Garden jasmine, or, as it should be, mock orange delights with fragrance. Previously, no garden could not be imagined without it. The article will open the veil and acquaint the reader with the intricacies of planting and care. Here you can read the description of the most popular mock orange varieties and choose which one to plant in your backyard.

general characteristics

mock orange flower
Chubushnik belongs to the Hortenziev family. It is a deciduous shrub, some species are semi-deciduous. Grows in Europe, East Asia and North America.
Many people confuse it with jasmine. You can meet the second name - garden jasmine. The confusion comes from the sweet fragrance of the flowers.
The shrub is called the mock orange, because the chibouks for smoking pipes were made from its wood.
They grow opposite each other. Their length is 5-7 centimeters.
In form they can be different:
- ovoid
- elongated
- oval
Their edges are either smooth or have teeth. In different varieties, they are blunt, rounded or wedge-shaped. The upper part of the leaf is smooth, the lower part is covered with fine fluff.

Description of species and varieties
Regular or pale
Homeland is the Caucasus and Southern Europe. This is a deciduous shrub. The height of the bushes reaches 3.5 meters, when grown in a temperate climate - 2 meters.
The crown has a rounded shape, very dense. Its diameter is about 2 meters.
The bark is dyed brown. It slightly cracks and peels off. Young shoots are covered with small hairs, which then disappear.
The leaves are ovoid in shape with a pointed tip. The length varies from 4 to 10 centimeters. They are thin, smooth on top, covered with down along 3 pronounced veins from below.
Inflorescence brushes consist of 5-9 flowers. Their diameter is not more than 3.5 centimeters. They exude a pleasant strong smell.
The flowering period is in June. Its duration is about 21 days.
The frost resistance of the common mock orange is quite high. Withstands temperatures down to minus 29 degrees.
Shrub up to 3 meters. Blooms white or cream flowers.Their diameter is 2.5-3.5 centimeters. The inflorescence consists of 7-9 pieces. Blooms in June.
The leaves are large. Their length is 8 centimeters.
It tolerates winter cold well within minus 29 degrees.
Crown mock orange has several forms:
- with double flowers
- with golden foliage. Flowers framed with yellowish leaves look unusual
It is represented by a deciduous shrub. He is growing very fast. The annual growth is 50 centimeters. The height of an adult bush is about 3.5 meters.
His shoots are thin weeping. Thanks to them, the shape resembles a fountain. Terry flowers. The inner petals are softer than the outer ones. The average diameter is 5 centimeters.
The flowering period falls on June-July. Its duration is about 23 days. Chubushnik Shneeshturm loves air. It is recommended to plant it in open spaces. Perfectly coexists with coniferous trees and honeysuckle.
This is a hybrid variety bred in 1909 by Lemoine.
The bush grows up to 3 meters. It has a dense crown. His shoots are upright. They grow green leaves, they are about 7 centimeters long.
Flowers have a diameter of 5 centimeters. They make up an inflorescence - a brush. Its length is approximately 13 centimeters. Terry flowers bloom in the second half of June.
The duration of flowering is about a month.
Mock orange virginal tolerates frost well. However, in snowless winters, its shoots may freeze slightly. In regions with severe winters, it is recommended to cover the bushes.
Belle Etoile
Not a tall shrub, grows up to 1.5 meters. It has a compact crown. Shoots are straight, they are covered with dark bark. She is prone to flakiness.
Its leaves are small. Their length varies from 1 to 3.5 cm. Their edges are even. Leaf shape is ovoid.
The flowering period is in July. Flower diameter 4-5 cm. They grow singly or form an inflorescence of 3 pieces. They differ in the original color of the petals. They are white with a pink base on the inside. The aroma of this variety resembles the smell of strawberries.
The variety is moderately frost-resistant. Its bushes grow slowly. It is recommended to plant in a sunny place or in partial shade.
Bred Belle Etoile in 1930 by Lemoine.
The variety is presented to bushes up to 1.5 meters. Its crown is lush, its diameter reaches 150 centimeters.
It blooms with white flowers with a raspberry center. They grow singly or in 2-3 pieces. The diameter of the flower is 5 centimeters. They smell like strawberries.
Dwarf variety, bush height is 100-150 centimeters. The diameter of the crown is equal to the height of the plant. This feature makes it look like a snowball during flowering.
