Hybrid tea varieties of roses are considered the most popular variety of this culture. The popularity of this flower is quite understandable - it has a royal ...
With the help of polyanthus roses, you can create a real fairy tale out of the everyday life of a garden plot. Even gardeners without much experience can do it. Plants don't...
Climbing rose is a perennial shrub with long shoots, climbing along a support or creeping along the ground, which is highly decorative during ...
All types of roses are a wonderful decoration for any garden plot. They are unpretentious, frost-resistant, bloom for a long time. For their cultivation, any ...
The most beautiful flowers are generally recognized as roses - a domesticated variety of a wild plant called wild rose. Combining beauty,...
roses The process of growing roses in your garden is to follow the basic rules of agricultural technology. This is a fairly effective and hardy plant, allowing ...