Growing greens at home - all year round with vitamins: onion, parsley, basil, garlic, the subtleties of this process (Photo & Video)



Recently, mini-beds on the windowsill have gained immense popularity. Thanks to the ingenuity of gardeners and the latest technologies, home-grown greenery on the windowsill allows you to provide your family with vitamins during vitamin deficiency - in winter and early spring.

Novice growers can start growing vitamin greens with dill, parsley, and spinach. The second level of complexity includes mint, celery, marjoram. Well, professionals in their field can be offered to grow sage, anise, rosemary and cumin.

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What greens can be grown on the windowsill?

Mini-garden on the windowsill: all winter with vitamins

Mini-garden on the windowsill: all winter with vitamins

When choosing guests for a windowsill or balcony, you need to really look at things and correlate your desires with the possibility of their implementation. If you swung at some exotic salad, then the conditions for it are required overseas, which cannot be done in an apartment.

Gorgeous mini garden. Always have fresh vitamin greens on hand

Gorgeous mini garden. Always have fresh vitamin greens on hand

Therefore, you need to choose varieties that are adapted to growing at home., as some plants do not tolerate hot air.

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Windowsill garden: growing parsley

Parsley is a storehouse of vitamins. It contains all the nutrients a person needs to maintain health. It is great if there is such an opportunity to use parsley all year round.

The complexity of growing lies in the features of the plant itself: The composition includes an essential oil, which complicates the process of seed germination. Therefore, before planting, you will need to wash the seeds in water and put them on gauze to dry.

Beauty parsley in a flower pot.

Beauty parsley in a flower pot

Garden soil with the addition of peat is suitable for planting. Before sowing, it is recommended to disinfect the land with a light solution of potassium permanganate.

It is necessary to put drainage material on the bottom of the prepared container, and then pour the soil. Sow seeds in shallow grooves, trying not to deepen them deeply. Before sowing, the soil should be moistened. When the first shoots rise above the soil surface, watering is carried out with a spray device.

It will take 5 weeks from sowing seeds to harvesting. You need to cut off at the root, new greens grow quickly.
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Greens on the windowsill: growing dill

Many housewives complain that growing dill in pots is a rather troublesome and not always productive task.However, they are wrong, and their mistake is that they initially chose the wrong variety for planting.

Dill varieties: garden on the windowsill:

  • "Richelieu"
  • "Kibray"
  • Gribovsky
  • "Further"

Before sowing, the seeds must swell; for this, they are placed in wet gauze. Sowing seeds is carried out in a prepared container with nutrient soil.

Dill is a fragrant spice! There is never a lot of it, so you need to choose a large bowl for sowing seeds.

Vitamin dill.

vitamin dill

Material is poured at the bottom of the container: river sand, fine expanded clay. It is not recommended to grow without a drainage layer.

Seeds are sown superficially, lightly sprinkled with soil. The container is covered with glass and placed on a light windowsill. After the appearance of sprouts, plantings are fed with organic fertilizers. In winter, it is recommended to use additional artificial lighting of the plant for at least 6 hours a day.


The following varieties are suitable for growing on a windowsill: "Godry", "Virofle", "Giant".

Spinach is a green vegetable that is good for the body. For planting, you need to buy containers with a side height of 15 cm. Ready soil is poured into the container.

When buying soil, you need to pay attention to its composition: the main condition is the presence of peat.
  • Before sowing seeds, they are soaked in warm water for 24 hours.
  • Seeds are planted in the soil to a depth of 1 cm.
  • To speed up germination, the container will have to be covered with glass or film.
  • After germination (after about 7 days), you need to pick spinach.
Spinach leaves have reached a length of 10 cm. They are already ready for cutting.

Spinach leaves have reached a length of 10 cm. They are ready to be cut.

In winter, it is necessary to illuminate the plants by installing artificial lighting with fluorescent lamps. To prevent the plants from suffering from the hot air coming from the batteries, it will be necessary to spray them often with water.

After 40 days, the crop is ready for harvest. By this time, the spinach should have grown to a height of 7-9 cm.

Miracle Garlic

For planting garlic on a feather, varieties such as Yubileiny, Kharkiv are suitable. The optimum temperature for growing is up to +20 °C.
Garlic gave an arrow: you can eat it fresh or use it during the preparation of first and second courses

Garlic gave an arrow: you can eat it fresh or use it during the preparation of first and second courses

For planting on the windowsill, you need to choose winter varieties, since spring varieties do not give arrows.