Snowbel's flowers are double, white. The flowering period is May-June. Its duration is from 21 to 30 days. Their aroma is very similar to the smell of jasmine. Their diameter is 3 centimeters.
This variety tolerates frost and drought well. Refers to unpretentious varieties. He is not afraid of polluted city air. It is also undemanding to the soil.
If you plant Snowbel in the shade, then this stimulates the growth of shoots. This reduces the intensity of flowering.
Shrub up to 1.5 meters tall. He has thin shoots, falling. Leaves 4 cm long grow densely on twigs.
Flowers semi-double, white. Petals have curved edges. Their diameter is 3 centimeters. Exude a pleasant strawberry aroma.
Flowering lasts from 14 to 21 days. It falls in May-June.
The variety loves the sun. Withstands frosty winters. Its shoots may freeze slightly, but with the onset of spring, the bush is reanimated. This happens due to the powerful root system.
Decorative bushes 1.5 meters high. They are crowned with a straight crown, consisting of strong shoots. Lateral branches bend towards the sky. Each grows up to 4 pairs of leaves.
The shape of the leaves is oval or ovate. Their edges are framed with teeth. The upper side is colored dark green, the lower side is somewhat lighter and small hairs grow along the veins.
Beam-shaped inflorescences consist of white double flowers, with a diameter of 4.5 centimeters. The outer petals are unfolded, and the inner ones are gathered into a ball.
Flowering comes early, lasts about 3 weeks. Winter hardiness of Komsomolets is high. Shelter for the winter period is not required. This cultivar is susceptible to aphid attack. Recommended treatment from her for prevention.
Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya
The height of the bush reaches 3 meters. The branches grow straight, forming a slender crown. With age, the lower part of the shoots and trunk becomes bare.
Foliage grows densely. Its shape is ovoid. The edges are not smooth, serrated. The leaf surface is glossy. They are painted bright green.
The flowers of this variety are double, white. Their peculiarity is in a greenish tint during the dissolution of the buds. On the crown are evenly spaced. Abundant flowering lasts more than 21 days.
Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya has a delicate aroma. It smells like pineapple. The variety has good frost resistance.
For long and abundant flowering requires sunlight and regular watering. With insufficient moisture, the flowers fade prematurely.
Mont Blanc
The height of this shrub is from 1.8 to 2 meters. The bark of the stems is brown. In a young plant, it is covered with down, with age it disappears, the branches become covered with scales.
This is due to the tendency of the plant to peel. The leaves reach a length of 4 centimeters. Their color is green. The edges have sparse teeth, sometimes even.
Inflorescences have white petals. They combine 3-5 flowers, 5 centimeters in diameter. They belong to semi-double varieties. Their scent is very strong and spreads over a large area. The plant is fragrant with a strawberry smell. Flowering lasts 3 weeks.
Mont Blanc is characterized by high frost resistance. It tolerates temperatures of minus 35 degrees.
This variety is native to Minnesota. It belongs to one of the coldest places in the USA. It gets cold down to minus 50 degrees. Thanks to this, Snowflake is not afraid of either cold weather or snowstorms. He will be comfortable growing in regions such as Siberia and the Urals.
Bushes grow up to 2 meters. They have a dense, lush crown. Form its shoots tend to bend under the weight of leaves and flowers.
Bushes grow quite slowly. On average, they grow by 17 centimeters per year. An adult bush is fully formed in 10 years. This will allow it to stay in the garden longer than other varieties.
The leaves are ovoid in shape. Their top is pointed. Their plate is dense, painted in dark green.
Terry white flowers. They consist of many petals, behind which the stamens are completely invisible. This makes them look like snow flakes. Hence the name of the variety.
Inflorescences are located close to each other. They consist of 5 flowers, up to 3 centimeters in diameter. Behind them, the leaves are not visible.
The flowering period coincides with the first summer month. Its duration is 3 weeks. Shrubs planted in partial shade may bloom longer. Their aroma is weak, but due to the abundance it is well felt. They smell like citrus.
