Making homemade bread in a bread machine: 10 delicious recipes (Photo & Video) + Reviews

Homebaked bread

Homebaked bread

With the advent of the bread machine, life in the house changes, a special comfort, warmth and peace settle in the kitchen. The smell of dough wafts through the house. Fragrant homemade bread gathers the whole family to the table.

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The hostess, and not only, has an interest in new recipes, experiments. Husbands immediately become avid bakers, they begin to add new ingredients to bread, try new technologies, treat their friends, relatives, and employees at work.

Half a loaf of homemade bread

Bread and water - healthy food

The whole family becomes hospitable, friendly. Only grandmothers are slightly discouraged by the fact that the right to be called the best baker of the family now belongs not only to them. Many argue that bread cooked in a bread machine cannot be compared with what is baked in a Russian oven.

I will not argue, but these are the realities of our modern life - the fast pace dictates its own rules.

Making homemade bread in a bread machine: 10 delicious recipes (Photo & Video) + Reviews

A bread maker is an indispensable assistant in the kitchen

I have been baking bread in a bread machine for more than 3 years, and I will tell you that this is a very delicate, scrupulous business that requires complete immersion in the process. In order for the bread to turn out beautiful, ruddy, soft, you need to try hard. By the way, for those who have not yet bought a bread machine and doubt whether it is worth spending money on another toy, I will say with absolute certainty that it is worth it.

Ripe ears of bread

Ripe ears of bread

It is clear that you can buy a loaf of bread or a long loaf in any store, but homemade cakes are much tastier, healthier, more familiar. In addition, you will save money. Most of my friends buy flour in bags at wholesale prices.

Modern bread makers have many functions. For example, I use my oven not only for baking standard loaves of bread, but I cook jam, marmalade, bake Easter cakes in it, as well as muffins, which my husband and his work colleagues enjoy eating during their lunch break.

I like to experiment with rye flour, bran and other non-standard ingredients. I also really like the fact that in a bread machine you can cook yogurt, fermented baked milk, as well as knead the dough for chebureks, pita bread, dumplings. My friend whips butter in it, but I personally have not tried it.

Modern bread machines allow you to cook yogurt, fermented baked milk, kefir

Modern bread machines allow you to cook yogurt, fermented baked milk, kefir

Important point: the baking process takes a little longer than when baking in an oven or a Russian oven. This takes three to four hours. A very convenient function is the delayed start, thanks to which you can cook bread directly for breakfast or lunch.

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Failures that can befall when baking

I would like to talk about the failures that may lie in wait for you when making bread in a bread machine, and talk about how to avoid or minimize them.

The dough didn't rise

  • Sometimes the dough may not rise well due to the lack of salt, this component is required.What to do if you put all the ingredients strictly according to the recipe, but the bread did not rise ...
  • The reason is not always in the performers, it may just be a very hot day, or vice versa - very cold, nothing can be done about such force majeure, the only thing left is to bake bread on another day.

The dough has risen too much

If the dough has risen too much

What if the dough has risen too much?

  • Some people think that if the dough has risen too much, then this is very good, but this is a delusion. If the dough turns sour very quickly, then the pastries can simply crawl out of the baking dish and burn on the walls.
  • Everything should be in moderation.
  • What is causing the over-rise of bread? Again, the main reason lies in the yeast. You could put a lot of them or buy an overly active batch in the store, this also happens sometimes. Next time just use less yeast.
  • Or maybe you were craving too much sweets and loaded too much sugar. With an excess of sugar, the dough rises very quickly, crawls out of the container. Do not deviate from the recipe in terms of sugar dosage.

Bread doesn't rise well

  • Any housewife dreams that her bread will turn out fluffy, rise well, be soft, porous. Sometimes it happens that the crumb of bread comes out viscous, watery, dense and without sponginess.
  • Most often, the problem lies in the yeast.
  • Either you didn’t put enough of them, or the yeast was of poor quality, expired.
  • Many housewives mistakenly believe that dry yeast can be stored much longer than pressed yeast. This is a common misconception, because dry yeast, after being opened, loses its properties due to the active effect of oxygen.
  • The bag with yeast should be tightly closed, and it can be stored for no more than a month.
  • In the process of kneading the dough, pay attention to ensure that the yeast does not come into contact with salt, if you use a lot of salt, then keep in mind that it impairs the rise of the dough.
  • Use of various salty ingredients, such as cheese or salted nuts, also inhibits the action of yeast. Dough fermentation is an enzymatic process.

