Among lovers of growing beautiful plants at home, the amaryllis flower is popular. The reason is its lush, albeit short-lived flowering, and ...
The perennial flower is loved by many gardeners for its decorative properties and ease of cultivation. Growing zephyranthes at home is not difficult and ...
Despite the beauty and delicate aroma, few people decide to independently breed freesia because of the whimsicalness of the plant. And in vain: if you know the rules ...
When creating a piece of paradise in a summer cottage, it is necessary to choose the right garden plants. At the same time, gardeners try to give preference to bright ...
irises Irises are perennial herbaceous plants with over 250 varieties. Under natural growing conditions, irises can be found in Asia, ...
The fragrant spring flower hyacinth is a rather capricious and demanding plant. However, subject to the rules of agricultural technology and taking into account the nuances of growing ...
Cyclamen (lat. Cyclamen) is known to many under the name of alpine violet, dryakva, etc., although in fact this plant is of Middle Eastern origin. ...
bulbous flowers Of all perennials, bulbous plants occupy a special place, since most of them are capable of growing in the first year after planting ...
Gladiolus came to us as one of the pieces of the heritage of the Roman Empire. While the majority of the inhabitants of Antiquity considered gladioli, and remotely ...
Growing tulips at home - they are always associated with spring. These perennial bulbous plants delight the eye at the very peak of spring. At that...
Hyacinth is a miracle among flowers at home, it will delight you with beautiful flowering, aroma, variety of colors, bring a lot of positive ...