We all perceive blueberries as a forest dweller, it is in a pine or mixed forest that we pick healthy and tasty berries in mid-July. Some gardeners have gone further, they grow blueberries on their plot and collect good yields, but for this you need to know some secrets and successfully put them into practice. Blueberries, planting and caring for which are not very difficult, will feel great if some nuances are observed and will thank you with excellent harvests.


Blueberry bush in coniferous forest
Common blueberry belongs to heather shrubs, it does not have a varietal division. The plant is not cultivated on purpose, breeders do not specifically develop hybrids that would have high yields or have higher characteristics in terms of frost resistance or other indicators. The reason for this is simple, blueberries are found in different climatic zones, the main condition for its growth is sufficient soil moisture and acidity.
Blueberry grows and develops best in coniferous forests, it can often be found in mixed forests. It is noted that it is better to develop a bush near the pines. This is explained by the fact that blueberries love the same acidic soils as pine, this is the secret of their friendship.
The official name for blueberries in the reference book of herbs and plants is Vaccinium myrtillus, which means common blueberries. Do not confuse shrubs with blueberries, their Latin names are almost identical, but they are completely different plants.

Collecting blueberries is a troublesome business, small berries are tightly attached to the stems with their stalks. But the beneficial substances that are contained in the berries will become a lifesaver for many diseases. Blueberry fruits are indispensable for colds, purulent tonsillitis, vision problems.

Frozen blueberries
The collected berries are carefully sorted out from debris, the stalks and leaves are removed. Further processing can be of several types:
Canned blueberries. Delicious compotes are obtained from the berries, the main thing is not to put a lot of berries in jars, otherwise the seaming will be cloying. For a 3-liter jar, 1/5 of the capacity of berries is enough for the preparation to be tasty and have a rich color and taste. Blueberry jams and marmalade are excellent, for their preparation it is better to use fully ripe berries, which are usually rubbed through a sieve to obtain a uniform consistency, and then boiled with sugar to the desired state.
Blueberries freeze well. The collected berries are sorted, washed, slightly dried. Small portions are sent to the freezer for several hours. After that, they are collected in containers for further storage.Sometimes freezing is carried out already crushed and mixed with sugar berries in special containers, such a product will be inferior in terms of the content of useful trace elements and vitamins to blueberries frozen whole.
In a non-standard way, blueberries are stored in glass containers of any size. To do this, the containers are thoroughly washed, dried and calcined in the oven for several hours. After that, prepared berries are poured into the container, the container is clogged and filled with wax. Store glass containers with berries in a cool dark place, the shelf life can reach six months.
Rhizomes and stems are harvested for medicinal purposes in the same period as the berries. They are dried in limbo in the shade or partial shade. You can’t do this in the sun, all the beneficial properties of the plant will simply evaporate.
The pharmaceutical industry uses both fresh and dried berries. Blueberries are part of many drugs to improve vision, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory drugs for children and adults.
Some manufacturers of fat-burning dietary supplements and other preparations use the ground part of blueberries to cleanse the body and lose weight. Branches and leaves help cleanse the digestive tract from toxins and other harmful deposits, normalize the liver, relieve inflammation in the internal organs of the human body.

Landing features
Not everyone wants to go to the forest for blueberries, sometimes there is simply not enough time. Gardeners have found a solution to this problem, blueberries brought from the forest with rhizomes can be planted on their site. The main thing is to approach this process with knowledge of the matter.

Blueberries are more comfortable in partial shade
In order for blueberries to take root faster and begin to bear fruit as soon as possible, you need to know some of the nuances of planting:
It is better to plant prepared plants in the fall, in September-October. During this period, the shrub takes root better in a new place, actively sprouts roots. Transplantation can also be carried out in the spring, but according to experienced gardeners, plants are taken worse, they often get sick.
It is necessary to prepare the soil in advance, blueberries will not grow on any soil. Acidic soils will provide the plant with everything necessary for development and fruiting.
The choice of location will also be important., sunny areas with drafts on hills are not suitable for the plant. Blueberries prefer partial shade with high humidity.
Having chosen a place and having previously prepared the soil, they begin to plant plants. For this, healthy blueberry bushes with a well-developed root system are carefully selected. It is desirable that the planting material be 2-3 years old, then next season a pet from the garden will delight you with the first harvest of healthy berries.

