What can be grown from a bone at home? | TOP-28 Ordinary and unusual plants | (Photo & Video) +Reviews

grow from a bone

Growing a plant from a seed is a very interesting, exciting activity, although not an easy one. The nucleolus, which is covered with a woody shell, acts as a bone.

Different fruits have a different number of seeds, i.e. may be 1 or several at once. Large fruits contain fewer nucleoli, small fruits contain more.

Also under the name "bone" are meant seedshaving a hard shell (watermelon, persimmon, Garnet). This article will describe various plants.

This is all that can be grown from the bone at home. Having decided on such an experiment, each of us will be able to get a wonderful new indoor or real garden plant.

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The apricot kernel is planted as soon as it is removed from the fruit. To get a full-fledged tree, you will have to prepare at least 50 nucleoli, because half of them simply will not sprout due to poor germination, and a fourth of the total initial plantings will die during the first year.

The best planting period is October. The required depth is 5-6 cm, and a distance of about 10 cm should remain between plantings. For a good wintering, you will need shelter with a spruce spruce branch.

The appearance of the first sprouts falls in May, therefore, watering of plantings begins in April. Small sprouts show great moodiness.

During the first 2 months you need to organize regular watering for them. By the middle of summer (July), watering is reduced. This will allow the apricot sprouts to start preparing for winter. In addition, regularity is required in loosening the earth after the plant has been watered, and weeding the weeds.

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May become a favorite houseplant. It will take a lot of patience, because the bone will germinate for a very long time. The soil for future planting is prepared in advance.

Suitable soil substrate:

  • Peat - 1 part
  • Sod land - 1 part
  • River sand - 1 part

The nucleus must be carefully chosen. The fruit must be ripe and not damaged.

Depth of landing - up to 3 cm. Watering must be done very carefully to prevent the soil from completely drying out. The appearance of sprouts occurs in 3-4 weeks.

Seedlings should be protected from direct sunlight. For them, regular spraying of the space surrounding them is carried out. This will increase the humidity in the air and prevent the leaf tips from drying out.

Faster germination is observed with the following method: the core is pierced from 4 sides. Toothpicks are inserted into these holes. The bone in this state is placed in water.
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cherry plum

cherry plum

Germination of this fruit nucleolus from 6 months. up to a year. But getting a full-fledged seedling in this way is not guaranteed, although you can try.

To begin with, a bone of the desired variety is selected. It must be washed and dried. It will land by the winter period, and until that time it should be stored in a glass container, in a dry, dark place.

At the end of the autumn season, a good seat is prepared with loose soil. The core is planted to a depth of up to 4 cm. It is better to immediately prepare a handful of planting material for planting, because a significant part of it will most likely not germinate.

The first shoots should appear in May. They need regular watering, weeding, loosening. Even for the first time, it is better to cover them from the sun's rays.

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Orange tree

Orange tree

Stones from oranges from the store are quite suitable as planting material. They make a very attractive indoor tree. The appearance of fruits in him is possible only after 5-10 years.

A container for planting about 2 liters is prepared in advance. The soil must be fertile.

Orange stones are washed and placed in hot water for an hour. Water temperature should not exceed 50-600C, so as not to destroy the grains.

Landing is carried out to a depth of up to 2.5 cm, several cores per pot. Then everything is watered and covered with plastic wrap.

After 3 weeks the first shoots should appear. All this time, the film is not removed from the pot (perhaps only for a while to ventilate the mini-greenhouse). As the sprouts grow and strengthen, they must be planted in different pots.

Orange peels do not need to be thrown away. They can be used in yards and gardens.
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Watermelon seeds have faster and more friendly germination. Growing a watermelon from a seed will be interesting even for a child.

Since this culture is very sensitive to transplants, it is necessary to immediately plant each grain in a separate pot with a depth of 3-4 cm. If the plantings are provided with a temperature of over 300C, then it will take less than 7 days to germinate.

