Stonecrop: types and varieties for growing at home and in open ground. Rules for planting and caring for a succulent plant (110+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Stonecrop, sedum, hare cabbage is an unpretentious succulent plant, the care of which consists in proper planting, timely watering, application ...

Cyclamen - bulb violet: description, growing from seeds at home, plant care, reproduction and transplantation (75+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Cyclamen (lat. Cyclamen) is known to many under the name of alpine violet, dryakva, etc., although in fact this plant is of Middle Eastern origin. ...

Snapdragon: description, types, growing from seeds, planting in open ground and plant care, medicinal properties (85+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Antirrinum or snapdragon (lat. Antirrhinum) refers to herbaceous plants of the Plantain family. The genus includes more than 50 species of perennial flowers, ...

May lily of the valley: description of the plant, species, cultivation on its site and care, medicinal properties (55 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Lily of the valley is a harbinger of spring. This is a perennial flower that is perfect in its beauty and has an indescribable lasting aroma. How many legends and stories are associated with ...

Pansies: 10 species, a description of the process of growing from seeds in the open field and seedlings at home, the use of flowers (60+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Pansies, thoughtfully, look into the distance, looking for their beloved in the crowd. They are one of the most romantic flowers. There are many legends about them. These flowers from...

Bulb Flowers Catalog: Description 21 Varieties, for growing outdoors and at home (65 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

bulbous flowers Of all perennials, bulbous plants occupy a special place, since most of them are capable of growing in the first year after planting ...

Carnation flower - description, types and varieties, methods of cultivation and reproduction, planting and care (60+ Photos & Videos)

Carnation The genus Carnation (Diánthus) from the Carnation family was classified and named by the Swedish scientist K. Linnaeus in honor of one of the deities of the ancient Greek ...

Bell: description, varieties, planting and care, growing from seeds

Bluebells got their name for the corresponding shape of the flower. Due to a number of biological features of this plant, its genus has the same name ...

Astilba: 12 groups of varieties, description of the most common, care, reproduction (50 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Lush astilba bushes will decorate the backyard. They are actively used in landscape design. Planting and care are simple, accessible even to beginners ...

Anemones: 25 species, features of reproduction and care, planting in open ground, forcing in winter, description of the medicinal properties of the plant (50+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Anemones delicate flowers. They are able to decorate both a bouquet and a flower bed. Knowing the rules of care, planting in open ground and reproduction at home, you will not ...

Gladiolus: description, classification of varieties, planting in open ground and care (90 Photos & Video) + Reviews

Gladiolus came to us as one of the pieces of the heritage of the Roman Empire. While the majority of the inhabitants of Antiquity considered gladioli, and remotely ...

Fern: description, types, how to care for at home (90 Photos) + Reviews

General information about ferns is presented. The features of their maintenance and breeding at home are described. Descriptions of the most popular ...

How to grow tulips by March 8 at home? Planting, distillation, storage and other subtleties

Growing tulips at home - they are always associated with spring. These perennial bulbous plants delight the eye at the very peak of spring. At that...

How to grow roses in your garden: planting and care - a short encyclopedia for beginner gardeners (170 Photos)

roses The process of growing roses in your garden is to follow the basic rules of agricultural technology. This is a fairly effective and hardy plant, allowing ...

Hyacinth (80+ Photos) - Planting, care and reproduction at home - Elegant bouquet on the windowsill + Reviews

Hyacinth is a miracle among flowers at home, it will delight you with beautiful flowering, aroma, variety of colors, bring a lot of positive ...




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