Do-it-yourself playground in the country: play, sports | (100 Original Photo Ideas & Videos)

Do-it-yourself playground in the country

Do-it-yourself playground in the country

You can relax from the hustle and bustle of the city in a country house or in the country. In addition, fresh air and beautiful landscapes favorably affect the restoration of strength and health. All this is about adults, but what about kids. How can you diversify their pastime outside the city? Playgrounds in the country - this is exactly what little summer residents will be delighted with.

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Starting a project to build a playground in the country, you need to consider whether it is so important? Answering this question, we understand that personal space for a child is mandatory. When going to the dacha for recreation, kids should understand that they, like adults, have their own possessions.

Three swings and a house

Toddler Recreation Area

Having taken the time to build the site, and especially if the work was carried out with the direct participation of small summer residents, they will feel care and love. In addition, watching dad perform work, the child can learn many useful things.A huge benefit not only for kids, but also for adults.

In then inThe time when the child is busy playing on the playground, adults can take care of their beds or other country activities. And so that the time spent by the baby is not wasted, it is necessary to think carefully about the filling of the site. During the game, the child must develop.

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The main thing is safety

Like any building, the playground plan is well thought out. And since we are talking about small children, safety measures should come first.

When equipping the elements, you must adhere to the basic rules:

The placement of complexes should be guided by compliance with safety rules.

The placement of complexes should be guided by compliance with safety rules.


When installing the swing, provide on all sides a free space of about 2 m in front and behind.


The surface of the playground is provided with a soft surface, as kids often fall and can be injured.

Lawn grass will be the ideal covering in the country.

Children's playground with a green lawn

Be sure to pay attention to safe coverage on the site


Supporting elements, that is, embedded swings, slides and other structures, go deep into the soil by no less than 0.5 m


In addition, they must be fixed with concrete or any other reliable method.

Since almost all structures on the site will be built of wood, all elements and details must be very carefully sanded and covered with paint or varnish. The paint material must be for outdoor use.

wooden playground

The surface of all elements must be processed and painted with bright shades.

The dimensions of the structures on the playground should be calculated according to the age of the child:

  • If the child is still a preschooler, then the dimensions of the sandbox should correspond to indicators from 170 × 170 cm, and the height of the slide or swing should not exceed 150 cm.
  • For slightly older children, the height of the slide is from 250 to 350 m, and the swing is 250 cm.

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painted picture of playground

To create a playground where children will forget about time and be completely absorbed in games, you only need to make your childhood dreams come true

We are sure your child will love them too. Any business requires careful planning. The playground is no exception.

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Site selection

At the first stage of planning - choose a suitable place for the personal space of the child. In addition, the choice should be based on the age of the baby and the functional purpose.

If the children are very small, then place the playground in a well-visible place. Children should always be in sight. Therefore, you should choose a place in the immediate vicinity of the house.

For small children, a playground is placed near the house.

For small children, a playground is placed near the house.

For older children, play and sports grounds should be combined. In this case, the place is chosen a little further away from the buildings, so that during the game, for example, with the ball, windows and so on do not suffer. For this purpose, you need a little more space.

Older children can additionally equip sports grounds.

Older children can additionally equip playgrounds

It is good if at least a few trees grow in the allotted area, in the shade of which the children will be in the hot time of the day. If this is not possible, then you will have to build a small shed or a children's house. It is also necessary to consider protection from winds and drafts.

To do this, shrubs can be planted around the perimeter.

It is necessary to clearly define the boundaries of children's space so that they do not use flower beds and beds.

When erecting structures on the site, there is no need to adhere to a single style with a country house. On the contrary, it should be bright, colorful, like a fairy tale. It is also worth consulting with future owners.

Find out what their preferences are and what they would like to have on their site. After the place is determined, you need to worry about the surface. All drops are removed, and the terrain is carefully leveled.

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Filling of playgrounds - diagrams and drawings

Options for a set of structures for children's games can be very diverse. In this regard, everything is individual. But there are key points without which it is impossible to imagine any modern playground.

Playground layout

Layout of mounting supports


An indispensable element that must be present - sandbox. This is especially true for the smallest owners. It is there that the kids love to poke around, create their masterpieces from the sand. Playing with sand figures is good for developing fine motor skills in children. Growing up, novice builders will be able to build sand castles and more here.


The next element is swing. At this point, there is no doubt. Every child dreams of a swing.