Do not forget to add sugar, it is necessary for the yeast to work. It is carbohydrates that are the substrate for the development of yeast cells.

Do not forget to add sugar, it is necessary for the yeast to work. It is carbohydrates that are the substrate for the development of yeast cells.

  • If there is no sugar in the dough, then the fermentation process will not start for a long time, this will lead to the fact that the bread will not rise.
  • But an excess amount of sugar is also undesirable, because in this case the dough will quickly ferment, throw up, the yeast will give up its strength at the wrong time and the dough will fall, the bread will turn out ugly.

Did you know that sifting flour is necessary not so much to get rid of lumps and impurities, but to enrich it with oxygen and loosen it.

When loading ingredients into the bread maker, be sure to control their temperature. The temperature should not be very high. Especially watch the water, if it is too hot, it will slow down the action of the yeast enzymes.

Very cold water also inhibits enzymes. The optimum temperature is 30 degrees.

A few more words about water. Sometimes the dough may not fit well due to lack of liquid. In order for the dough to rise well, it must be elastic. Sometimes it happens that you put all the products strictly according to the recipe, but visually you see that there is not enough water.

This may be due to the fact that different types of flour absorb water differently. Experience is needed here, without experience it is simply impossible to achieve good bread. Sometimes the reason that the bread did not rise can be very banal - you just forgot to put in the yeast, no one is immune from this.

The bread is not baked inside

Unbaked bread

Unbaked bread

  • The most annoying thing is that this shortcoming is not immediately noticeable. It seems to be a beautiful loaf, rose, ruddy on top, But inside - raw dough.
  • There are several reasons for this negative phenomenon.
  • First of all - excess fluid. Next time reduce the amount of water or add a little flour.
  • Second.When adding some ingredients, such as eggs, cheese or butter, the fat content of the dough increases. Fatty dough may not be baked.
  • Third moment. The flour was not loosened, not sifted, dense.
  • Let me remind you once again that all bakers recommend sifting flour. Why? I answer. This is done not so much in order to get rid of some lumps, pollution, but in order to loosen, saturate the flour with air.
  • Fourth moment. Sometimes the reason may be that the lid of the stove is simply not closed, while cold air comes in from outside.
  • The hostess is always upset if she turns out bread that seems to be tasty, but not as beautiful as we would like. For example, the crust has turned black or, on the contrary, it is very pale.
  • The crust burns due to the large amount of sugar in the recipe.
  • If you constantly get a pale crust, then add a little milk.
  • If the crust is hard, dry, add a little refined oil. Sometimes it happens that the crust rises, forming a bubble or pillow. This indicates that the dough was not kneaded enough. This problem is usually one-time, it should not be repeated next time.
  • If this happens repeatedly, try adding a couple of teaspoons of water to the dough.
  • Do not be afraid if you get defective bread, because experience, as you know, is the son of difficult mistakes. It's all about experience, fill your hand, experiment. Maybe you will become the author of a new recipe and your products will be real masterpieces. I say this:
  • “Bread is baked by a person, and a bread machine is a machine that helps him.”

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Secrets of making delicious bread

Basket with different types of bread

White, gray, rye for every taste

At first, my bread in the bread machine did not turn out very well, and I began to analyze my mistakes.

Bread, then quickly stale, then not baked. Over time, I decided on the nuances. I want to share with you little secrets:

  • Let's start with flour. I usually take the flour of the first or highest grade.
  • For one loaf I take about 800 g of flour, I also use whole grain flour, sometimes I use rye flour instead (about 100 grams).
  • I mix all the components well. I put two types of flour separately in a small cup, stir dry yeast in this flour.
  • In general, when working with bread, it is very important to thoroughly mix all the ingredients.
  • According to the recipe and instructions, it is indicated that the yeast should be poured into the bottom of the bread machine, but by trial and error I came to the conclusion that it is better to mix the yeast with flour, and then pour it into the mold.

