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TOP 20 plants blooming in July: what should you choose for a garden, vegetable garden or flower bed? | (Photo & Video) +Reviews

plants blooming in july

When creating "your ideal garden", a good florist always prefers plants that bloom in summer. The color of blooming in July is usually excellent, it is distinguished by an abundance of dense inflorescences, most of which do not lose their attractiveness right up to frost.

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Begonia Tuberous


Begonia - one of the most popular plants blooming in July - a flower that is preferred by both ordinary gardeners and design professionals. It is very often used as a flower decoration for various parks and landscaping on the streets of big cities.

A beautiful view of begonia almost always has:

The place is not important, the main thing is to correctly determine the color scheme, and as a result, it will not be better to find a begonia plant for decoration.

This perennial, which is however grown as an annual. Begonia flowers are quite small, but their color varies: from white to terry. It begins to bloom in July, and ends only in November - closer to the appearance of the first frosts.

Begonia is an undemanding flower, but if the soil is loose and fertile, then regular watering and fertilizing should be carried out. So the flowering will be thicker and longer.

Begonia propagates through seedlings.

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Large globular hydrangea blooms acquire their optimal lilac saturation, blue, white or pink in mid-July. Hydrangea should grow in group plantings behind hedges, and it must have a lot of free space. Most often, hydrangea flowers are used to decorate bouquets. During marriage, for example, hydrangea is almost always included in the wedding bouquet of the bride or her friends.

Hydrangea itself is bush, growing up to 2 m. up, and growing to several meters in diameter. It is quite demanding on soil and moisture indicators. It has a fairly low resistance to low temperatures.

But the hydrangea is very resistant to various parasites, it is not damaged: no spider mites, no aphids, no scutellum. Terrible for her are only diseases like gray mold or powdery mildew.

Hydrangea is very easy to propagate by seeds, layering or divisions of the bush.

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Lavender is often used for border plantings. Plant it in rows at intervals of 20-30 cm. Often used as an auxiliary resource in the design of rose bushes. Lavender borders are planted around these very roses, and perfectly hide the bare ground, while, thanks to the color scheme, they perfectly complement the structure of the roses. Lavender also serves as a natural remedy for aphids that cannot tolerate this flower.

Lavender itself is a semi-shrub. Lavender most often has a purple or blue color, but its color can also be light pink, but in our regions this type of lavender is not so widespread. Lavender blooms for a long time, and is a honey plant.

Lavender is a very versatile plant.It is resistant to low temperatures down to -25 C°, and dry soil. The only thing he fears is waterlogging. Diseases and harmful insects are also not too scary for her.

Lavender is propagated by cuttings. When pruning in the spring, you need to be careful, because if it is done too early, then the cuts can be damaged by frost, and if it is too late, the future flowering intensity will decrease. If autumn frosts come early enough, then lavender should be cut in early September.

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Verbena is an exquisite perennial flower, which in most cases is grown as an annual. This plant will decorate almost any room or balcony. It is very good for cutting, and can grow in an ampelous form. It begins to bloom in July, and ends right up to the onset of frost.

Verbena flowers have a very pleasant and rather strong smell. They are small, but are collected in umbrella-shaped inflorescences, which makes them attractive.

The plant can have any of several colors: white, red, yellow, purple or light pink, but in any case, the middle of the flower will be a small white circle, the so-called "eye".

Verbena propagates by seeds, which must be planted during the first week of April. This is one of the oldest garden plants, which has gained its popularity since the 19th century, and does not lose it to this day. Essential oil produced from verbena is a universal remedy that helps to improve the general condition of the human body, well relieves fatigue and drowsiness.

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Primarily used in vertical gardening, a liana called imopea is a great addition to garden decoration, terraces, verandas or some type of extension gazebos near the house. This plant is very often used by the "green screen", a kind of natural wall, which looks very elegant due to the beautiful flowers that open with the morning sun.

Imopeya belongs to the bindweed family, and reaches a size of 3-4 meters.. The flowers are small: 4-6 cm in diameter. It grows by self-sowing, which gives the first seedlings after 5 days.

The flower may turn pink, blue or dark blue. The plant should be sown in the 2-3rd week of April, it badly needs good lighting, and also responds positively to soil replenishment with water and nutrients. In the past, this plant was ubiquitous, but now it can be found in nature not so often.

