perennial flowers

Dahlias: planting and care in the open field, description of the 10 most beautiful varieties (100 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Stately dahlias are one of the main decorations of the autumn garden. Large luxurious flowers are unparalleled in the variety of shapes and colors. Practically...

Chlorophytum home (120 Photos) - home care, reproduction, transplant, disease + Reviews

A flowerpot with a fountain of chlorophytum leaves-feathers is a traditional addition to the green interior of our houses. Tropical plant well...

Gerberas: how to grow a tropical flower at home. Description, varieties, care, reproduction, possible diseases (50+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Gerbera or Transvaal chamomile - a perennial shrub of the Aster family came to us from Africa, but it took root perfectly in temperate latitudes, becoming one of ...

Hippeastrum home flower - a many-sided hybrid: description, types, care, cultivation, reproduction and other useful information (160 Photos) + Reviews

Hippeastrum home - a bulbous plant, comes from South America. Sometimes it is mistakenly called amaryllis, however, amaryllis and hippeastrum have a common ...

Lily (55+ Photos) of an oriental beauty - description of 9 varieties, rules for care and cultivation + Reviews

Lily, the photo and description of which are presented in our article, is a flowering plant of extraordinary beauty with a pleasant aroma. Ever since ancient...

Callas: home care - features of an exotic plant (30+ Photos) + Reviews

Calla attracts the attention of flower growers with its unpretentious care, incredibly beautiful flowers and large leaves. The plant grows equally well and ...

Indoor flower Groom and bride or campanula: description, care, reproduction and possible diseases (50 Photos) + Reviews

If you are a lover of indoor plants, then the campanula flower, popularly called the "bride and groom" will not leave you indifferent. When I first got my hands on...

Roses: features of autumn care for them, everything you need to know about it (Photo & Video) + Reviews

The most beautiful flowers are generally recognized as roses - a domesticated variety of a wild plant called wild rose. Combining beauty,...

Heuchera perennial - when leaves are more important than flowers: description, planting in the open field, care (80+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Geichera is a perennial plant belonging to the Saxifrage family. This plant is of North American origin; most of its species in the wild ...

Daffodils: description, planting and care in the open field, transplantation, reproduction, when to dig and what to do after flowering (55+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Daffodils are one of the earliest spring flowers that adorn summer cottages, garden beds and home flowerpots. How to organize the landing and care ...

Garden gerbera: description, types and varieties, planting and caring for an African flower in the open field, reproduction, possible diseases (40+ Photos & Videos)

Garden gerbera is a perennial herbaceous plant from the Asteraceae family, which is considered quite finicky in terms of care. To grow a flower on...

Peonies - competitors of roses: description and characteristics of 30 varieties, everything you need to know about them (50 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

The description of various varieties of pions is given. The features of growing each variety are considered. Recommendations are given for growing peonies in a temperate climate. ...

Geranium: description, types, home care, cultivation, reproduction, pruning and other useful information (50+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

One of the popular houseplants is geranium. Most varieties have bright colors, a pleasant smell and beneficial properties. Now there are many about them ...

Canna is a large ornamental plant: description, planting and care in the open field and at home (70+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Kanna is a perennial plant that was first introduced to Europeans in the 16th century. The first copies of cannes came from South America to Europe ...

Poppy is a bright ornamental plant: description of perennial and annual flowers, planting and care, methods of reproduction, possible diseases (70 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Poppy is a herbaceous plant belonging to the poppy family. Its distribution is very extensive - poppy is found throughout the tropics and temperate ...

Phloxes - champions in flowering: description, planting in the open field, reproduction and care (85+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

About three hundred years ago, the first specimens of phlox came to Europe from North America. Beautiful and lush plants immediately gained popularity in the new ...

How to save rose seedlings before planting? Description, classification, reproduction, pest control measures (75+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Care, growing rules and how to keep rose seedlings before planting are known to all professional gardeners and flower growers. Rose is considered the main crop among ...

Growing roses from seeds: stock rose (mallow), Chinese, stone, angel wings, polyanthus and other popular types and varieties (35+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

If the plant produces seeds, then the same copy can be grown from it. This has been proven by the laws of nature and scientists. Growing roses from seeds is an opportunity ...

