Every year, every thrifty housewife may have old stocks of uneaten sweet blanks, namely jam. No need to worry and think about where to put it, because it can ferment and have to be thrown away. Below are simple recipes for homemade wine from jam, so you can use the leftover natural products to your advantage.

Need to know

Homemade wine is a drink with a sweet and sour taste and a strength of 10-14%. To increase the strength, you can additionally add alcohol, but such a drink will no longer be considered wine.
It is necessary to responsibly select and prepare the container. It is desirable that it be made of glass or non-oxidizing materials (enamelled or stainless steelware). Cooking wine in plastic containers is also not recommended, because. this material, in reaction with alcohols, can spoil the taste of the finished product.
Sterility of containers is a prerequisite at all stages. Everything is carefully cleaned with soda and steam sterilized.
A sweet preparation, even fermented, from any berry can be used. The main thing is that there is no mold. Such a product is not suitable for making a wine drink.

Wine from jam
All ingredients are mixed only with wooden objects. Contact of wine with metal is unacceptable.
In order not to affect the safety of the finished wine, it is better not to add granulated sugar when bottling. If necessary, add sweetness to the finished drink, add sugar immediately before use.
Yeast used for baking is not desirable for making wine. We need a special yeast called wine. They are able to process sugar into alcohol, as well as preserve the unique aroma and taste of the drink. They can be bought ready-made. They are called cultural. Or make your own wild yeast.
Below it is proposed to consider the ways in which you can freely make yeast and wine.


Wild yeast in the form of a white bloom
The skin of almost all berry fruits is inhabited by wild yeast.
But there are types that are best suited:
- grape
- raisin
- raspberries
- strawberry
- currant
- plum
- apples
Raw materials are collected in the morning and evening. The weather should be calm, dry (at least a day after rain). Fruits are selected not rotten, not blackened and always without mold. If raisins are taken as raw materials, it is better to buy different varieties at once in several stores. Not all raisins may be suitable, because. it is often treated with chemicals for storage, which kills the yeast.
You also need water (clean, not chlorinated), granulated sugar and a liter container.

Homemade jam wine
- The container is sterilized
- 0.1 kg of unwashed fruits are poured into a container, kneaded
- 0.6 l of water is poured (20-350C)
- Added 2 tbsp. l. Sahara. Everything is mixed up
- The container is covered with a clean cloth and transferred to a darkened room. Yeast will need 3-4 days to activate
- The dough is considered ready as soon as foam, hiss and a sour smell appear. It can be stored up to 10 days.To prevent souring, a glove with a puncture on the finger is installed on the jar
The sourdough is not filtered if it is added to the juice with pulp. You need to strain when mixing with pure juice, because. the thick part does not apply here.

In the presence of a fermenting wine drink, especially one prepared with cultural yeast, the following method is applied:
- Take a half liter jar
- The surface layer of the fermenting drink (30-50 ml) is collected in a container
- Added 1.5 tbsp. l. sugar and 350 ml of purified water. Everything is mixed up
- The container is covered with a clean cloth and cleaned in a darkened warm room for 3-4 days.
- The starter is filtered and ready to use. Stores in the refrigerator in an airtight container for up to 3 weeks

Wine sediment also contains fungi
The necessary fungi are also found in the wine sediment.
According to this method of preparation, wine yeast is obtained in dry form. They can be stored for a long time.
- The wine sediment is spread over a shallow container in a thin layer and dried. It is important to know that when heated above 350C, fungi die.
- The dried powder is collected in a bag (paper, polyethylene) and stored in a dry place. Shelf life - 2 years
To activate dry yeast:
- Take 1/3 tsp. powder and poured into a container
- 0.3 l of water at room temperature is poured and 2 tsp are added. Sahara. Adding 2 dried fruits (dates, prunes, dried apricots), steamed in boiling water, will increase the nutrient medium of the sourdough
- A water seal is installed on the container. Sourdough is removed for fermentation
- The appearance of foam indicates the readiness of the yeast


Banks with a water seal
Before proceeding with the direct production of a noble drink, you need to stock up on the following items:
- jar (bottle) from 3 or more liters
- nylon cover or gauze
- rubber glove (medical) or hydraulic seal
Jam can be taken absolutely any. It is advisable to cook from one type of berry so as not to lose the uniqueness of taste.

