Dipladenia (Dipladenia) or Mandevilla (Mandevilla) is an evergreen plant from the Kutrovye family. In its natural habitat it can be found in Central and South America.
Due to the fact that different types of the same plant were discovered by botanists at the same time, the tropical beauty received a double name.
Growing diplomaticia at home fills the house with rich colors: huge bright flowers against the backdrop of glossy foliage fit perfectly into the interior design.

Botanical description

South American beauty all in bloom
Diplatia or Brazilian balsam or Chilean jasmine is a perennial indoor plant. The root system has a good branching, the rhizome gradually becomes woody. The stems of room vines are quite flexible, with good care they reach 2 m in height.
In the first years of cultivation, the plant does not require support, as young shoots grow vertically, then it will need props.. With age, the bark of the shoots becomes rough, acquires a light brown hue.

summer stay in the garden
The ovate or oval petiolate leaves with a pointed tip are arranged oppositely. On bright green glossy leaf plates, the central vein is clearly visible. The leaves themselves, depending on the species, can reach a length of 15 cm.
You can admire the flowering of mandeville already a year after planting the plant. Single flowers of various shades: yellow, white, red, pink flowers appear in the axils of the leaves, as well as on young shoots.
Flowers in diameter - from 8 cm. They look like open funnels, lanceolate petals, sitting separately. During flowering, a pleasant sweetish aroma spreads around the room.

Types of mandevilla

There are up to 40 species of diplatia in the genus. The plant can be easily grown at home, it grows and blooms beautifully. Some decorative varieties are especially popular among flower growers.
Diploidia shiny (Dipladenia splendens)

Dipladenia splendens
Flexible shoots of climbing vines reach 4 m in length. Oval leaf plates with a blunt edge grow up to 20 cm in length.
The wide petals of huge flowers are painted pink, bracts – dark crimson, the color of the pharynx is yellow.
diplomacy sander (Dipladenia sanderi)

Dipladenia sanderi
Evergreen climber with long, smooth shoots, with good care reaching 3 m in length. Green pointed leathery leaves are arranged oppositely.Racemes of delicate inflorescences rise from the sinuses. The diameter of bright pink flowers with a yellow throat is 8 cm.
Loose diplatia (Mandevilla laxa)

Mandevilla laxa
A powerful plant is characterized by rapid growth. Curly shoots, as it were, are covered with warts. In their natural habitat, the stems can reach 6 m in length. The ovate leaves are grey-green. The upper surface of the leaf plate is glossy, the lower surface is pubescent. Length - 15 cm.
Fragrant cream or white flowers with a diameter of 5 cm are collected in 5-8 pieces. in one brush. The species is not afraid of temperatures dropping to +9 °C. Liana is considered a deciduous plant, but when grown at home does not shed foliage.
Diploding Bolivian (Dipladenia bolewiensis)

Dipladenia bolewiensis
The stems of an elegant plant are slightly pubescent. Dark green small leaves with a glossy surface are arranged oppositely. The Bolivian rose blooms with pink flowers. In shape, they resemble a twisted funnel - funnel-shaped. A light border runs along the edge of the wavy petals. In one brush there are from 5 to 8 buds.
diplomacy excellent (Mandevilla eximia)

Mandevilla eximia
The thin stems of an evergreen climbing plant have a slight pubescence. Broad oval leaves with a pointed tip are attached to the stem with short petioles. In racemose inflorescences, there are up to 5-6 bright pink flowers with a red bract. Flowers in diameter - 8 centimeters.

Growing and care at home

Dipladenia (Mandevilla) - home care
South American origin does not affect the care of the plant. With the onset of the warm season, diplomaticia can be transplanted into the garden. During the growing season, the mandevilla will receive a sufficient amount of light, heat and moisture. But she has her own growing habits.
Temperature regime

Saturated colors - a bright accent
To restrain the growth of the southern beauty, you should put the pot with the plant in a room with a temperature not higher than +15 degrees. In order to avoid rotting of the root system, the thermometer should not be allowed to fall below +12 ° C.
Such conditions are necessary to protect the root system from hypothermia. If you neglect this rule, the roots will die off.
The summer temperature of the content should be within + 20-25 ° C. This will promote good growth and abundant flowering. During the growing season, it is necessary to open the window so that fresh air enters the plant. But! Heat-loving culture does not tolerate drafts! Spraying will help maintain the necessary humidity.
In the warm season, you can take the vine to the terrace or balcony. But when kept on a balcony in hot weather, it is necessary to shade the flower from sunlight.
Air humidity

Diplomatic cultivation and care
The plant does not need high humidity, so it can be kept under normal conditions. In winter, it is advisable to reduce watering and move the flower pots to a cool room.
Hot, dry air emanating from heating devices will negatively affect the further development and flowering of diplosion.
Watering rules

Mandevilla (Diplosion)
In the summer, the earthen coma should not be allowed to dry out. Watering is carried out as needed. All excess water will drain through special drainage holes into the pan. It needs to be drained. The representative of the tropics does not tolerate stagnant water! This must not be allowed! In autumn and winter, the frequency of watering is reduced, the volume of water is reduced.
Water for irrigation should not contain lime. It is better to use cooled boiled water. From time to time it must be acidified so that the water is slightly acidic.
To make an excellent tropical beauty pleasing to the eye and constantly blooming in a hanging planter, You will have to remember and follow these simple rules of care.

