Few plants can boast such a lush and long flowering as a petunia. A variety of varieties with flowers of various shades make it ...
Poppy is a herbaceous plant belonging to the poppy family. Its distribution is very extensive - poppy is found throughout the tropics and temperate ...
Zinnia is a plant from the Asteraceae family. All species of the genus Zinnia are native to the Western Hemisphere. The genus includes about twenty species of herbs, ...
Gaillardia belongs to the Astrov family and is similar in appearance to a golden-red chamomile. A bright and unusual flower arrived in Europe from central and ...
Primrose or spring primrose is a perennial ornamental plant. China is considered to be the homeland, the distribution area in natural conditions is Northern ...
Nasturtium is grown in the middle and northern latitudes of the country, having moved to us from South America. Flower culture feels wonderful here and in ...