There are no difficulties in growing. For planting, a container is prepared and garlic cloves are planted. The soil can be anything. The optimal embedment depth is 2-4 cm, the distance between the teeth is 1.5-3 cm.


The spicy plant belongs to the Lamiaceae family. Most varieties have juicy, large, green or purple leaves, fleshy stems. In addition to excellent taste, basil has medicinal properties.

Eating is recommended for frequent bronchitis, as the plant is able to cure cough. Used to increase appetite.
The multi-colored foliage of basil not only serves as an interior decoration, but also has a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional background of a person, calms and inspires.

The multi-colored foliage of the basil not only serves as an interior decoration, but also has a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional background of a person, calms and inspires

Relieves discomfort from gastritis. Eating basil while breastfeeding increases lactation. Recommended for hypotensive patients: raises the pressure.

3 varieties are suitable for growing on the windowsill:

  • Vietnamese. Spicy grass has a sweetish aftertaste and rich aroma. Used in cooking for the preparation of vitamin salads.
  • Citric. The plant contains a substance - citral, so the variety has a characteristic smell.
  • Violet. The variety has a spicy taste.

When grown in an apartment, the bright colors of basil not only decorate the interior, but are also a source of vitamins.

The benefits of growing greens

mini bed of greenery in the apartment

Home mini bed of greenery

  • By growing greens in a mini-garden on the windowsill, you can replenish the supply of vitamins and nutrients all year round.
  • Opportunity to save the family budget
  • Greens can be used as an element of decor
  • The process of growing greenery with your own hands charges with positive energy

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Ways to grow onions

Thanks to the ingenuity of growers, a huge number of ways to grow Luke pen at home.

Growing in hydroponics

The easiest way, familiar even to children: pour water into a glass and set the bulb so that the bottom is slightly immersed in depth.

Hydroponics: The fastest and easiest way to grow feather onions

Hydroponics: The fastest and easiest way to grow feather onions

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. For distillation, it is better to take bulbs with a feather that has appeared.
  2. The onion itself needs to be washed and the upper scales removed.
  3. If the feather does not appear, you need to cut off the top of the bulb by 1.5 cm.
  4. Pour enough water into a 100-gram plastic cup so that only the bottom is immersed in it.

Grandma's method: sprouting in a glass

Growing onions at home

Growing onions at home

A container (a glass or a special container) with an onion should be placed on a light windowsill and a feather will begin to appear in a week.

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A new method of growing onions on a feather: "Onion Cactus" or "Onion Tree"

No less interesting and quick way to get greens. For planting, it is desirable to choose small bulbs, you can use onion sets. Many will like this method.

Here is an onion Tree obtained when planted using the latest technology with the ability to save space

Here is such an “Onion Tree” obtained when planted using the latest technology with the ability to save space

To grow onions using this technology, you will need to take nutrient soil, a plastic bottle, small onions, a stand with a pot.

How to make an onion tree layout

  • From a plastic bottle, you will need to cut off the top and bottom.
  • Holes should be cut over the entire surface of the bottle, equal in size to the prepared onions.
  • Pour the nutrient mixture into the pot.
  • Insert the bulbs into the cut holes and sprinkle with soil.
  • At the very top of the container, you can plant several bulbs, the feather will grow in a vertical direction.
  • Install the structure on the windowsill.

Here is such an interesting cactus obtained using the latest technology. You look - and the eye rejoices!

Using forcing boxes

In specialized stores, boxes of 60x40 cm are sold. Their design is amazing. The fact is that at the bottom of the box there are many spikes on which the bulbs are strung during the planting process.

This is what the box for forcing onions on a feather looks like

This is what the box for forcing onions on a feather looks like

Spikes have special restrictions. When “landing” the head, the limiter does not allow it to be deeply pierced, since the bulb itself should not touch the bottom. The advantage of this method is that the possibility of rotting of the bulb is excluded. Water is poured into the box up to the level of the bulbs.


  1. The spikes provide the heads with a secure fit: bulbs do not stagger from side to side, do not float on the surface of the water.
  2. Due to the fact that the spikes pierce the bulb, it is more quickly saturated with water.
  3. The bulbs do not rot, as only the roots are in the water.
Forcing bulbs on a feather in special boxes.

