TOP 55 Blue flowers and plants for your home and garden. Indoor and outdoor, perennial and annual (85+ Photos & Video) + Reviews

Flowers and plants in blue

Shades of the blue palette symbolize infinity and space. This color calms and invigorates, brings a feeling of coolness, visually pushes objects away. This property of the blue scale allows you to give the landscape a sense of spaciousness. We have made a selection of popular indoor and garden flowers in blue.

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On our windowsills, plants with pure blue flowers are not very common, since such colors are not very common in nature either. For those who like the cold range of shades, we suggest paying attention to the beautifully flowering indoor flowers.

Saintpaulia (Ozambara violet)

blue flowers. uzambara violet

Saintpaulia (Ozambara violet)

Saintpaulia is native to tropical Africa. A low herbaceous plant forms a rosette of leaves, above which flower stalks rise with simple or double flowers. Abundant flowering can be observed in the second year of growth. Violet does not like drafts and tobacco smoke, blooms well under artificial lighting.




This picturesque annual is grown, as a rule, on window sills and balconies. A beautiful flower native to South America looks great in pots, flowerpots and hanging planters. Brovallia grows up to 30-45 cm, depending on the type and conditions of detention. The plant will develop well if it is reliably protected from cold wind and drafts.




Under natural climatic conditions, this herbaceous plant lives in the African subtropics. Its leaves are collected in a rosette, and the bell-shaped flowers rise on peduncles up to 25 cm long. In culture, streptocarpus is very unpretentious, propagated by leaf cuttings. With proper care, it blooms from early spring to mid-autumn.




This evergreen vine is grown as a houseplant. She prefers diffused lighting and feels best on a southern window with obligatory shading from the bright sun. Thunbergia is propagated in spring and summer by stem cuttings. The plant can be used for vertical gardening. Weak shoots must be removed.




The homeland of this evergreen plant is the subtropics of South Africa.The optimum temperature for its cultivation is 17-24 degrees, and the winter temperature should not be lower than 15 degrees. The light-loving piglet feels good on the windowsills of the southern windows. Propagated by seeds and cuttings.

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annual plants

Thanks to a wide variety of forms of flowers and inflorescences, as well as abundant flowering, annual plants occupy one of the leading places in the decorative design of plots. Annuals are grown both through seedlings and by sowing seeds in the ground, which significantly reduces costs and simplifies their breeding.

Most annual flowers have a short development cycle and complete it within one growing season. During this time, they have time to bloom and give seeds. Annuals multiply quickly, bloom for a long time and are distinguished by the brightness of colors. Among them there are many plants with blue flowers.




Quite unpretentious plant with a height of 20 to 90 cm with pinnate leaves. It blooms from July to September, prefers dry sunny places, does not like prolonged waterlogging. Propagated by dividing the bush and seeds.

Nemophila (American forget-me-not)

Nemophila (American forget-me-not)

Nemophila (American forget-me-not)

A plant with pubescent strongly branching stems and broadly bell-shaped flowers. Blooms profusely, but not for long. Nemophila is a rather unpretentious plant. It is moisture-loving and does not have special requirements for heat. Shade-tolerant, prefers loose, slightly alkaline soils. Used as a groundcover.




Heliotrope is cultivated as an annual plant. It looks like a small shrub 60 cm high with a branched stem. Small fragrant flowers are collected in thyroid inflorescences up to 15 cm in diameter. Heliotrope blooms from June until frost. A characteristic feature of this plant is its ability to turn towards the light source. Cut inflorescences can be dried in partial shade for winter bouquets that retain their decorative effect for up to 5 years.

Nigella (nigella damask)

Nigella (nigella damask)

Nigella (nigella damask)

An annual plant with upright, strongly branched stems up to 60 cm high and openwork leaves. Flowers up to 4 cm in diameter are simple and double. This unpretentious plant blooms in June-July. Nigella is photophilous and cold-resistant. Propagated by seeds, which are sown in April in open ground.


morning glory


This fast-growing climbing plant reaches a height of 3-4 m. Ipomoea has pointed heart-shaped leaves and funnel-shaped flowers with a diameter of 4-6 cm, which close in cloudy weather and at night. Ipomoea blooms from June until frost. Propagated by sowing seeds in open ground. Prefers sunny areas. It needs supports and is used for landscaping arbors, balconies, fences and walls.