Slides are an element that captures the spirit of every child. And if in addition to equip more simplified labyrinths, then the kids will forget about the existence of adults.


Recently it has become fashionable to build children's houses. You can retire and play in them, especially when it rains. This is a good option for hiding when playing hide and seek. If it is not possible to build a house, you can build a hut from improvised materials.

Indicative plan of space for children's entertainment

Indicative plan of space for children's entertainment

If space permits, several sports facilities can be installed.

For example:

  • horizontal bar
  • basketball hoop
  • Swedish wall
  • football goal

In the hot season, you can install an inflatable pool and install a sun lounger. The rest is a flight of fancy. The more imagination, which is supported by opportunities, the more interesting the children's corner will be.

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Installation of structures

After the scheme is drawn up, proceed to the direct execution of work. Next, we will talk about how to build these structures with your own hands. Do not forget to take the future little owners of the site as assistants.


The main attribute in the play corner is the sandbox. It is played with the same enthusiasm by both very young children and older children.

It is not difficult to build it and the material costs are not high.

  • Start by preparing a place to install a sandbox
  • First, break the markup according to the finished scheme
  • Then they remove the ball of fertile soil
  • It should go deeper by about 30 cm
  • Further, a slight depression is provided in the center
  • In the prepared mini-pit, they are first filled with drainage: pebbles or gravel

To mount the ground part of the sandbox, you need to stock up on material. It will take up to 12 boards 20 mm thick, 100 cm wide and 1800 mm long.

The sides of the sandbox will consist of two boards. To connect them, it is necessary to provide grooves. They are arranged in the following way.

From each edge of the board make markings:

  • Edge clearance 150 mm
  • Depth is half the board
  • The width of the groove corresponds to the thickness of the board - 20 mm
  • Along the mark, a cut is made along the depth of the groove, and then with the help of a chisel, the excess is removed

The principle of assembling a wooden sandbox

Assembly principle

After all the boards are ready, they begin to assemble them. Boards are alternately inserted into the grooves until the structure is fully assembled. For rigidity of the structure, the corners are additionally reinforced with bars with a section of 30 × 30 mm. They are located in the inner part of the sandbox and fastened with self-tapping screws.

After the sides of the sandbox are ready, they begin to create amenities. Seating needs to be provided. To do this, the remaining boards are attached to the edges of the sides in a horizontal position. Here you can show imagination in terms of the location of the benches.

The sandbox must be painted with bright colors.

The sandbox must be painted with bright colors

This is one of the simple sandbox options. This model can be improved. For example, make benches with backs or make a closing sandbox.


It is impossible to imagine a playground without swings. It is difficult to find a child who would not like to rise to the sky on a swing with bated breath. During planning, it is necessary to allocate a place for a swing, at least 2 × 3 m.

For a safe move, it is necessary to provide that even with the maximum swing, foreign objects do not meet on the way of the swing.

Wooden swing

Every child's dream swing

Build a swing it's not that hard.

To do this, stock up:

  • material for racks and crossbars, it is better if these are metal pipes
  • wooden seating boards
  • strong ropes, carabiners
  • Work begins with reliable digging in of racks.
  • It is necessary to deepen at least 0.5 m with obligatory fixing with concrete

In the event that the parent has even the slightest skills in carpentry, then the seat can be made for convenience with a back.

In the event that the parent has even the slightest carpentry skills, then the seat can be made for convenience with a back


Racks before digging in must be treated with a protective agent. If metal pipes are used, they are treated with bitumen. The processing of wooden structures is carried out antiseptics.


A crossbar is attached to the racks. In the case of working with metal elements, the crossbar is mounted by welding.


The seating board is well sanded and coated with varnishes.


Two ropes are securely fixed on both sides of the seat, the opposite ends of the ropes are attached to the crossbar with carabiners.


The dream of every child is to have a real slide on the playground. Of course, in its manufacture will have to show skill. But the game is worth the candle.

First you need to prepare the material. Boards are carefully polished, get rid of splinters and roughness. After that, they cut and prepare the parts for assembly according to the scheme. After the blanks are ready, they assemble according to the drawing.

An example of a finished slide scheme

An example of a finished slide scheme

When performing work, we control the reliability and strength of fasteners. The safety of the little owners of the slide depends on this.

After installation work, the structure must be coated with paints and varnishes. The brighter the colors are used, the more attractive the slide will have.