Mandivilla fertilizer
From timely contributions fertilizer depends on the quality of flowering, the formation of buds. During the growing season, it should be fed once every 2 weeks, using fertilizers for flower crops for this purpose. With a lack of nutrients, mineral fertilizers are carefully applied to the soil, spreading them strictly according to the instructions.
Under natural conditions, diplomaticia is in bloom all year round. It is also possible to achieve constant flowering of mandeville at home if you organize artificial lighting over the pot with the plant and do not forget to feed.

Abundant flowering depends on proper care
The flower prefers bright diffused light, therefore, when choosing a location, it is better to stay on the eastern windowsill.
Ventilation is a must as a "breath of fresh air" favorably affects the development of the southern beauty.
For wintering, it is recommended to move to a cool room. In winter, when diploidia is resting, the amount of light does not play a role, but overly moist soil can kill the plant.

Transplant rules

Growing a plant in a greenhouse
Adult specimens need to be transplanted 1 time in 2 years. Humus must first be introduced into the soil. During the procedure, the soil is renewed, the plant consumes all the necessary substances from the soil and quickly grows green mass.
At home, you can prepare a sand mixture that will have a slightly acidic reaction and consist of:
- sod and leaf land
- humus
- coarse sand
- peat
The sand must be exactly coarse-grained, to provide better aeration.
Transplantation is carried out in the spring. In order not to damage the root system during the extraction of the plant from the ground, first they pour an earthen ball well, and then carefully remove it from the pot. If the plant cuttings accidentally break off during transplantation, it doesn’t matter, they can be rooted and new specimens can be obtained to replenish your collection.
In containers at the bottom, it is imperative to lay a layer of drainage. It is recommended to constantly loosen the soil after watering.


Cuttings Diplosion
For propagation of diplatia, the seed method, cuttings and rooting of the antennae are used. It is easiest to propagate by cuttings.
Reproduction by seeds

Beauty grown from seeds
Diplodia seeds can be found in specialized stores. Good germination is observed at a temperature of +23 °C. Sowing seeds should be done in a light, breathable fertile soil with a slightly acidic reaction, mixed with perlite. Moisten the potting mix with a fine mist sprayer to avoid swamping. If the soil is too wet, the seeds will die.
During germination, the container must be covered with a film. Some flower growers cover with glass.
The first shoots will appear after 2-3 months. At this time, it is necessary to ventilate the plantings and make sure that the earth does not acidify and mold does not form on the surface of the soil.
Reproduction by antennae

Varietal diplatia with chic flower colors
At the top of the shoots, twisted formations can be seen. These are mustaches. In other words - apical unripened cuttings.
To get a complete plant, you will need to bend the unbranched shoots to the fork to the ground, pin the antennae.
When the roots appear the plant is planted in a new substrate.

Summer move to the garden
Cuttings are cut mainly in spring and summer. To do this, choose a healthy diplosion bush. You need to cut the cuttings from the mother bush, from young, not yet lignified shoots.
Each cut cutting should have 2 pairs of leaves. You can root in disposable cups, on the bottom of which it is necessary to lay drainage. At the bottom, you can pour crumbs, cover the bottom with pebbles, expanded clay. Roots appear quickly if the room temperature is + 25 ° C. After all, you need to place the cups with the cuttings in a mini-greenhouse to stimulate the formation of roots. It is recommended to ventilate the greenhouse daily to remove condensate.
Watered as needed. Waterlogging can lead to the death of planting material. After a month, you can see the first roots. Now you need to transplant small plants to a permanent place.
When propagated by stem cuttings taken from varietal diplatia with double flowers, some of them do not want to form roots. In this case, rooting with antennae is recommended, since during seed reproduction, children do not repeat maternal signs.

Mandeville pruning rules

Indoor liana is characterized by rapid growth, every year its shoots are pulled out, so flower growers shorten them. If you do not control the growth of a beauty, you can get gorgeous thickets in a short time.
Timely pruning stimulates shoot formation, rejuvenates and heals the plant.
Before pruning, you should carefully examine the diplosion and select 4-5 well-developed shoots.
Pruning should be done in early spring or autumn. During the procedure, it is recommended to remove weakened shoots, damaged and too long. The remaining shoots should be 1/3 of the original length. Branched ones should also be shortened.