The common field plant was not very popular until breeders developed varieties with blue flowers and creeping shoots that densely cover the soil surface. Anagallis reaches a height of 20 cm and does not tolerate waterlogging - from this, its roots are affected by rot. It can tolerate prolonged drought. The plant propagates by seeds, which are sown in April directly in open ground. The mass formation of flowers occurs in bright sun.




An indispensable plant for creating carpet compositions, low borders and landscaping rocky areas. Lobelia is a perennial plant, but is used as an annual. Its thin stems reach 10-15 cm in height. It forms dense compact bushes and blooms from June until frost. Propagated by sowing seeds in greenhouses in February-March, and seedlings are planted in open ground in May.




A compact plant 20-35 cm high blooms with small flowers collected in spherical or umbrella-shaped inflorescences. Flowering continues from June until frost. Faded inflorescences do not spoil the decorative appearance of flowers. Ageratum is propagated by seeds and cuttings. Used to decorate flower beds.




Native to South Africa, this perennial is grown as an annual and is used for borders and rocky areas. Nemesia forms a "mat" 25-30 cm high, which blooms from June to August. Propagated by sowing seeds in greenhouses in February-March, and seedlings are planted in open ground in May.




Plant 25-50 cm tall with creeping stems and funnel-shaped flowers. Differs in lush and long flowering. Propagated by sowing seeds in greenhouses or in open ground. Petunia is widely used for planting in flowerbeds, flower beds, terraces and balconies. The plant can be grown in containers, decorative vases and planters.




Annual species of asters are diverse in the shape of the bush, the structure of inflorescences and flowers. They are low, medium and high. The main stem of the plant is straight and strong enough. Asters reproduce only by seeds. Well-ripened seeds can remain viable for up to 3 years. For early flowering, asters seeds are sown in a greenhouse in mid-March.

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Biennial plants with blue flowers

Biennials are plants that reach ornamental value in the second year of cultivation. Most of these crops in the first year form only a leaf rosette. Some of them may bloom, but very weakly. In the second year, the plants develop flower-bearing shoots, bloom profusely and form seeds.

Biennials reproduce by sowing seeds in April-May, from which seedlings are grown and planted in a permanent place in August-September of the first year. Most of these plants are also capable of vegetative propagation.

Viola (pansies)


Viola (pansies)

This undersized herbaceous plant is widespread in Europe and Asia. Viola forms compact bushes that reach 15 to 30 cm in height. The color of the leaves is intense green. The flower has 5 petals. In small-flowered varieties, the diameter of flowers reaches up to 4 cm, in large-flowered varieties - from 4 to 6 cm. There are gigantic varieties with a flower diameter of up to 10 cm and a wavy edge of the petals. Viola is propagated by seeds, but cuttings can be used for certain elite varieties.




This is a bushy plant with a height of 15 to 40 cm, with small flowers that are collected in a curl inflorescence. It blooms from May to mid-June, gradually losing its decorative effect. Forget-me-not is propagated by sowing seeds in open ground. The plant is used to decorate flower beds and rabatok. It grows well in cool semi-shady places and prefers moist, well-fertilized soils. In bright sun, the flowering period is reduced.

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perennials with blue flowers

Perennial flower crops develop and bloom in one place for several years. Most of them bloom already in the second or third year of life. They reproduce both by seeds and by dividing the bush. These flowers are used in landscape design in single plantings and group compositions. Many of them winter outdoors.




This plant also bears the names: orlik and catchment. It reaches a height of 40 to 80 cm, has spreading bushes and simple or double flowers with spurs. Aquilegia blooms in May-June. It grows well in any garden soil, both in sunlit areas and in partial shade. Mature plants do not withstand transplanting well.Aquilegia grows in one place for 3-5 years. Propagated mainly by seeds, less often by dividing the bush.




