Flowers - growing in spring
According to the calendar, spring begins on March 1. But nature, naturally, does not pay attention to human formalities. For nature, the beginning of spring is the departure of cold weather, the melting of snow, and, of course, the appearance of the first flowers. Flowers that bloom in spring are usually the brightest and most memorable of the entire plant world. This impression is further enhanced, since during their flowering the trees are still not covered with leaves, and the ground is not put in order after the cold. Consider various spring flowers depending on the time of their flowering.

Blooming in March
- A plant better known as Saffron. Perennial from the Iris family. Roots consist of corms and short root hairs.
- A distinctive feature of the crocus is the absence of a stem. Basal leaves grow immediately from the tuber.
- Each corm can form from 1 to 3 flowers. Each flower has 6 petals. There is a strict classification division of crocuses into yellow-flowered (petal color from white and yellow to orange) and blue-flowered (bluish, lilac and purple). Flowers from each bulb are always the same color. Sometimes there are albino forms - with blue veins and a yellow base color. Flowers are 2 to 5 cm.
- It blooms in mid-March, in a warmer climate - from the end of February. Some species may also bloom in autumn. Flowering lasts about 20 days.
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- Flowers blooming in spring
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- Erantis, it is customary to call Vesennik. Representative of the Buttercup family, comes from Central Asia. It is a plant with a thickened root and 1-2 basal leaves that appear after flowering. The flower is located on a single peduncle that appears immediately after the snow melts. The height of the peduncle reaches 25 cm.
- The flowers are yellow, well visible, odorless. Consist of 8 petals of yellow or white. In the center of the flower are small pistils and several dozen large stamens. Flowering lasts 15-20 days.
- Prefer light and moist alkaline soil. They grow well both in the sun and in partial shade. They don't like shadow.
- In addition, they are not recommended to be grown in the lowlands, since the flower stalks can deteriorate from the ice that appears during frost.
- The plant reproduces well both by dividing the bush and by seeds.ripening already at the end of April.
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- Or Anemone, a plant of the Buttercup family. The height of the peduncle is from 20 to 30 cm. A flower up to 4 cm in size can have from 5 to 20 petals. The color is the most diverse: white, pink, yellow, blue or red. At home (the Far East) blooms in May, in a temperate climate - in mid-March. Flowering lasts about a month. There are anemones with and without tubers. The first bloom about a week earlier.
- Prefers loose moist soils. Grows well in both sun and shade. Often grown as an ornamental plant at home. Anemone tubers are capable of forcing and can be prepared for flowering in a fairly wide time range - from January to June. The rest period for home cultivation is about 3 months.
- In the garden, they combine well with other spring perennials, as well as with phlox, primrose, periwinkle and euonymus.
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- One of the very first spring representatives, the delicate flowers of which make their way from under the snow itself. Perennial bulbous plant of the Amaryllis family. Widely used as ornamental plants of the lower tier. The time of active vegetation is about a month, of which flowering accounts for about half of this period.
- The flowers appear on peduncles up to 10 cm high. After flowering, arrows with fruit boxes reach 15-20 cm. The flowers themselves are small, up to 3 cm. The color is predominantly white. Blooms in early to mid March.
- They like moist soil. With a lack of moisture, they may not bloom and grow. Grows well in both sunny and shady areas. To achieve abundant flowering, it is advisable to fertilize the soil with compost before winter.
- Propagated naturally by the formation of children at the bulb and seeds. The growth rate is very high: every 5-6 years they need to be seated.
- You can not plant snowdrops during flowering, as they may die, it is better to do this after the leaves have died.
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- Another name is Scylla. Perennial of the Asparagus family. Adapts to any conditions, tolerates frost well. It blooms in mid-March, the flowers appear simultaneously with the leaves. From one bulb, from 1 to 3 peduncles can be formed, up to 10 cm high. Color - from blue and light blue to purple. A feature of the blueberry is the position of the leaves. In cloudy weather they lie on the ground, in sunny weather they are located almost vertically.
