Do you need ornamental shrubs for summer cottages? Of course yes! After all, with their help it is possible to create a holistic landscape composition, they help to zone the surrounding space, fill voids, and hide unsightly parts of the garden.

How to choose the right shrub?

Choosing the right landing site is one of the important points
A variety of types, sizes and shapes of shrubs allows you to choose a plant for any garden plot, depending on personal preferences, front garden style and financial capabilities. But in order for cultures to grow for a long time and please with an attractive look, the selection criteria are slightly different. The most important points from which to build on when choosing ornamental shrubs is the characteristics of the landing site:
- degree of illumination
- soil type
- plot size

soil type
For each type of plant, there are a number of recommendations for growing, adhering to which it is possible to grow a healthy and highly decorative culture. One of the main points is the selection of shrubs depending on the type of soil.

Clay soil
sandy soil characterized by high acidity, dryness and almost complete lack of nutrients. In summer it dries out quickly, and in winter it freezes. For such conditions, it is difficult to choose shrubs. For example, spirea, elderberry, hydrangea, rhododendron, sea buckthorn can grow in sandy soil.
Another place not quite suitable for growing a large number of ornamental plants is waterlogged garden. Aronia, spirea, wild rosemary and several types of fruit bushes are a small list of what can grow in such open spaces.
For clay soils picking plants is much easier. Although such soil is heavy, but fertile, it has a good ability to retain moisture and nutrients. Therefore, almost all types of ornamental shrubs are suitable for areas with clay soil.

The degree of illumination and the size of the site
When choosing plants for the garden, it is very important to take into account the characteristics of the climatic zone. Most shrubs grow equally well in full sun or partial shade. But there are cultures that do not tolerate lighted areas and need shade. Therefore, you first need to observe the landing site: how much sun hits it during the day, is there a shadow there and what kind it is.

Some shrubs do well in full sun.
It is also necessary to select crops depending on the size of the landing site. For example, when choosing a magnolia, one should take into account that it can rise to a height of 1 to 6-8 meters and spread up to two to five meters wide.Therefore, only one such shrub can be planted in small gardens.
In addition to large plants, there are the most compact varieties that are distinguished by a non-spreading dense crown (for example, columnar juniper). Therefore, before proceeding with the improvement of the territory, familiarize yourself with the description of the selected crops and take into account the degree of their growth.

Beautiful flowering shrubs
Beautiful flowering shrubs are the most popular among gardeners. During the flowering period, they delight with incredible beauty, bright colors and amazing aromas.