Seedlings are best placed on the windowsill on the south side. Drafts are not desirable.

Sowing seeds should be carried out at the end of April. In a month, they will germinate and get stronger enough to transplant them into a greenhouse or a garden bed.

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An excellent culture for growing it from seeds. The young seedling can be grown in the garden or left on the windowsill as an ornamental tree.

For planting material, only mature fruits are selected. A suitable soil mixture should consist of:

  • peat - 1 part
  • leaf ground - 1 part
  • turf - 1 part
  • river sand - 0.2 parts

The pot for planting is selected in small sizes. Bones are planted in several pieces to a depth of 2-3 cm. They must be placed in a place where it is warm and light.

The best landing time is the beginning of autumn. The appearance of the first shoots must be expected after 4 weeks.

For irrigation, only warm water is taken. Particular attention in winter is paid to the temperature in the room. It should not fall below 150C, because at lower temperatures, young shoots die.

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felt cherry

felt cherry

felt cherry

felt cherry

It is a favorite culture of many summer residents. It also breeds well with bones. But you need to be prepared for the fact that the preservation of the characteristics of your variety in a young seedling is not guaranteed.

Planting material is pre-washed with running water, dried in the shade. In late summer - early autumn, it is recommended to mix it with moistened sand and put it in a dark, cool room. Landing takes place in October.

Several seeds are planted in pre-prepared ridges with grooves 2-3 cm deep. With the onset of spring, the first shoots appear. If the conditions are favorable, then the height of the seedlings by the end of the season can reach 50 cm. In the autumn period, they can be planted.

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Berries from an uneaten pomegranate can not be thrown away, but planted in the ground. It will grow into a beautiful indoor tree of small size.

Since stores sell varietal fruits, you should not expect maternal traits from a new tree. It is also unlikely that it will ever bear fruit. But the joy of beautiful foliage and the shape of the trunk will definitely give.

Before planting, the material is cleaned of pulp, thoroughly washed in cold water, and dried. During this time, the soil is being prepared:

  • peat - 1 part
  • sod land - 1 part
  • sand - 1 part

A drainage layer in the pot is required. Bones are planted to a depth of no more than 1 cm in pre-moistened soil.

Germination will require the creation of greenhouse conditions. For this purpose, the pot, after sowing the material, is covered with a film and installed on the windowsill from the sunny side.

The spitting of the first sprouts will be in 2 weeks. Immediately remove the film from the pot is not necessary. The sprouts should grow a little. After that, the greenhouse is removed. So that stronger sprouts can fully develop, their weakened counterparts are removed.

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An ordinary grapefruit seed will also make a wonderful houseplant. Preliminary drying of the material is not required, it can be immediately planted in the ground. The depth should be 2 cm.

Suitable soil composition:

  • peat
  • potting soil

With a large number of seeds, it is better to immediately prepare separate containers for sowing them. For faster germination, a greenhouse is organized in the form of covering the pot with a half of a plastic bottle or film. You need to place the landing on a warm, sunny window.

Much attention is paid to soil moisture, because drying it out will slow down the development of the plant. Subject to all the rules of sowing, the appearance of the first shoots will be in 2-3 weeks.

The accustoming of a grapefruit seedling in life outside the greenhouse occurs gradually. As the pot grows, soil is gradually poured into the pot. After the seedlings reach a height of 10 cm, they are seated in larger pots.

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Fig (fig tree)

Fig (fig tree)

figs (fig tree)

Fig (fig tree)

To grow this plant, you will need to rinse, dry the planting material. Then it is laid to a shallow depth in moistened soil.

From above it is necessary to sprinkle a little sand, cover with a film and clean in a warm place. With regular moistening and ventilation of the room, the appearance of the first shoots should be in 21 days.

Required content temperature:

  • warm time - not lower than 200WITH
  • winter period - no higher than 140WITH





To obtain planting material, a mature fruit is selected. Its skin must not be damaged. Seeds are carefully removed and cleaned to avoid damage to integrity.