- Sunny areas are preferred. Can grow on any kind of soil, including rocky ones. Therefore, blueberries are often used in rockeries and alpine slides. They do not like high humidity. Planting and transplanting plants can be done at any time, including during the flowering period.
- Capable of propagating by self-sowing, therefore, it needs regular thinning and transplanting every 3-4 years.
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- Perennial from the Lily family. Along with snowdrops and crocuses, one of the earliest primroses. Able to bloom, even being under a layer of snow. The height is small - about 10-12 cm. The leaves are 2-3 cm shorter than the peduncles, appear simultaneously with the flowers.
- The flowers are often solitary, occasionally gathering in inflorescences of the brush type. They have 6 petals, and their diameter is 4-5 cm. The color can be white, pink, blue or lilac.
- Grows in sunny areas, tolerates partial shade, but with a decrease in the number of flowers. The soil must be fertile and well drained. Once every two years it needs to be fertilized with compost before winter.
- Propagated by jigging babies from the bulb and seeds. A feature of the plant is its symbiosis with ants. Eating the sweet fruits of the plant, ants spread its seeds.
- Chionodox does not need regular transplants, because with excessive thickening, the formation of children stops.

Blooming in April
- Bulbous perennial from the Amaryllis family. The plant appeared in culture relatively recently, although it was known in the wild in ancient Rome. May bloom twice a year - in April and July. The height of the peduncles reaches 40 cm, the leaves are somewhat shorter. The diameter of the flowers is up to 3 cm. The color is white or pink. Flowering time rarely exceeds 2 weeks.
- Outwardly similar to snowdrops and have similar conditions of detention: sunny or partial shade areas with well-moistened soil. The difference from snowdrops is that the white flower is able to tolerate drought without any consequences.
- The plant reproduces by budding offspring and seeds. Needs regular seating (every 5-6 years).Transplanting and planting plants is best done in the second half of summer.
- Despite the fact that the plant is drought-resistant, its bulbs should not be out of the ground for more than a week, as they may die.
- Perennial plant of the Asparagus family. A small plant, 10-15 cm high. The aerial part exists for about 1.5 months, then it dies off and the plant goes dormant. Flowering begins in mid-April and lasts 10-20 days.
- Flowers with a diameter of about 3 cm are united by 6-12 pieces in racemose inflorescences. The color is white or pinkish with bluish median lines on each petal. The smell is weak but unpleasant.
- Grows in sunny areas, does not like shade and partial shade, because the number of flowers is significantly reduced. To ensure abundant flowering, it requires the annual application of mineral fertilizers in early spring. It reacts best to complex fertilizers, for example, nitroammophoska.
- During flowering requires active watering.
- Propagated by tuber division and seeds. Once every 5-6 years, it needs to be seated.
Fragrant violet
- Stemless perennial of the Violet family. Leaves and peduncles up to 15 cm long grow from basal rosettes. The plant is completely covered with dense pubescence. The flowers are located on the tops of the peduncles, they are small (up to 2.5 cm in diameter), mostly lilac or purple.
- A feature of this violet is that it is sensitive to weather changes. - in bad weather, the flowers are almost completely closed. Flowering occurs twice a year - in April and at the end of June. Fruits in August. Seeds are dispersed by ants.
- Violet loves sunny areas with loose and light soils.
- The plant needs moisture, but without stagnant water.
- The main method of reproduction is by transplanting and rooting lateral shoots, having small sockets compared to the mother bush.
- Representative of the Astrov family. Most daisies are perennials, but biennial varieties are also found. The height of the plant is 10-30 cm. Large basket-type inflorescences are located on the tops of the peduncles. There are simple and terry varieties of daisies. The color of the petals can be white, yellow or pink. There are also bicolor varieties.
- The plant needs a lot of light, so it is undesirable to place it even in partial shade. The soil prefers clay, well-drained. The plant should not have excess moisture, so drainage is required.
- Flowering time falls on the second half of April. Its duration is about a month.
