Chrysanthemum home: description, varieties, growing in pots, care and reproduction, possible diseases (40+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Chrysanthemum home

Chrysanthemum pleases the eye with its flowering for a long time, this is one of the latest plants in the garden. Usually flowering begins at the end of August and lasts until the first noticeable frosts. The variety of colors of flowers is simply amazing, the flower beds seem to appease autumn and ask to give them warmth for a longer time. Chrysanthemum is also successfully grown at home, the pot will slightly reduce the size of the plant, but it cannot hold back the beauty during the flowering period

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Chrysanthemums are annuals and perennial, the most common species are the latter. Usually they are bought in a store or grown from cuttings. In care, the plant is not picky, the main role for normal growth and long flowering will be played by the temperature regime and the quality of watering, other points are less important.

Chrysanthemum in a pot

Chrysanthemum in a pot

It should be understood that it is not advisable to grow a garden chrysanthemum indoors, it is very difficult to create all the necessary conditions for the normal development of a flower indoors.
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Species and varieties

There are many varieties of chrysanthemums; the countries of East Asia are considered their homeland. It is in this part of the world that chrysanthemums are considered a symbol of good luck, luck, love and home comfort.

Chrysanthemum home

small-flowered chrysanthemum

In street conditions, both undersized or curb chrysanthemums and tall varieties are common. In room conditions, it makes no sense to grow high varieties, they will not have a presentable appearance, and they will take up a lot of space. That is why it is customary to grow only low varieties of this plant indoors.

The most popular among flower growers are:

  • Chinese or mulberry
  • korean petite
  • indian

All of them were originally intended only for enclosed spaces, but if possible, they can be planted in open ground for the summer. There they will gain strength and, after being transplanted into a pot in the fall, they will decorate the windowsill with lush flowering for a long time until the New Year.

Chinese varieties

Most often in our stores they offer low-growing varieties from Chinese selection.

Their general characteristics are as follows:

  • bush during the growing season can reach 17-65 cm
  • leaves are dark green
  • flowers can be both small and large
  • there are ampelous types
dwarf chrysanthemum

dwarf chrysanthemum

Varietal forms "Charm" are especially popular. Inflorescence baskets delight the eye with colorful colors for a long time and fold into a large ball.

Dwarf "Minimum" is easy to distinguish from the rest:

  • in height they rarely reach 20 cm;
  • leaves are small, dark in color;
  • flowers can be small and medium, they practically do not reach large sizes;
  • with proper care, flowering lasts up to 2.5 months.

The color scheme of inflorescences is very diverse, there are both single-color varieties and mixed colors.

Cascades are more often used for landscaping balconies, verandas and terraces. It is the ampelous chrysanthemums of Chinese selection that will be able to bring a piece of warmth until late autumn, yellow, white and red species are especially valued.

Korean undersized

A beautiful ball on the windowsill, even without flowers, pleases the eye all summer, closer to autumn, it gradually begins to be covered with small and large flowers, while keeping its shape to the last. This is how chrysanthemums, whose homeland is Korea, are characterized, multiflora is considered their most common variety.

The most popular pom-poms are:

  • "Orange Jam"
  • "Navare"
  • "Stella"

Chrysanthemum Korean selection

Chrysanthemum Korean selection

Their diversity is impossible to describe, the color of the flowers can be very different. The most valuable are varieties with bluish and green baskets.

Varieties from India

Indian varieties are characterized by a small bush size., their foliage has a lighter color, the flowers are usually small or medium. They are real sissies, they can be grown successfully only in pots, open ground, even in summer, can be detrimental to them.

Varieties of Indian selection

Variety of Indian selection

Varieties rarely form a ball, even with regular pinching, most often their crown is obtained as a flat dish. The color of flowers can be varied, most often orange, pink, burgundy, yellow flowers are found on store shelves. It is Indian varieties that are most often grown in winter gardens and greenhouses.

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Despite the large number of varieties and types, care for all indoor chrysanthemums is the same. In order for the plant to grow well, develop, bloom on time and please the eye with colorful flowers for a long time, you must follow simple rules.