Usually in books and instructions they write that you just need to add salt and sugar.

But, for example, when I pour sunflower oil, I first pour it into a cup, then dilute it with warm water, mix it, and dose salt and sugar into this mixture. I pour the finished solution into the bread machine. That is, I mix oil with water, dissolve it.

And also I dissolve salt, sugar, because when you just fall asleep in a bread machine, it does not always mix well, and the bread is salted unevenly.

  • As soon as I bought a bread maker, I immediately realized that proportions are very important in baking bread. Therefore, I immediately bought a kitchen scale.
  • A little advice - make yourself a printout of recipes, laminate or put in a file in order not to constantly use the instructions for the bread machine.
  • The fact is that when making bread, proportions are very important, and remembering them all is unrealistic.

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Experiments with taste

Components, when added to the dough, should not be wet

Components, when added to the dough, should not be wet

For those who like to experiment and add non-standard ingredients, there is no end to the work.

  • Cumin, sunflower seeds, dill seeds, dried apricots, onions, sesame seeds and more will turn your bread into a culinary masterpiece.
  • In most models, there are built-in functions that will notify you with a sound signal when you need to put additional ingredients into the dough.
  • But some housewives are guided by their intuition, and add components not on a signal, but at their own discretion, so do I.
  • It is most important that the ingredients are not wet when added to the dough, because wet ingredients will increase the moisture content of the dough and the baking process may be disturbed. The bread may not be suitable or it will come out wet and tasteless.

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The easiest bread recipe

sliced ​​homemade bread

Simple but very tasty!


  • Water - 600 ml
  • Wheat flour - 800 g
  • Salt - to taste
  • Sugar - two tablespoons
  • Skimmed milk powder - two tablespoons
  • Refined vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon
  • Dry yeast - 2 teaspoons

First of all, you need to install a dough mixer blade into the mold. Load the ingredients according to the sequence and quantity as in the instructions, place the mold in the bread machine, press the menu button.

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Rye bread

Very tasty and healthy bread made from rye flour. If you want to bake rye bread, check if your bread maker has a function for rye bread. Rye bread is baked at a higher temperature than wheat bread.

Rye bread is baked at a higher temperature

Rye bread is baked at a higher temperature

  • The baking dish can be round or brick-shaped. There are steel forms or from teflon. Bread will never burn in Teflon molds, but they require more delicate care.
  • In many families, even children can easily prepare bread in a bread machine.

I believe that a bread maker is an essential tool in any modern kitchen. You will not regret purchasing it in any way, and you will be very happy with the purchase.

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Sourdough rye flour bread without yeast

Rye bread

Looks very appetizing

Starter preparation:

  • Any sour base, for example, cucumber pickle, is suitable for making sourdough.
  • We take heated brine, peeled flour and sugar to start the work of natural yeast.
  • Gradually mix the flour into this mixture until it reaches the consistency of sour cream, and put it in a warm place where the sourdough should ferment well.
  • A couple of times it is recommended to besiege.
  • After each settling, the leaven will rise faster and faster.

Steam preparation:

  • After the starter is ready, we begin to prepare the dough.
  • For the dough, you will need heated water, ready-made sourdough, a small amount of sugar (40 g), a pinch of salt and rye flour.
  • The density of the dough is like for making pancakes.
  • Opara should rise for at least 4 hours in a warm place, once it needs to be besieged.
  • When kneading the dough, be sure to add wheat flour (200 g).
  • The dough should be light and fluffy.
  • After the dough has risen without kneading, it is laid out in a bread machine form (the form is filled with dough for half the volume).
  • When you work with yeast dough, then you need to moisten your hands with water, with wet hands smooth the surface of the dough laid out in a mold.

The temperature regime for baking rye bread should be higher than for baking bread from wheat flour.
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Hop sourdough bread

Hops have long been used to make sourdough.