Forcing bulbs on a feather in special boxes

There are small holes in the ends of the boxes, which provides better air circulation. Such containers can be used not only for growing greenery for personal purposes, but also for commercial purposes - for sale.

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Compliance with the conditions for obtaining greenery: general rules

Fresh herbs in the store are sold for fabulous money, especially in winter. Each of us has the opportunity to arrange a mini-garden on our windowsill. It is not difficult to grow a bunch of greens, but more than that, it will benefit your entire family.

Soil preparation

soil preparation for seedlings

You can take purchased soil or land from the garden

Before use, it is recommended to disinfect with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Then, in a selected container, pour the earth with a layer of 4 cm, plant the bulbs and cover them with a layer of soil.

In order to speed up the germination of greenery, you will need to prepare the bulbs for planting: it is necessary to remove the husk, cut off the top by 1.5 cm and dip in warm water (+40 ° C).
Greens obtained from onion sets

Greens ready to eat

After planting, the bulbs are covered with earth on 1/3 of the bulb itself. Then the container with the bulbs is placed on a light windowsill. The optimum temperature for germination is +25 °C.

The choice of containers for planting

As containers, you can use any container: containers, pots, boxes, plastic bottles, bowls no more than 7 cm deep.


Onion is a photophilous culture, but does not tolerate heat

Onion is a photophilous culture, but does not tolerate heat

In winter, it can be grown on windowsills on the southwest or southeast side. With this arrangement, the bulbs will have enough lighting. If it is not possible to grow onions on the windowsill, you can make racks and install additional lighting with fluorescent lamps.


For irrigation use settled tap water at room temperature. Watering frequency - 1 time in 2 days, less often if the soil is moist.

Unique flowerbed of onions in the house

The soil must not be allowed to dry out. If you dry it out, the roots will die.

Excessive moisture contributes to the decay of the root system.

cut greens

You can’t cut the first feathers - this advice is given by experienced gardeners

“You can’t cut the first feathers” - such advice is given by experienced gardeners

The first cut is carried out after 15 days (under good conditions) after planting onions on a feather. First you need to cut off the side feathers, you can’t touch the central ones.

What to feed and is it worth it?

"Green garden" on the windowsill does not need additional feeding. If you wish, you can increase the yield of greens by adding 50 g of wood ash to 10 liters of water.

Temperature regime

Optimum temperature for greens +20 °C

The optimum temperature is +20 °C.

Growing at a higher temperature leads to rapid aging and wilting of the bulbs. When distilling, you can not put containers with onions on the southern windowsill, it is advisable to keep them away from heating appliances.

Additional light?

If we consider the entire vegetative process from the very beginning of the forcing to the feather, then the first thing that the bulbs do is that they build up the root system and only then drive the feather out. Therefore, in order to get a good harvest, after planting the bulbs, the container with the sets will need to be moved to a cool, darkened room. At this time, intensive formation of the root system will occur.

Artificial plant lighting for better growth

Artificial plant lighting for better growth

Then the bulbs need bright lighting. In regions with short daylight hours, it is recommended to install a backlight. To do this, take fluorescent lamps and install them above the plants.

Height from lamps to containers with landings - 25-40 cm. The longer artificial lighting is used, the faster forcing will occur.

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Forcing onions on a feather as a business

Almost every housewife is engaged in growing onions on a feather. If we consider this whole process as a business, we can say that it is cost-effective. In addition, forcing is available even for beginners, as it does not require specific agricultural technology.

Therefore, entrepreneurs with minimal investment can get sufficient profit, which will depend on the amount of planted material.

Bulb and green onion

For forcing onions, housewives use the hydroponic method and germination in the soil.

It is clear that when receiving a pen in cups, there can be no talk of some kind of business, since the resulting greens are enough only for themselves. If grown for sale, you will need a certain room with installed lighting. Can be used greenhouse complexes.

A specially equipped greenhouse complex for forcing onions into feathers. In the off-season and winter, green onions will diverge with a bang. At the same time, the price at this time will be quite high.

Business benefits:

  • profitability over 150%
  • there is a constant demand for greens
  • the ability to choose varieties that can be planted all year round
  • business development can be started with a small greenhouse complex
  • agricultural technology is understandable even for beginners

The positive aspects include the fact that greens are constantly in demand, so you don’t have to spend money on advertising - the buyer is on his own, without marketing investments. Having considered the advantages, you should not think that everything is so smooth, therefore, it is necessary to recall the disadvantages of the onion forcing method on a feather.