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A chic annual plant, the flowers of which can acquire many colors of one-color or two-color type. Perfectly complements any flower bed or rabatka. Petunias are preferred due to the fact that it blooms for a very long time: from the beginning of July until the first frosts (flowering is very beautiful and long, so there are few analogues to this plant).

By itself, this plant of the nightshade family is a perennial, but in the home environment it is most often used as an annual.. Petunia flowers are quite large: up to 13 cm in diameter. In our time, a fairly large number of species and varieties of this plant have been bred.

Reproduction occurs through seedlings. In the case of fertilizers and soil quality, the petunia is not too whimsical, but it loves light very much, and if you want the plant to be healthy and with large flowers, it must be planted in unshaded places. Petunia responds very well to watering and fertilizing.The flowers are quite fragile, and as a result of heavy rain or hail, they can be severely damaged.

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Rustic style has recently become one of the most popular when it comes to decorating the appearance of a country house or cottage. And it is the mallow that helps to ensure this very rustic style when decorating a house. The mallow plant is quite large in size, from bottom to top it is dotted with large or medium-sized flowers of double or uniform color.

The mallow blooms for a long time, the decorative component of the mallow is not lost for 3-4 years. If you take care of the plant, then this period can even increase up to 5-6 years. It looks great both in group and in single landings, which is why it has the necessary versatility. Not demanding on conditions, resistant to both drought and constant high humidity. A cut plant does not lose its attractiveness, the flowers can have a different color: white with pink, red or yellow.

Reproduction of the plant occurs through seeds, and the mallow also produces self-sowing. Decorative component at a high level: flowers of decorative varieties are simple or double.

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A plant up to 130 cm high, which blooms from late June to early July for 30-35 days, aconite, despite its danger, does not lose the attractiveness of flowering. Among the people you can often hear how aconite is called "boot". This plant got its name due to the appearance of the flowers.

Aconite is propagated 1 time in 4 years by dividing the bush in early spring. It is not picky about the soil and the influence of external factors. Even during dry periods, it does not require constant watering. Reacts positively to mulching with peat twice during the season.

Flowers can have one of three colors: white, blue or purple. They are quite small, diameter: up to 4 cm, but are collected in bunches, which together form a very nice looking picture. They have a rather pleasant smell.

All parts of the plant are poisonous to the human body, so you need to be careful when there are small children so that they do not try to put leaves or flowers of aconite in their mouths.

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Buttercup caustic "night blindness"

Buttercup caustic night blindness

Buttercup caustic "night blindness"

Buttercup is a beautiful plant that propagates in two ways: by dividing the rhizome or with the help of seeds. Buttercup needs to be planted quite late - even in mid-May, when there is no trace of spring frosts. It is picky about sunlight and suffers from strong gusts of wind, the soil should be neutral, light and permeable.

Buttercups need care. The plant needs to be regularly watered, fertilized, loosened the soil and weeded. You also need to remember that buttercup is a fairly aggressive plant that can displace less active competitors from the garden.

Buttercup is used, in most cases, as a garden decoration, the flowers are quite large in diameter, and can have a different color (from yellow to bright red) depending on the variety.

The most popular varieties of buttercup are the yellow Ranunculus anemonifolius, Ranunculus asiaticus, garden buttercup and Asian buttercup.

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Campsis is one of the best options if the goal is beautiful vertical landscaping. The flowers of this plant can be light yellow, orange or red, depending on the variety.This is a vine that grows very quickly, is very resistant to external factors due to aerial sucker roots.

The length of kampsis reaches a size of 10-15 m. The flowers are collected in small inflorescences of 5-8 pieces each, and have a high density, which is why their structure is similar to the structure of wax to the touch, which is why people unfamiliar with this plant may think that Kampsis is an artificial flower from some kind of the artificial same material.

Kampsis is not picky about air temperature, and can withstand frosts down to -25 ° C. The plant loves light very much and is quite vulnerable to pests like aphids, shield insects or whiteflies.

Propagated immediately by 3 types:

  • stratified seeds;
  • layering cuttings;
  • root system.

Kampsis flowers are very difficult to dry due to their waxy structure. Only hygroscopic paper will help in this matter.




On the territory of the countries of the post-Soviet space, marigolds are probably the most favorite flowers, of those that bloom in summer.. They are very beautiful in appearance, pleasant to the touch, smell wonderful.

They have strong healing properties, and because of their beautiful appearance, they will ideally fit into:

Moreover, they almost always fit perfectly into the appearance of any bouquet, the range of their color is combined with most popular flowers.

