Derain is an ornamental plant native to Europe, which has recently gained immense popularity among gardeners, as it is considered an unpretentious plant, planting and caring for which does not cause any particular difficulties. Belongs to the dogwood family. In nature, it can be found in the temperate zone. It grows on the edge of the forest, near forest plantations, in thickets of shrubs. Under natural conditions, the length of flexible shoots can reach 4 m. Young branches are first painted green, then acquire a reddish tint.

Species and varieties
Recently, selection work has been carried out to develop new varieties, mostly variegated, since the flowers of the derain are not to say that they are very beautiful. The varieties are especially charming in autumn, when plain shoots are painted in different shades of red.

Derain in bloom
Recently bred variegated varieties with white and golden patches. Breeding work on breeding new specimens is carried out mainly in Germany.

Derain is white, shoots are painted in coral color
Tall shrub with flexible, thin shoots, reaching a length of 3 m. Shoots of white derain can be painted red, reddish-brown, coral. The leaves point straight up. Leaf plates have a broadly elliptical shape, a pointed top. The bottom of the leaf is lighter, 10 cm long. With the onset of autumn, the leaves turn red with a purple tint.
It blooms with snow-white, small flowers, collected in dense hemispherical inflorescences. The inflorescences are huge, up to 5 cm in diameter.
Abundant flowering begins in May, under adverse weather conditions, flowering is delayed until early June. If the weather is good, you can see re-blooming in September. After flowering, berries of pale blue color are formed on the shoots.
White sod has long been considered an ornamental, cultivated plant, popular with gardeners.
Flowers are not of particular value, the plant has gained popularity due to bright shoots and beautiful leaves. It cannot be said that the fruits of white derain are devoid of decorative qualities.
When the plant was just gaining popularity, only a couple of varieties were known, today the number of ornamental varieties has exceeded 20 varieties.

Derain is red with egg-shaped leaves
The leaves are densely covered with hairs, green in spring and summer. During flowering, the shrub is covered with creamy white inflorescences. Flowering begins in early May and lasts for 2 weeks, if there is no sweltering heat, flowering can last another 1-2 weeks.
Young plants do not bloom, only specimens bloom at the age of seven. In some cases, re-blooming in August can be observed. In autumn, black fruits with a diameter of 5-6 mm flaunt on the bush. At the same time, the foliage of the red derain turns reddish with a bloody tint.Due to the color of the foliage, the plant received the name blood-red turf.
This species is characterized by increased winter hardiness. Blood red turf is resistant to heat, drought, and can grow in shade.
Unpretentious to the soil. However, it grows well on loose, well-moistened and clay soils. The root system is highly branched, with numerous small roots. This property of deren is used to strengthen slopes, especially with loose, crumbly soil.

Deren offspring
The height of the shrub can reach 2.5 meters. Young shoots are painted in coral color. A feature of the plant is the ability to give young offspring. Such an abundance of branches makes the bush "falling apart" into several parts.
The branches hang down and touch the ground, under good conditions, germination and the formation of new specimens are observed.
Flowering begins from the age when the plant is 5 years old from the date of planting. The inflorescences are large, exceeding 5 cm in diameter, flowering begins in May. At this time, the offspring derain bush is completely strewn with beautiful milky-white flowers. After flowering, blue berries form in their place.

Agricultural practices: cultivation rules
Derain belongs to unpretentious plants and, with minimal care, is able to please the grower with the beauty of its colorful decorative leaves. The plant is not afraid of prolonged drought, it is resistant to winter low temperatures, it is not affected by high humidity.

Derain white used in solitary planting
Derain can tolerate scarcity and depleted soil composition. Due to the fact that the plant can grow in the sun and in partial shade, it is widely used in landscape design for landscaping roadside areas and park areas. Gardeners are happy to make compositions from different varieties of derain, use it in solitary plantings on the lawn, and form a hedge from it.
Site selection and soil preparation for planting
When choosing a place, it is advisable to focus on the south side, although with a slight shading, the sod also grows and reproduces well. The plant does not like strong winds, especially northern ones, so it is possible to create some kind of barrier or protection from the wind from the north side.

Derain is best planted on the south side
If the site has depleted soil, the plant will still grow and develop well, however, subject to good and frequent moisture, that is, maintaining constant humidity.
It is better to plant in nutrient soil, light, breathable. The reaction of the soil should be neutral or slightly alkaline.
Derain responds well to fertilization, but excessive fertilization will have a negative effect. An excess of nitrogen can accelerate vegetative growth and green growth. In this case, the foliage may lose its decorative effect.
How to plant?
During planting, the plant is immersed in a hole whose diameter exceeds the diameter of the root system. It is necessary to ensure that the plants are freely located in the pit. When planting, do not bury the root collar. Failure to comply with this rule may lead to the death of the plant or to the increased formation of offspring.

