Making a water pump with your own hands, which pumps water? without electricity⚡!

Water pump

Incredibly, this hack has been tested by many users and it really works. Without much effort, you can make a water pump with your own hands that will work without requiring electricity. Such a device will be useful in any household!

Water pump for a private house or cottage: types, principle of operation and selection criteria (Photo & Video) + Reviews Read also: Water pump for a private house or cottage: types, principle of operation and selection criteria (Photo & Video) + Reviews

We make a pump that pumps water by itself

In order to make a water pump with your own hands, you will need the following materials:

  • Two check valves.
  • Plastic pipe for soldering.
  • Tee.
  • Knee.
  • Threaded ends.
  • Various containers.
  • Soldering iron or torch.
  • Lathe or threaded tips.

Step 1

First of all, you need to purchase two check valves with any thread.

Step 2

In order not to buy threads, you need to take a plastic pipe for soldering, which will be processed on a lathe.

Step 3

Let's start cutting threads on a lathe.

The finished threaded pipe should ideally fit the non-return valve.

We fasten the second pipe to another check valve.

You can also use threaded lugs to avoid cutting pipes on the machine. But they are quite expensive.

Step 4

This is what the finished design looks like. Streams of water go up. Then they go to feed into the hose, where the faucet will be installed. An expansion tank will be installed in the center.

Step 5

This is what the finished structure looks like, which pumps water into the tank.

How it works? This design is capable of pumping water into a tank, which is located at a height of up to three meters. Water enters the pipe, one of the valves passes water up, but not back. The second valve is reversed and provides pulsation.

We unscrew one of the valves so that the design starts working.

For correct operation of the valve, a continuous supply of water is required. The diameter of pipes and hoses can be any. The wider, the more water flow you will get. In such a simple way, you can arrange regular watering of your beds in the garden if there is a reservoir near the site.

VIDEO: How to make a pump that works without electricity

Making a water pump with your own hands, which pumps water? without electricity⚡!

How to make a pump that works without electricity

The pump pumps water by itself. Without using extraneous energy.

  1. Answer
    Alexander Kiseliov 05/19/2020 at 14:22

    Such a design will not pump water from a source located below the level of the valve. It's not a perpetual motion machine. It pumps by changing the potential energy of the spilled water through the E=mgh valve.

  2. If you want to pump from a reservoir, you will need to dig a hole below the water level and install a pump there. The device will work provided that the water source is higher than it, then it will be able to raise the water even higher. 30 such devices will raise the water by 80-90 meters, but it will be slow and expensive.

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