If you have to use the most ordinary wood-burning stove as heating in the country or in any other place, then you probably know that the fuel in it burns out very quickly. Most of the heat generated during intensive production simply escapes into the pipe. Because of this, you have to constantly throw firewood into the stove in order to maintain a comfortable air temperature in the room. To solve this problem, you can use not firewood, but an eternal log, which will save up to 50% of the money spent on heating.

We make an eternal log with our own hands
With such a log, you will undoubtedly be able to save firewood. Judge for yourself, without an eternal log, one load in the stove burns out in an hour, and with it - in two.
Materials for manufacturing
To make an eternal log you will need:
- thick-walled metal pipe with a diameter of 76 mm. It should be the same length as the wood for the stove;
- a metal sheet so that the pipe can be welded around the edges;
- nut M 12;
- bolt M 12;
- corner made of steel 10 by 10 mm - 20 cm.
Step 1

To make an eternal log, you will need a pipe with a diameter of seventy-six millimeters. Adjust the length to suit your oven. The diameter affects the filling volume. If a lot of firewood fits into your stove, then also choose a larger pipe diameter.
Making an eternal log with your own hands is not at all difficult. To do this, take a metal sheet and cut out two circles from it, the diameter of which should match the diameter of the pipe, and weld the edges. Then, from the steel corner, make two segments of ten centimeters. Weld them crosswise to the pipe. This way you will get stable legs.
Then you need to make a hole in the pipe, for this use a drill. To make a filler neck, attach a nut to it and weld it on. Now it will be possible to screw a bolt into it, which will be a cover.
To be able to unscrew the bolt without a key, you can weld a small twig to it. Along the perimeter of the pipe at a distance of four centimeters from each other, make holes with a diameter of three millimeters using a drill.
Don't make too few holes. It would also be a mistake to use very thin drills, for example, one or two millimeters. The pressurized steam may not find an outlet and the log will explode. Therefore, if your log in the oven emits a characteristic whistle during operation, then urgently remove it and make more holes or expand them.
But, too large holes are also not suitable. Ashes will fall into them, and it is extremely inconvenient to wash such a pipe welded on both sides. Then it is better to make many small holes than a few large ones.
Step 2

Now the finished log can be used. To do this, unscrew the lid and fill the log with water. If you want the process to start as quickly as possible, pour boiling water into the log.
Step 4

Pour boiling water carefully so as not to burn your hands. For this, a watering can with a spout is suitable.
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7

How it works
The eternal log allows you to reduce the waste of firewood by almost half. It all depends on what kind of stove design. Most often, the savings figure reaches thirty percent, but sometimes fifty.

The specific heat capacity of steam is greater than that of air. If for air the indicator reaches one kJ, then for steam - two.
I must say that such a log is not suitable for all stoves that work on wood. An eternal log is perfect for a potbelly stove with a direct chimney. But if you have a brick stove with a channel chimney, which is made in the wall, then problems may arise in the form of condensate from unburned steam. In this case, you need to inspect the chimney inspection hatches and make sure that there is no sticky soot there. If it is absent, then the use of an eternal log is quite acceptable.
VIDEO: Eternal Log - Save up to 50% on heating
Eternal Log - Savings on heating up to 50%. Increasing burn time
Eternal Log - Savings on heating up to 50%. Increasing burn time