- The plant is able to reproduce on its own. Under favorable conditions, daisies quickly take up all the space available on the site.
- Once every three years, they must be seated, because with a high degree of thickening, the plant degenerates and its flowers become smaller.
- He is Viper Bow or Mouse hyacinth. Perennial bulbous plant of average growth of the asparagus family. The height of the peduncles can reach up to 40 cm. The leaves are much lower (about 2-3 times). At the ends of the peduncles are inflorescences of the brush type, consisting of several dozen blue or purple flowers of a very small size.
- Flowering begins in the third decade of April and lasts up to a month. They can grow in any soil and in any light conditions. This does not affect the size of plants and the number of flowers. But to get large bulbs, muscari should be planted in a sunny area.
- Care is simple: the plant requires moderate watering and one top dressing per year. It can be done before winter in the form of compost or in spring with the help of complex mineral fertilizer.
- Watering during dormancy stops completely.
- The main method of plant propagation is with the help of daughter bulbs. Seed propagation is inefficient.
- Perennial plant of the Amaryllis family. One of the most beautiful and attractive spring plants. Flowers located on high peduncles have a diameter of up to 10 cm and a spectacular appearance. Color white or yellow; there are also bicolor varieties. Flowering occurs at the end of April and it lasts about 2 weeks.
- Preference is given to rich loams located on the sunny side with a good drainage system.
- Acidity should be neutral. Liming even slightly acidic soils is necessary.
- The plant requires regular feeding. There may be several of them per season: at the beginning and end of the season, organic, during budding and after flowering - mineral. Watering is moderate, stagnant water is not allowed.
- Once every 3-4 years, daffodils need to be transplanted, because in the same place they begin to degenerate and their flower size decreases.

Blooming in May
Lily of the valley
- Herbaceous perennial plant of the Asparagus family, 10-30 cm high. It has a long and relatively thin underground rhizome, growing in a horizontal direction parallel to the soil level.
- Each bush consists of two wide leaves and a stem, on which there are several dozen small flowers of a characteristic shape. Their color is white or yellowish. Flowering time - May, duration 2-3 weeks. The smell of flowers is pleasant.
- Prefers shady areas on soils with high humidity. The composition of the soil and its quality do not play a role. It is more preferable to grow on neutral loams, but this is not critical, since in decorative floriculture, in order to obtain abundant flowering, lilies of the valley must be fertilized twice - at the end of autumn, apply compost to the site, and in the spring feed with a mixture of 40 g of potash fertilizers and 100 g of phosphorus.
- The plant needs abundant watering.
- Lily of the valley is poisonous, and products made from it have many contraindications. Even the room in which there are lilies of the valley in the cut needs constant ventilation.
- evergreen perennial plant of the family Saxifrage 35-50 cm high. It has large inflorescences of cup-shaped flowers, which are located on flower stalks devoid of leaves. Badan blossoms are plentiful - in individual inflorescences there are more than a hundred flowers, up to 2 cm in diameter. Large leaves at the root are collected in a rosette. The shape of the leaves resembles an elephant's ear. Badan bushes are great for decorating stones or ponds.
- Due to the relatively weak root system for such plant sizes, it prefers light soils.
- The soil must be alkaline, so liming should be done annually.
- The growth and spread of the plant is very high. In one season, the area occupied by a bush in an open area can double. Within 2-3 years, the offspring of one bergenia bush can grow to several square meters.
- Therefore, the plant needs to be thinned out or planted every 1-2 years.
- One of the most popular flowers in the world. Belongs to the lily family, propagated by bulbs. Thanks to the selection, lasting more than one hundred years, it has many varieties of a wide variety of colors, sizes and planting dates. Most tulips bloom in May. The duration of its flowering is short, however, due to the number of flowers on the site, the illusion of a flowering duration of several weeks is created.
- Prefers sun or partial shade and soil of neutral acidity.
- It loves moisture, especially during flowering, but stagnant water should not be allowed, as this causes the death of the bulbs.
- A distinctive feature of the tulip is that, thanks to the forcing procedure, it is possible to change the timing of the start of its flowering over a wide range from winter (when grown at home) to the end of summer.
- Perennial woody shrub of the Maslinov family. The height of the lilac can be from 3 to 7 meters.The plant is long-lived - individual specimens can live up to 100 years.
- It has good frost resistance, so it can be grown even in the northern regions.
- There are a large number of plant varieties that differ in the shape of the tree and crown, the arrangement of the flower and its color. Primary colors are white, blue, lilac and purple. Grows in any soil and is drought tolerant. The bush tolerates pruning well, therefore it is widely used in landscape design when creating both single and group compositions.
- Flowering occurs in May and lasts up to 3 weeks. The aroma of the flowers is strong and pleasant. The plant has a lot of useful properties that are used in folk and official medicine.
- Perennial herbaceous plant from the Peony family. Large bushes consist of many tall (up to 1 m) and strong stems covered with leaves, at the ends of which there are large and beautiful flowers up to 25 cm in diameter. Colors can be very diverse - from white to dark burgundy. Flowering occurs in late spring and lasts about a month.
- One of the most beautiful garden plants, comparable in decorativeness and abundance of flowering, except perhaps with roses. Lush flowers can be both simple and double. The number of petals exceeds a hundred.
- The plant is photophilous, blooms much worse in the shade.
- Grow on all types of soils; the main requirement is good moisture permeability and the absence of stagnant water. Reproduction is carried out by dividing the bush 1-2 months after the end of flowering.
- Perennial herbaceous plant with large flowers up to 10 cm in diameter with a pleasant aroma. Depending on the variety, it can lead from March to June, but the peak of flowering occurs in May. A wide variety of petal colors. There are both single-color primroses, and those with 3-4 shades.
- Prefers shade and partial shade. Feels normal on any type of soil, can be grown in rocky soil. For abundant flowering, it requires two top dressings - organic at the beginning of the season and mineral during flowering. Watering is moderate.
- Propagated by dividing the bush.
- It has a fast growth rate, therefore, in order to avoid degeneration, it is recommended to plant out every three years.
- Bulbous perennial of the Asparagus family. The peduncle ending in a racemose inflorescence has a height of about 50 cm. The leaves growing from the bulb are about two times lower. In the inflorescence there may be several dozen flowers with a diameter of 5 to 30 mm. Color varies widely - from white and pink to blue, blue or purple.
- Flowering begins in May and lasts about two weeks. At the end of flowering, the entire ground part, except for the peduncle, dies off and the plant retires.
- Grows in full sun or semi-shade on any type of soil.
- Requires good drainage and low water tables.
- Three top dressings are recommended - in early spring (nitrogenous mineral fertilizers), during budding and flowering (phosphorus-potassium). Propagated mainly by children of maternal bulbs.
- A plant of the poppy family. There are both annual and perennial varieties. The flowers are heart-shaped in a variety of shades - from white and yellow to pink and red. Blooms in May-June. Flowering time up to two weeks.
- It can grow both in the sun and in the shade. Illumination affects only the timing of the onset of flowering. The quality of the soil and its acidity do not matter. Watering is moderate.
- The plant needs two top dressings from mineral fertilizers: at the beginning or at the end of the season, nitrogenous, during budding, phosphorus-potassium.
- Propagated by dividing the bush or using cuttings.

The flowers that appear after a long winter are especially attractive. Nothing lifts your spirits like the sight of blossoming flowers against the backdrop of still sleeping trees and bushes. They seem to be telling us that spring has already come, nature has woken up and there will be no more cold weather.
Most spring flowers are quite unpretentious and practically do not need care. And knowing the timing of their flowering, you can choose a planting method that will make the site elegant and attractive throughout the spring.
VIDEO: DESIGN AND LANDING OF FLOWERS. General principles and step by step guide.
TOP-20 Primroses: flowers blooming in spring. Description with Photo, characteristics, care