We make a powerful antenna for 3G and 4G signal with a range of 40 km with our own hands

3G 4G antenna with a range of more than 30 km (1)

Living in big cities, as a rule, there are no problems with finding a stable Internet signal, but if you move away from the repeaters of the mobile Internet connection provider, difficulties arise.

In order for the signal in the country house or in a country house to always be stable, you need to make a powerful 3G / 4G antenna with a range of 40 km.

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The principle of operation of the antenna

Checked - working

Checked - working

3G and 4G signals are radio waves of a certain frequency. The antenna is designed in such a way that elements located in well-defined places resonate with the length of a particular signal and amplify.

The gun antenna consists of 6 round copper elements fixed on a threaded bushing at a certain distance from each other.. The distance is calculated based on the length of a particular radio signal. The first four circles (smaller in diameter) enter into resonance with the radio wave and amplify it. The last, largest circle reflects the radio wave back, and it accumulates on the penultimate copper element.

The carrier signal is removed from it and fed through the cable to the 3G adapter. For additional amplification, as well as to give signal stability, two coaxial cables are attached to the antenna.

Each frequency requires its own dimensions. We will not consider the algorithm for determining them, but immediately provide the result of the calculation. The figures below show antenna assembly schemes with dimensions for different radio wave frequencies.

Sometimes it happens that it is not possible to find out the frequency of the radio signal for a particular region. Then you can use the scheme for the most used frequency: 2100 MHz.



2400 MHz

2400 MHz

850 MHz

850 MHz

1800 MHz

1800 MHz

2100 MHz is the most common radio frequency

2100 MHz is the most common radio frequency

2600 MHz

2600 MHz

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3G antenna assembly for 2100 MHz

For assembly you will need:

  • copper foil, 0.3-0.5 mm thick
  • M6-M10 rod with a thread of at least 45 cm
  • 12 nuts for rod diameter
  • Coaxial cable - 2 pieces of 10 meters
  • Pigtail adapter - 2 pcs
  • TV connectors - 2 pcs.
  • Screwdriver with drills
  • soldering iron
  • Scissors
  • Pliers

You will also need an accurate ruler, marker and electrical tape.

Step # 1 - preparing elements for the antenna


In order to accurately cut out circles of the correct geometric shape, you must first center the workpiece, i.e. drill the centers of the circles, and mark them with a compass.


Copper foil cuts well with ordinary scissors. We take the dimensions according to the diagram in the photo below.

Accuracy with an error of no more than 1mm

Accuracy with an error of no more than 1mm


Next, mark the connection points of the antenna with coaxial cables. To do this, we mark the penultimate circle R74 - we retreat 11 mm from the circle. Such marks need to be made 2 pieces, while they should be strictly perpendicular along the radius.

11mm - 2 pieces, strictly perpendicular along the radius

11mm - 2 pcs., strictly perpendicular along the radius


Using a screwdriver, we drill holes in the R74 circle for the central core of the coaxial cable (2 mm). Then we put this circle on the R100 circle, and through the holes with a marker we make marks for the holes for attaching the TV cable.

Easier to mark up in place

Easier to mark up in place


We drill R100 and screw the connectors into the holes obtained as shown in the photo below.

Excess from the connector is removed

Excess from the connector is removed

We fix the connectors in the circle R100

We fix the connectors in the circle R100

Step #2 - Assembling the Antenna

We try to make no mistakes

We try to make no mistakes


Using two nuts, we fix the R100 circle on the rod in accordance with the dimensions indicated in the photo above. Do not forget the nuts, how to tighten.

Tighten the end nut

Tighten the end nut


We assemble the entire structure in a similar way.

Step # 3 - connecting the antenna to the adapter

Putting the cables in place

Putting the cables in place


We clean the ends of coaxial cables. We insert into the prepared connectors. The central conductors of the cables must fit into the holes (2 mm) of the R74 circle.

A little flux and solder

A little flux and solder


We solder the central cores to the second circle (R74).


It is impossible to bend the tips of the central core - a loss of antenna power may occur.

We leave it as it is

We leave it as it is


The antenna is ready, it remains only to connect it to the adapter. For this purpose, we use Pigtail adapters.

pigtail adapter

pigtail adapter

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Checking the antenna for performance

Speed ​​is good, signal is stable

Speed ​​is good, signal is stable

We connect the adapter to the PC, connect to the Internet, check the connection speed.

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To use the Internet from several devices, such an antenna can be connected to a home repeater. Almost any modern router is suitable for this, the main thing is that it has a USB input for the adapter.

Some 3G modems are not designed to be connected to an external antenna, so you can do the following (photo below):

  • The ends of coaxial cables (20 cm) are bare, i.e. leave only the central veins
  • A coil is formed from one central core, which is put on a 3G modem and fixed with electrical tape
  • The other central core from the second cable is wound over the first (through a layer of electrical tape) so that they are placed perpendicular to each other

We dress the coil from the first cable

We dress the coil from the first cable


The signal will be, but somewhat worse.

We wind the second core perpendicularly and fix it with an insulated

We wind the second core perpendicularly and fix it with an insulated


We fix the second core with electrical tape.

Using this principle, you can connect almost any mobile device.

We make a powerful antenna for 3G and 4G signal with a range of 40 km with our own hands

✅3G GUN ? The best homemade antenna for receiving weak Internet 3G, 4G, Wi-Fi

We make a powerful antenna for 3G and 4G signal with a range of 40 km with our own hands

We make a powerful antenna for 3G and 4G signal with a range of 40 km with our own hands

TOP-5 Wi-Fi routers! | The best routers for home!

We make a powerful antenna for 3G and 4G signal with a range of 40 km with our own hands

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Making a powerful antenna for 3G and 4G signal

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  1. You are best…. Thank you

  2. There are at least 3 questions left.
    1. Characteristic impedance of coaxial cable.
    2. Where is the second cable attached.
    3. If the modem has a connector, then how to connect these two coaxes to the connector.

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