Beautiful flowering shrubs landscape design
They are suitable for single landings on the background of a lawn or various landscape compositions. For example, the widespread design flower beds with a combination of undersized and large varieties of the same plant species.
Here are some descriptions of some of the most popular types of flowering seedlings that are great for growing in the Moscow region and central Russia.
park roses
Decorative features: Shrubs look amazing during the flowering period. At this time, terry flowers of various shades bloom on them: red, pink, white, orange. Throughout the flowering, which, depending on the variety, falls at the end of May - the beginning of June and lasts one month, a delicate enchanting aroma comes from the inflorescences.
Agrotechnics of cultivation: Park varieties of roses belong to the unpretentious and are suitable for growing even for novice gardeners. It is better to plant them on moderately moist loamy soils. The place is chosen well-lit. When group planting between plants, a distance of up to 1.5 meters from each other should be kept.
Caring for park roses consists of regular watering during dry times and a small annual formative pruning. Young plants for the winter are recommended to spud and lightly cover.
Garden jasmine (mock orange)
Decorative features: A shrub up to three meters high consists of thin twigs densely covered with carved leaves. Depending on the variety, they can be rich green, golden or variegated. Flowers delight the eye from early June to late summer. Throughout the flowering period, they exude a pleasant jasmine aroma.
Agrotechnics of cultivation: Among the wide variety of varieties, preference should be given to plants of domestic selection. Because they are guaranteed to endure the local climate.
It is recommended to plant garden jasmine in open sunny areas or light partial shade. The plant is not very demanding on the soil. Needs top dressing during planting and after flowering.
It is necessary to trim the shrub immediately after flowering. Only weak branches are removed. On strong ones, lateral young shoots should appear in autumn.
Decorative features: Culture pleases with abundant flowering from mid-April. The flowers are terry, mostly pink-lilac in color. Rare varieties with orange, red and yellow inflorescences.
Flowers densely cover the shrub, as a result, dark green leaves are almost invisible. The height of an adult plant varies from 30 cm to 4-5 meters.
Agrotechnics of cultivation: For planting in the gardens of central Russia, gardeners recommend choosing deciduous varieties of rhododendron. They are highly frost resistant.
A landing site is selected partially shaded and protected from drafts. Then the culture blooms more abundantly. The soil suitable for shrubs is light, well-drained, fertilized with humus. During the dry season, the plant needs additional watering.
Decorative features: One of the most common shrubs, which is found in almost every front garden.
The culture blooms profusely from early May to June.Small funnel-shaped flowers are collected in paniculate inflorescences. The color of lilac is mostly represented by white and different shades of lilac and purple: lilac, lilac-blue, dark purple and so on.
The aroma of inflorescences is very gentle, subtle. The lilac bush is abundantly covered with rich green foliage, which is located oppositely on the branches. Keeps green mass until late autumn.
Agrotechnics of cultivation: The plant is unpretentious, frost-resistant. Grows well in all types of soil with proper preparation. For example, it will not be superfluous to add lime to sandy soil. The best site for planting lilacs will be sunny or partially shaded.
Only young specimens need to be watered. Adult bushes need soil moisture only during periods of prolonged drought.
For annual abundant flowering, lilacs must be subjected to sanitary pruning. In early spring, when buds form on the branches and flowering branches are already visible, about 10-15 strong shoots should be separated from the bush, and the rest should be cut off.
Decorative features: Spirea is divided into two main types: spring-blooming and summer-blooming. The first is distinguished by numerous snow-white flowers that bloom in May. Summer-flowering spirea is abundantly covered with pink inflorescences in July.
The height of the shrubs depends on the variety and varies from 50-70 cm to 2.5 meters. The diameter of specimens can reach up to one and a half meters.
Agrotechnics of cultivation: The culture is unpretentious, frost-resistant, practically not exposed to diseases. Grows well in sunny and semi-shaded areas. Plant care consists only in periodic formative pruning and removal of faded inflorescences.
Pink flowers bloom from May to late summer. They are collected in spherical or paniculate inflorescences. The color of the petals is different: snow-white, lilac, hot pink, yellow-orange.
Agrotechnics of cultivation: Budley grows best in sunny areas, protected from strong winds and drafts. The soil suitable for the plant is moist, nutritious, fertile, drained.
The main care is the annual sanitary pruning and removal of rusty branches. To stimulate growth, mineral fertilizers are recommended.
The plant is thermophilic, but tolerates wintering well with proper preparation. With the onset of cold weather, the shrub should be hilled and covered in such a way as to protect the branches, but not create a greenhouse effect for the root system.
Decorative features: The shrub grows rapidly and reaches a height of up to two meters. Therefore, for a greater decorative effect, it is recommended to subject it to formative pruning.
Hydrangea blooms from August to September. Small flowers are collected in large corymbose inflorescences. They can be flat, spherical, hemispherical or pyramidal.
Coloring of flowers is different. Most varieties are represented by light shades: white, cream, greenish, lilac and pink inflorescences.
Agrotechnics of cultivation: The plant is unpretentious and is perfect for inexperienced gardeners. Grows best in nutrient soil in well-lit or partially shaded areas. It responds well to fertilizing containing iron and magnesium.
Annual pruning is necessary for hydrangea bushes to be healthy and bloom profusely.
Decorative features: The shrub can grow up to a maximum height of two meters. The plant blooms with bright pink or yellow flowers in the form of bells in the month of May. Flowering continues until the end of July.
Among the variety of varieties there are not only beautifully flowering, but also decorative and deciduous.For example, weigela "Nana Purpurea" is distinguished by red-brown foliage, and "Nana Variegata" - leaves with a golden border.
Agrotechnics of cultivation: The plant is unpretentious, so it is great not only for experienced gardeners. Almost any soil is suitable for cultivation. You can choose a sunny or semi-shaded location.
Weigele care is minimal. The culture does not need regular abundant watering; top dressing should be applied only when absolutely necessary (for example, with poor soils). The plant tolerates pruning very well. In winters with little snow, shrubs are recommended to cover.
Decorative features: Most varieties rarely exceed more than one meter in height. But there are also very large specimens.
Magnolia retains its decorative appearance throughout the year. The foliage of the plant remains on the branches for several years. In the warm season, it is light green, and with the onset of cold weather - copper.
The shrub reaches its greatest attractiveness during flowering. From late April to May, large flowers of white, ruby, light pink, rich lilac and even yellow color bloom on the branches. With proper care, the culture will thank the gardener with repeated flowering in mid-June.
Agrotechnics of cultivation: Magnolia should be planted in a bright or slightly shaded area, away from drafts. This is a heat-loving, but frost-resistant plant. Prefers moderately moist, nutritious, breathable and slightly acidic soil.
The root system of the shrub is located quite close to the surface. To protect it, it is recommended to plant ground cover plants around. Magnolia care consists in spring fertilizing with organic fertilizers. Pruning culture is not needed.
Decorative features: Bright yellow flowers with oblong petals bloom on the branches before the leaves appear. They delight the eye in early spring for from two weeks to one month. Intense green foliage appears in early May. With the onset of autumn, they turn red.
Agrotechnics of cultivation: Forsythia is planted in well-lit areas, protected from the winds. The soil should not be waterlogged. Light fertile soil is best suited for planting.
The culture is thermophilic, not particularly resistant to frost. Therefore, for the winter it should be covered a little.