Not all start-up entrepreneurs are ready to buy a greenhouse complex, as the cost "bites". Demand creates supply, so the price fluctuates. It should be noted that the grown products have a short shelf life.

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Onion varieties for industrial cultivation

Winter greenhouses good for forcing, but they are expensive. In order not to miscalculate later with a profit, it is required to choose certain varieties for planting, since not all of them can be driven out to the feather.

Varieties of onions that are able to give chic greens in artificial conditions:

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"Garlic arrows" of leeks

  • The onion feathers of this species look like garlic arrows growing on an edible white, fleshy stem.
  • In order for the onion to form, it is planted in shallow grooves, and then, as it grows, the soil is gradually poured.
  • From 1 m2 you can get 2 kg of greenery.
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Handsome onion batun.

Handsome bow-batun

  • In appearance, the leaves are similar to the feather of an ordinary onion.
  • A feature of the variety is the inability to form a head - the bulb itself, so entrepreneurs grow onions by sowing seeds.
  • The yield depends on the growing temperature (+15 °C) and the specific humidity (80%).
  • From 1 m2 you can collect up to 3.5 kg of greenery.




  • In addition to the feather, false bulbs are used for food, which reach a diameter of 1 cm.
  • The yield is high, with 1 m2 you can collect 3 kg.
  • But this species has its drawbacks: high yields are possible only if proper lighting is observed.
  • With a lack of light, the shoots are pulled out and there can be no talk of any presentation.
  • This species reproduces by division of rhizomes.


These are the beautiful slices that shallots form.

These are the beautiful slices that form shallots

  • It differs from ordinary onions in the structure of the bulb and enhanced branching.
  • Refers to the multi-site. Up to 10 lobules are formed simultaneously in one nest.
  • Green shoots emerge from each lobe.
  • Harvesting can be carried out as early as a month after planting on a feather.
  • From 1 m2 you get 3 kg of feather.

Slime Bow

Broad leaves of slime onion.

Broad leaves of slime onion.

  • Slizun onion feathers are quite wide and very juicy, have a pleasant garlic aroma.
  • The species is perennial, so it can be cultivated all year round.
  • The slime onion does not have a dormant period. From 1 m2 you can get 4.5 kg of greenery.
  • High yielding look. Recommended for industrial cultivation.

Tiered Bow

Tiered or Egyptian bow

Tiered or Egyptian bow

  • In the people it is also called Egyptian.
  • At the ends of the shoots, onions are formed, from which a feather then grows.
  • From planting to harvest takes up to 40 days, under good growing conditions, this period is reduced to 25 days.

In greenhouse conditions, onion forcing on a feather is carried out using the following growing methods:

  • in the soil
  • hydroponic
  • on sawdust
  • on aeroponics

Growing greens at home - all year round with vitamins: onion, parsley, basil, garlic, the subtleties of this process (Photo & Video)

Growing in winter

Growing greens at home - all year round with vitamins: onion, parsley, basil, garlic, the subtleties of this process (Photo & Video)

8.3 Total Score
home greens

Productivity depends not only on the right composition of the soil, but also on compliance with the rules of care. If you do not provide the plants with comfortable microclimatic conditions, you can be left without vitamin greens. We have tried to collect interesting and useful information for you. If you not agree with these ratings, leave your rating in the comments with reasoning Your choice. Thank you for your participation. Your opinion will be useful to other users.

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  • Source of vitamins
  • Budget Savings
  • Spending personal time on care
Buyer ratings: 4 (1 vote)

  1. To grow greenery at home, I insulated the balcony and installed two heating radiators there. Now the loggia is at room temperature. Additional lighting was not required, as I was lucky - the windows face south. I grow greens in hanging beds, which I placed around the entire perimeter of the balcony. All winter I have fresh herbs and salads on my table, thanks to which my family is fully provided with vitamins. Even the surplus remains, which I gladly distribute to disadvantaged people.

  2. To grow greenery at home, I insulated the balcony and installed two heating radiators there. Now the loggia is at room temperature. Additional lighting was not required, as I was lucky - the windows face south. I grow greens in hanging beds, which I placed around the entire perimeter of the balcony. All winter I have fresh herbs and salads on my table, thanks to which my family is fully provided with vitamins. Even the surplus remains, which I gladly distribute to disadvantaged people.

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