Toilet in the country or garden site - has long been no longer a primitive wooden structure with a hole above the cesspool. Modern toilet houses are not only functional, but also pleasing to the eye with a pleasant appearance, interior decoration. To create such a building in your country house, it is not necessary to be a professional builder. Even a beginner can build a country toilet with his own hands. How to do this, we will tell in the material.

Site selection

Speaking about the construction of a sanitary facility in a country house, we mean a separate building from the house, not connected to a centralized sewer system.
They equip latrines, usually in a remote corner of the territory, in order to avoid unpleasant odors of waste products. When choosing a space on the site, it should be understood how the collection and disposal of sewage will be carried out.
Most often, deep cesspools are dug for such buildings, but they are also used:
- Septic tanks and powder closets. They are located no closer than 15–20 m to other buildings.
- Dry closets. They dig into the ground in the area near the road so that the sewer truck can drive up close and pump out sewage
- Backlash closets. Insulated storage containers for collecting waste through a pipe. The hole for removing sewage is located on the side
General rules for choosing a site for a sanitary facility:
- At a distance of 10 m from residential buildings and structures
- No closer than 15 m from the habitats or keeping of animals
- After 1 m from green spaces
- 1.5–2 m away from the neighbor's fence

Construction of a cesspool

Pit layout
Before starting earthworks, experts advise you to familiarize yourself with the accepted sanitary and hygienic standards. Their violation threatens with administrative punishment and fines.
So, cesspools cannot be dug near sources of drinking water, natural and artificial reservoirs.. The level of the pit is never made below the groundwater level.
The standard area of the pit for waste is 1 m2. For a round pit, the diameter is made equal to 100 cm. Usually the depth of the dug ditch does not exceed 2 m.
Thanks to the cesspool, there is no need to dispose of liquid waste often - it naturally soaks into the soil. But here lies the main drawback - the risk of contamination of the soil and a persistent unpleasant odor in the nearest radius.
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Bioseptics for cesspools

Bioseptics fall asleep directly into the hole in the cesspool
To level the weaknesses of cesspools, biological compounds have been developed for the disinfection of organic waste.. The principle of their action is similar to those used in dry closets.
Products contain live bacteria that naturally process organic matter, eliminating unpleasant odors and eliminating the need for frequent pumping of sewage.

Bacteria in bioseptics contribute to the decomposition of organic waste

Surface construction options

country toilet
The toilet in the country may, at the request of the owner, look like:
birdhouse. Wooden building with a one-sided sloping roof. The simplest and cheapest design that does not provide a level of comfort

Structure "Birdhouse"
Teremok (hut). A structure with two sharp pitched roofs that is well insulated due to its unusual shape

Triangle (hut). One of the most common forms, with high moisture resistance due to the gable roof. Even strong gusts of wind are not afraid of such a structure.

small house. Comfortable option, where there is enough space for a person. Features increased durability

Quite unusual structural solutions in the form of a double sanitary building or a bathroom combined with an outdoor shower are also popular.

Bathroom with shower
The choice of the ground part of the toilet depends on several parameters:
- weight of the building (should not be heavy so that the ground does not subside and fail)
- strengthening foundation
- expected frequency of use
- material for construction (wood, plastic, corrugated board are best suited)
- availability of a ready-made construction scheme or the possibility of its manufacture
- financial ability to maintain and clean

double toilet
The standard dimensions of the toilet building, in which it is convenient for a person to be both standing and sitting:
- Height 2.2–2.3 m
- Width - 1–1.2 m
- Depth - 1.4 m

The choice of material for construction

Drawing for the assembly of the simplest design "Birdhouse"
The ground part is made of:
- tree
- metal
- brick
- concrete
- fiberboard
- slate
The structure of the lining or boards is mobile: it can be transferred from the old place to the new cesspool. The disadvantages include the flammability of wood, exposure to moisture and mold.
Metal houses are less common: for their construction, you need to have experience in welding a metal profile. However, the finished building is reliable, quickly manufactured. The only negative is that it gets very hot in the sun.
Brick toilets are monumental, they cannot be moved. The brick structure is heavy, so a tape-type foundation is made above the cesspool.