Recipe number 1: no yeast

Recipe number 1: no yeast
- Jam (any) - 1 l
- Water - 1 l
- Raisins - 0.1 kg
The work is done in the following order:
- A 3-liter container is taken and carefully washed and then sterilized (possible ingress of bacteria can ruin the future drink)
- A sweet preparation is transferred to a clean vessel. Warm water is added
- Raisins fall asleep (not washed)
- Everything is mixed with a long wooden spatula.
- The vessel is covered with a napkin and placed in a darkened corner (not in the cold). A temperature of 23-250C is ideal to start fermentation. To protect from light, the container can be covered with a compacted cloth.
- Everything is left for 5 days. The contents must be stirred daily. After some time (approximately 20 hours), the first signs of fermentation will appear:
- sour smell
- foam
- hiss
- At the end of the set time, all the thick (pulp) located on top is removed
- A new container with a throat is being prepared. It is also washed and sterilized
- The contents of 1 container are well filtered into the 2nd. The container can only be filled 3/4
- Then a medical glove is taken, put on a vessel and firmly fixed. A hole is pierced in her finger with a needle
- Everything is removed again for 1-2 months. The readiness of the drink will be indicated by a glove that deflates and sediment at the bottom of the container
- The wine is drained from the sediment with care
- Everything is being tried.If necessary, sugar and alcohol are added (for taste and strength)
- For storage, the finished wine is poured down the throat to prevent air inside, and tightly closed. Must be kept refrigerated. Before use, it is aged for 2 to 5 months. When a precipitate forms, it is filtered

Recipe number 2: the fastest

Recipe number 2: the fastest
- Jam (any) - 1 l
- Water - 2 l
- Rice (round) - 0.2 kg
- Yeast (live) - 20 g
Manufacturing workflow:
- A vessel with a throat is taken and carefully prepared (washed, sterilized)
- Then the components are poured, warm water is poured. Everything is mixed up
- The glove is installed. A hole is made in it. For reliability, it is fixed with a rope.
- Dishes with contents are removed in a warm, darkened corner for 2-3 days
- At the end of the allotted time, the finished drink, with care so as not to get sediment, is drained
- The work is done. The wine turns out pleasant, real and in a short time. It can be used immediately

Recipe number 3: from a fermented product

Recipe number 3: from a fermented product
- Jam (fermented) - 1.5 l
- Sugar - 1 tbsp.
- Water - 1.5 l
- Raisins - 1 tbsp. l
Manufacturing procedure:
- A 5 liter bottle is taken. It must be thoroughly washed and sterilized.
- In a separate large saucepan, mix all the ingredients until smooth. The resulting mass is transferred to the working container (filling should be incomplete, by 2/3)
- 2 gloves are taken and put on the container. They are carefully fixed. A hole is pre-pierced in them.
- Future wine is removed in a warm, darkened room and waited for several weeks. Fermentation is considered complete when the gloves are deflated.
- After the required time has elapsed, the liquid is filtered. Added 0.5 tbsp. Sahara. Everything is spilled, tightly closed and again removed for a couple of months
- After the specified time, the wine is carefully filtered from the sludge. The ingress of sediment into the finished product is excluded
- The wine is ready. For storage, it is bottled down to the very throat and tightly corked.