This is a winter-hardy plant with leathery leaves collected in a bunch. Peduncles grow up to 10 cm in height. The liverwort requires clay soil with humus, frequent watering and a shady or semi-shady location. The plant propagates by dividing the bush or seeds.




Undemanding perennial for dry, breathable soils and well-lit areas. It grows to a height of 30-50 cm and blooms in May-July with blue flowers that sit on graceful stems. The narrow leaves are blue-green.




Under natural climatic conditions, primrose grows in the alpine zones and belongs to herbaceous perennials. The plant prefers cool and diffused light without direct sunlight. Primula reproduces by seeds, which are obtained after artificial pollination.




Spherical flowers of mordovnik attract with a beautiful blue tint. Large, deeply dissected leaves are dark green above and lighter below. The plant is suitable for decorating landscape compositions and making dry bouquets.

styloid phlox

subulate phlox

styloid phlox

This creeping perennial plant forms solid flower cushions that can become a real decoration of the garden. The styloid phlox belongs to dwarf forms.

It looks great in borders, borders, rock gardens and along paths. The awl-shaped phlox is used in the design of flower beds as an independent plant, and in combination with other flower ornamental crops.

Astra alpine

aster alpine

Astra alpine

This perennial plant has a relatively dense bush with a height of 20 to 60 cm and flowers collected in baskets. Astra blooms in May-June, propagated by dividing the bush and grassy cuttings, less often by seeds. In floral arrangements, alpine asters are popular due to their abundant flowering.




This is a tall plant that reaches a height of up to 2 m. Delphinium has slender stems with pyramidal inflorescences. Flowers with a diameter of 3-7 cm can be simple or double. On the reverse side, the flowers have spurs. This feature gave the plant a second name - spur.

The delphinium blooms in June-July, sometimes again in the fall. The flowers are odorless. The plant prefers calcareous and well-fertilized soils. Easily propagated by sowing seeds, cuttings and dividing the roots. Cut inflorescences remain decorative in water for up to 10 days.

Globularia (sharovnitsa)


Globularia (sharovnitsa)

Herbaceous perennial with long leaves, collected in dense basal rosettes, and stems 5 to 30 cm high. Globularia is perfect for landscape gardening of rockeries and alpine slides. Flowers without fragrance.




These unpretentious plants delight with abundant flowering from spring to late autumn. Their thin shoots are completely strewn with delicate light blue flowers so that the leaves are not even visible. Propagated by seeds, dividing the bush, segments of rhizomes, root offspring and green cuttings. Bluebells are widely used in landscaping, can grow in pots, look good in hanging planters.




This perennial herbaceous plant is native to southern Africa. Dense embossed leaves form a basal rosette. During flowering, the agapanthus produces a long peduncle that reaches a meter height. The flowers are collected in fairly large umbellate inflorescences. The plant is photophilous, in the shade it may not bloom.




A tall plant forms a compact bush with large spike-shaped inflorescences. Blooms profusely in June. Propagated by seeds, stem cuttings and division of bushes. Lupine is a rather winter-hardy and drought-resistant plant that prefers well-lit areas.Looks great both in single plantings and in group landscape compositions.




This perennial plant is also called the Himalayan or Tibetan poppy. It has an unusual blue color of flowers. The homeland of meconopsis is the highlands of India, China, Burma, Bhutan and Nepal, but it has long spread throughout Europe. The genus includes more than four dozen species, among which there are miniature flowers up to 15 cm tall and powerful two-meter plants.




The species of geraniums includes several flowering varieties. The most fragrant of them is the Himalayan or large-flowered geranium. Its height is 50 cm. Geranium blooms from May to June and feels most comfortable in partial shade.




The iris flower has six petals arranged in two circles: three on the outside and three on the inside. The outer petals are bent down, and the inner ones are raised up and often close, which makes the flower unique. Early flowering irises bloom in the first half of May, late - in July.