Marigolds are divided into:

  • upright;
  • rejected;
  • thin-leaved.

The latter are dwarf varieties, and can be a good solution for planting in rockeries.. Also, marigolds are picky plants, they are drought-resistant and not too selective for soil, they love light very much.

Their reproduction occurs through seedlings. Have the property of reproduction by self-seeding. This plant tolerates repeated plantings in an already flowering state, which is why it is indispensable when it comes to repairs. flower beds or flower beds. Perfectly tolerate the neighborhood with any type of other plants.

Geranium meadow

Geranium meadow

Geranium meadow

Meadow geranium is a perennial plant with a short rhizome, which is found in meadows and fields in the countries of the post-Soviet space., and in Europe it is more common in light forests, or at the edge of the forest.

Umbrella-shaped geranium flowers of medium size with a diameter. It is necessary to sow the seeds of this plant in July-September, then its flowering will occur next year. If you sow geranium seeds closer to winter, then its flowering will occur as early as the second year after planting.

Meadow geranium is not demanding on soil, special care. All that is required to be done is to weed the geranium plantations in the month of May. Most often, geranium is used as an ornamental plant, but it can also find its place in ordinary plantings.

Among several dozen varieties of meadow geranium, only 3 are in special demand:

  1. Flore Pleno (advantages: pleasant aroma, large double flowers).
  2. Mrs Kendall Clark (advantages: very beautiful two-tiered color - rich lilac-pink color with white streaks).
  3. Splash Splash (advantages: very variegated flowers with a rich blue color).




In nature, the snapdragon shrub is a perennial plant, but like many mentioned before, it is used on the farm as an annual flower. Most often used in borders, but also very popular in flowerbeds and just against the backdrop of a green summer lawn. Thanks to the ampelous shape of the plant, it looks good on hanging structures that are placed on balconies.

Snapdragon flowers are quite unusual. They have an irregular, two-lipped shape, are collected in inflorescences, and most often have a white or yellow tint. Their flowering is long, and starting in July, ends only with the onset of the first frost.

The snapdragon reproduces in a generative or vegetative way. In warm climates, they can be planted directly from seeds, pouring them into prepared soil, but it is the seedling method that is the most popular and reliable among similar methods.

Planting snapdragons is at the end of May. The plant is quite delicate, requires constant feeding and careful care (especially at the initial stage of flower growth). The plant is not too susceptible to disease, but if rotting or drying of individual petals or leaves is noticeable, then they must be removed immediately after this very rotting has been noticed.

Violet tricolor (pansies)

Violet tricolor (pansies)

Violet tricolor (pansies)

A favorite of many, the absolutely unpretentious biennial pansy plant is a great choice for people.who do not have much free time. This plant requires a minimum of care, and is resistant to the negative effects of external factors. The variety of coloring of these flowers is simply incredible, and the non-standard form fascinates even the most experienced gardeners.

You can talk about the colors of "pansies" for a very long time. It can be one-ton, two-ton, or even three-ton. The color is white, yellow, red, blue, or have shades of these four colors (pink, blue, etc.).

This type of violets is valuable because it has a gem (blooms on its own). Having landed a site with “pansies”, one can hope that every year they will independently grow on an ever larger scale. That is why, if there is a need to keep the plant within certain limits, the extra plants will have to be removed every year.

Violets do not tolerate fresh manure. It is recommended to use complex minerals as fertilizers.

Violets are watered moderately, they need sunlight. Plant propagation occurs by seeds or cuttings. Seeds are planted in February, and 2-3 weeks after the shoots have appeared, they dive. In May, they need to be transplanted to a permanent place where they will grow in the future.

Regardless of the color, the plant is very beautiful, and will suit to decorate any flower bed.




Lobelia is a lush and delicate cloud of beautiful flowers that will decorate any site. This plant requires careful care, a large amount of maintenance costs, but the result that the owner of this miracle of nature receives is definitely worth all the energy and money spent. South Africa is considered the birthplace of Lobelia, because of this, in our latitudes, the plant is most often used as a one-year-old.

The form of lobelia is a spherical bush, with a diameter of 20 to 150 cm, which is completely covered with flowers. The color range of this flower is very wide: blue, red, white - these are only the main color options, because lobelia can be red, purple or blue.