The name of the variety is translated as "avalanche", hence the second name. At the same time, he also has a third name "strawberry mock orange". It was appropriated to him by the people for the pronounced fragrance of strawberries.
Bushes no more than 1.5 meters tall. They form thin shoots covered with brown bark. Their foliage is elongated and narrow. The size of the leaves is small, does not exceed 2 centimeters in length.
The flowers are medium in size, their diameter is about 3 centimeters. Grow singly or form an inflorescence of 3 pieces. Flowering begins in mid-June.
The frost resistance of the variety is low. It is minus 15 degrees. Its cultivation is available only in the southern regions.
A variety of mock orange, bred by the French scientist Lemoine, who received his name in his honor. Its bushes grow up to 2 meters.
The crown is spreading. Its diameter may exceed the height of the plant.It grows up to 4 meters in diameter. Form its shoots covered with brown bark. Its surface is flaky.
Its leaves are egg-shaped. Their length is 4 centimeters. The color is rich green.
The flowers are simple, diameter is 4 centimeters. They form an inflorescence brush, which includes from 7 to 9 pieces. Their aroma is pleasant and strong.
The winter hardiness of this species is high.
The bushes of the variety have a height of up to 2 meters. At the same time, their crown is very spreading. Its diameter is about 4 meters.
During flowering, the bush looks like a mountain with a snowy peak. The flowers are semi-double, large, 4 cm in diameter. They have practically no smell. The color of the petals is creamy white.
Inflorescences are large, formed in the form of a brush. Consists of 20 flowers. Blooms towards the end of June. The duration of the flowering period is 30 days.
The frost resistance of the variety is good. For the winter, insulation is not required. Can grow in the shade. Sun is required for abundant and long flowering.
The bush of this mock orange has a height of 180 centimeters. Its crown is formed by lateral shoots. They depart from a straight and strong trunk.
Inflorescences consist of 7-9 flowers. Their length is 11 centimeters. Shoots strewn with inflorescences form flowing cassocks up to 50 centimeters long.
Each flower is about 6 centimeters in diameter. Their color is pure white. You can meet both terry and simple varieties of the variety. They smell nice. Flowering lasts up to 36 days.
Winter hardiness Alabaster is high.
Ermine Mantle
The bush grows 1-3 meters high.
Gardeners recommend not to allow growth above 100 centimeters. Using pruning, form a crown at this level. This will ensure high-quality and abundant flowering.
The leaf plate is oval. The top edge is pointed. Veins are clearly visible on it.
Flowers are semi-double. They fill the air with the smell of strawberries. This variety has a long flowering period. It lasts up to 50 days. The buds open towards the end of May.
Ermine mantle boasts frost resistance. This mock orange does not require winter shelter.
airborne assault
The flowers of this variety resemble parachutes. This is where its name came from.
The height of the bush is 2-2.5 meters. The crown is formed by straight branches. Its shape resembles a pyramid. During flowering, young shoots lean to the side. This is due to the severity of the flowers blooming on them.
Leaves grow on petioles. The branches are opposite. They are painted green with a yellowish tint.
Flowers are not large. They are shaped like a bell. Inside are yellow stamens. The flowering period lasts 2-3 weeks. It comes in June-July. The smell of this variety resembles the aroma of strawberries.
Winter hardiness of the Airborne is high. It is suitable for growing in temperate climates.
Ballet of moths
The bush of this variety grows up to 4 meters. It has an oval crown.
Flowers with a diameter of 4 centimeters. They have petals with a curved edge. Inflorescences grow above the foliage, creating the illusion of white moths dancing over a bush. They are painted white, have a slight green tint.
The flowering period is in the middle of summer.
Winter cold endures. It is recommended to warm it up.
The height of the bush is 1-1.5 meters. The crown is formed by curved shoots. They are covered with brown bark. The foliage is green, uniform color.
Flowers are double, large. Their diameter is 7 centimeters. The color of the petals is white with a pearly sheen, this became the main emphasis in choosing the name of the variety.
The flowering period begins in the second half of June. It lasts from 15 to 18 days.
The variety tolerates winter frosts well. Withstands temperatures down to minus 25 degrees.