The most common vegetative method of reproduction. Plants are undemanding to soil fertility, but grow better on cultivated soils.




A plant 30-60 cm high with shiny leathery lanceolate leaves. Small blue flowers are collected in dense pyramidal inflorescences. Veronica blooms in May, propagated by autumn sowing of seeds, as well as by spring or autumn division of bushes.

cyanosis blue

cyanosis blue

cyanosis blue

Plant 60-70 cm tall with pinnately dissected leaves. The flowers are collected in apical inflorescences. Blooms in June-July, propagated by dividing the bush and seeds. Sinyukha prefers fertile garden soils with an admixture of leaf humus.

Kermek (static)


Kermek (static)

This attractive plant is used both for decorating flower beds and for making bouquets. Densely pubescent stems grow up to 80 cm, and the flowers have a variety of colors, including blue. Statica is undemanding to watering and top dressing.




This plant is 50-80 cm high with oblong leaves collected in a rosette. Blooms from July until frost, grows well on humus-fertilized soil. Prefers open sunny places, propagated by dividing the bush and seeds.




Herbaceous perennial with large basal leaves and small blue flowers collected in loose inflorescences. Propagated by seeds and division of rhizomes in early spring or autumn. Brunner does not tolerate a lack of moisture. Plants are photophilous, but can grow with slight shading.

tenacious creeping

tenacious creeping

tenacious creeping

There are many varieties of this perennial plant. He needs a light shade in which the tenacious feels comfortable, lets out numerous offspring and thanks to them forms a thick carpet.




This creeping evergreen plant with leathery dense leaves and large flowers forms a carpet up to 10-15 cm in height. Periwinkle is grown mainly as an ornamental groundcover. It is undemanding to growing conditions: it can tolerate both strong shading and bright sun, although it prefers shady and semi-shady areas.

Erigeron (small-flowered)


Erigeron (small-flowered)

This plant is 50-80 cm high with lanceolate leaves collected in a rosette. The flowers form regular corymbs and bloom in July and August. Erigeron is undemanding to soils, but prefers a sunny location.

Propagated by dividing the bush and sowing seeds. Blooms in the second year. Used in rocky and alpine gardens, mixborders and borders.

eryngium (eringium)


eryngium (eringium)

This beautiful plant prefers hot areas and dry, sandy soils. The eryngium captivates with elegance: blue flower heads are decorated with dissected upper silver-gray leaves. The plant reaches a height of 60-80 cm and blooms in June-August.

Platycodon (large-flowered broadbell)


Platycodon (large-flowered broadbell)

A plant 40-80 cm high, with oval-elliptical toothed leaves and sharp tips. The shortened bell-shaped flowers are 5-7 cm in diameter and are located on the tops of the shoots in paniculate inflorescences.

Platycodon is responsive to fertilizers, prefers clayey, slightly acidic soils with a sufficient content of humus and an admixture of sand. Propagated by autumn sowing of seeds. After sowing, it blooms in the third year.

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bulbous plants

Bulbous perennials of open ground are distinguished by the earliest flowering among all plants. Their underground part is a bulb in which nutrients accumulate and from which a peduncle develops. These plants are best planted in small clumps between ground cover perennials. All bulbous flowers fade after flowering, their foliage dries up and makes room for neighboring plants.

Iridodictium or reticulated iris


Iridodictium or reticulated iris

Winter-hardy and light-loving perennial, outwardly very similar to irises. The color of the flowers is limited mainly to blue and blue hues. The plant can grow in poor soils. Propagated by daughter bulbs. Iridodictium grows in one place up to 7 years. It is used to decorate flower beds, rocky gardens and alpine slides. Bulbs can be left for the winter in open ground, but it is better to dig out annually.




A small bulbous plant, also called mouse hyacinth, has a height of 15 to 25 cm. Muscari blooms earlier than many other plants - in April-May. They do well in sunny places, such as rock gardens. In addition to beauty and grace, Muscari attracts with its unpretentiousness. They adapt very easily to different conditions.