Next, they must be thoroughly washed, wait until they dry, and then place in a container with water (its temperature should be room temperature) and place in a warm place. The window sill above the heater is well suited for this.

After 7-10 days. the seeds should open. After that, they must be laid out on a moistened cloth, placed on a saucer, covered with a film. The material hatches in 2-3 days. After that, it is sown in separate containers with moist soil.

Required soil composition:

  • black soil
  • peat
  • sand

For the normal development of kiwi, constantly moist soil is required. An important point is to prevent moisture stagnation. For this, the bottom of the planting pot is laid out with expanded clay (or other drainage material).

Seedlings are watered by spraying from a spray bottle. The best place for the location of the landing - a warm, sunny corner, such as a south-facing window sill.



It is a perennial plant. Its other name is derain. It has juicy berries that have healing properties. The homeland of dogwood is Asian countries, which means that the plant is very thermophilic. The height of the bush reaches 2-4 m.

The conditions of the middle lane are not entirely suitable for dogwood, but with proper care, it grows well in the conditions of the Moscow region. A simpler option for propagating a shrub is cuttings, although if you want to experiment, nucleoli from berries are also suitable.

The main rule is that the fruits are green. Sowing is carried out immediately after extraction from the fruit. The most suitable time for this is the end of summer - the beginning of autumn.

If the stone was taken from a ripe berry, before sowing, it is stratified in moistened sawdust for a year before sowing. Without prior preparation, the bones will germinate only after 2 years. The depth of landings should not be more than 3 cm.

In the first year for the winter, plantings are insulated with spruce branches. Fallen leaves are also suitable as covering material. With the advent of spring, the shelter is removed.

Young shoots require shading from sunlight, regular watering. If the conditions for the full development of dogwood are favorable, it will begin to produce a crop in 7-10 years.





Refers to citrus species. Another name for it is Fortunella. In taste and aroma, it is similar to lime or tangerine.

The size of the fruit is small (up to 2.5 cm). Their peel is sweet, so kumquats are eaten whole. This is an exotic fruit and those who have become lucky after trying it have a great opportunity to grow a miniature kumquat. Fruiting of a tree can occur in about 10 years.

Nucleoli from fruits that are mature and undamaged are suitable as planting material. The bones are washed, dried and for 20 minutes. placed in a solution of potassium permanganate. This will ensure the disinfection of the material. Landing capacity should be small.

Suitable soil composition:

  • garden soil
  • sand

It is necessary to sow to a depth of no more than 2 cm. For better germination, a mini-greenhouse is organized, which is placed in a place with good lighting. To do this, a bag, glass, a plastic bottle is used as a shelter for the pot.

Covering material can be removed after 1-1.5 months, when the first shoots appear. When several seedlings germinate, they are dived.

Drying out of the earthen composition is not permissible. It is necessary to water only with warm settled water. The plant is extremely sensitive to dry air, so it needs to be sprayed.

The small size of the pot will not allow the citrus tree to develop quickly and will make it more compact.



The most popular plant that is grown from the seed. A beautiful tree looks good in the house, office.

Bones for sowing are taken only from fresh fruit. It is better to select larger specimens. Preliminary procedures before sowing are not particularly required, but some prefer to wash the material and hold it on moistened material for 2-3 days.

Ready-made soil for citrus species can be bought at a specialized store. Seeding depth - 3 cm.After sowing, a mini-greenhouse is created; for this, the container is covered with a film or other transparent material.

When planting a large amount of planting material, after its germination (after about 1 month), weaker shoots are removed. The remaining seedlings are gradually accustomed to indoor conditions.





Slow growing plant. Its other name is Chinese plum. Perfect for an apartment, a greenhouse.

The lucky ones who managed to enjoy the delicious fruits of this plant, should definitely try to sprout it from the bone. If favorable conditions are provided for the plant, it will even be able to please with its fruits, only this can occur no earlier than in 8-10 years.