Decorative deciduous shrubs

Japanese maple in landscape design
The main feature of such plants is that they do not lose their decorative effect throughout the summer period, and even with the advent of autumn, they retain an attractive foliage color. Decorative deciduous shrubs are used for single plantings, creating various compositions with perennials and for creating hedges.
Barberry Thunberg
Decorative features: Strong barberry branches are densely covered with small leaves of emerald green, red or yellow hue. There is even a variety that takes on a rich purple-blue shade of foliage in sunny areas. The height of the shrub varies from 40 cm to 3 meters.
Agrotechnics of cultivation: The perennial is unpretentious, frost- and drought-resistant, tolerates a haircut well. It is recommended to plant Thunberg barberry in sunny areas, but the shrub tolerates partial shade well. It is also important that the area with the culture is protected from the winds.
Barberries need soils that are not acidic, with no signs of waterlogging. Additional watering the plant is not required.
common hazel
Decorative features: Shrubs reach an average height of up to three meters. Shoots are powerful, brown with transverse stripes.
The leaves are quite large, with serrated edges.In late summer - early autumn, they acquire a bright red color.
Agrotechnics of cultivation: Hazel is planted at a distance of up to 4 meters from each other. A place for culture is suitable for well-lit, but without direct sunlight, protected from drafts. Perennial soils prefer fertile, non-acidic, loose.
Care consists in ensuring moderate soil moisture, removing weeds and loosening the soil. From time to time, it is recommended to perform anti-aging pruning of branches.
Mahonia holly
Decorative features: The leaves of the holly mahonia are very leathery, shiny, with small needle-thorns along the carved edges. In summer, they are rich green, and with the advent of winter, they acquire a brownish-purple, almost dark purple color.
Agrotechnics of cultivation: It is recommended to plant mahonia in slightly acidic fertile soil. Poor soil is also suitable for the plant, only then top dressing should be applied from time to time.
The shrub shows the greatest decorative effect in sunny or slightly shaded areas.
The culture is drought tolerant. Additional moderate watering is needed only during times of severe drought. It will not be superfluous to occasionally loosen the soil around the mahonia trunk. So that the shrub does not grow much and is distinguished by a dense dense crown, pruning should be carried out after flowering or in late autumn.
Japanese maple
Decorative features: The average height of the Japanese maple reaches two meters. The crown is voluminous.
The shape of the leaves resembles a fan or reduced palm leaves. They are bright green at first but take on a rich red-orange hue towards the end of summer, turning bright red by October. In the Atropurpureum variety, the autumn color of the leaves is dark red, almost black.
Agrotechnics of cultivation: The Japanese maple needs a well-lit area, but protected from direct sunlight. The plant does not like drafts, so it is best to place it near the fence, building or behind tall plantations. Watering the shrub needs moderate, in drought it should be regular.
Japanese maples grow quite slowly, so they don't need much pruning. It is needed only as a crown formation.
Decorative features: For cultivation in gardens, two types of plants are used: narrow-leaved sucker and silver sucker. The first variety is used mainly in Mediterranean-type gardens, because from a distance it resembles an olive. The leaves are narrow, covered with gray scales.
Goof silver attracts gardeners with numerous narrow leaves of silver color. The crown of the narrow-leaved sucker spreads up to two to three meters wide.
Agrotechnics of cultivation: The perennial is photophilous, drought-resistant, rather winter-hardy. It grows best in well-lit areas with nutritious soil, protected from strong winds.
Crop care consists in the annual application of top dressing and loosening of the soil around the trunk. Haircut is performed at will at the beginning and end of summer.