Allium (decorative onion)


Allium (decorative onion)

Unpretentious perennial with basal leaves and spherical inflorescences on tall peduncles. It can reach from 30 to 140 cm in height, depending on the variety. Allium is frost-resistant and photophilous. This drought-resistant plant does not like excessive moisture. Propagated by seeds and baby bulbs, often gives self-seeding.

Allium blooms in the second year after planting. It is used in the design of rocky gardens, alpine slides, as well as for cutting and dry bouquets. Even after the end of flowering, during the ripening of seeds, dry heads of ornamental onions look very attractive.

Anemone (crown anemone)


Anemone (crown anemone)

Anemone belongs to corm plants. Its underground part consists of small nodules, which are dug up in autumn and stored indoors until spring.

Anemone blooms in April-May, prefers a sunny location, but can grow and bloom in partial shade. The soil should be moderately moist and well fertilized with old humus.




This flower is also called blueberry or blue snowdrop. Scylla is a perennial bulbous plant, has a height of up to 10-15 cm and blooms immediately after the snow melts. Propagated by bulbils and seeds. Scylla grows well in one place for 4-5 years.




A low plant with fragrant simple or double flowers, collected in racemose inflorescences up to 30 cm long. It blooms early, in April-May. Propagated by baby bulbs, prefers open sunny places. Group plantings of hyacinths look especially beautiful against the backdrop of a neat, even lawn.




This plant blooms one of the first, as soon as the snow has time to melt. Its height is 10-15 cm. The flowers are collected in racemose inflorescences. Chionodoxa grows well in sunny areas and in partial shade, but blooms earlier in the sun. Propagated by seeds and baby bulbs.

Pushkinia proleskovidnaya


Pushkinia proleskovidnaya

This miniature ornamental plant is cultivated in group plantings in rock gardens. In the wild, Pushkinia is found in mountain meadows and rocky slopes of the Caucasus and Asian countries. The plant prefers well-drained soils and open sunny positions. Propagated by bulbs, babies and seeds. It can grow in one place for 5-7 years.

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ornamental shrubs

This group of plants adorns the garden from early spring to late autumn. The root system of shrubs penetrates deep into the soil, and the ground part can reach a height of several meters. As a rule, most shrubs are quite winter-hardy.




The shoots of this decorative creeper reach 5-7 m in length. Flower buds are laid on the shoots of the current year. This shrub is undemanding to soils. It grows well in sunny open places protected from the wind and blooms profusely. Clematis is propagated by layering, cuttings, dividing the bush and seeds. For the winter, the plant needs shelter. Flowers do not smell.




It is a deciduous large-leaved ornamental shrub. Its flowers are collected in large inflorescences. Hydrangea is demanding on fertilizers and soil moisture, photophilous, but can grow in partial shade. The plant propagates by seeds, layering, offspring, division of bushes, cuttings and grafting. This lush flowering shrub looks great both in single plantings and in group compositions.




One of the most popular flowering shrubs. Lilac is widely distributed in gardens and parks. The plant is valued for long beautiful flowering and decorative appearance of the bushes. Blooming flowers fill the entire garden with fragrance.

Lilac is frost-resistant and tolerates winter well, and flower buds almost never freeze. Garden forms reproduce only vegetatively.




This deciduous shrub is highly decorative. In summer and early autumn, it blooms with blue flowers that are similar to phloxes in their shape. In autumn, the leaves of the plant change their green hue to bright red, which gives it an even more attractive appearance.

Ceanothus (red root)


Ceanothus (red root)

This shrub is native to North America. The name "ceanothus" comes from the Latin word which means "blue". The second name "red root" indicates that the roots of this plant contain a red dye. The shrub blooms and bears fruit in European territory, but in severe winters it can freeze slightly.

TOP 55 Blue flowers and plants for your home and garden. Indoor and outdoor, perennial and annual (85+ Photos & Video) + Reviews

Flowers in shades of the rainbow. blue and blue plants

TOP 55 Blue flowers and plants for your home and garden. Indoor and outdoor, perennial and annual (85+ Photos & Video) + Reviews

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