Due to the rapid loss of germination, seeds must be planted as soon as possible. They can be placed in a pot of several pieces.

After sowing, a greenhouse is organized for plantings, warm conditions are provided. The first shoots will appear in 2 weeks. After that, the cover is removed. When the height of the seedlings reaches 20 cm, they are transplanted into larger containers.

Watering the soil with a universal mycorrhizal vaccine will ensure good growth for the plant. The product contains mycorrhizal fungi. They coexist well with plants, contribute to the improvement of their nutrition.



Currently, it is not an outlandish product in trading shops. In addition, many mango lovers are successfully grown indoors. An important point - the fruit from which the stone is taken must be ripe, i.e. the pulp should separate easily.

The prepared bone is washed, scraped with a knife. For faster germination, it is recommended to keep it in water for 1 week. As a soil composition, a universal soil is quite suitable, just so that it is not too acidic.

When sowing, the stone should not be completely buried, namely ¼ of its part will remain above the surface. Until the sprout appears, the film is not removed from the pot. A mini-greenhouse will need to be ventilated regularly.

A young tree should get stronger and take root well, only after that it can be transplanted. Also, good humidity of the air and soil is important for the seedling, but the abuse of the frequency of watering and spraying is fraught with the appearance of mold on the foliage and root system.

In its natural environment, mango is a large tree, reaching a height of 18 m. Indoors, it grows up to 2 m. It is very sensitive to transplants. For this reason, it is better to prepare a large pot in advance for planting.





Tangerine seeds are suitable as planting material only from ripe, soft fruits. The nucleoli must be sorted out. Only the largest, healthiest are selected. Also, they should not be damaged in any way.

Prepared bones are laid out on moistened gauze and placed in a container with water to swell. Soil for seedlings can be purchased ready-made ("For citrus plants").

When compiled independently, it should consist of:

  • leaf ground - 1 part
  • sod land - 1 part
  • humus - 1 part

Good drainage (for example, expanded clay) at the bottom of the planting pot is required. The depth of planting the stone is up to 3 cm. The appearance of the first shoots should be in 2 weeks.

Young seedlings should be periodically fed. For this, complex fertilizers for citrus crops are used. It is also necessary to ensure that the plant receives sufficient sunlight. To increase the humidity of the air, a container of water installed next to the planting pot will help.

Every year, as the roots grow, seedlings will need to be replanted.

Mandarin pits are the slowest germination rate among all citrus species.

Passion fruit (passiflora)

Passion fruit (passiflora)

passionfruit (passionflower)

Passion fruit (passiflora)

Refers to tropical vines. For its growth, it prefers warm, ventilated places without drafts, with good lighting, and a high level of humidity.

Due to the strong growth of the plant, it needs space. For this reason, placing a vine on narrow windows is not suitable. You will also need supports to support the shoots.

Sowing passionflower seeds is very simple. A suitable time for this is the middle of the spring season.

Mature fruits are selected for pitting. The seeds are laid out on a clean cloth, rubbed gently to open the juice sacs. Then everything is rinsed, dried in a dark place.

For sowing, you will need a container with soil, which should consist of:

  • compost - 1 part
  • upper layer of soil - 1 part
  • river sand - 1 part

Seeds are laid out in small grooves, located 5 cm apart. The recess should be small. From above, everything is sprinkled with a thin layer of soil, moistened with a sprayer.

With proper care, the plant will be able to bloom in 2-4 years, from the moment of sowing.



The fruits of this culture have healing properties. The territories of the middle lane are not the most comfortable for the growth of the plant, because. harsh winters here. Despite this, it can take root and begin to bear fruit well, provided that shelter is provided for the cold seasons.

Favorable time for planting seeds is August or September. To make the nucleolus germinate faster, you can break its hard shell. To do this, use sulfuric acid, sandpaper, etc. But these manipulations lead to a big risk. An error will result in a null result.

