Clerodendrum home: description, types, care, reproduction, how to make bloom | (65+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

clerodendrum at home

Cultivation of clerodendrum began centuries ago, but it reached the home interior relatively recently.

An ornamental plant quickly fell in love with flower growers for its luxurious and unusual flowering, pleasant smell and ease of cultivation.

Although caring for Clerodendrum at home is usually not a problem, it is worth knowing some of the nuances and possible problems in order to grow it healthy.

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Plant appearance

Plant appearance

By type, the plant is a deciduous or evergreen shrub, a small tree, sometimes a liana. Place of growth - South America, Africa, Asia. It is also found on the islands of the Indian Ocean and in Australia. The plant was previously classified as a member of the Verbena family, now the clerodendrum is classified as a member of the Lamiaceae family.

The name translates as "tree of fate". Other nicknames are "innocent love" and volkamerie. The closest relatives are rosemary, basil, mint and sage. The stems are flexible, quickly overgrown with wood.

Clerodendrum leaves are usually dark green, with a slightly rough surface, and grow up to 30 centimeters in length. The shape varies from heart-shaped to oval or ovoid.

We especially love the bush for its magnificent flowers, reminiscent of butterflies or collected in medium-sized, but spectacular inflorescences, similar to small bouquets. The flowers are small, slightly double, with a long peduncle and stamens. More often cups are brightly colored in white and scarlet.

Flowers smell very nice but it is interesting that the leaves of the clerodendrum exude fragrance. And each species has its own smell.

Clerodendrum is readily grown at home, planted in summer cottages and garden plots, used in landscape design.

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The genus Clerodendrum combines many species and varieties

But not all of them are suitable for breeding at home. Three types are considered the most popular.

Clerodendrum Thomson (Clerodendrum thomsoniae)

Clerodendrum thomsoniae

Clerodendrum thomsoniae

Clerodendrum Thomson (Clerodendrum thomsoniae)

It is also called Mrs. Thompson's Clerodendrum. The variety has the appearance of a creeper with smooth thin stems. The leaves are dark green, with clear veins and smooth edges, up to 12 cm long.

On the leaf plate there are blotches of darker or lighter shades. Snow-white flowers with a scarlet corolla form small tassels, bloom from early spring to June.

The plant quickly increases in size in an apartment and rarely complains about well-being.

Clerodendrum brilliant (Clerodendrum splendens)

Clerodendrum splendens

Clerodendrum splendens

Clerodendrum brilliant (Clerodendrum splendens)

The variety is presented in the form of a shrub with climbing stems. The leaves are almost round, with a pointed tip and a wavy edge. In length - up to 8 cm.

Axillary inflorescences form red brushes. Flowering lasts almost all year round.

Philippine Clerodendrum (Clerodendrum philippinum)

Clerodendrum philippinum

Clerodendrum philippinum

Philippine Clerodendrum (Clerodendrum philippinum)

Another variety with an unpretentious character. Philippine clerodendrum is one of the most fragrant: the aroma of the plant combines notes of vanilla and jasmine. The smell is especially noticeable in the evenings. The leaves of the plant are dark green, and the flowers are white with a pinkish tint, the inflorescences are large.

Also popular varieties include:

  • Clerodendrum Uganda, or Blue butterflies (Clerodendrum ugandense)
  • Clerodendrum wallich (Prospero) (Clerodendrum wallichii)
  • Fragrant Clerodendrum (Clerodendrum fragrans)
  • Clerodendrum bunge (Clerodendrum Bungei)
  • Clerodendrum Schmidt (Clerodendrum schmidtii)
  • Clerodendrum the most beautiful (Clerodendrum speciosissimum)
  • Clerodendrum paniculatum (Clerodendrum Paniculatum)

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Features of planting and care


Reviews of flower growers about the nature of the flower are positive: caring for it is easy

Clerodendrum grows in the tropics and subtropics - in a humid and warm climate. Therefore, it is desirable to provide similar conditions at home for its comfortable growth.


For a catharanthus, a temperature of 25 degrees in summer and 15 degrees in winter will be comfortable.

For a catharanthus, a temperature of 25 degrees in summer and 15 degrees in winter will be comfortable.

A tropical plant prefers warmth, especially during the growing season, when it is actively developing or blooming. It should be grown at an air temperature of + 20-25 ° C.