Important points in caring for a plant at home are:

  • lighting
  • temperature regime
  • watering
  • spraying
  • transfer
  • top dressing
  • granting a rest period

Only the above procedures carried out correctly and in a timely manner will enable the bole to form a beautiful crown and bloom in time.

Properly groomed plant, chrysanthemum

Well maintained plant

Immediately after the purchase, you should not transplant the plant into a new pot, let the bole adapt and get used to the microclimate of your home. This can last up to two weeks, during this period yellowing and even drying of several lower leaves, the death of a small number of buds, and sprinkling of flowers are allowed. If, after 14 days, the symptoms do not stop, it is worth examining the houseplant more carefully, the chrysanthemum may be sick.

The main thing is to correctly establish the diagnosis, and only then select the most effective remedy to combat not only the symptoms, but also the causes. In order to avoid such troubles in the future, strictly follow all the recommendations for caring for chrysanthemums at home.


Indoor chrysanthemum refers to plants for which a short daylight hours are sufficient., but the lack of light, as well as its excess, will adversely affect the appearance of the trunk.

Most often, pots with indoor varieties of chrysanthemums feel great on windows facing west or east. This arrangement will allow you to get the necessary 8-10 hours of daylight, but will protect you from direct sunlight.
Chrysanthemums in the winter garden

Chrysanthemums in the warm season can be taken out into the fresh air for decoration.terraces andverandas

North windows will not be able to satisfy the need of chrysanthemum in the light, it is advisable to place the pot on a balcony or loggia, where the illumination will be better. If you leave everything unchanged, then soon the flower will brighten, and then the leaves will turn yellow, they will begin to pour abundantly. Budding will not be able to pass normally, and the resulting ones will not bloom normally.

Temperature regime

Everyone knows that chrysanthemum will bloom in the autumn, when the air temperature drops. It is the coolness that will contribute to a long period of opening flowers.The same conditions arise in early spring, many flower growers artificially provoke chrysanthemums to re-bloom during this period.

A cool balcony will help the trunk with temperature indicators, and a forced reduction in daylight hours will enhance the effect.

Under normal temperature conditions, the bole develops perfectly

Under normal temperature conditions, the bole develops perfectly

For the normal development of a chrysanthemum, the following thermometer readings are necessary:

  • in summer, 20-23 degrees is enough
  • in spring and autumn, the shtamb feels great at 15-18 degrees
  • 3-5 degrees is enough for a holiday in winter

The flower perfectly tolerates short sub-zero temperatures. Such stress will provoke more lush flowering and active crown growth.

In the summer heat, the pot with the trunk is removed in the shade or partial shade, while it is important that the room is well ventilated. Spraying will also play an important role, it will help reduce the temperature and increase the humidity around the plant.


Watering for indoor plants of this species is very important, with moisture the plant receives the nutrients it needs from the soil.

An excess of moisture will negatively affect the development of the bole:

  • excessive watering can provoke the development of various diseases
  • the roots will rot and the plant will die completely
  • excessively wet soil contributes to the death of the buds

But it is also not desirable to overdry the substrate; the chrysanthemum will almost immediately react to insufficient watering with yellow and dry leaves, dropping buds and blossoming flowers or their petals.

Watering home garden

Watering home garden

For normal development, watering is carried out depending on the time of year at different intervals:

  • during the growing season, the need for moisture increases, the trunk will need moderate watering every 2-3 days
  • in summer, at elevated air temperatures, watering is carried out more often, daily in a small amount
  • when the temperature drops, and the chrysanthemum enters the flowering stage, the amount of moisture consumed will drop slightly, you need to water the plant a couple of times a week
  • after pruning the crown, it is completely impossible to refuse watering during the dormant period, once a month is enough to maintain the vitality of the plant

But the main indicator during the period of active growth and flowering will be the condition of the soil, as soon as it begins to dry out from the top, it is worth watering the flower. But it’s not worth it to carry out moistening through the pan, so you just kill your pet.


High humidity around the plant will not harm it, but will only have a positive effect on its further development.