Best planted in early spring or late fall
If the plant is grown as a tree, it must be tied to a peg at a young age, because pork, as deren is also called, has a very thin trunk that easily sways from side to side under a gust of wind.
Decorative leaf derain: rules for planting and caring for a plant
- You can get seedlings of deren suitable for growing in open ground from seeds that are planted in autumn or spring in prepared bowls. However, planting cuttings for rooting is considered a faster method of propagation.If planting material is purchased from a store or market, it is important to inspect specimens for damage, disease infestation, and pests.
- After determining the landing site, you need to dig a hole of such a diameter that it is larger than an earthen coma with a root system.
- Before planting, the soil must be well fertilized, since sod can grow in the same place for 25 years. It is recommended to apply mineral and organic fertilizers.
- After pouring the soil, the hole must be well moistened so that the soil becomes dense and settles.
- Before removing the seedling from the container, it is recommended to water it well, let the earthy coma soak, and only then carefully remove it from the container. Impregnation for 10 minutes is needed in order to ensure the safety of the earthen coma.
- When transferring to a hole, it is important to maintain the integrity of the coma and not damage the root system.
- After planting, the hole is filled to the top with earth, lightly tamped, moistened abundantly.
When planting in the autumn, nothing else needs to be done. If the plant is planted in the spring, it is recommended to mulch the soil surface in the near-stem circle to avoid moisture loss.
Weeding should be carried out only at a young age, the older the plant, the better it fights weeds on its own.
It is better to plant in early spring or late autumn. Deren grows well regardless of the timing of planting. In spring, the rapid growth of plants planted in autumn begins. If the deren is planted in the spring, it is recommended not to damage the root system during planting, as this may affect the adaptation of the plant to a new place and it will take a long time and be reluctant to take root.
How to water?

Decorative deren depends on proper watering, location
In dry times, the plant will not die, but it may stop growing and lose some of the foliage. Therefore, it is desirable to monitor soil moisture. Watering is not recommended often, it is better less often, but plentifully. This method of watering ensures uniform wetting of the roots located at a sufficient depth, because the root system of the deren is not superficial.
If watered on the surface of the soil, the top of the plant will begin to dry out. The entire dried part will need to be cut to a healthy tissue, and the plant will begin to be watered more abundantly.
Such watering contributes to the rapid restoration of the forces lost by the plant, it will quickly increase the green mass, restoring its decorative effect.
Light and heat
Gardeners have noticed that derain is unpretentious to illumination. But when growing in shaded areas, the decorative foliage is lost. Therefore, you should not choose a shady area for planting, you can limit yourself to partial shade. It is important that the foliage receives at least a small dose of sunlight - about 2-3 hours a day.

Derain in winter
Under natural growing conditions, white sod feels good in the cold climate of the Far East and Siberia. Breeding varieties need a warmer content and rarely tolerate such temperature drops. Young shrubs are recommended to cover for the winter, and well-grown specimens no longer need shelter. In winter, you can only add snow under the bush, forming a kind of pillow. After pouring the snow should be lightly compacted.
In winter, the turf looks decorative: against the background of white snow, coral-red shoots look beautiful.
Trimming and trimming plants
In order to obtain young shoots, a spring rejuvenating haircut of old derain bushes is carried out. During pruning, you need to radically shorten the shoots, leaving only 15 cm above the soil surface. In autumn, it is recommended to remove old branches and diseased ones. However, given the decorativeness of the shrub in winter, pruning in the fall is not considered appropriate.

Pruning on a stump
For example, white derain has a sprawling shape.With the development of the crown in natural conditions, if no one interferes with the growth of the shoots, they begin to be arranged randomly. The aesthetic perception of the bush can be improved with the formation. During pruning, the shrub can be given a round, oval, oblong shape. Formative haircut should be carried out 3 times during the entire growing season.

How does an ornamental shrub reproduce?
V landscape design turf is used to create hedges. To form a solid landing, you will need quite a lot of planting material.

white derain seedlings
It is clear that the acquisition of cuttings of derain will lead to financial costs. To significantly save budget funds, you can multiply yourself. All decorative leafy forms of deren with beautiful variegated foliage and red, coral and green shoots lend themselves to reproduction.
At home, sod can be propagated in several ways:
- through seed propagation
- cuttings
- rooting layering
- dividing the bush
Let us consider in detail each of the methods of propagation of an ornamental plant.
After the deren has faded, clusters with balls can be seen on the plant. They contain seeds. The seed pods are harvested in autumn. Take out after opening the box.