Single row planting method
It is possible to plant plants with longer life experience, but such specimens take root worse, the first few years the berries will be small, and the plant may die from minor adverse conditions.
Young shoots are also planted, which are obtained by seed propagation of blueberries. They will require more careful care, but they will be able to adapt much faster.
In the second year after planting, each gardener will receive a full-fledged harvest of berries, which it will depend on many of the factors described above.
Selected bushes are planted in standard ways for all plants of this type:
- Double row principle planting is based on planting plants in two rows, while maintaining a distance of at least 0.5 meters between rows, and 0.7-1 m between stems.The next two rows are planted at a distance of about one and a half meters, this will enable the blueberry to grow and not be confused by branches.
- Single row method the most common, plants are planted in one row, retreating from each bush by 70 cm. About a meter is left between the rows, this will be enough with this planting method.
Landing basics will be standard for each of the methods:
First of all, it is necessary to dig a hole, usually its size is 150 × 150 cm and no more than 60 cm deep.
A bush with an earthen clod is placed in the hole, sprinkled with earth.
It is necessary to compact the earth around the plant, it is better to do it with your hands in order to fully control the process and not damage the bole.
The next step is watering, it should be moderate.
Further care is possible watering, it should be carried out if necessary, if the autumn turned out to be extremely dry. It is enough to pour about 5-7 liters of water under one bush.
Soil selection
As already mentioned, not every soil can grow blueberries; the bush prefers acidic soils. What to do if the type of soil on the site does not meet the requirements, and it’s not a hunt to refuse to grow blueberries?

Not every soil can suit blueberries
In such cases, you can oxidize the soil yourself, this process is not complicated. Its implementation will not require special material costs.
For artificial soil oxidation for blueberries use:
- peat
- sand
- oak leaves
- sawdust
- sulfur powder
- cleaning vegetables and fruits
There are several methods, using which carry out the procedure for preparing the soil for shrubs:
- Peat powder is mixed with garden soil in a ratio of 1: 2. Such a layer of soil should lie 50-60 cm deep in those places where blueberries are planned to be planted.
- For poor soils, a soil mixture of peat, river sand and garden soil is suitable. The components are taken in the same proportion and thoroughly mixed. The soil should lie at least 40 cm.
- Oak leaves and sawdust will also do a good job of oxidizing the selected area. They are mixed with garden soil in a ratio of 3 parts of the earth to one part of sawdust with foliage. Additionally, they dig the site on a spade bayonet in order to mix the soil mixture again.
In each of the above oxidation methods, it is desirable to add ¼ teaspoon of sulfur for every 10 kg of soil mixture. This will additionally fill the planting site of blueberry bushes with an acidic environment.


blueberry plantation
You can grow blueberries for planting in the garden in the following ways:
- from seeds, but fruiting will begin no earlier than the third year of growth in a permanent place in the open field
- cuttings, berries, the bush will delight in the second year with strict adherence to all recommendations
- dividing the bush, the first flowering and black berries will appear in a year
Each of the methods will require a certain period of time and full dedication to the process. Only by investing your soul can you get an excellent result in this matter.
The last two methods are considered the most common, they are easier and faster to carry out, while the work is carried out with ready-made plants. The seed method is more laborious, it is important to choose berries of excellent quality and correctly carry out all the stages of the procedure.
The division of the bush
This breeding method is most loved by novice gardeners, it is easy to carry out and it does not take much time.

Inspection of the rhizome
The process consists of the following main steps:
Since spring, the gardener has been looking for healthy and well-growing options among the bushes.
After harvesting, the mother bush is dug up
Carefully inspect the ground part of the plant and rhizome
In satisfactory condition, separation is carried out with a shovel or a sharp knife.
It is advisable to treat the slices with crushed charcoal and allow to dry slightly.
Immediately after this, they land on a prepared place.
Plentifully watered
It is highly undesirable to carry out division in the spring; this can lead to the death of both parts of the stem. Experts recommend carrying out the procedure in August-September, then new bushes will be able to take root before the onset of winter.