When building a slide for kids over 6 years old, you can additionally equip ladders and horizontal bars of different levels.

Swing and ladder combination

Swing and ladder combination

Next, we provide the space that is located directly in front of the slide. The descent must end with a soft landing. Therefore, a safe cover is being considered.

In this capacity can act: lawn grass, well-sifted sand or a special synthetic material that has recently been used to cover sports fields.

Options for children's houses

Houses in which you can hide from the all-seeing eye of your parents are very popular with children. Moreover, what it is built from is not of particular importance. It can be a tent, a hut or a wooden house. And if children were directly involved in the construction, then there will be no limit to delight.

The most common way of arranging a summer house, known since the childhood of the parents themselves, is a hut. A lot of names have been invented for such a structure: headquarters, "chalabuda" and so on.

A hut for the guys is very quickly built from improvised materials.

From improvised materials, a hut for children is very quickly built

Here are some examples of building a hut:

A simple and cheap option is performed in the following way

  • Several poles are prepared, which are installed in a cone shape
  • At the top of the formed figure, a reliable connection is made
  • To give naturalness and the purpose of rapprochement with nature, climbing plants are planted around the structure.
  • In a few weeks, they will braid the structure completely
  • But it is not necessary to wait for the plants. It is possible to build a cover from fabric and pull it over the frame of the hut

A quick way to build a hut is with the help of fabric and a sports hoop. It is necessary to sew a tent from the fabric, the upper part of which has the dimensions of the circumference of the hoop. The lower part is expanded. Attach the fabric to the hoop and hang the structure from the tree.

Cozy hut for kids.

Cozy hut for kids

If the goal is to build a real house, then the choice of material is large. The building itself is erected according to the frame type. Houses can be arranged both at ground level and on a hill.

Children's house - a personal space for a child

children's house - personal space for the child


To begin, the frame is mounted


Blocks are laid on the ground, which are the basis of the house


A beam with a section of 80 × 80 mm is laid on them and connected so that the result is a rectangle


Racks are installed in each corner of the structure. They support walls and roofs.


These elements can be built from boards or slabs can be used. OSB, chipboard and more


It is much easier to work with plates, and their cost is lower.

Some interesting ideas

Arrangement of a zone for children's games in the fresh air is best done according to the interests of the child. In addition to the complexes provided, you can add a few more elements.

Here are some photos:

The device of the mini pool will delight the kids. This can be achieved thanks to inflatable pools.

The device of the mini pool will delight the kids. This can be achieved thanks to inflatable pools

Many children love to draw or sculpt from plasticine. To do this, you need to install a table and chairs.

Many children love to draw or sculpt from plasticine. To do this, you need to install a table and chairs.

Fidgets can equip a rope maze.

Fidgets can equip a rope maze

The construction of sports equipment with the help of stumps and logs.

Construction of sports equipment using stumps and logs

An outdoor shower in hot weather is just a great idea.

An outdoor shower in hot weather is just a great idea.

The site decor should be bright and attractive.

The site decor should be bright and attractive.

Decorating the site is an important point. The more colorful it is framed, the more it will attract kids.

You can complement the interior with different figures:

Yes, and the complexes themselves can be performed non-standard. For example, a sandbox can be beaten in the form of a piece.

For boys, the design of the car is ideal, for girls - a flower meadow.

For example, a model of a car or a boat

Plantings are thought out for additional decor.In general, there are almost no restrictions. The main thing is to show imagination.

VIDEO: How to make a paradise for children in the country?

Do-it-yourself playground in the country: playground, sports

How to make a paradise for children in the country?

Do-it-yourself playground in the country: play, sports | (100 Original Photo Ideas & Videos)

9.5 Total Score
Children's playground in the country

We tried to collect all the necessary information for you and bring some interesting, fresh ideas for arranging our little cozy corner. If you do not agree with these ratings, leave your rating in the comments with the reasoning for your choice. Your opinion will be useful to other users.

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  • Children will be happy to be in the fresh air and will not overly demand your attention.
  • Children can not only play, but also engage in physical training
  • Not small dimensions
  • Often lack of mobility
Buyer ratings: 5 (1 vote)

1 comment
  1. I would like to discuss the coverage for the sites in a separate topic. Many write that all grass is better - but care is needed there, even if it is artificial. And how long will she live on the playground? Rubber coating is not environmentally friendly... is there such information?

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