And in winter, the flower should rest, so the temperature should not exceed +15 degrees. Only in this case will the normal laying of buds for future flowers occur.


Growing on a windowsill

Growing on a windowsill

Clerodendrum loves the sun and bright but diffused light. With a lack of lighting, it will begin to lose leaves.

It is better to protect the plant from direct sunlight. This is especially important if you put the plant on a south window: the midday sun can leave burns on the leaves, damage the delicate petals, and reduce flowering.

It is better to choose an east or west window sill.

Optimal Humidity

Flowering plant

Flowering plant

Clerodendrum requires abundant watering, especially in summer. You should not water too often: you need to wait until the top layer of soil dries out in a flower pot.

In winter, watering is determined by the temperature of the air in the room. If it was possible to lower it to the recommended levels, watering is rarely done, only so that the earthen lump does not dry out. If the temperature is slightly lower than it was during the growing season, watering is reduced only slightly.

Tropical visitor loves humid air. It is necessary to spray the leaves and stems daily in the summer. It is better not to direct streams of water from a spray bottle at the flowers. Water for irrigation and spraying must be soft and settled for at least a day.

In winter, the air in the room is greatly dried up by heating devices. Spraying in this case is not enough. Arrange wide bowls of water in the room or buy a humidifier.

top dressing

Phosphorus-potassium fertilizer

Phosphorus-potassium fertilizer

From spring to autumn, klerodendrum requires fertilization. Feed on average once every 10-14 days. Feeding is not needed in autumn and winter.

For klerodendrum, alternating mineral fertilizers with organic fertilizers is suitable. Fertilizers for flowering houseplants are sold in flower shops.

Of the mineral fertilizers, Agricola is recommended; fertilize the plant according to the instructions. Organic top dressing is also necessary to enrich the soil and improve its bioactivity. You can buy the drug FlorHumate. Top dressing is applied by spraying foliage or directly into the soil so that they penetrate into the root system.

During flowering, klerodendrum needs a high content of phosphorus. Pay attention to the composition of the purchased funds.
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Seed ripening

Seed ripening

The usual ways of planting and propagating clerodendrum - growing new plants from cuttings or planting seeds.

Fresh seeds should be planted in a box with moist soil, covered with a transparent film or glass on top to create the effect of a greenhouse. The box is placed in a room with a temperature around + 20 ° C. The soil must be regularly moistened.

Also, the seeds require daily airing. Sprouts begin to break through in 1-2 months. Planting in separate pots with a diameter of about 6 cm is carried out when four leaves are formed on the seedlings.

Reproduction by cuttings

Reproduction by cuttings

A simpler and more common way in which the clerodendrum propagates is cuttings. In the spring, when the plant begins to actively form new shoots, the right amount is carefully cut off and placed in containers with water at room temperature.

A pick is made when full roots appear. The conditions for keeping cuttings are the same as when planting seeds. When new leaves and shoots begin to grow, the clerodendrums are looked after as an adult plant.


Transplanted flower in a new pot

Transplanted flower in a new pot

Clerodendum grows quite quickly, reaching a length of three meters at home. The root system is also actively developing. Therefore, as needed, they are transplanted into a pot with new soil. It is advisable to transplant in the spring after pruning, when the flower has awakened from its “winter hibernation” and is full of strength.

Advice! A young plant is transplanted annually, otherwise it will quickly become cramped in a pot. It is enough to transplant an adult clerodendrum every 2-3 years.

A slightly acidic soil with a pH of 5-6 is suitable for the plant. If you take a store substrate, it is advisable to add coarse sand to it. You can independently prepare the soil mixture from the following components, taken in equal proportions:

  • Peat
  • sand
  • Clay soil
  • leafy soil

Clay pot with drainage

The pot is picked up a little higher and wider than the previous one.

It must be thoroughly washed and wiped with a disinfectant. There should be a drainage hole at the bottom. Drainage is poured into the container - a layer of expanded clay with a thickness of about 3 cm.

Clerodendrum is transplanted using the transshipment method: the flower is carefully removed from the old pot along with an earthen clod and lowered into a new one. The voids are covered with earth, the soil is lightly tamped. Then carry out watering.

Rooting can be expected within a month. In the future, the plant may need support. A wooden stick is installed during transplantation, otherwise you can accidentally injure the roots.

After transplantation, you need to refrain from fertilizing for two weeks: the plant needs a little adaptation to new conditions.