The best option would be to immediately sow each bone in separate pots. Planting depth - no more than 2 cm. The soil mixture should be well moistened. The pot is covered from above with a transparent material (glass, film) for about 1 month, until sprouts appear. The shelter is removed when the seedlings reach a height of 1.5 cm. Favorable temperature for the normal development of culture - 180C. Water the medlar as the top layer of soil dries out (at least 2 times a week).





Often this culture is called a melon pear. The appearance of its fruits resembles pearand taste like melon.

To grow a plant, seeds must be removed from the fruit, placed in a shallow container, covered with a moistened napkin. Then everything is covered with polyethylene, cleaned in a dark place. The optimum temperature is around 250WITH.

It is extremely important to spray the plantings every 2-3 days. After pecking seedlings, the container is transferred to a place with good lighting. Picking seedlings is possible only with the appearance of cotyledons. Young seedlings are placed in a container with fertile soil.

Pepino is very demanding on lighting.



For many, growing a peach tree from a stone seems unrealistic, which is in vain.

It is necessary to choose a ripe fruit (well, if it is a zoned variety), eat it with pleasure, and rinse and dry the kernel. The most suitable time for planting is the end of the autumn period (until mid-November). Before sowing, the bone is soaked in water for 2 days.

The seat must be well lit. Drafts are not acceptable. After sowing, deepening the stone by 8 cm, everything is watered and covered with sawdust, spruce branches.

With the advent of spring shoots appear. For a young sprout, regular watering, spraying, top dressing is required.

The formation of a tree is possible only about the second year of life. It will begin to bear fruit in 3-4 years.





Belongs to the genus of citrus species. Such a tree will please with its beautiful flowering.

Grown from a stone, it will be able to gain strength and begin to bear fruit in 10 years. Apartment conditions (compared to an open garden space) are the most favorable for growing pomelo.

Before planting, the stone is washed and kept in the refrigerator for 2 months. In the absence of time for exposure, the kernels are soaked in stimulating solutions (for example, Epin) for 18 hours.

Suitable soil composition:

  • leaf ground - 1 part
  • sod land - 2 parts
  • humus - 1 part
  • sand - 1 part

Alternative option - ready-made soil mix for citrus species.

Planting depth - up to 3 cm. After sowing, the pot is covered with a film (or other transparent material) to create greenhouse conditions. You will need to constantly ensure that the soil does not dry out.

Young sprouts need shading from the sun, spraying (2 times a week), protection from drafts. Any complex feeding compositions for flower species are suitable for fertilizer.



It is very difficult to get a real fruit-bearing tree from a plum stone, with the preservation of varietal characteristics. A rootstock for grafting is obtained from a sprout grown in this way.

For good germination, the seeds are initially soaked in water for about 4 days. They are then dried stratified for the winter as a part of sawdust, sand. This work will take about 6 months, after which the material is ready for planting. Favorable time for this is spring, autumn.

If you ignore the preparatory work, the grown sprouts will be weakened and may die in a year. Although good care, favorable weather conditions also play a big role. Regular watering, top dressing, protection from pests, diseases are very important.

When the seedling reaches the size of a small sprout, it can be transplanted into open ground. The best time for this is autumn until the first frosts come. During this time, the plant will have a chance to take root well.





It is not difficult to grow this culture at home, using a bone as a planting material. To do this, it is necessary to separate the seeds from the pulp from the ripe fruit, and then wash them in a solution of potassium permanganate of low concentration. Then everything is dried and sown in a container with soil.

A suitable soil mix is:

  • leaf ground - 2 parts
  • peat - 2 parts
  • river sand - 1 part

Sowing depth - no more than 0.5 cm. The optimal period is February.

After sowing, the soil is sprayed with water. The landing container is installed on a windowsill with good illumination. With timely watering, seed germination will be in 1 month. Fruiting in a young plant will occur in 5-6 years.

For growing at home, self-pollinating varieties of culture are suitable, for example, Crimean early, Nikitsky fragrant.