The process of increasing humidity can be carried out in two ways:

  • Spraying the crown from a spray bottle with settled water. It should be understood that the higher the air temperature, the more often the procedure is carried out. In the spring, one treatment per day is enough; in the summer heat, spraying is carried out at least twice; in the fall, air humidification is slightly reduced. During the dormant period, the chrysanthemum is not sprayed at all.
  • Wet expanded clay or any container with water near the plant can become an auxiliary element. But this method cannot completely replace spraying.

Spraying indoor flowers

Spraying indoor flowers

When growing chrysanthemums on a balcony in autumn and spring, spraying is carried out less often, the air at this time of the year is quite humid.


Chrysanthemum, like any other indoor plant, periodically needs to be transplanted.. Changing the substrate will help saturate the plant with useful substances that will promote growth and lush flowering.

The first transplant occurs after the process of adapting the plant to the conditions of your home.. This is extremely necessary, even if the plant is in the flowering period.

Shop soil is usually not designed for a long stay of flowers in it, the flowering time is significantly reduced, and development slows down.

After transplanting the bole into a fresh soil mixture, it can re-bud and continue flowering further.Further, the young plant should be replanted every year, while the pot should differ from the previous one in size and contain a little more soil.

Transplanting chrysanthemums in spring

Transplanting chrysanthemums in spring

Adult plants are transplanted less often, it is enough to replace the substrate every two years and regularly feed the bush.

The soil mixture plays an important role in the normal development of the plant; almost any is suitable for chrysanthemum, the main thing is that it be moderately acidic.

The best container for a trunk is a ceramic pot with drainage holes at the bottom. Such natural material will promote growth and positively influence the overall development of the plant. Plastic containers will also work, but the plant will feel less comfortable in them.

Each transplant will require a replacement container for the bole, it should be:

  • 1-1.5 cm wider than the previous one
  • hold a liter more soil

The height of the pot can be maintained, it is optimal to choose an average size, approximately 15-20 cm. Higher containers will require a developed root system, and until it reaches the optimal size, the development of the ground part of the plant will stop.


In addition to the capacity, when transplanting, you will also need a soil mixture; for chrysanthemums, any soil from the store, universal for flowering houseplants, is suitable, the main thing is that it be sour. But here, do not overdo it, over-oxidized will adversely affect the appearance of your pet. In order to bring the purchased land closer to the requests of the chrysanthemum, a small amount of peat and sand is added to it.

Shop soil mix

Shop soil mix

The ideal option would be a soil mixture prepared by yourself, for it they take:

  • 4 parts of garden or garden land
  • 4 pieces of sod land
  • 1 part coarse sand
  • 1 part humus

All components are thoroughly mixed and allowed to stand for at least a day, after which the prepared container is filled and the plant is transplanted. If you use garden or garden soil, be sure to calcine it in the oven. This process neutralizes all harmful microorganisms that can harm the flower.

If an indoor chrysanthemum was planted in open ground for the summer, then it is placed back in a pot with an earthen clod in which it developed. It is not worth removing the soil, as the root system will be damaged, and it will be easier for the plant to endure the stressful state in this form.

top dressing

Indoor chrysanthemum quickly takes away from the soil the nutrients necessary for growth and development, which is why it is necessary to feed the bole regularly.

Mineral fertilizers that get to the chrysanthemum with water will be good. The presence of potassium and phosphorus in them is highly desirable, it is these elements that are responsible for the timely and high-quality flowering of the bole.

You can use universal products for flowering plants from the store, when buying, pay attention to their composition, the first should be prescribed:

  • nitrogen
  • potassium
  • phosphorus

The content of other trace elements is welcome, but the above should have a pedestal.

Plant nutrition is a necessary process

Plant nutrition is a necessary process

During the growing season, it is necessary to feed the plant every ten days with liquid organic matter.. Usually, a concentrated solution of mullein is used for this, which is diluted in a ratio of 1:10.

After transplanting the bole into a fresh soil mixture with the addition of humus, the first month of feeding should not be applied. After this time, fertilizers are applied according to the standard schedule, at least once every ten days. In depleted land, fertilizers are applied more often, for normal development and growth, this should happen every four days.

