Stately dahlias are one of the main decorations of the autumn garden. Large luxurious flowers are unparalleled in the variety of shapes and colors. Practically...
The myrtle tree, originally from the Mediterranean, fell into the ranks of indoor plants not by chance. It not only decorates the room, but gives it a special style, excellent ...
The evergreen shrub originates from the regions of China, Vietnam and Laos, that is, it comes from the tropics and subtropics. At home, where he ...
Few plants can boast such a lush and long flowering as a petunia. A variety of varieties with flowers of various shades make it ...
Any garden or cottage can be easily made beautiful with the help of flowers. Blooming all summer, perennials are a versatile way to achieve this. ...
Violet uzambarskaya or Saintpaulia (lat. Saintpaulia) is a popular indoor plant native to Central Africa. Great look and great variety...
A flowerpot with a fountain of chlorophytum leaves-feathers is a traditional addition to the green interior of our houses. Tropical plant well...
About five hundred varieties of colorful anthurium grow in the jungles of South and Central America. Among them there are different life forms: terrestrial ...
Hybrid tea varieties of roses are considered the most popular variety of this culture. The popularity of this flower is quite understandable - it has a royal ...
The house rose in a pot is quite a finicky plant. For normal development and regular flowering, she needs special care, all the secrets and nuances ...
When the leaves are just beginning to bloom and the first grass appears, the flowering heads of primroses raise. Tulips, bright colors and ...
Lavender (Lavandula) possesses refinement and attractiveness of flowers, refinement of a smell at blossoming. High decorativeness allows you to find ...
Beautiful tree-like shrub Brugmansia is used as a horticultural crop in hot climates. In regions with temperate climatic conditions, it is grown ...
Hippeastrum is an elegant ornamental flowering plant. It will decorate both the suburban area and the interior of a city apartment. Taking care of a flower is pretty...
When choosing vegetation for the living room, strict security is not required, as for rooms where loved ones sleep. Although, if little ones are running around ...
New Year is not the only reason to decorate your home with a Christmas tree. A beautiful coniferous plant indoor araucaria at any time of the year will be spectacular and original ...
Among lovers of growing beautiful plants at home, the amaryllis flower is popular. The reason is its lush, albeit short-lived flowering, and ...
With the help of polyanthus roses, you can create a real fairy tale out of the everyday life of a garden plot. Even gardeners without much experience can do it. Plants don't...
Home violet (aka uzambar violet, aka saintpaulia) is a very popular houseplant with a spectacular appearance. ...
Cultivation of clerodendrum began centuries ago, but it reached the home interior relatively recently. Ornamental plant quickly fell in love ...
Asparagus Asparagus is an ornamental culture, the main feature of which is the presence of lacy shoots. This plant is called...
Growing flowers at home is a very common hobby, to which almost all residents of our country devote their time to one degree or another.
Elatior Begonia, Winter Flowering Begonia, Begonia × hiemalis Begonias are loved by many women for their beauty and long flowering. Small plants with...
Tropical beauty gardenia will be a magnificent detail of the interior, thanks to its luxurious flowers and dense green foliage. However, plant care in ...
The perennial flower is loved by many gardeners for its decorative properties and ease of cultivation. Growing zephyranthes at home is not difficult and ...
Abutilon (indoor maple) is a plant belonging to the Malvaceae family. Cultures from this genus may include both small trees, ...
ground cover perennials Ground cover perennials are one of the simplest yet elegant design solutions that ...
Avocado is a beautiful evergreen woody plant with very useful fruits that taste good. No wonder so many would love to see this exotic...
Climbing rose is a perennial shrub with long shoots, climbing along a support or creeping along the ground, which is highly decorative during ...
Cacti are especially loved by flower growers for their unpretentiousness and decorative effect. In addition, the cultivation of these flowers has one interesting detail, constantly ...
A gloomy-looking hymnocalycium at home during flowering is transformed and will surprise you and your loved ones with its unusual beauty. First on...
Despite the beauty and delicate aroma, few people decide to independently breed freesia because of the whimsicalness of the plant. And in vain: if you know the rules ...
When creating a piece of paradise in a summer cottage, it is necessary to choose the right garden plants. At the same time, gardeners try to give preference to bright ...
All types of roses are a wonderful decoration for any garden plot. They are unpretentious, frost-resistant, bloom for a long time. For their cultivation, any ...
Plants are all around us. Thanks to them, our life is painted with bright colors. Our eyes are pleased with the variety of structure, shape, shades ...
Young, which is also called stone rose or hare cabbage, is a plant belonging to the Tolstyankov family. The Latin name of the species...
With the onset of autumn, the colors of the surrounding nature are gradually lost, dullness and gloom set in. The site will be significantly transformed with...
As children, we often watched Indian films and were touched by the beauty of unsurpassed flowers. India cannot be imagined without piercing aromas. Lotus...
Aucuba (from lat. Aucuba) is an ornamental evergreen plant from the dogwood family. In nature, there are 3 types of golden tree and they grow ...
The decorativeness of echmea leaves and the splendor of flowers won the love of plant growers. Its popularity is not destroyed even by the fact that it blooms only once. ...
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