Diseases and pests

Diplatia, like other indoor plants, is subject to pest invasion and sometimes gets sick.
powdery mildew

powdery mildew
A rather insidious disease from which all flowers sufferMandevilla is no exception.
When the disease occurs, a white coating appears on the leaves of the plant. Leaf plates become, as if powdered with flour. They lose their brightness, growth stops. For the fight, you can use folk remedies and special preparations.
The fighting methods are simple. A good effect is the treatment of the flower with lemon juice. For treatment, you will need to squeeze the juice from a lemon, moisten a swab in it and wipe the affected areas.

The pest appears as a result of improper care. The worm feeds on the sap of the plant, holding back its development. In the presence of the parasite, there will be no flowering, and the leaves will also fall off.
Causes of worm infection:
- watering with poor quality water
- insufficient lighting
- keeping in a cool room
- high humidity
- the presence of larvae in the soil
- lack of proper care
It is possible to understand that a plant is affected by a mealybug by some signs. The plant will look drooping, there will be no growth, the buds will appear deformed.
Little mosquitoes that fly near the pot - another sign of the appearance of worms.
An infusion of garlic will help in the fight against the pest. To prepare a working solution, you will need to peel a large head of garlic, pass it through a garlic maker and steam 200 ml of boiling water and leave for 4 hours to infuse. Then you need to wash the plant with the prepared solution.
Whitefly, scale insect and spider mite

whitefly infestation
These pests cause irreparable harm to diplatia, especially harmful to flowering plants. Their appearance is provoked by improper care, the spider mite appears with increased dryness of the air. Insects infect tender foliage, inhibit plant growth. As a result, the southern beauty cannot bloom, the leaves crumble.
If you see the problem in time, you can wipe the plant with a swab, soaked in a solution of acidified water with the addition of liquid soap.
Whiteflies are easier to deal with. It is enough to spray the flower, for example, Fitoverm or Aktara insecticides. "Aktellik" is also suitable.
The fight with the shield is very difficult. Before treating with insecticides, it is important to treat with a soapy solution.

Problems that can be encountered when growing diploidia

Problems growing mandevilla
In addition to plant damage by various pests and diseases, with improper care, yellowing of the leaves and lack of flowering in mandeville can be observed.
Why do leaves turn yellow and fall off? Yellowing and falling leaves can be due to several reasons. To find out why the foliage turned yellow, you need to isolate the diseased diplasia from healthy plants.
- The yellowing of the foliage is primarily due to the presence of pests. It can be a scale insect, spider mite or whitefly. After excluding the presence of such, we can conclude that the plant was not provided with proper care. It is possible that watering was irregular, insufficient or excessive
- The leaves turn yellow when the plant is kept in a cool room.
So that diplomaticia always pleases with its beautiful view, glossy foliage and abundant flowering, it is necessary to provide it with proper care.
Lack of flowering. With what it can be connected? The most common mistake is keeping the plant in a poorly lit room. Mandevilla will not bloom with a lack of natural light.
In addition, watering affects the formation of buds. In warm weather, watering is carried out as the earthen coma dries out, and during the dormant period - as needed.

Variety with rich pink flowers
From time to time the plant should be sprayed. Proper feeding also affects flowering. You need to fertilize 2 times a month.
The flower does not tolerate mustiness, Therefore, the room must be regularly ventilated.
The lack of flowering may be due to growing the plant in a tight pot or several pieces in one container.
For the formation of buds, it is necessary to maintain the optimum temperature, and throughout the year. In summer - +20-24 °C, and in winter - +16 °C. If the conditions are met, you can be sure that diplatia will delight you with flowering.
In order to avoid all sorts of problems with the content of the mandeville, it is important to take preventive measures in time, inspect the plant for damage. The sooner a problem is detected, the sooner you can find a way out of the situation and save the flower.
Ampel diplatia is used to decorate supports, tapestry and vertical structures in the hall, living room, hall. Since the sap of the plant is poisonous, a flowerpot with a flower should not be installed in the children's room and in the kitchen. If you properly care for the representative of the Kutrovye family, the queen of indoor flowers will allow you to enjoy her fragrant flowers. And you can get acquainted with competent care during flowering by watching the video
VIDEO: Diplosion - competent care during the flowering period
Diplosion - competent care during the flowering period
Diplatia (Mandevilla) at home: types, methods of reproduction, cultivation, transplantation, Reasons for the lack of flowering and yellowing of the leaves | (80+ Photos)