Pruning the plant helps to achieve interesting shapes.

Pruning the plant helps to achieve interesting shapes.

Clerodendrum can be trimmed and pinched to give it the desired shape and retain its decorative properties. Remove diseased and infected shoots. Pruning also helps to achieve more lush flowering: for this, branches that are overgrown with wood are cut by about a third.

Trimming methods depend on the desire of the owner. If you want to get a plant in the form of a shrub, cut all the side shoots. If you need a tree, shorten the side shoots growing close to the trunk. To form the crown, the top is cut off when the plants reach 50-70 cm in height.

Whatever the desired form, it is unlikely to be achieved the first time. Pruning is carried out for several years in a row to form the desired type of crown.

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Growing problems


For all its unpretentiousness, even the clerodendrum is not protected from diseases caused by care errors. Let's analyze the main difficulties faced by the grower

Clerodendrum not blooming

Clerodendrum thompson

Clerodendrum thompson

A common reason why the clerodendrum does not bloom is improper maintenance in the winter. If the room temperature was too high, the flower could not rest and prepare for further development and bud formation. From the end of autumn to February, the clerodendrum should be at rest.

Proper preparation for winter includes:

  • Gradually reduce watering
  • Suspension of fertilization
  • Creation of cool conditions

When new leaves and shoots begin to form on the flower, it “wakes up”. Then you can again gradually increase watering and increase the temperature. This is the only way to make the clerodendrum bloom.

Sometimes flowering does not occur with a lack of nutrients in the soil. The reason is rare transplants. Not good for a cramped pot. If this is the problem, wait until spring and transplant the clerodendrum.

The leaves are turning yellow

Type of diseased leaves

Type of diseased leaves

Usually, in this way, the clerodendrum signals a lack of moisture, especially in the warm season. Irrigation needs to be adjusted. Excess water from the pan can not be drained.

Another cause of yellowing foliage is chlorosis: insufficient production of chlorophyll by the leaves. The plant needs mineral fertilizing with iron content.

Leaves fall

thompson clerodendron

Do not worry if the clerodendrum began to shed its leaves during the cold seasons: this is a natural process for deciduous plants.

If the symptom is observed in warm weather, then the reason is care errors. Perhaps the flower lacks light or nutrients, its roots rot, etc.

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Luxurious flowering in the absence of diseases and parasites

Luxurious flowering in the absence of diseases and parasites. Clerodendrum is not immune from insects parasitizing on it.




The pest is visible on leaves and shoots with the naked eye. Insects feed on the juices of the flower, which causes the green leaves to wither and the buds to die. It is necessary to remove the affected areas, and treat the clerodendrum with soapy water or insecticides.




Tiny insects with white wings also cause the bush to wilt and dry out. Visually, they can be seen by the white bloom on the leaves. Control measures are the same as for the defeat of aphids.

spider mite

spider mite

spider mite

Another enemy of most indoor plants is the spider mite. The cobweb formed by it with a thin haze envelops the shoots and internodes. If it is not enough, it is enough to treat the plant with soapy water and rinse with a warm shower.

If the insects are divorced decently, you will have to buy insecticides and carry out the processing procedure according to the instructions.

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Superstitions and omens

Close-up photo of flowers

Close-up photo of flowers

There are some superstitions associated with this flower. It is believed that the plant has a positive effect on fate, so it can be safely kept at home.

The flowering of Thomson's clerodendrum is called a good omen. The more magnificent the bush blooms, the more luck the owner can expect in love and in professional life.

It is also believed that the flower improves mood. And if pests are wound up in it, then this is a sign of the accumulation of bad energy in the home.

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Clerodendrum is an unpretentious plant with beautiful flowers and a delicate aroma.

It is great for breeding at home and rarely complains to the owner. You can find out more information about caring for a tropical beauty in the video below.

VIDEO: Clerodendrum - the secrets of care and cultivation at home. Why does not bloom and turn yellow leaves.

Clerodendrum home: description, types, care, reproduction, how to make bloom

Clerodendrum - the secrets of care and cultivation at home. Why does not bloom and turn yellow leaves.

Clerodendrum home: description, types, care, reproduction, how to make bloom | (65+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

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1 comment
  1. Thank you for the detailed article about the clerodendrum ... I really liked the detailed description of the care for this beautiful flower. All you d!

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