Lobelia blooms very profusely, the flowers are in the form of small bells. The advantage of these colors is their low demand for sunlight. Lobelia propagates mainly from seeds, which need to be sown in late February - early March.

Lobelia loves soil of moderate moisture., and in order for the indicator of this very humidity to be stable, a special hydrogel is added to the soil. During the season, lobelia needs two to three regular top dressings of high quality.

The plant is resistant to diseases of the fungal and viral type, however, diseases such as rot and rust remain very dangerous for it.




In addition to ornamental plants, common yarrow also blooms in July, commonly called cut or soldier's grass. Its flowering is abundant, small flowers are collected in large bunches with a diameter of several tens of centimeters.

It grows everywhere in meadows, fields and forests, on the territory of the countries of the post-Soviet space, yarrow is very common.

The color of yarrow can be red, white or yellow. Most often, the plant is used by humans for medicinal purposes. Yarrow enhances bile secretion, has diuretic, diaphoretic and astringent properties, and has a positive effect on metabolic processes.

Popularly, it is often referred to as the "miracle herb" for its pleasant appearance and incredible usefulness in the treatment of many diseases.

the Rose

the Rose

the Rose

Rose needs no introduction. This is a symbol of love, which for many years has been used by men in order to please the woman they love. 30 garden groups, 250 species and tens of thousands of varieties, you can talk about roses forever, so it's better to talk about them briefly.

The most popular types of roses are:

  • hybrid tea;
  • climbing;
  • floribuna;
  • grandiflora;
  • polyanthus.

Between themselves roses are divided into those that bloom once and remontant (they can bloom several times in one year). Remontant rose bushes are especially in demand, they are erect, reach 2 m in height, and do not require special care.




Zinnia has gained its popularity because it requires little or no outdoor care to end up blooming and pleasing to the eye.

Zinnia flowers are small in size, they do not form inflorescences, but are distributed evenly over the area of ​​​​the whole plant, and can have a wide range of colors. (red, pink, orange, lilac, yellow, white colors and their shades), because of which they look very beautiful in large plantings.

This plant is an annual, and has a long flowering: from early July to early November.

There are many types and varieties of zinnia, but the most popular ones are:

  • Zinnia is elegant. Differs in diversity (from 30 to 120 cm in height and from 3 to 15 cm in flower diameter).
  • Zinnia dahlia. A distinctive feature is predominantly large rounded flowers from 12 to 15 cm in diameter.
  • Chrysanthemum zinnia. Reaches only 60-80 cm in height, but has a very rich bright color (yellow, blue or lilac) needle-shaped petals.
  • Pompom zinnia. A rather low plant from 15 to 45 cm tall, which is distinguished by the most abundant flowering of small (4-6 cm in diameter) flowers.

For successful growth of zinnia, the soil structure must be clayey, and the plant must be in a sunny place. If the soil is rich in all kinds of nutrients, then additional fertilizers are not needed.

Zinnia seeds should be planted in early April. To begin with, containers with peat are used, after the appearance of two full-fledged leaves, the plant dives into pots, and zinnia is planted at a permanent place of growth in mid-May, when the possibility of sudden frosts tends to zero.

Ageratum Houston

Ageratum Houston

Ageratum Houston

The only one of the fluffy flowers blooming in July, which is very popular, Houston's ageratum is an incredibly beautiful plant that blooms luxuriantly until November. The original habitat of this plant is Mexico, but in our latitudes the Houston ageratum has adapted perfectly.

This plant is unpretentious. Requires full sun but can thrive in partial shade. The soil suits him loose, with a lot of nutrients.

In one box, the ageratum plant should be planted every 15 cm, and withered flowers must be cut off constantly so that there is always room for new ones.

This plant propagates by seeds or cuttings. Although it is used in boxes and placed on the balcony, it still prefers open ground.

Among the best varieties of Houston ageratum, it is worth highlighting: Blue Ball, Blauer Meer and Enzet Azur.


As a result, we can distinguish plants that are as easy to care for as possible, and plants that have the best color and decorative characteristics.

The first ones include:

The second ones are:

What to choose is a matter of individuality (who likes what color more, what characteristics are priority, what design solution needs to be found). Here are the advantages and main features of almost all plants blooming in July, and you only need to choose what you like.

TOP 20 plants blooming in July: what should you choose for a garden, vegetable garden or flower bed?

My flower garden

TOP 20 plants blooming in July: what should you choose for a garden, vegetable garden or flower bed? | (Photo & Video) +Reviews

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