Seeds are harvested in autumn
Sowing seeds is carried out in late autumn, when cold weather sets in and the soil freezes slightly.
Spring sowing requires seed stratification at +5 °C for 2 months. In the communication of gardeners among themselves or on the forums, one can only occasionally hear that they prefer the seed method of propagating deren. He is more liked by breeders who are accustomed to painstaking work and dream of developing new varieties.
In spring and autumn, it is necessary to carry out shaping and rejuvenating pruning of the deren. After such a procedure, too many shoots remain. They can be used as planting material. With this method, many copies of deren are obtained. Thus, it is a good way to decorate a hedge.

Growing turf from cuttings
During pruning, it is important to ensure that there were at least 7 healthy buds on one cutting. During spring propagation, prepared cuttings are placed in moist soil in containers, watered the soil and placed in a greenhouse or an artificial mini-greenhouse is created. In such conditions, the cuttings take root faster and take root.
After the appearance of the root system, young seedlings need daily care. It is required to water as needed and feed with organic and mineral fertilizers 3 times with an interval of 2 weeks. By autumn, the seedlings are getting stronger and building up a good root system. Such specimens can be transplanted to a permanent place.
Rooting cuttings
Derain has a spreading crown. When growing, its shoots lean towards the ground, but do not come into contact with the ground.

Reproduction by layering
To propagate the sod by layering, it is necessary to bend the shoot to the ground, pin it and pour a “mound” of earth over that part of the branch that lay on the ground.
Over the summer, autumn, the rooting of the layering will occur, so in early spring you can separate the seedling from the mother plant and transplant it to a new place.
The division of the bush
Adult specimens are recommended to be divided. In this way, new seedlings can be obtained and the decorative effect of the mother plant itself can be preserved. Before dividing the bush, you should dig it up, shake off the ground and see how many parts it is really possible to divide the plant into.

Before dividing, you need to dig a bush
Adult specimens are recommended to be divided. In this way, new seedlings can be obtained and the decorative effect of the mother plant itself can be preserved.
Before dividing the bush, you should dig it up, shake off the ground and see how many parts it is really possible to divide the plant into.
Divide into parts with a sharp knife. Prepared delenki are placed in the wells and sprinkled with nutrient soil. After a while, young plants grow rapidly.
The considered methods contribute to the propagation of derain, and which one to choose should be decided by the grower himself, because the method depends on the size of the mother plant and the expectations that gardeners want to get in the end.
Derain white: how to get additional income?
Derain has become a popular plant among gardeners. For many, this fact can serve as an impetus for organizing a mini-business in order to generate additional income.
If you wish, you can propagate the sod and distribute it among the same amateur flower growers or enter the world market, but this will require good greenhouses, a lot of patience and diligence, and, of course, a large amount of planting material.

Additional income can be obtained without much effort
It is important to know how to properly propagate plants and what environment to create for their rooting so that side shoots quickly form.
To realize our plans, it is necessary to equip a small greenhouse. The soil needs to be dug up, filled with fertile land, mixed with the existing one, and mineral fertilizers applied. Prepared cuttings should be slightly lignified and have a few live buds.
Cutting cuttings is carried out until the beginning of June. After planting in the soil, it is necessary to regularly monitor plantings, water as the earthen coma dries up.
With the onset of autumn, the planted cuttings are taken out to a cold room for wintering.. When it gets warm, the seedlings are taken out to the greenhouse. Buds wake up on the cuttings, and they begin to grow actively. By autumn, the planting material becomes completely ready for sale - it takes root well in a new place, since by this time a well-developed root system has formed.

Diseases and pests
The decorative foliage of derain is not very juicy, so it will be very rare to see pests of derain on the bushes.
insect pests
The spread of caterpillars occurs only during the years of mass reproduction. However, each owner monitors his plantings and will not allow them to multiply.
Launched garden plots with derain are damaged by a leaf roller. But aphids attack plants most often. She loves young non-lignified shoots. White aphids are transferred to the sod from the black elderberry, therefore, when planting plants, it is necessary to take into account their proximity. If, nevertheless, the neighborhood is not taken into account and these 2 crops grow together, it is recommended to spray black elderberry with insecticides so that aphids do not spread to other plants. It is recommended to treat aphids with a solution of the drug "Decis".

