Despite its bizarre and, to some extent, even intimidating appearance, this unusual guest from the tropical zone is one of the rather unpretentious ...
Shades of the blue palette symbolize infinity and space. This color calms and invigorates, brings a feeling of coolness, visually pushes objects away. Such...
Decorating a children's room with potted flowers is not only the creation of an interior composition and not a tribute to fashion, because with the help of indoor plants you can solve ...
There was a stunted ficus at our work in the smoking room, sluggish and drooping all over, and at some party someone drunk poured decently red wine into it, and after a couple ...
Indoor plants that purify the air create comfort in the apartment, absorb noise, release useful phytoncides and oxygen. Due to the intensive evaporation of moisture ...
Among plants with decorative leaves, coleus occupies a special place. Its heart-shaped leaves have a multi-color coloring, with which, in addition to ...
When growing Schlumbergera at home, it is necessary to create conditions for the plant so that they are as close as possible to the natural environment ...
Japanese camellia Camellia japonica is a plant of the Tea family. Its homeland is Southeast Asia. In this region, it is widely distributed and ...
Cyclamen (lat. Cyclamen) is known to many under the name of alpine violet, dryakva, etc., although in fact this plant is of Middle Eastern origin. ...
bulbous flowers Of all perennials, bulbous plants occupy a special place, since most of them are capable of growing in the first year after planting ...
Dove-like flowers amaze with their beauty. Once, seeing them - fall in love for life. Inexperienced flower growers are afraid of the difficulties in planting and caring ...
Succulents are easy to care for at home. People from hot countries have an exotic and decorative look. They are not afraid to leave without ...
Europeans got acquainted with pineapples in the middle of the 16th century. At that time, the duration of travel was very long and the ability to deliver pineapples from their ...
Mango is a tropical plant whose fruits have an amazing taste. This is one of the largest fruit-bearing plants in the world. Individual ...
Coffee is the favorite drink of a huge number of people. Despite its rather long history of use, mass character in it has come quite recently. ...
Chamedorea homeis is a plant belonging to the Palm family. Therefore, it is not surprising that when their number exceeds 3-5 pieces, ...
General information about ferns is presented. The features of their maintenance and breeding at home are described. Descriptions of the most popular ...
Probably everyone dreamed at least once to grow something exotic at home. So what prevents us from doing the same with some of the fruits? After all, there is...
Date palm at home is no longer a rarity. This exotic plant of hot countries with spreading leaves has become the lawful mistress of urban ...
A general description with the names of the cactus family, and their classification and photos are given. The varieties of cacti available for cultivation in ...
Growing tulips at home - they are always associated with spring. These perennial bulbous plants delight the eye at the very peak of spring. At that...
Homemade poinsettia can rightly be attributed to the most beautiful flowering plants. It is especially noteworthy that the period of its flowering occurs in winter. On New Year's Eve...
One of the brightest representatives of decorative flowers is fuchsia, it is also called "Japanese lantern", "ballerina". It is a perennial evergreen...
Currently, many zamiokulkas are bred at home, although this plant came to us quite recently. In the mid 1990s...
Hyacinth is a miracle among flowers at home, it will delight you with beautiful flowering, aroma, variety of colors, bring a lot of positive ...
Caring for Benjamin's ficus at home is simple and even a novice florist can handle it.Like all southeastern plants, ficus ...
Begonia at home, began to be grown by Europeans about 200 years ago. The French botanist Charles Plumier named this plant after Michel Begon...
Today, almost every housewife grows a money tree at home, but how to properly care for it and what features are characteristic of this ...
If you want to start a dracaena at home, but do not know where to start, first pay attention to one of its types. The plant is one...
The number of orchid species is very large, but there are rules that apply to almost all of their varieties. Consider the main features of care ...