Ficus rubber at home: species and varieties that grow well in the house, planting and care, rules for reproduction and crown formation

Rubbery or elastic ficus (Ficus elastica) is a perennial plant from the Mulberry family. Thanks to its wide glossy foliage, it has gained popularity ...

Phalaenopsis orchid at home: care after purchase, cultivation, breeding rules

Phalaenopsis Phalaenopsis (from lat. Phalaenopsis) - perennial herbaceous plants from the Orchid family. Moist forests are the homeland of beautiful butterflies ...

Ginura - home care: planting and pruning, growing conditions, methods of reproduction. Signs and medicinal properties

Photo of a plant with exotic coloring of cilia on leaves Ginura (from lat. Gynura) is an exotic plant with soft, pubescent leaves. Belongs to...

Adenium at home: types, planting and care, plant diseases and pests. How to weave a pigtail and create a bright composition from different varieties? (60+ Photos)

Adenium (from lat. Adenium) or Impala lily is a succulent plant belonging to the Kutrovye family. One genus includes 7 species. In nature...

Diploding (Mandevilla) at home: types, methods of reproduction, cultivation, transplantation, Reasons for the lack of flowering and yellowing of the leaves

Dipladenia (Dipladenia) or Mandevilla (Mandevilla) is an evergreen plant from the Kutrovye family. In its natural habitat can be found in ...

TOP 35 Most Unusual and Amazing Plants in the World

The nature of our planet is extraordinary, and its imagination is inexhaustible. Outlandish representatives of the flora grow on different continents, which are able to amaze ...

Daylilies: description, classification of varieties, cultivation, care and reproduction (Photo & Video) + Reviews

Daylily is a very peculiar plant. A huge number of its varieties is simply amazing: only in the last half century has ...

Lemon: description, care, growing from the stone at home, recipes for vitamin juice and lemonade (Photo & Video) + Reviews

Lemons have been cultivated in Russia for over 300 years. The first specimens of a fruit-bearing tree appeared under Peter I. Growing a lemon in ...

Pomegranate at home: growing from seed and care, useful properties and contraindications (Photo & Video) + Reviews

Growing pomegranate at home is not only exciting, but also quite useful. Indoor exotic plant with beautiful pink ...

Verbena: description, types, cultivation, planting in open ground and plant care, reproduction (95 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Verbena is a representative of the genus and family of plants of the same name, widely distributed throughout the globe. An unequivocal answer, where does the plant come from ...

Euphorbia: home and garden. Description of 22 popular species and varieties, agricultural technology plants, diseases and pests (115 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Euphorbia belongs to the Euphorbiaceae family. There are a lot of representatives. These are almost 2000 types of crops, they grow in almost all countries. So in...

Gerberas: how to grow a tropical flower at home. Description, varieties, care, reproduction, possible diseases (50+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Gerbera or Transvaal chamomile - a perennial shrub of the Aster family came to us from Africa, but it took root perfectly in temperate latitudes, becoming one of ...

Sage: a description of its medicinal properties and possible contraindications for women and men, herbal infusions and other useful information about a natural healer

Sage is a medicinal plant used in ancient Egypt. Even today, this medicinal herb is actively used in medicine. But, in...

Irises: description, types and varieties, planting in open ground and care (150+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

irises Irises are perennial herbaceous plants with over 250 varieties. Under natural growing conditions, irises can be found in Asia, ...

Quaranthus - a tropical guest: features of care, planting, reproduction and its health benefits (50 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Catharanthus flowers fascinate with bright colors. This inhabitant of the tropics, although it requires increased attention, but fully pays for it with its beauty. Blooming...

Hippeastrum home flower - a many-sided hybrid: description, types, care, cultivation, reproduction and other useful information (160 Photos) + Reviews

Hippeastrum home - a bulbous plant, comes from South America. Sometimes it is mistakenly called amaryllis, however, amaryllis and hippeastrum have a common ...

Spathiphyllum: a move at home, transplantation, reproduction (80+ Photos) + Reviews

Spathiphyllum home (Spathiphyllum) was the first of the aroid perennials cultivated by man. Of all the representatives of this family (about 40 species) ...

Perennial asters: description of 13 species, care and planting at home, methods of propagation and cultivation from seeds (Photo & Video) + Reviews

Asters Asters decorate autumn flower beds. Late flowering saturates gray everyday life with bright colors until the onset of frost. Planting and caring for them is not ...

Daisies: description, perennial and biennial varieties, growing from seeds, reproduction and care (50 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

daisies There are plenty of low-growing flowers for the garden and flower beds now, breeders have learned to breed border varieties of almost any plant. In spite of this ...