Hops have long been used to make sourdough.

Steam preparation:

  • Before preparing the dough, you need to put a dough. It is best to make dough in a deep saucepan. For a liter jar of water, you need three tablespoons of hop sourdough.
  • To prepare one loaf of bread, 1 kg of flour (800 g of rye and 200 wheat) and 1 liter of water will go.
  • First, pour not all the water into the pan, but only 250 ml (the water should be warmed up), add three tablespoons of hop sourdough, a little flour, mix thoroughly, bring to a state of sour cream.
  • Leave the rest of the flour for the dough.
  • The finished dough must be wrapped and put in heat. In a warm place, it will stand at temperatures up to 40 degrees for about seven hours.
  • After the dough fits, use it for the test.

Sourdough on hops

Sourdough on hops

Test preparation:

  • Take an enameled pan, pour the flour left over from 1 kg into it, pour in the water, add the entire amount of the dough, mix well and add the rest of the flour.
  • Leave the dough to rise for eight hours. Such a long time because we make bread with natural sourdough, and not with purchased fast-acting yeast.
  • You need to let the dough stand well, remember that bread does not like haste and fuss.
  • Add a little more flour to the dough, and pour in a couple of tablespoons of refined oil.
  • Knead the dough.
  • Put the finished dough into the mold of the bread machine and set the desired baking mode.
  • I do not recommend adding salt to such bread, you can add dill or caraway seeds, as well as coriander.
  • Make this bread, take your time. You will feel such peace and tranquility, join the world of past generations, whose life was unhurried and measured.
  • Working with dough on natural sourdough will help relieve stress and tension.

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Roly-Vstanka Bread

Maybe I invented the wheel and this recipe already exists, but I came to it on my own and completely by accident and I can share it with you.

Let others bake, too, very good bread. Previously, until I had a bread machine, I baked it in the oven, and with the purchase of a bread machine, I bake it in it, but they still knead the dough with my hands. When cooked, this bread is surprisingly fluffy and soft. You press him, and he straightens up, like a roly-poly, and I came to this recipe like this.

Manual kneading dough

Manual kneading dough

I think, let me bake bread from the dough left over from the preparation of pies with filling:

  • This is how I make bread. I warm up five glasses of water, sift five half-liter cans of flour of the first grade, flush with the neck.
  • I put in warm water one tablespoon of salt, sugar, dry yeast and refined oil.
  • Mix water and flour well with a wooden spoon. The dough should turn out a little thicker than for pancakes. With a spoon, I put the dough into the form to half their height.
  • With a spoon dipped in water, level the top of the dough in a bread maker. I put the mold in the refrigerator for about an hour and a half until the dough rises.
  • The dough should rise so that two centimeters remain to the edge of the mold, then I place the mold in the bread machine and bake on the standard program.
  • It turns out much cheaper than store-bought and does not get stale for a long time.

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Whole wheat bread

Whole wheat bread

Whole wheat bread

You can cook low-gluten whole-grain bread in the oven.


  • Water - 600 ml
  • Coarse flour - 850 g
  • Salt - 2 teaspoons
  • Sugar - two tablespoons
  • Skimmed milk powder - 2 tablespoons
  • Butter - 20 g
  • Fiber (wheat bran) - 1 teaspoon
  • Yeast - 1 teaspoon.

After the bread is baked, it is recommended to immediately moisten its surface and sides with water. Do not cut the loaf right away, let it cool.

french bread

Frenchie baguettes and wine

french baguette

In the bread machine you can bake delicious crispy french loaf.

To prepare it, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Water - 600 ml
  • Premium wheat flour - 900 g
  • Salt 0.5 teaspoons
  • Sugar - 3 tablespoons
  • Dry yeast - 2 teaspoons

The whole secret of making French bread lies in the long standing of the dough with several batches.

If your oven has a French bread function, then use it. If there is no function, increase the dough kneading time, and the time until it fits, manually. French bread dough needs to rise longer than usual.

From this, the finished product becomes porous, crispy.

onion bread

Raw and fried onions can be used to make onion bread.