Shrubs for hedges

boxwood hedge
Shrubs of this group are united by the fact that they grow quickly, have a dense crown and tolerate a haircut well. Due to these qualities, the presented plants are widely used to create hedge and for garden zoning.
Decorative features: The perennial is distinguished by numerous shoots with small shiny leaves. Depending on the variety, the plant can reach a height of up to three meters. There are also dwarf species.
Boxwood leaflets are opposite, leathery, round or elliptical in shape. They are painted with a rich green color.
Agrotechnics of cultivation: Places for landing choose semi-shaded or completely shaded. From direct sunlight, the shrub loses its decorative effect.The soil should be clay, moist, drained.
This is one of the most popular hedge varieties. It allows you to create any garden forms. It is recommended to cut bushes every sixth week.
For normal development, the plant needs organic or complex top dressing. They should be applied during intensive growth.
Decorative features: Shrub varieties are divided into red-leaved and yellow-leaved. For example, the foliage of the vesicle "Diablo" is painted in a dark red hue, and "Darts Gold" is yellow-fiery.
In spring, all varieties are distinguished by a lighter color. In autumn, the leaves become more saturated and dark.
Agrotechnics of cultivation: For greater decorativeness, the plant needs to provide as much sun as possible. In the shade, the color of the foliage often darkens. Therefore, it is recommended to plant it in well-lit areas.
The plant is not capricious, feels good on loose, moderately moist soil. The culture is frost-resistant. Needs annual sanitary pruning. When planted closely, it can be affected by powdery mildew.
Decorative features: Dogwood shrubs usually do not exceed 2.5 meters in height. They are distinguished by shiny red-orange hanging shoots that root easily once they reach the soil.
Milky white flowers gather in inflorescences up to 5 cm in diameter. Buds bloom in May and delight the eye for two weeks. Dogwood leaves in the center are dark green, and along the edge are decorated with a yellow-green border. In autumn, they acquire a rich burgundy hue.
Agrotechnics of cultivation: Dogwood grows well in lime-rich soils. The landing site is chosen well-lit, without close occurrence of groundwater. The plant tolerates frost well. But young seedlings in the first years of life need winter shelter.
For the greatest decorative effect, the shrub needs to be watered from time to time. The soil around should be weeded and loosened.
Decorative features: Fast growing shrubs that are fully formed in two years. The branches are numerous, dense, densely covered with thorns. The leaves are dark green, glossy.
In late summer - early autumn, dark blue fruits appear on the perennial, which can even be eaten.
Agrotechnics of cultivation: The plant is winter-hardy, unpretentious. Needs constant shaping pruning. To achieve a lasting effect, it is recommended to remove not only the tops of the shoots, but also thin out the roots.
Any site for growing thorns is suitable, except for swampy ones. The shrub grows equally well in the sun and in the shade.

evergreen shrubs

Juniper in landscape design
These are shrubs that do not shed their foliage with the advent of cold weather and even decorate the garden in winter. The most common in home gardens in Russia are juniper, thuja, honeysuckle.
They are used for different purposes:
- to create a hedge
- for single landings on the background of the lawn, near pavilions and other objects on the site
- for complex landscape compositions
Decorative features: A shrub up to two meters high is distinguished by small leathery oval leaves. Young shoots and greens have a bluish tint. By mid-summer, small flowers of a yellowish, pink, orange or white hue bloom on the shrub. From them comes a delicate pleasant aroma.
Agrotechnics of cultivation: The plant is unpretentious and well tolerated even by harsh winters. Light penumbra is considered an ideal place for planting honeysuckle.
Decorative features: There are a large number of juniper varieties that differ in the shape of the bush (in the form of a neat candle, horizontal, ground cover, and so on) and the color of the needles. The needles are short and sharp. They can be emerald green or bluish blue.
Agrotechnics of cultivation: It is recommended to plant shrubs at a distance of 60-80 cm from each other in well-lit or partially shaded areas. The soil should contain peat, sand, loam. Plant care consists in sheltering needles to protect against burnout in early spring and tying high varieties for the winter.
Decorative features: Thuja needles consist of scales tightly adjacent to each other. In young plants, it is soft, pale green. Mature shrubs have dark green needles.
Agrotechnics of cultivation: Thuja should be planted in partially shaded areas, protected from the winds. For high decorativeness, the shrub needs regular watering. The plant does not differ in winter hardiness, therefore, with the onset of cold weather, a special fabric cover must be worn on the crown.
Thuja responds well to pruning. If you perform it often and strongly, the plant will become very lush and thick.
As you can see, many ornamental shrubs do not need painstaking care and grow well in almost any conditions, decorating the site. Combining different types and varieties, you can set up a beautiful garden where it will be pleasant to relax after a working week.
Ornamental shrubs that bloom all summer
TOP-22 of the most popular and non-capricious ornamental shrubs for a summer residence or a private house (90 Photos & Videos) + Reviews
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