A plant that does not require special care and is able to survive in conditions of intense heat and drought is the dream of many flower growers, brought to life. Exactly ...
The fragrant spring flower hyacinth is a rather capricious and demanding plant. However, subject to the rules of agricultural technology and taking into account the nuances of growing ...
Kanna is a perennial plant that was first introduced to Europeans in the 16th century. The first copies of cannes came from South America to Europe ...
Known to everyone since childhood, chamomile is a perennial plant from the Astrov family. One of the distinguishing features of chamomile, as a perennial, is ...
Not every owner of a garden plot is familiar with a wonderful ornamental plant called bergenia. It can be considered underestimated, because it is used ...
Poppy is a herbaceous plant belonging to the poppy family. Its distribution is very extensive - poppy is found throughout the tropics and temperate ...
This evergreen houseplant is valued for its unusually beautiful leaves that have green or variegated colors. They come from one point and their ...
Despite its bizarre and, to some extent, even intimidating appearance, this unusual guest from the tropical zone is one of the rather unpretentious ...
Potentilla, or Kuril tea, as it is also called, is a picky plant. The article will help you choose the right variety, acquaint the reader with the rules of planting and ...
In Kievan Rus, he was called "varesnets", which in Old Slavonic means "hoarfrost". Perhaps it was named so because the flowers bloom in early autumn and ...
Shades of the blue palette symbolize infinity and space. This color calms and invigorates, brings a feeling of coolness, visually pushes objects away. Such...
Zinnia is a plant from the Asteraceae family.All species of the genus Zinnia are native to the Western Hemisphere. The genus includes about twenty species of herbs, ...
Eschsholzia is a plant of the poppy family, whose homeland is the western coast of North America. It got its name in honor of the Russian ...
Incarvillea is an ornamental plant that has only relatively recently become popular with flower growers in European countries, although, in ...
Decorating a children's room with potted flowers is not only the creation of an interior composition and not a tribute to fashion, because with the help of indoor plants you can solve ...
About three hundred years ago, the first specimens of phlox came to Europe from North America. Beautiful and lush plants immediately gained popularity in the new ...
There was a stunted ficus at our work in the smoking room, sluggish and drooping all over, and at some party someone drunk poured decently red wine into it, and after a couple ...
Flower lovers usually have a wide variety of flower crops both on their window sills and in outdoor beds. Cultivation of some species is possible in ...
Marigolds can be found in almost any garden or park. This unpretentious plant has spread due to its attractive external ...
Care, growing rules and how to keep rose seedlings before planting are known to all professional gardeners and flower growers. Rose is considered the main crop among ...
Indoor plants that purify the air create comfort in the apartment, absorb noise, release useful phytoncides and oxygen. Due to the intensive evaporation of moisture ...
If the plant produces seeds, then the same copy can be grown from it. This has been proven by the laws of nature and scientists. Growing roses from seeds is an opportunity ...
Stonecrop, sedum, hare cabbage is an unpretentious succulent plant, the care of which consists in proper planting, timely watering, application ...
Among plants with decorative leaves, coleus occupies a special place. Its heart-shaped leaves have a multi-color coloring, with which, in addition to ...
When growing Schlumbergera at home, it is necessary to create conditions for the plant so that they are as close as possible to the natural environment ...
Japanese camellia Camellia japonica is a plant of the Tea family. Its homeland is Southeast Asia. In this region, it is widely distributed and ...
Cyclamen (lat. Cyclamen) is known to many under the name of alpine violet, dryakva, etc., although in fact this plant is of Middle Eastern origin. ...
Antirrinum or snapdragon (lat. Antirrhinum) refers to herbaceous plants of the Plantain family. The genus includes more than 50 species of perennial flowers, ...
The beauty of nature is unique, plants can exist and actively develop in the mountains, under not very favorable conditions, in deserts, on dry sands, on ...
The representative of legumes in the flower bed is lupine, this unpretentious flower will delight the eye with bright colors in the background of a common flower bed. He's great...
Gaillardia belongs to the Astrov family and is similar in appearance to a golden-red chamomile. A bright and unusual flower arrived in Europe from central and ...
Lily of the valley is a harbinger of spring. This is a perennial flower that is perfect in its beauty and has an indescribable lasting aroma. How many legends and stories are associated with ...
Pansies, thoughtfully, look into the distance, looking for their beloved in the crowd. They are one of the most romantic flowers. There are many legends about them. These flowers from...
Ipomoea is a large genus of perennial plants belonging to the Vnkov family. Since most types of morning glory have a tropical and ...
Primrose or spring primrose is a perennial ornamental plant. China is considered to be the homeland, the distribution area in natural conditions is Northern ...
bulbous flowers Of all perennials, bulbous plants occupy a special place, since most of them are capable of growing in the first year after planting ...
A beautiful summer cottage today is hard to imagine without a smooth lawn and bright flower beds. Ranunculus is an easy plant to plant and care for, ready to ...
Planting and caring for the delphinium, a herbaceous flower of the ranunculaceae genus (Ranunculáceae -lat.), was mastered back in ancient Greece, but they knew about this plant ...
Rudbeckia is a beautiful and spectacular plant of the Aster family. Rudbeckia is native to North America. In the middle of summer, a flower show begins - the plant pleases ...
Carnation The genus Carnation (Diánthus) from the Carnation family was classified and named by the Swedish scientist K. Linnaeus in honor of one of the deities of the ancient Greek ...