Step by step instructions for building a house

Scheme for the construction of a toilet in the form of a hut
An option for building a toilet that is accessible to a beginner in the construction business is a cesspool and a “hut” type structure made of wood.
Necessary materials

Wood - the most common material for the construction of a country bathroom
To build a simple but comfortable sanitary house in a summer cottage, you will need:
- Dry wood blocks and boards
- Self-tapping screws and screwdriver
- Hammer and nails
- Glue
- Styrofoam as a heater
- Slate or roofing material for the roof
- Fiberboard or plywood for finishing interior work
- Metal corners
- Accessories (plastic or wooden handle, hook for locking)
- Seat set with cover

Pit equipment made of concrete rings of large diameter
The arrangement of the cesspool will require the purchase of:
- Rubble
- fine river sand
- Cement (any brand and model)
- Fine mesh metal mesh to reinforce the walls
- Reinforcing lattice or pieces of reinforcement to increase the strength of the foundation
You will need the following tools:
- bayonet and shovel
- drill and perforator (if the soil is rocky, clay)
- Bulgarian with discs for working with metal and stone
- jigsaw
- square
- yardstick
- building level

If there is a financial opportunity, then the cesspool can be equipped with three concrete rings stacked on top of each other. The first 2 serve as a kind of settling tanks, and the lower one filters sewage before it enters the soil.
In the case when the budget is very limited, use old tires from the wheels of trucks.
How to dig a cesspool
Work begins with the marking of the site. Next, perform the following steps:
They dig (drill) a square or round hole in the soil to a depth of 2 m. The soil is selected, drainage is poured onto the bottom - a mixture of crushed stone and sand
The walls are reinforced with a mesh, and a cement mortar is poured on top, leveling the surface.

Reinforcing mesh reinforces the walls of the ditch
The dried cement is plastered, allowed to dry

Plastered concrete walls of the cesspool
Across the opening of the pit into the ground, wooden boards treated with an antiseptic composition are installed on the edge at a short distance. They serve as the basis for pouring the foundation.
Along the edges of the moat, formwork is made to the height of the future foundation. The hole is covered with a plastic film, covered with a reinforcing grate on top.
2 holes are left in the film - for installing a toilet bowl and for a cesspool technical exit
The space inside the formwork is poured with cement mortar, leveled, guided by beacons or building level

Pouring the foundation of the pit
The completely dried foundation is ready for the installation of the ground part. The cesspool before this is closed with a special hatch
The order of construction work
Next, they proceed to the construction of the structural part of the bathroom - a wooden house in the form of a hut. It is recommended to follow these instructions:
They start with the installation of the lower base of the frame from 5x5 cm bars. A square-formwork is knocked down from the parts, a flooring of boards is laid on top

Hole for seat
A hole for the toilet seat and a technological opening for the hatch of the cesspool are cut out in the floor
The wooden base is coated with antiseptic impregnations
The front and back parts of the structure are assembled from the beams according to pre-prepared schemes. Finished parts look like isosceles triangles with three crossbars along the distance. From the inside, both blanks are finished with strips of fiberboard

Schemes for assembling the front and back parts
The facade and back are attached to the base with self-tapping screws and reinforced with metal corners.
Next, the roof is being installed (it also serves as side walls) from boards 1.8–2 m long, roofing material is being laid and the ridge is being installed. Above provide a vent and a pipe

The roof is covered with roofing material, slate or metal tiles
A door is installed on the facade, a pedestal for the seat is mounted inside

pedestal for seat
The wood is primed and varnished, stained if desired
Lastly, install the handle, toilet seat, hook to close the door

dry closet

The design of the seat and waste tank in the dry closet
The dry closet is a compact toilet that is connected to a miniature storage system. Waste processing occurs due to biological products or peat mixture.
The main disadvantage of this design is that it is necessary to empty the tank with already processed waste every 10-12 days, which is impractical for summer residents.

General recommendations

Installation of the ventilation system
To avoid common mistakes when building a bathroom, experts urge to take into account such points:
- If there is a high risk of contamination of groundwater with decay products of organic matter, then the bottom and walls of the cesspool are concreted and waterproofed
- Heavy structures are installed on a strip foundation. Lightweight buildings - on supports
- For the ventilation system in the latrine, a plastic pipe with a diameter of 10 cm is used, which is attracted with tin clamps to a hole cut in the roof
- Roofing work on the roof of a house of the "Hut" type is allowed to be performed not only with roofing material, but also with polymer slate, tiles, plastic
- To finish the floor in the house, it is not recommended to take tiles - it will become slippery in winter, and in summer it will be too cold
- The main load in the ground structure falls on the door frame. The racks of the door of the building to the bars of the frame are fixed with studs for reliability
- For additional insulation of the toilet, a double skin is made, between the layers of which foam rubber or other synthetic insulation is placed.
- The cesspool is best covered with a finished reinforced concrete slab, which will serve as a reliable foundation
- If the building is made of the same material as other residential buildings (brick, wood, concrete), then the site will look neater
Arrangement of a country toilet with your own hands
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COUNTRY TOILET and SHOWER with your own hands.
Country toilet: a device, step-by-step instructions for building your own hands | 40+ Photos & Videos