It is not difficult to propagate mock orange. All known methods are available for it:
- seminal
- cuttings
- layering
- dividing the bush
seed way

Pots with young mock orange
Before propagating mock orange with seeds, they must be purchased. This can be done in two ways: buy or collect from a bush in the garden.
Varieties can be propagated by seeds. This method is not suitable for hybrids, as they lose the characteristics of the mother plant. They are suitable for vegetative propagation.
Seeds can be planted in autumn. To do this, they are sown in furrows and covered with sand and compost. For the winter, crops should be covered with spruce branches. Otherwise, they may freeze.
With the onset of winter, the covering material is removed. Arcs are installed over young shoots, a film is stretched from above. The greenhouse needs to be ventilated periodically.
It is removed completely only when the danger of night frost has passed.
The second method involves seedling cultivation. Seedlings are sown in a sowing container in the middle of winter. After the mock orange has risen and the first leaves have formed, it must be dived into cups.
In the spring it must be hardened. To do this, it is taken out to the terrace or balcony and brought back into the room. Hardening starts from 10 minutes. The time spent in the air gradually increases.
Transplantation in open ground is carried out in mid-June. By this time, the danger of frost has passed. And young seedlings adapt better to a new place.
Reproduction by cuttings

mock orange cuttings
To propagate mock orange using cuttings, they need to be cut. The cuttings used for this purpose are green and lignified.
Let's consider both methods:
- only a sharp knife is used to cut the cutting. No other devices are recommended.
- it is best if the stalk has a heel, that is, a piece of the annual branch
- Each section should have 2 leaves. Its length is approximately 5 cm.
- all lower leaves are removed
- should be planted in a moist soil mixture. It should consist of garden soil and sand, the proportion is 1: 1
- a hole is made with a stick in the ground and a mock-up stalk is planted there. Depth is 1 cm
- water the seedling and cover with a film or jar to create the effect of a greenhouse
- be sure to regularly ventilate and water
With proper care of the seedling, the root system will form by October. The plant is ready for transplanting to open ground. With the onset of cold weather, it must be covered with spruce branches.
- cut for planting you need branches that are already a year old
- they are wrapped in cellophane and stored in the cellar until spring. You can store them by placing them on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.
- in mid-March, the branches are cut into cuttings about 15 centimeters long
- each should have 3-4 buds
- the top cut should be above the kidney. It is made straight
- the bottom is cut at an angle. Produced under the lower kidney
- chopped planting material must be placed in a root formation stimulator. Withstand 24 hours
- the substrate is prepared 1:1: peat, sand
- the stalk is planted with an inclination. Watering in progress
- the seedling is closed with a jar
- need regular watering and ventilation
- it takes about 5 weeks to form roots
- planted in the garden at the end of May
Reproduction by layering

Mock orange grown from cuttings
Layers of mock orange begin to form in the spring. They are made after the snow has melted.
- one of the branches growing at the bottom is selected
- tilts until it touches the ground
- at the point of contact, you need to remove the bark. This is done carefully. Can't damage wood
- cutting width should be 1 centimeter
- hairpin shoot attached to the ground
- topped with earth
- regular watering
The root system is formed by autumn. Layers can be separated from the parent bush and planted in a permanent place.You can leave until spring and repot after the snow has gone.
The division of the bush

The division of the bush is carried out in the fall
Mock bushes are transplanted only if they have grown strongly. Then they dig it out of the ground. Divided into several parts.
- the division procedure is carried out in late autumn, when the bush sheds leaves. Or in the spring, before the blooming of young leaves
- every part must have roots
- delenki landed in a new place on the day of digging. Otherwise, the root system will weather and dry out. If there is no opportunity to plant immediately, then they need to be dug into the ground.
- the earlier you plant, the less the plant will hurt
- new bushes need to be watered


