Decorative wall plaster with your own hands. Overview of simple solutions: how to make, how to apply putty | 115+ Photos & Videos

Do-it-yourself decorative wall plastering

The main component in the design of a house or apartments - it wall decoration. At the same time, many believe that to create beautiful (and sometimes just practical) walls, you will have to spend serious money, since finishing materials are very expensive. Of course, this is true, especially when it comes to relatively expensive coatings, such as wood decor or textured plasters. However, for more than a decade there has been an alternative to such an expensive option - the use of decorative plaster. Its use makes it possible to create relief coatings on the walls without serious financial costs.

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Types of decorative plaster

Decorative plaster

Decorative plaster

To date, a large number of different options for decorative plaster are used:

  • Rock - a texture that repeats the cut of basalt rocks
  • Rain - imitation of raindrops
  • Bark beetle - imitation of the moves of bark beetles in wood
  • textured plaster under natural stone
  • Venetian plaster
  • compositions with marble chips
  • compositions with silk effect
  • wall treatment with a textured roller
  • etc

The following describes in detail the application of the most popular types of decorative plaster.

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Applying decorative plaster to the wall

Type of decorative plaster

Type of decorative plaster

Let us consider in more detail the implementation of popular types of decorative plaster design.


Decorative plaster Rock

Decorative plaster "Rock"


The method can be called simple. Even a novice builder will cope with the "rock". A special mixture to create such a plaster is not needed, you can use the usual finishing putty.

The order of making the "rock" can be as follows:

  1. Walls are pre-primed

  2. The bottom layer of finishing putty is applied to them. At the same time, it is desirable to work in small areas (no more than 0.5 sq. M), applying a layer of 2-3 mm using a spatula-trowel

  3. The structural pattern is applied with a trowel: it is completely cleaned of material and washed well

  4. After washing, the trowel is pressed against the fresh putty on the wall.

  5. The creation of the invoice is carried out at the moment of separation of the trowel from the wall. You need to slightly raise its lower part, and then tear it off the wall completely, while making a downward movement

  6. The ideal option would be such a separation, in which the upper end of the trowel will come off the putty in the place where its lower end was originally located

  7. After that, the float is cleared again and proceeds to the next section. In order not to leave untreated sections of the walls, the next section overlaps with the previously processed

  8. The drying of the “finish” applied in this way lasts up to two days. Next, you can start painting.

Actually, that's all. The embossed pattern is created using small irregularities on the wall on the applied finish layer. To create more interesting solutions, you can try different movements of the spatula or float at the moment of separation.

The main thing is to make the separation of the tool from the wall very smoothly. In this case, there will be no traces and too high protrusions of the material.

A feature of this method is that the tool can be torn off in any direction and during any movements.

In addition, it is possible to re-process the same sections of the wall. This way you can get completely unique texture patterns - criss-cross, herringbone, etc.

For rooms with high humidity (bath, kitchen, etc.), a cement-based “finish” should be taken.


Plaster Rain

Plaster "Rain"


A more complex method, however, its result looks more spectacular, and is more popular. Usually, the rain is applied at an angle, but this does not matter. As a building material, as in the previous case, the usual finishing putty is taken.

The sequence of actions when applying "rain":

  1. First, the walls are marked at an angle. They are slanted lines at an angle of 45 °. It can also be applied at some other angle, for example, at 60 °; the main thing is that the angles of all lines are the same. Lines width is 3 trowel width

  2. Each line must be glued with masking tape or adhesive tape, so that its lower edge lies on the line.

  3. The plaster is applied starting from the top corner: first putty is applied with a thickness of 2-3 mm and a width equal to the width of the trowel for a length of about one meter

  4. To create a droplet structure, lightly press the trowel against the plaster, pulling it along the line in a slightly raised position.

  5. Further, the actions are repeated until the entire strip is painted over to the end of the line. Several approaches are performed 1 m long

  6. This is followed by smoothing the applied strip (since the freshly applied rain is more like a hedgehog - it has too high irregularities). To do this, the spatula is completely cleared of the material and slightly pressed against the surface. Then, one edge is lifted at the spatula, tearing it off the putty

  7. You need to tear off relatively quickly, because the slower the tearing process goes, the more uneven the surface will remain.

  8. Then the second strip is made in the same way. It must be applied with a slight overlap on the already made. After the second, the last strip is applied and on this the space between the two lines is completely filled

  9. The process is repeated for the next line until the entire wall is plastered.

Dried plaster is treated with an abrasive mesh or sandpaper.

bark beetle

Plaster bark beetle

Plaster "Bark beetle"

bark beetle

The texture of the bark beetle resembles the moves of this beetle, which it leaves in the wood. Unlike the previously considered options, in this case, not the usual finishing mixture is used, but a more complex composition. For the manufacture of bark beetle, specialized composite plaster is used in the form of a white powder with small granules or pebbles in the composition. It is these pebbles that leave the “moves” of the bark beetle on the wall.

Instead of ordinary sand, this material uses a polymer filler, which significantly reduces the weight of the putty and has a positive effect on the load on the wall.

Due to the more durable structure, the "bark beetle" can be used for both internal and external work. It is often used in the design of facades. However, one should not think that in this case it will be somehow dangerous for a person. The putty mixture has passed all possible tests for toxicity and carcinogenicity.