May beetle larvae are removed from the ground while digging the soil and preparing for planting deren
When insect pests are found, it is important to spray the plants with preparations in time to prevent the development of soot fungus. This misfortune appears at the site of the deposition of aphids of waste products. Infected specimens must be sprayed with chemicals, and the affected foliage must be removed.
On young shoots of derena sometimes settles svidino gall midge. The presence of a pest is evidenced by swollen tubercles on the shoots. No effective drugs have been invented to combat svidino gall midge. To destroy the pest, you can use the folk method of struggle: cut the affected branches, take them away from the site and burn them.
Young shoots suffer from invasion spider mite. The spread of the pest is facilitated by hot and dry weather. But the insect is easy to fight, you can defeat it by spraying the plant with any insecticide. It is desirable to carry out processing 3 times at intervals of 1 week.
They settle on the flowers of the deren common bronzes. They prefer to feed on the light petals of the plant. To combat insects, you need to purchase drugs designed to destroy beetles.
May beetle larvae - an enemy for the root system of deren. However, only young roots can be damaged. Before planting the deren in new soil, it is advisable to dig the area manually, spill it with a solution of any insecticide, there are larvae - they need to be removed.
Insect pests are not so terrible for a plant; lizards, shrews, field mice, and moles cause great harm.
What is sick?

Characteristic white coating on deren leaves
Great harm is done to the plant by fungal diseases and mold, wood cancer.
In wet weather, a white coating appears on the leaves - powdery mildew. The spread of the disease contributes to the crowding of plantings. The disease very quickly captures free and healthy areas, so the grower must take immediate measures to combat the disease. From insecticides, "Skor", "Topaz" are used to combat powdery mildew.
Very rarely there are various spots. For the disease to occur, it is necessary that several factors coincide at once:
- frequent change of weather conditions
- bad care
- the presence of an infected specimen
- trimming with non-disinfected materials
In addition, the plant can get sick with viral mosaic, tubercular necrosis of the cortex. The spread of this disease can be facilitated by closely growing bushes of red currant or roses. The disease is accompanied by drying of the shoots, the formation of pads on the affected shoots. To combat the disease, a mechanical method is used: cutting the shoots by hand and burning them. After pruning, the diseased plant is recommended to be sprayed with a solution of Bordeaux mixture.

Cytosporosis of the cortex
Derain shoots may dry out. This contributes cortical cytosporosis. It is also considered one of the most dangerous deren diseases, therefore, when a disease is detected, immediate measures must be taken. If you start and let it drift, you can destroy the plant.
In order to prevent diseases, it is not recommended to plant derain bushes close to each other. When planting, it is important to make sure that the area is well ventilated, and not surrounded by a solid fence. In addition, it is advisable to plant black and red currants away from elderberry. If these plants become infected with something, there is a high probability that the disease will spread to the sod.
The juniper is often sick with rust, which means that if you plant deren near the juniper, the plant will get sick with rust. Neighborhood with roses, some conifers is undesirable.
Agrotechnical methods of plant protection against diseases and pests
- It is impossible to plant plants in low-lying places, the soils of which are in constant moisture.
- When choosing a site, you should not plant it on a site that is blown by winds from the northeast and from the north. They are very cold and have a detrimental effect on the plant.
- Planting in compacted soils will lead to the development of fungal diseases and rot.
- During planting, it is important to observe the distance between the seedlings. If planted densely, their stems will subsequently become intertwined, and this is fraught with the development of the disease: powdery mildew, sooty fungus. During pruning, it is necessary to thin out plantings, especially for hedges created from deren.
- After work, all tools must be disinfected to avoid unwanted contamination of other plants.
A simple procedure, which consists in loosening the soil near shrubs and getting rid of weeds, helps to get rid of the larvae of many insects.In addition to this, deren is a deciduous plant, therefore, it is necessary to remove fallen leaves annually, since many different larvae can be found in it, which will harm the plant.
As a mulch, it is recommended to use rotted compost, peat, humus, chopped bark of trees and shrubs.

Deren's landscape design
Derain is an unpretentious plant that, with minimal care, will decorate with its multi-colored variegated foliage and decorative shoots suburban area. You can use the plant in single and group plantings, however, when planting, you need to take into account the size of the crown of the deren in order to give it the opportunity to open up in all its glory.
How to use turf in your gardens. Sod care
Deren: description, types, rules for planting and caring for a plant in the open field, reproduction (75+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews