If you are a lover of indoor plants, then the campanula flower, popularly called the "bride and groom" will not leave you indifferent. When I first got my hands on this plant, I was simply fascinated.

How did I first meet the beautiful flower "Bride and Groom"? My passion is growing indoor plants. They decorate house unusually bright flowers and variegated leaves. Watching how green pets develop is very interesting. In the spring, a friend gave me a small cutting of a plant, and said that it was called "bride and groom."

The people gave a flower called campanula a romantic name "bride and groom"
I put it in water and a few weeks later, when the roots appeared, I landed in pot. I used a soil mixture of greenhouse and leaf soil, peat and sand. The stalk easily took root, went to growth.
I put the container with the plant in a deep pan and poured settled water into it every morning so that the plant does not lack moisture. Once every two weeks I watered with special fertilizers for flowering plants. indoor plants.
Quickly growing lateral shoots, I pinched, and soon the bush became very branched and lush, numerous buds appeared on it, which bloomed one after another.

Composition of campanula and coleus
And somehow the plant was covered with the most delicate flowers. The bride and groom plant looked great on the window. For the summer, I put it on the balcony, where she felt especially good.
After a long flowering at the end of summer, the campanula shed its foliage, the shoots stretched out, I carefully cut them off and put the container in a cool place. With the onset of spring, she began to water the plants again, put it on the windowsill. Soon new shoots appeared and already in mid-May the "groom and bride" pleased with their flowering again.


Hybrid with lilac flowers
Campanula is a well-known houseplant that belongs to the bell family. In the wild, it can be found in many countries of Southern Europe.
A significant number of species of this plant have been cultivated, and are now actively used as a houseplant.
- Campanula is both annual and perennial.
- Plants are diverse in shape, color of flowers, size, there are hybrid terry forms.
- As an indoor culture, the equal-leaved campanula is cultivated. This plant is perennial, with thin shoots, sometimes creeping, in rare cases hanging up to 25 cm long.
- The arrangement of the leaves is regular, the leaf blades are attached to the stems with the help of elongated petioles.
- The shape of the leaf is heart-shaped or oval with small teeth. The leaves are light green to dark green in color.
- The flowers are collected in inflorescences of several pieces, after flowering a small fruit appears in the form of a box.
- Among lovers of indoor flowers, the most common hybrid is Alba (with white flowers) and Maya (with blue or purple flowers). In the people they are called "groom and bride."

Hybrid "Alba"
All representatives of the bell family are not very demanding, they need the most elementary - watering, moderate lighting, periodic top dressing.

This plant is not demanding on lighting. It is not recommended to grow on the southern and northern windows. When grown on windowsills that face south, it is recommended to protect the plants from bright sunlight, creating shading.

It is desirable that the light is bright, but diffused.
If you grow campanula on the north window, then there is a risk of stretching the shoots. In such plants, the distance between the leaves increases, the decorative appearance of the plant suffers from this.
Plants love a lot of light, but are afraid of direct, burning sunlight, especially on hot summer days. Give them some shade.


Thermometer to control the temperature in the room
In spring and summer, the most optimal temperature is 23 - 26 ° C, in winter it is better to keep the plants at a low temperature from plus 12 to plus 14 ° C.
Do not leave the plant on the windowsill in winter, under which it is located Radiator, it is better to transfer it to a cool place, but keep in mind that the lower limit is + 12 ° C. Do not be afraid of temperature changes, as these plants tolerate them quite well.
Campanula tends to adapt to different temperatures, and thanks to this property, a flowering plant can be transferred from a room to a balcony, back and forth, without fear of any negative consequences.

Watering and humidity

Campanula loves water
As for watering, its scheme is classic: plentiful in summer, moderate in winter.


The use of complex fertilizers will allow you to get flowers with a bright color
Use mineral and organic fertilizers 2-3 times in thirty days (spring and summer). Water once every two weeks with a special fertilizer for flowering houseplants.

Resting state
At the end of summer - the beginning of autumn, the campanula stops growing, it goes into a state of rest. At this time, you need to cut off the elongated shoots, put the pot in a cool place, limit watering.
With the onset of spring days, the flower comes to life, wakes up, it sprouts new shoots, and it is transferred to a warm place.

The soil

Soil preparation
Campanula loves loose, oxygen-rich soil. It is important that the roots breathe well so that the soil does not compress. A mixture of humus, rotten foliage, peat and sand in equal volumes.

At the end of summer, the vegetation of the plant stops, and it requires preparation for entering a dormant state. The most acceptable method of reproduction is vegetative.: cuttings, green shoots, by dividing the bush into several parts.
Plants need to be repotted more often. Most ornamental plants like fairly frequent transplants.

Transplanting indoor plants
The fact is that with long-term cultivation, no matter how beautiful the plant is, it eventually loses its decorative effect, the shoots lengthen, the distance between the leaves increases. It no longer looks so chic and fluffy, as if “balding”.
To avoid this, cut it and form new bushes from the resulting cuttings. After a long flowering at the end of summer, the campanella sheds its foliage, the shoots are drawn out, and the decorative effect is reduced.