The application of decorative putty "Bark beetle" is carried out as follows:

  1. In a bucket, mix the putty solution. In this case, the amount of water is added exactly according to the instructions. The solution is allowed to stand for 5 minutes, after which it is stirred again.

  2. Using a spatula, the solution is applied to the trowel (you can use a grater)

  3. Next, with a trowel, the solution is applied to the walls. Movements should be directed at an angle of 50-60 ° from the bottom up or vice versa, but always in the same direction. The layer thickness must be equal to the diameter of the granules

  4. After covering part of the wall surface, it is leveled - excess material is removed with a spatula.They are sent back to the container, or applied to the trowel for further use.

  5. After leveling the walls, they begin to apply the texture. The texture is applied with a plastic spatula (it is allowed to use a spatula made of wood or polypropylene)

  6. A small amount of plaster is applied to the spatula and translational movements are made to it. At the same time, stone balls, upon contact with a spatula, leave grooves in the putty - “bark beetle moves”

The time for complete drying of the "bark beetle" is 48 hours

Venetian plaster

Venetian plaster

Venetian plaster

Venetian plaster

In fact, this is one of the most ancient ways of using decorative plasters in the world and was discovered in ancient Rome. Its meaning lies in the fact that the composition for processing the wall is made from stone production waste, supplemented with various paints (colors) and fastening material. Hydrated lime is usually used as the latter, however, acrylic is currently successfully replacing it.

Making Venetian plaster is quite simple and can be done on your own. To do this, you need to take stone chips or dust in any stone workshop (it can be granite or marble chips of different shades), purchase the necessary colors and a binder component - acrylic or lime.

The application of Venetian plaster is preceded by a high-quality wall treatment, consisting of leveling and preliminary puttying. Moreover, the latter includes both starting and finishing finishes.

Next, proceed to the application of the "Venetian". The process consists of the following steps:

  1. Prepare a certain amount of plaster of the desired color and choose the place where it will be applied. Since this type of decor dries quickly, you should not simultaneously work with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bmore than 1 sq. m

  2. The first layer of plaster is applied with a spatula in slightly rounded movements.

  3. You need to wait about an hour for the first layer to dry completely.

  4. Apply the second layer with a trowel. It has a color that differs by several tones from the first, but at the same time several “veins”, bald spots and other similar elements are formed on the wall

  5. The third layer is applied, the so-called. "rubbing". For this, a Japanese spatula is used, which is pressed against the wall with considerable force.

  6. Without waiting for the third layer to dry, it is sanded with very fine sandpaper.

  7. After the third layer dries, it is treated with wax

  8. Half an hour after applying the wax, the area is polished with a Japanese spatula (this removes excess wax) and wiped with a clean and dry cloth.

Then they move on to the next section, and, as in the case of other types of decor, it is advisable to do them with a slight overlap.

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Painting decorative plaster

Painting with a roller

Painting with a roller

It is believed that it is pointless to paint decorative plaster in one color and one layer. And there is a reason for this: with such an approach, the texture of the material is very quickly lost. So that the work on creating the decor does not disappear, and the relief pattern stands out well against the general background, it is recommended to paint using two colors.

At the first stage, a roller with a long pile is used. They paint the walls, that is, the background, the "back" of the picture. After 24-36 hours, after this layer of paint has dried, the wall is repainted, but at the same time a roller with a medium-length pile or with a very short pile is used. In this case, only the prominent relief pattern will be well painted.

The color of the paint used in the second step should not differ too much from the color used to obtain the background. It should be only a few tones lighter than the "background".

In some cases, it is recommended to protect the paint with varnish for greater safety. In this case, water-based varnish is used. In order for the varnish to penetrate deeply into the decorative plaster, it is diluted with water in a proportion of 50% to 50%.

The varnish solution is applied to the surface with a wide brush. Application is carried out in two layers. The second is applied after the first has completely dried. It is also desirable that the layers are applied perpendicular to each other: if the first is applied from the bottom up, the second is preferably applied left-right.

Alternative dry brush painting

Dry brush painting

Dry brush painting

The painting process can be greatly simplified (and accelerated), at the same time, without losing the decorative effect of the coating, if you use an alternative method of painting.

For this you need to prepare:

  • wide and flat brush;
  • bath for paint;
  • cardboard

Painting decorative plaster

Painting decorative plaster

The sequence of actions when painting with a dry brush:

  1. A little paint is poured into the bath and a brush is immersed in it.

  2. The brush is wiped on the edges of the bath, and then on pieces of cardboard

  3. The remaining paint on the brush is applied to the plaster. The brush is held parallel to the wall so that it barely touches the surface of the wall. Brush movements are made in one direction

  4. As the paint is used up, the process of updating it on the brush is repeated.

The main thing in this method of staining is not to allow too sharp a transition of colors when moving the brush.

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The use of decorative plasters has greatly expanded the possibilities of designers and builders in the design of apartment interiors. The use of simple and cheap materials in creating complex textured objects on the walls justifies itself in almost any situation. And the modern level of development of technology for the manufacture of such coatings guarantees their reliability and durability.

VIDEO: Do-it-yourself decorative plaster. The whole process

Decorative wall plaster with your own hands. Overview of simple solutions: how to make, how to apply putty

Decorative plaster with your own hands. The whole process

Decorative wall plaster with your own hands. Overview of simple solutions: how to make, how to apply putty | 115+ Photos & Videos

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