Saxifrage: description, types and varieties, reproduction, growing from seeds, planting in open ground, care (110+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

The beauty of nature is unique, plants can exist and actively develop in the mountains, under not very favorable conditions, in deserts, on dry sands, on ...

Perennial lupins: description of the plant, growing from seeds, planting in open ground and caring for them (50+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

The representative of legumes in the flower bed is lupine, this unpretentious flower will delight the eye with bright colors in the background of a common flower bed. He's great...

Gaillardia perennial: description, growing from seeds, planting in open ground and care (45+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Gaillardia belongs to the Astrov family and is similar in appearance to a golden-red chamomile. A bright and unusual flower arrived in Europe from central and ...

Ipomoea: description, popular varieties, growing from seeds, planting and care (50+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Ipomoea is a large genus of perennial plants belonging to the Vnkov family. Since most types of morning glory have a tropical and ...

Primula: description, varieties for home growing from seeds, compliance with the rules of cultivation and care (50+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Primrose or spring primrose is a perennial ornamental plant. China is considered the homeland, the distribution area in natural conditions is Northern ...

Ranunculus (Buttercup): description, types and varieties, cultivation and reproduction, planting in open ground and care, useful properties (50 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

A beautiful summer cottage today is hard to imagine without a smooth lawn and bright flower beds. Ranunculus is an easy plant to plant and care for, ready to ...

Delphinium Magnificent! Description, varieties, growing from seeds, reproduction, planting and care (45 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Planting and caring for the delphinium, a herbaceous flower of the ranunculaceae genus (Ranunculáceae -lat.), was mastered back in ancient Greece, but they knew about this plant ...

Rudbeckia: planting and caring for a plant in the open field. Varieties of rudbeckia for decorating a personal plot, useful properties (80+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Rudbeckia is a beautiful and spectacular plant of the Aster family. Rudbeckia is native to North America. In the middle of summer, a flower show begins - the plant pleases ...

Growing Lavender from seeds at home: description, varieties, planting and care, stratification

Lavender is an evergreen dense shrub of the Lamiaceae family, originating from the Mediterranean region. This unpretentious plant was ...

Periwinkle: description of the main species, recommendations for care and reproduction, medicinal properties (50+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Periwinkle is an unpretentious shrub. Planting and caring for vinca is not difficult. Abundantly flowering bushes will delight the eye for most of the year, with ...

Princess Nasturtium: a familiar stranger. Description, types, growing from seeds, care (50 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Nasturtium is grown in the middle and northern latitudes of the country, having moved to us from South America. Flower culture feels wonderful here and in ...

Gloxinia or Sinningia? Description, types, cultivation from seeds or tuber, care, reproduction (50 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Between flower growers, lovers of the perennial Gloxinia homea, which exudes the finest aroma of exquisite perfumes when flowering, disputes arise, how ...

Anemones: 25 species, features of reproduction and care, planting in open ground, forcing in winter, description of the medicinal properties of the plant (50+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Anemones delicate flowers. They are able to decorate both a bouquet and a flower bed. Knowing the rules of care, planting in open ground and reproduction at home, you will not ...

Gladiolus: description, classification of varieties, planting in open ground and care (90 Photos & Video) + Reviews

Gladiolus came to us as one of the pieces of the heritage of the Roman Empire. While most of the inhabitants of Antiquity considered gladioli, and remotely ...

Rose: description of 16 varieties, features and care - such a different queen of flowers (150 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

The rose is the most popular flower grown on our planet. In general, when they say the word "flowers", in the vast majority of cases they mean ...

How to grow roses in your garden: planting and care - a short encyclopedia for beginner gardeners (170 Photos)

Roses The process of growing roses in your garden is to follow the basic rules of agricultural technology. This is a fairly effective and hardy plant, allowing ...

Dracaena marginata - care after purchase, transplantation, reproduction at home (140 Photos)

If you want to start a dracaena at home, but do not know where to start, first pay attention to one of its types. The plant is one...



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