Mock orange "loves" the sun
Before you plant a mock orange, you need to choose a place for it. It should be well lit by the sun. This shrub can grow in the shade. But this is fraught with poor flowering.
The plant puts all the energy into branches that stretch out in search of sunlight.
To the soil, the mock orange does not impose special requirements. However, fertile soil contributes to its growth and development.
Be sure to need drainage so that moisture does not stagnate. He loves regular watering, but at the same time, an overabundance will hurt him.
For planting, you need to dig a hole. Its depth should be 0.5 meters. A layer of gravel, expanded clay is laid at the bottom. From above it is covered with garden soil mixed with sand and humus or compost. The proportion should be 3:2:1.
A young seedling is planted. The depth should match how it grew earlier. It doesn't need to be deepened. This can lead to rotting.
After planting, be sure to water the bush. 1-2 buckets of water are poured onto one bush. The earth around it is mulched.
The distance between the bushes should be from 0.5 to 1.5 meters. When forming a hedge no more than 70 centimeters. Depends on the cultivar. Strongly expanding should grow at a sufficient distance from each other.


Pruning scheme for a mock orange bush
Proper care is the key to a beautiful bush, with an abundance of flowers on them. The set of measures includes watering, fertilizing, pruning.
Let's consider each in detail.
It is necessary to water at the base of the trunk. One plant needs about 30 liters of water.
Do not allow cracking of the soil after watering. During the season, it must be loosened 2-3 times. The depth should be from 4 to 8 centimeters. This will allow air to enter the root system and remove weeds. A layer of mulch is laid on top.
After 2 years, the shrub takes minerals from the soil, so you need to start using mineral fertilizers. This procedure is carried out twice per season: in spring and after flowering.
Spring Fertilizer Recipe
- urea - 15 grams
- superphosphate – 30 grams
- potassium sulfate - 15 grams
- water - 10 liters
All components are diluted in water. This amount is enough for 2 mock orange bushes.
Recipe for fertilizer after flowering stops:
- superphosphate - 25 grams
- potassium sulfate - 15 grams
- water - 10 liters
This mixture is enough to feed 1 square meter of soil. In this mixture, potassium sulfate can be replaced with wood ash. It needs 100-150 grams.
- All weak shoots are subject to removal.
- The main branches are shortened by 1-2 buds.
- Shoots that grow incorrectly are cut off, knocked out of the total mass.
- Cut off faded shoots.
This procedure is carried out 2 times a year:
- In early spring until leaves appear and buds form. If there are frozen shoots, they must also be removed.
- Late autumn. At this time, the bush will already shed its leaves. He will have a dormant period. On bare branches it will be perfectly visible where and what needs to be removed.

Preparing for the winter

Not every variety of mock orange can endure a harsh winter.
Despite the persistence of mock orange, not all varieties are able to endure a frosty winter. Young bushes that are not a year old are also not ready for the cold.
The branches of the bush must be tied with a rope. From above they are wrapped with burlap or other fabric. The root zone is mulched with foliage.
Such measures will protect the plants from the cold. Moreover, they will remove the risk of branches breaking under the weight of snow.
As the snow begins to melt in spring, it becomes heavier. To prevent the bushes from breaking, it must be removed. This can be done with a garden pitchfork.

Pests and diseases

Improper care or its absence is fraught with diseases and attacks. pests
The mock orange can get sick if the rules of care are violated.
Measures to combat major diseases:
Gray rot
To prevent the appearance, you need to collect fallen leaves under the bushes, thin out dense plantings.
A diseased plant should be sprayed with one of the drugs:
- soon
- pureflower
- agrodoctor
Septoria spotting
It appears as brown spots with a darker border. The diameter can reach 10 centimeters. It affects the leaves of the mock orange.
Leaves begin to dry and fall off. The infection persists in them and can move to healthy shoots and neighboring plants.
You need to fight it by spraying with a Bordeaux mixture. All plant debris must be burned.
The plant is extremely susceptible to attack by aphids. It is fought with the following drugs:
- fufanon
- spark
- fitoverm
Now you know the rules for caring for a mock orange. They are available to any gardener, even with minimal experience. Simple measures will allow the bush to grow, filling the space around with fragrance.
Unpretentious plants for the garden How to propagate mock orange, or garden jasmine
Chubushnik: description of 20 varieties, planting and caring for shrubs in the garden, possible diseases (110+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews
good shrub