Raw and fried onions can be used to make onion bread.

  • We weigh 35 g of butter, put it in the shape of a bread machine, then add 200 ml of milk (the fat content of milk is not of fundamental importance), add 100 ml of water.
  • The next step is to add vegetable oil 1 tablespoon, two tablespoons of granulated sugar, one and a half teaspoons of salt, add chopped onion (you can chop the onion finely with a knife, or you can grate it).
  • Next, add flour (half a kilo), add one and a half teaspoons of dry yeast, after adding all the ingredients, close the bread machine and set it to mode.
  • You can use fried onions for this dish. The taste and smell of such bread is beyond praise.

Borodino bread

Borodinsky, in person

Borodinsky, in person

To make rye bread, we need not only rye flour, but also:

  • wheat flour, salt
  • vegetable oil 2 tablespoons
  • rye malt four tablespoons
  • boiling water for brewing malt 80 ml
  • in addition - 2 tablespoons of natural honey (you can take 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar instead of honey)
  • coriander 1 teaspoon, water 330 ml, dry yeast 2 teaspoons
  • add the ingredients according to the instructions for the bread machine
  • add the brewed malt and put the form in the bread machine on the baking mode

Sweet bread

Sweet bread dough

Sweet bread dough

Sweet bread can be baked in the bread maker. Here is one of the recipes for sweet bread.


  • Beaten eggs - 2 pieces
  • Skimmed milk powder - 2 tablespoons
  • Vegetable oil - one and a half tablespoons
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon
  • Sugar - 150 g
  • Crushed walnut - 3 tablespoons
  • Wheat flour - 850 g
  • Baking powder
  • Cocoa powder - 2 tablespoons
  • Yeast - 2 teaspoons

Cooking method:

  • Remove the form, and install the spatula-mixer, grease the bottom of the form and the spatula with softened butter.
  • Whisk the eggs, adding the milk powder, and place in the mold.
  • Place flour and baking powder in the mold at the very end, adding other ingredients.
  • Set the mold in the bread machine, and turn on the “cake” program.


Cupcakes and Easter cakes from the miracle oven

Cupcakes and Easter cakes from the miracle oven

Very tasty cake in the bread machine.

To prepare it you will need:

  • Water - 600 ml
  • Raw eggs - 3 pcs
  • Cake flour - 800 g
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon
  • Sugar - 150 g
  • Baking powder - 2 teaspoons
  • Butter - 20 g
  • Gluten - 2 teaspoons

Cooking method:

  • Take out the mold, and install the dough mixer blade, then grease the bottom of the mold and the blade with softened butter.
  • Whisk eggs with milk and place in a bowl.
  • Place flour and baking powder in the mold at the very end, adding other ingredients.
  • Set the mold in the bread machine, and turn on the “cake” program.

Stale bread. What to do with him?

Stale loaf of bread

stale loaf

With the advent of a bread machine in your home, an accumulation of stale bread can occur. There will be surpluses of bread that will stale over time. Many do not find a use for stale bread, and it either ends up in the trash, or they are fed to pigeons, ducks and other living creatures.

But my grandfather taught me to treat bread with care, and I also teach my children the same way. I advise you to treat this most valuable product with care. After all, it is not difficult to put him into action.

First, you can try to return the bread to its former freshness.

  • To do this, wrap it in a damp towel and put it in the oven after five minutes.
  • There it must be held for about 20 minutes. The oven should not be very hot.
  • Secondly, you can scroll stale bread a couple of times in a meat grinder, dry it in a pan, and you will have breadcrumbs.
  • Keep them in a paper bag.

How to make delicious, juicy fish cakes? Use the same stale bread.

When you pass the fish through a meat grinder, a lot of liquid flows out. Add crackers (stale bread) to the fish. So you kill two birds with one stone: crackers will absorb the liquid, cutlets will turn out much tastier, and the meat grinder will be cleaned of minced fish.

Using a bread maker to make dough

In the bread machine, you can not only bake delicious bread, but also prepare the dough according to certain recipes.

Dough for dumplings

Dumpling dough? Easy!

