Hybrid tea varieties of roses are considered the most popular variety of this culture. The popularity of this flower is quite understandable - it has a royal ...
ground cover perennials Ground cover perennials are one of the simplest yet elegant design solutions that ...
When creating a piece of paradise in a summer cottage, it is necessary to choose the right garden plants. At the same time, gardeners try to give preference to bright ...
Verbena is a representative of the genus and family of plants of the same name, widely distributed throughout the globe. An unequivocal answer, where does the plant come from ...
Euphorbia belongs to the Euphorbiaceae family. There are a lot of representatives. These are almost 2000 types of crops, they grow in almost all countries. So in...
Sage is a medicinal plant used in ancient Egypt. Even today, this medicinal herb is actively used in medicine. But, in...
Petunia - queen of the garden Petunia is a genus of perennial and annual plants with erect, creeping, densely branched shoots. Jean Baptiste Lamarck ...
Passionflower is one of the most attractive tropical plants. From the moment it was discovered by Europeans, it has become a regular guest of all kinds of ...
The honorary title of “Queen of the Shady Garden” has long been assigned to the host. And this is no coincidence: an unpretentious decorative perennial feels great on ...
Alyssum is a herbaceous plant with miniature flowers of various colors, thinning out a pleasant honey aroma, especially in the evening. Besides ...
Flowers - growing in spring According to the calendar, spring begins on March 1. But nature, naturally, does not pay attention to human formalities. For nature, the beginning...
A plant that does not require special care and is able to survive in conditions of intense heat and drought is the dream of many flower growers, brought to life. Exactly ...
Known to everyone since childhood, chamomile is a perennial plant from the Astrov family. One of the distinguishing features of chamomile, as a perennial, is ...
Not every owner of a garden plot is familiar with a wonderful ornamental plant called badan. It can be considered underestimated, because it is used ...
Potentilla, or Kuril tea, as it is also called, is a picky plant. The article will help you choose the right variety, acquaint the reader with the rules of planting and ...
In Kievan Rus, he was called "varesnets", which in Old Slavonic means "hoarfrost". Perhaps it was named so because the flowers bloom in early autumn and ...
Incarvillea is an ornamental plant that has only relatively recently become popular with flower growers in European countries, although, in ...
Flower lovers usually have a wide variety of flower crops both on their window sills and in outdoor beds. Cultivation of some species is possible in ...
Stonecrop, sedum, hare cabbage is an unpretentious succulent plant, the care of which consists in proper planting, timely watering, application ...
Antirrinum or snapdragon (lat. Antirrhinum) refers to herbaceous plants of the Plantain family. The genus includes more than 50 species of perennial flowers, ...
Lily of the valley is a harbinger of spring. This is a perennial flower that is perfect in its beauty and has an indescribable lasting aroma. How many legends and stories are associated with ...
Pansies, thoughtfully, look into the distance, looking for their beloved in the crowd. They are one of the most romantic flowers. There are many legends about them. These flowers from...
Bell: description, varieties, planting and care, growing from seeds | (50 Photos & Videos) + Reviews
Bluebells got their name for the corresponding shape of the flower. Due to a number of biological features of this plant, its genus has the same name ...
Lush astilba bushes will decorate the backyard. They are actively used in landscape design. Planting and care are simple, accessible even to beginners ...
Anemones delicate flowers. They are able to decorate both a bouquet and a flower bed. Knowing the rules of care, planting in open ground and reproduction at home, you will not ...
General information about ferns is presented. The features of their maintenance and breeding at home are described. Descriptions of the most popular ...