If you like to make useful household items with your own hands, then try to make a fishing line out of an ordinary plastic bottle, which is perfect for different purposes. It can be used as a clothesline, trimmer line, mulcher, lawn mower and more. Of course, ready-made fishing line can always be bought at the store. But it is not always possible to find the right size, moreover, such a product can be quite expensive. And this is a cheap and practical option!

We make a fishing line from a bottle for a trimmer with our own hands
- Bottle cutter.
- Screwdriver.
- Building hair dryer.
- Pliers.
- Empty plastic bottle.
Step 1
Step 2
The thickness of the manufactured fishing line depends on the thickness of the cut tape. The wider the tape, the thicker the rope will be.
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6

Stretch the ribbon and start twisting it into a rope. Be sure to keep the tape taut at all times, otherwise it will unwind.
Step 7
VIDEO: Free trimmer line
Free trimmer line
This video is about making a fishing line out of a plastic bottle. There are many applications for this rope. From being used as underwear to making bowstrings and guitar strings.