Dumpling dough? Easy!

I really like to cook dough for dumplings in a bread machine. At the same time, hands are not used at all, tables do not get dirty, and you do not have to scrape flour from a board or rolling pin.

Dough Ingredients:

  • Water - 700 ml
  • Flour - 700 ml
  • Salt - 2 teaspoons

In a bread machine, you can knead the dough for whites, pasties and other yummy.

Butter dough

Sweet dough for buns

Sweet dough for buns

To make the dough in a bread maker you will need:

  • Water - 600 ml
  • Dry yeast - 2 teaspoons
  • Flour - 650 g
  • Sugar - 150 g
  • Egg yolk - 2 pcs
  • Powdered milk - 2 tablespoons
  • Butter (margarine) - 25 g.

Poppy seed bun dough

Buns with poppy seeds

We mix all the components, load them into a bread machine mold, and put it on the mode for making dough. After an hour and a half, a wonderful fluffy dough for delicious buns is ready. At the same time, you have clean hands, a clean work surface and utensils.

Bread is the head of everything

What do you associate comfort in the house with? For me, it's the smell of freshly baked bread and homemade cakes. Nothing compares.

As a child, when there was practically nothing on the shelves of stores, our mother's pastries were our biggest delicacy. And how did she manage to make such delicious treats out of almost nothing that you lick your fingers? I still remember that delight when, tired, I returned from school from the second shift, opened the door, and I was greeted by the aroma of homemade bread or buns.

Or trips to grandma's in the summer. My most vivid memory is a warm crispy French loaf and milk from a triangle.

milk in a triangular container

Do you remember those triangles?

For us then it was all a curiosity. In the shops of our small town there were three types of bread - a white brick, a gray brick and a round one. And milk in glass bottles with metal foil caps. You won't run away. My grandmother lived in a large industrial city. And much earlier, the first private bakeries and cooperative shops with scarce goods began to appear in them.

Involve children in the process

Involve children in the process

To please us, grandfather got up early in the morning, came to the very opening of the bakery to buy another hot ruddy loaf, and went to the nearest shop for milk. What bliss it was at breakfast to break the crispy crust with your hands, despite the crumbs flying in all directions, and wash down the still warm, fragrant pieces of bread with cool milk I can't eat a crispy crust of freshly baked bread.

And my children seem to have inherited that love from me. As soon as I get a hot loaf out of the bread machine, a whole hunt immediately begins for it. There are only two crusts, and there are as many as four claiming them! And in the end, we have to share like brothers.

Taste of childhood

Taste of childhood

And now I know for sure that if the house smells of bread, it means that love, happiness, warmth and comfort live in it.

Making homemade bread in a bread machine: 10 delicious recipes (Photo & Video) + Reviews

How to bake the best bread

Making homemade bread in a bread machine: 10 delicious recipes (Photo & Video) + Reviews

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  • The opportunity to please yourself and loved ones with fresh, tasty, natural bread
  • An abundance of all kinds of recipes
  • Even taking into account the fact that the bread machine will do a lot for you, nevertheless, the process will take a certain amount of your time.

  1. If these ingredients make this man delicious REPEAT delicious bread, and not an understandable confectionery product ... then I will consider myself the president of the world! He doesn't fucking know how to bake bread...and what comes out of's tasteless crap!

  2. And this disgrace you call bread….

    • Alexander, good afternoon! We are always happy to read reviews about our materials, not only positive reviews are important for us, we also love criticism! Only constructive, understandable for the majority. 🙂 We will be grateful if you give us a detailed review so that we can provide counterarguments or simply explain our choice in this or that case.

  3. I have a wonderful live sourdough. It is not with her that I bake bread in a bread machine. You need to take care of the sourdough, feed it with rye flour. It grows, then I divide the mass, and use part of it for malice. It makes very tasty bread. I haven't used yeast in a very long time. I add Basil, rosemary, nuts, seeds, a little bran to bread. And of course some sunflower oil. Half rye and wheat flour. For a long time we no longer buy buns and loaves, but we eat our homemade bread, tasty and healthy.

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