If the plant has grown enough and does not fit in the volume of the container, it must be divided into several parts. Produce a neat excavation of a bush from a pot with a clod of earth. Using a sharp knife, the rhizome is cut into pieces.
Do not forget to treat the cut points with crushed wood charcoal. Plant the resulting parts in new containers of a smaller volume. It is not recommended to immerse plants deep in the soil. Immediately after transplanting, provide the plant with abundant watering and shade.
With the help of cuttings

Campanula stalk
- Cuttings are very easy to get. When pruning elongated shoots, use the lower parts for rooting.
- Rooting is best done in a mixture of peat and sand.
- For cuttings, it is necessary to provide greenhouse conditions, it is advisable to cover the plant with a polyethylene cap and regularly spray it with water from a spray bottle.
- The optimum rooting temperature is 20-24°C.
- After the shoots grow to 7 - 10 centimeters, pinch their tops. This procedure provokes the appearance of additional shoots. Your bushes will be more branchy.
green shoots
This type of vegetative propagation should be resorted to in the spring, when young green branches grow near the campanula. They can be cut and rooted.
How to do it right:

Mini greenhouse for rooting cuttings
Campanella takes root quickly enough, after two weeks small roots form. After the plants begin to actively build up the vegetative mass, transfer them to a bright and warmer place.
When reaching a height of ten centimeters, the plant must be pinched so that it begins to branch and bush.
Reproduction by seeds
The seeds of this plant are very small, they need to shine superficially in small bowls filled with soil mixture. From above, it is desirable to cover the seeds with a thin layer of soil. For seeds during the germination period, it is necessary to provide a greenhouse effect, wrap it on top with plastic wrap or glass.

sprouted seeds
Be sure to provide periodic ventilation so that condensation does not accumulate in excess. After the appearance of the third leaf, spread the seedlings, do not forget to pinch, it will allow you to get a branchy bush.Plants grown from seeds usually bloom in their second year.
Diseases and harmful insects
At home, plants are much less susceptible to diseases and pests. However, they are not 100% secure. With improper care, a number of problems can arise.
Gray rot
With constant waterlogging of the soil, when there is no drainage in the flower pot, the water stagnates, which in turn leads to acidification of the soil.
In damp soil, gray rot feels at ease. With the defeat of gray rot, the plants wither, the root system begins to rot.
In the room where the flower affected by gray rot is located, an unpleasant odor appears. Sometimes, when rotting goes very far, the flower can no longer be saved.
In any case, first of all, it is necessary to cut off rotten branches and leaves, and throw away the old earth. Transplant the flower into a new light soil, reduce watering.
If the temperature conditions are not observed, as well as in the absence of light, the viability of the plant decreases. Sometimes Fusarium can be observed on the “groom and bride” flower, it is accompanied by yellowing of the tips of the leaf blades.
In severe forms, the leaves die off, the shoots wither from the root.
heart rot
If you find brown heart-shaped spots with a gray coating on the leaves, then it is likely that the plant is sick with brown heart-shaped rot. This disease is caused by pathogenic microscopic fungi.
To combat them, fungicides are used, while reducing watering and organizing regular airing of plants.
Spider mite, aphid, scale insect
If the plant is in a dry room, aphids or scale insects may appear. At the first symptoms of these diseases, treat the plants with insecticide preparations. Soap solution is considered a proven folk remedy against aphids and scale insects.
Spider mite is the scourge of many indoor plants. Use a broad-spectrum insecticide to control it.
An effective drug against aphids

Most often, the company is affected by aphids.
Most often, the company is affected by aphids. Aphids multiply very quickly, so the fight must begin at its first appearance. It is better to use systemic preparations that not only destroy the pest during processing, but also continue to act for some time in the plants themselves.
There is a drug "Biotlin", designed to protect against sucking pests.
The treatment solution is prepared at the rate of 0.5 ml of the drug per 1 liter of water. Penetrating into the plant after a few hours, the drug will protect it for at least two weeks.
Terry hybrids

Terry hybrids
Recently, the most beautiful hybrids of terry campanula have appeared. The terry hybrid was bred by crossing the Carpathian bellflower and the spoon-leaved campanula.
Terry companula looks like a small bush dotted with large double flowers. The stems are shortened, the leaves are densely arranged.
It should be remembered that terry forms of flowers, as a rule, are more finicky and do not take root among all amateur flower growers.
Carpathian Campanula

Campanula Carpathian in natural conditions
This plant can grow both outdoors and indoors. It is a herbaceous plant resembling a bush.
Its height can reach 30 cm. The leaves are located below in the form of a rosette, they are oval in shape.
The flowers are quite large up to 6 cm in diameter, they are white, blue, lilac and purple. Under natural conditions, this plant is found in the Carpathian mountains.
She blooms with May to August.
Campanula home care / Flower bride and groom
Indoor flower "Bride and Groom" or Campanula: description, care, reproduction and possible diseases (50 Photos) + Reviews