Kalanchoe flower (120+ Photos & Videos) - home care, transplant, reproduction, useful properties + Reviews

Indoor flower growers respect Kalanchoe; this is not surprising - it is rare that a plant has so many useful properties, and that is why ...

Lily (55+ Photos) of an oriental beauty - description of 9 varieties, rules for care and cultivation + Reviews

Lily, the photo and description of which are presented in our article, is a flowering plant of extraordinary beauty with a pleasant aroma. Ever since ancient...

Callas: home care - features of an exotic plant (30+ Photos) + Reviews

Calla attracts the attention of flower growers with its unpretentious care, incredibly beautiful flowers and large leaves. The plant grows equally well and ...

Azalea - description, care, reproduction and possible diseases (35 Photos & Videos) - We observe the cultivation technique

Azalea is a houseplant belonging to the Heather family. An ornamental shrub is considered capricious, however, subject to the rules of cultivation, it is not ...

Indoor flower Groom and bride or campanula: description, care, reproduction and possible diseases (50 Photos) + Reviews

If you are a lover of indoor plants, then the campanula flower, popularly called the "bride and groom" will not leave you indifferent. When I first got my hands on...

Balsam - decoration of the lower tier: description, varieties, planting and care recommendations (60 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Balsam is an ornamental plant that is widely distributed in modern garden plots. A wide range of colors of flowering parts and a rich ...

Petunia: description of the 20 best varieties

Petunia - queen of the garden Petunia is a genus of perennial and annual plants with erect, creeping, densely branched shoots. Jean Baptiste Lamarck ...

Roses: features of autumn care for them, everything you need to know about it (Photo & Video) + Reviews

The most beautiful flowers are generally recognized as roses - a domesticated variety of a wild plant called wild rose.Combining beauty,...

Heuchera perennial - when leaves are more important than flowers: description, planting in the open field, care (80+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Geichera is a perennial plant belonging to the Saxifrage family. This plant is of North American origin; most of its species in the wild ...

Daffodils: description, planting and care in the open field, transplantation, reproduction, when to dig and what to do after flowering (55+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Daffodils are one of the earliest spring flowers that adorn summer cottages, garden beds and home flowerpots. How to organize the landing and care ...

Garden gerbera: description, types and varieties, planting and caring for an African flower in the open field, reproduction, possible diseases (40+ Photos & Videos)

Garden gerbera is a perennial herbaceous plant from the Asteraceae family, which is considered quite finicky in terms of care. To grow a flower on...

TOP 15 Best Ornamental Drought Tolerant Plants for Your Garden (Photo & Video) + Reviews

The Best Drought Tolerant Plants for the Garden Lack of water in the garden can be a serious problem for the owner. Even today centralized...

Passionflower home or passion flower - a liana with edible fruits: description, types, cultivation, planting and care, reproduction (80+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Passionflower is one of the most attractive tropical plants. From the moment it was discovered by Europeans, it has become a regular guest of all kinds of ...

What to plant under the trees: flowers, plants or vegetables? In the garden or garden in the shade (40+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Almost every garden has trees, fruit trees, or creating shade for a comfortable pastime in hot weather. At the same time, places under their crowns ...

Hosta: description, types and varieties, planting in the open field and care, possible diseases (120+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

The honorary title of “Queen of the Shady Garden” has long been assigned to the host. And this is no coincidence: an unpretentious decorative perennial feels great on ...

Alyssum: plant species and varieties, sowing seeds in open ground and caring for a rainbow carpet on the site (130 Photos) + Reviews

Alyssum is a herbaceous plant with miniature flowers of various colors, thinning out a pleasant honey aroma, especially in the evening. Besides ...

Peonies - competitors of roses: description and characteristics of 30 varieties, everything you need to know about them (50 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

The description of various varieties of pions is given. The features of growing each variety are considered. Recommendations are given for growing peonies in a temperate climate. ...

Geranium: description, types, home care, cultivation, reproduction, pruning and other useful information (50+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

One of the popular houseplants is geranium. Most varieties have bright colors, a pleasant smell and beneficial properties. Now there are many about them ...

editor's choice
TOP 20 plants blooming in July: what should you choose for a garden, vegetable garden or flower bed?

When creating "your ideal garden", a good florist always prefers plants that bloom in summer. The color of blooming in July is usually ...

Catalog of 23 plants for an alpine slide: a piece of Switzerland in the garden (80+ Photos & Video)

Any garden or suburban area should have some special detail that distinguishes it from many others. Usually as such an object ...

TOP-20 Primroses: flowers blooming in spring. Description with Photo, characteristics, care

Flowers - growing in spring According to the calendar, spring begins on March 1. But nature, naturally, does not pay attention to human formalities. For nature, the beginning...




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