our article, we...
In our previous articles, we have already talked about many welding tricks and shared the secrets of experienced welders. Today we will lift the veil over...
Many of you have experienced the problem of unwanted sliding of objects on a metal or any other similar surface. And yes, they feel like...
Walking in parks and squares, you have probably met landscape design elements made of wire, and they kept your attention for a long time. You have in...
Almost all drivers are faced with the problem of fogging the windows in the car. This is not only inconvenient, but also dangerous. Through foggy windows, the driver is bad ...
Very often in summer cottages there are stumps from cut down old trees. Uprooting them is a laborious process (you need to dig a stump quite deep and ...
To be honest, almost every motorist faced the problem of accidental dents on a car. Of course, in any workshop such a situation ...
Heating water in the country is a problem facing almost every summer resident. Of course, you can put a container of water directly in the sun. But the waiting time...
Nail clippers (otherwise - nipser) have firmly entered our everyday life.Not only not a single manicure parlor, but also not a single handbag can do without them. Having ...
Fishing from a boat on a fish pond or a boat trip with your girlfriend on the river: what could be more beautiful? And if you don’t even need to row with oars? V ...
If you are familiar with electronics and radio engineering, then a problem often arises: there is a sufficiently powerful transformer, but the voltage of the secondary winding ...
There are many crafts made from plastic bottles. We have already written about some of them in our articles. Today we will tell you about another unusual application of them: ...
Circular saws are firmly established in the arsenal of the masters. Mainly due to the cutting accuracy (it is much higher than that of electric jigsaws and chainsaws) and ...
If you are a professional radio amateur, then you know how much time it takes to desolder boards. After all, you have to separately warm up the legs of each ...
Quarantine time, as well as summer holidays, is an occasion to devote extra time to family and children. The question often arises: what can you do with ...
Almost every summer resident faced the fence of a summer cottage. One of the problems that arise in this case is digging a large number of holes for posts. V ...