Recipe number 4: with dry yeast

Recipe number 4: with dry yeast
- Jam (any) - 1 l
- Water - 1 l
- Rice (round) - 1 tbsp.
- Yeast (dry) - 7 g
Manufacturing procedure:
- A 3-liter bowl is being prepared (washed, sterilized)
- Then rice, yeast are poured out, mixed. Water pours in. Next comes jam (a fermented product can also be used). Once again everything is thoroughly mixed.
- A glove is put on the dishes. She's pierced ahead of time. The glove is strong
- Future wine is set aside for 2 weeks. in a room that is warm and dark. During this time, a precipitate forms and the liquid becomes clear.
- After a couple of weeks, everything is removed in the refrigerator for 2-3 days
- The liquid is carefully filtered, tasted. You can sweeten if necessary. The wine is ready to drink. For storage, it is packaged and tightly corked.

Recipe number 5: apricot

Recipe number 5: apricot
- Jam (apricot) - 1 l
- Water - 1 l
- Sugar - 0.1 kg
Stages of work:
- A vessel is prepared, which is thoroughly washed and sterilized
- Jam is laid out, water is poured, sugar is poured. Everything is mixed up
- The contents are covered with a cloth and put away in a warm dark corner for 1-2 weeks.
- At the end of fermentation, the pulp rises to the surface. It needs to be removed. The liquid is filtered. More sugar is added
- A medical glove is placed on the container. It is pre-pierced. So that she does not fly off, strengthens
- The container is left warm for 3 months. The wine should ferment well
- After a while, the liquid is filtered. Wine ready to drink

Recipe number 6: raspberry

Recipe number 6: raspberry
- Jam (raspberries) - 1 l
- Water - 1 l
- Raisins - 0.11 kg
Work process:
- A large dish is being prepared. Must be thoroughly cleaned and sterilized
- Components (jam, water, raisins) are laid out and mixed
- The container is covered with cloth and set aside in a non-cold, dark place for 10 days.
- After the set time, the pulp is removed from the surface, the liquid is filtered and poured into the bottle again.
- A glove is put on the neck, pierced in advance, and tied tightly over the top
- The bottle is removed for 40 days
- At the end of fermentation (when the glove is deflated), the drink becomes transparent
- The finished wine is poured into storage containers. Sludge ingress is unacceptable. The bottles are tightly closed and put away in a cool place for a couple of months, so that the wine brews and acquires richness and brightness of taste.
Raspberry jam wine
Homemade jam wine: 7 simple recipes for everyone

Recipe number 7: strawberry

Recipe number 7: strawberry
- Jam (Strawberry) - 1 l
- Raisins - 0.13 kg
- Water - 2.5 l
Work is carried out in the following order:
- Raisins are poured with warm water
- The jam is diluted with water. The temperature of the product and water must be the same
- All ingredients are transferred to a prepared container, on the neck of which a glove is put on, pre-pierced
- The container is removed for 3 weeks. As soon as the glove deflates, it means that the fermentation is over.
- The mass is filtered. The liquid is poured into another container, aged for another 3 days
- The finished wine is poured into small containers. After another 3 days. you can taste the drink

Pleasant enjoyment
- When after 50 days active fermentation continues, the process stops urgently. The drink is carefully drained from the sediment, filtered, and then left to ferment for a couple of days. If you skip this moment, the drink will be bitter. It will be impossible to fix this taste with anything.
- In the manufacture of wine candied honey can be used. It will only need to be stirred longer in water. Water should be warm, because. cold will delay stirring. Unmelted particles may melt in the process or be filtered out at the end of the work.
- Homemade wine can be stored for up to 3 years, subject to storage rules. The optimum storage temperature is 15-160C. It is unacceptable to shake the bottles or put them in direct sunlight. The longer the wine sits, the more intense the taste will be.

Home wine
Thanks to the proposed recipes, you do not have to throw out jam from old stocks. They will be put to good use. On warm, cozy evenings you can enjoy delicious, natural home-made wine.
Cooking WINE from JAM / Saving Fermented Jam
Homemade jam wine: 7 simple recipes for everyone