Date palm

Date palm

Date palm

Date palm

A real decoration of any interior with always available planting material. For this, fresh and dry fruits are suitable. A bone is separated from them. It is placed in a glass of water for 1-2 days. Water should be changed at least once a day. After such a soak, any remaining pulp can be easily removed. This will reduce the likelihood of rot and prepare the material for planting.

The soil composition for the plant can be purchased ready-made at any garden shop. The nucleolus is planted vertically so that its sharp end points upwards. The optimal depth is 3-4 cm. The pot is covered to create a greenhouse effect. For this, a film or glass is used. It is not necessary to allow complete drying of the soil. After 2 weeks sprouts should hatch.

Shelter must be gradually removed in order to accustom the seedlings to room conditions.. Be careful with watering. Its excess and deficiency will have a detrimental effect on a small date. You also need to wait with top dressing.

When real leaves appear, the seedlings, with care, so as not to damage anything, dive into separate pots. The best location is windows on the west or east side. You can start feeding a palm tree only when it begins to grow.



For all lovers of this fruit, there is a good opportunity to grow persimmons at home.

Seeds are separated from the eaten fruit, washed, soaked. For this, a weak solution of potassium permanganate is suitable. Floated material is immediately removed, because. it is unlikely that he will sprout.

After soaking the seeds, they are transferred to a damp cloth. (paper towel), covered with a film. Periodic wetting of the fabric with water will be required.

After the appearance of sprouts, the seeds are planted in peat with sand. The planting depth should not exceed 2 cm. As the seedlings grow and strengthen, careful picking will be required so as not to harm the root system. Further, the regularity of watering, top dressing is ensured.



Possesses good germination of bones. For the winter, they are placed in the sand. Stored at 1-50C. In order to avoid the appearance of mold, it is necessary to constantly inspect, ventilate the material.

With the onset of spring, when the snow melts, the bones are planted in separate pots. Sowing depth - 1.5-2 cm. The first shoots should appear after 25 days.



For growing apple trees at home, only fresh planting material is used. It is better to germinate seeds that were collected in late August - early September. Before sowing, you will need to rinse them well to remove all substances that can interfere with seed germination.

Next, the material is soaked in a container with a small amount of water, left in a warm place for 3-4 days. Water should be at room temperature. After the set time has elapsed, a few drops of a growth-stimulating drug (Epin) are added to the water.

After the seeds have swollen, they are laid out in moistened sand. Sawdust with moss, peat mixture are also suitable for this. Be sure to add activated charcoal. It prevents the formation of mold. Everything is placed in a cool room, where at a temperature of +40With the material should lie for about 3 months. Periodically, everything is looked through, covered with mold is removed, the dried mixture is moistened.

Further, the seeds that have undergone stratification are planted in containers with a mandatory drainage layer. Suitable soil mix:

  • chernozem fertile soil - 10 kg
  • superphosphate - 30 g
  • ash - 200 g
  • potassium sulfate - 20 g

Seeds are planted in several pieces at once. This will make it possible to leave a stronger seedling in the future.

Seedlings will require abundant, but careful watering so as not to erode the top layer of soil. It is better to install planting pots on the southern windowsills.

When the second pair of leaves appears, the seedlings are thinned out. They are ready to land on a permanent place after powerful shoots grow up.


Plants that can be grown from seed

Plants that can be grown from seed

It is easy to grow from a stone a variety of plants, including. exotic. But such experiments require great responsibility and great patience.

Growing in this way takes a long time, and the onset of fruiting is possible only after years, or even decades. Although for the sake of experience, you can decide on such a process and, as a result, get a lot of positive emotions, as well as a beautiful, unusual plant that will decorate your home or become a full-fledged resident of your backyard.

VIDEO: Seedlings of seed grapes

What can be grown from a bone at home?

Grape seedlings

What can be grown from a bone at home? | TOP-28 Ordinary and unusual plants | (Photo & Video) +Reviews

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