Pruning and rest period

After the chrysanthemum has blossomed, all or almost all the buds have opened, the trunk must be cut off. They do this in order to give the plant a rest, gain strength for awakening in the spring.

Properly cut chrysanthemum

Properly pruned plant

If you deprive the chrysanthemum of a dormant period, then the crown will be rare, the flowering will be short and not plentiful, the leaves will be small and faded.

Pruning of all varieties of indoor growth is carried out in the same way:

  • all stems are cut 4-8 cm above the ground
  • the plant is being watered
  • after a slight drying of the top layer of soil, they are sent to a permanent resting place

It is important to choose the right location for the chrysanthemum in the winter, it depends on how it wakes up in the spring, how it will grow and develop throughout the next season.

Chrysanthemum can winter in different ways, there are several options, the grower himself must choose the most acceptable grower:

  1. A good option would be a bright, cool room, the temperature in which will be in the range of 3-8 degrees Celsius. During this period, watering is significantly reduced, it is carried out once a month after the soil has dried by two fingers, spraying is completely abandoned. A cropped plant will feel great even at slight sub-zero temperatures for a short time. Ideal would be a veranda, an insulated balcony, a window sill at the entrance.
  2. The flower can also overwinter in the basement, most often such a room is used for garden varieties, but it will also be comfortable indoors. Before sending the pots, the plant is cut and watered. It is important to check the plant for rotting, in the basement the rotting process intensifies and by spring the bole may die altogether. Particular attention is paid to the condition of the earth, it should be slightly damp, but not wet.
  3. If it is not possible to use the two previous methods, you can leave the chrysanthemum to winter on the windowsill, where it grew. You need to cut the stem under the root, place it in the coldest place, and water it a little less often than usual. It is better to refuse spraying.

The bathroom can replace the basement, many housewives practice placing cut chrysanthemums under the bath itself from late autumn to spring. Watering during this period is carried out as the soil dries up, no more than once a month. The disadvantage of this method is that you need to constantly monitor the condition of the flower, the increased humidity of the bathroom can provoke putrefactive processes or the active development of various diseases and parasites.

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It is not difficult to increase the number of pots with chrysanthemums on the windowsill; for this, it is necessary to carry out the breeding procedure. You can do this in several ways:

  • cuttings
  • dividing the bush
  • seeds

The first two are the most effective, they can be carried out in the spring or autumn. Propagation by seeds is a long and laborious process, the final result will not always be shoots.

Chrysanthemum breeding process

breeding process

Cuttings can also be obtained during the formation of the bush, when the "extra" shoots are pinched.


One of the most effective ways to propagate room chrysanthemum of any variety among flower growers is cuttings. With its help, in a short period, you can get several plants that will bloom next year.

The procedure is carried out like this:

  • the cut at the shoots after pruning is treated with charcoal and left for several hours
  • soil mixture is collected in the prepared container, it is lightly tamped
  • small depressions of 1-1.5 cm are made in the ground, processed shoots are placed there
  • cover them with earth, water them abundantly
  • using glass or film, they create a greenhouse effect, due to which root formation will accelerate

Cutting scheme

Cutting scheme

After 2-3 weeks, with the correct procedure, the chrysanthemums will start up the first roots. Throughout this period, the container with shoots should be in a bright place, it is watered and regularly ventilated.

Reproduction by division

No less effective will be the breeding method, in which the adult bush is divided into several parts.. Depending on the size of the plant, it can be divided into 2-5 new plants, it is important to take into account the condition of the root system.

Division of a chrysanthemum bush

Division of a chrysanthemum bush

Each piece should get a fully developed root. Division is best done after pruning the plant in the fall, before sending the chrysanthemum for the winter.

The procedure has the following steps:

  • initially prepare containers and soil mixture
  • an adult plant is watered abundantly and taken out of the pot
  • carefully examine the bole along with the root system, outline the approximate lines along which the division will be carried out
  • secateurs or a sharp knife divide an adult bush into small parts
  • it is desirable to treat the places of cuts with charcoal or a weak solution of potassium permanganate
  • then each bush is placed in its own pot, sprinkled with earth, watered.

After planting, plant pots are placed on a window sill with a moderate temperature for at least 14 days. It is recommended to water the earth periodically, it is advisable to refrain from fertilizing. In a month, the bushes will take root and will let you know about it with young shoots, after which it is advisable to send them to a cooler place, to a balcony or basement until spring.


Chrysanthemum propagation using seeds is considered less common and more laborious. In everyday life, this method is used extremely rarely, while breeders breed new varieties precisely with the help of a seed type of reproduction.

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Bush formation

This is done by pinching and trimming the "wrong" shoots. The most common form for boles of this type is a ball; chrysanthemums of Chinese and Korean selection lend themselves perfectly to such actions.

In order to have a beautiful flower on the window, as in a store, a chrysanthemum bush must be formed

In order to have a beautiful flower on the window, as in a store, a chrysanthemum bush must be formed

To give a round shape, it is usually enough for each shoot to pinch 2-3 per season, then the plant begins to produce new branches from the nearest bud. Due to this, the crown becomes more branched and the spherical shape is achieved faster and easier.

Varieties of Indian chrysanthemums are difficult to form into a ball, they usually look like a flat dish. When forming this type, pinch all the shoots at approximately the same level. So when flowering on the windowsill of the grower there will be a colorful dish, oh not a sphere.

How to stepchild chrysanthemum by month

How to stepchild chrysanthemum by month

Large-flowered chrysanthemums with rare shoots are truncated at a height of about 30-40 cm, their branching is usually much less than that of varieties with small flowers. On chrysanthemums with large flowers, bud formation is much less, but this is fully compensated for by flowering. Each opened bud will take up enough space on the crown, a large colorful spot will fill in all the gaps.

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Diseases and pests

All indoor plants are periodically exposed to diseases and pests that can destroy the bole.

Chrysanthemum is no exception, with improper care, the plant can be affected by:

spider mite

It is he who is most often found by flower growers on a plant. This is manifested by the formation of a white cobweb on buds, flowers, leaves. There are several ways to get rid of the misfortune, if there are not many cobwebs, it is best to treat the affected areas first, and then the entire bole with a strong soapy solution. It is prepared from ordinary laundry soap and warm water, applied to the flower with a spray gun or wiped all the leaves with a cloth dipped in this solution. If the measures taken did not have the desired effect, heavy artillery will have to be called in to help, we buy special equipment in the store and process it. Pyrethrum and Aktellik are recognized as the most effective.

powdery mildew

It will make itself felt with a grayish coating on the stems and leaves.The main reason for the occurrence is waterlogging of the air around the bole. You can’t do it with improvised means from household use, we definitely buy a fungicide in a flower shop, breed it according to the instructions and process the plant, and don’t forget about the neighbors. After that, we stop spraying for several days, and we place the bole itself in a drier place. After 3-5 days, we examine the chrysanthemum again, if the traces of the disease have disappeared, the plant can be sent to a permanent place of residence.


Spots on the leaves indicate that the bole is sick with gray rot. You can fight it only with the help of foundation, and then isolate it from the rest of the inhabitants of the windowsill in a sunny, warm place for 10-14 days. If necessary, re-treat with the agent.


It appears as brown spots on the leaves, while the edging of each of them will be jetty. It occurs due to the large amount of moisture introduced into the ground. It is possible to fight septoria only with the help of fundazole and a significant reduction in watering.

Healthy well cared for plant

Healthy, well-groomed plant

Diseases and parasites are not terrible if the care of the plant is strictly according to the recommendations. If a particular problem occurs, the main thing is to start dealing with it in time and not aggravate the condition of the flower.

Chrysanthemum home: description, varieties, growing in pots, care and reproduction, possible diseases (40+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Caring for a chrysanthemum in a pot

Chrysanthemum home: description, varieties, growing in pots, care and reproduction, possible diseases (40+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

9.3 Total Score

Growing chrysanthemum indoors is not difficult, by choosing the right window sill and following all the recommendations, you will enjoy colorful flowering every autumn. Your opinion on this topic is very important to us. If you do not agree with these ratings, leave your rating in the comments with the reasoning for your choice. Thank you for your participation. Your opinion will be useful to other users.

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