reproduction cuttings
Cuttings are a fairly popular way to increase the number of blueberry bushes in the area.
In order to carry out the procedure correctly, you need to know the following nuances:
- harvest material for grafting at the end of summer, spring and autumn twigs are taken much worse
- for rooting, special containers are usually used, into which peat or a mixture of sawdust and peat is poured
- it is important to keep the soil moist
- using a film or glass for faster rooting create a greenhouse effect
It is possible to grow cuttings in open ground with the help of a greenhouse. Peat or sawdust is also used for this.
The process of germinating cuttings goes like this:
- prepared branches can be kept for a couple of minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate to neutralize the cut
- using a twig, make shallow holes and place the cuttings there
- lightly water and compact the soil around
- cover, creating a greenhouse effect
Periodically, the cover is removed, giving access to fresh air and preventing rotting of the planting material.
After a couple of weeks, the sprouts will sprout the first roots, and after a month they can be transplanted to a place for wintering.. If propagation by cuttings is carried out in containers, they are kept outside until frost, after which they are brought into a bright room, the temperature regime in which is at the level of 5-10 degrees Celsius. In the spring, as soon as the earth thaws and warms up a little, the cuttings are planted in the prepared soil. If necessary, young bushes need to be watered, but stagnation of water should not be allowed.
Reproduction by seeds

Growing blueberries from seeds
This method is rarely used, but it is great for getting healthy shrub boles.
The seed method of reproduction includes several stages:
- First you need to get the seeds. To do this, choose large, attractive-looking fruits from healthy branches, no older than 5 years.
- The fruits are washed, dried and ground into a smooth puree. Then fill with water and mix thoroughly.
- After such a procedure, empty seeds float up, they are drained along with water and diluted juice. At the bottom, there will be high-quality seed, which will be used.
- It is advisable to dry the extracted seeds a little and place them for a couple of hours in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and then sow.
- Sowing is carried out in pre-prepared containers with soil, the basis of which is peat. Crops are watered and covered with film or glass to stimulate faster germination.
If everything is done correctly, after 14-20 days the first sprouts will appear in the containers. As soon as this happens, the film or glass is removed, the container is placed in a bright, warm place.
For the winter period, "seedlings" of blueberries must be placed in a bright place with a temperature regime of no higher than +10 degrees. In the spring, young animals dive into open ground or individual containers.During the summer, future blueberry bushes grow, they are planted in a permanent place in the fall, no later than the beginning of October, so that they have time to take root and overwinter normally.

Blueberries, like any other garden plant, need care. Only with proper supervision will the bush bear abundant fruit every year.

A good harvest as a result of proper care
Under natural conditions, no one takes care of blueberries, but the shrub blooms every year and gives good yields.
In the blueberry garden, a minimum of attention will be enough, you only need:
- carry out periodically pruning
- water as needed
- make the necessary fertilizers
- time to pick ripe berries
In addition, an important point will be the periodic loosening of the soil around the shrub and mulching the soil in order to maintain the required amount of moisture.
The blueberry bush periodically needs to be rejuvenated, old and dry branches removed, then the berries will be larger and the fruiting will be plentiful.

Pruning is an essential part of plant care.
It is important to carry out this procedure correctly and in a timely manner, the basic rules are as follows:
- the first pruning is carried out in bushes that have reached 3-4 years
- the procedure is carried out in early spring, before the juice goes through the branches and the buds begin to bloom
- after a thorough inspection, the first step is to remove old, diseased, damaged and dry branches
The formation of the bush occurs according to the rules of 6-8 healthy branches, which are the basis of the trunk, the remaining shoots must be periodically removed.
Branches older than 4 years are completely cut out, this will enable younger shoots to develop, but there are tricks here too. If a lot of shoots have formed, they must be removed, leaving no more than 5. If this is not done, allow more branches to develop, the fruiting will gradually decrease significantly, the berries will become small.
Boles that grow in one place for more than 10-12 years are subject to rejuvenation. In early spring, the entire ground part of such specimens is cut off, leaving 20-centimeter twigs. Gradually, the bush will give new shoots, of which no more than 6 must be saved. After 2-3 years, young branches will give their first crop, it will be much larger and more abundant than the previous one.
Blueberries are moisture-loving plants; for their normal growth and development, it is necessary that the soil under the bushes is always moist. Usually, it is enough to choose the right place in the garden, natural watering will be enough for the shrub.
If the summer turned out to be hot or blueberries grow in the sun on the site, watering should be carried out regularly, but you should not over-moisturize. This can lead to root rot.

Blueberries love moisture.
When the soil dries up in partial shade, blueberries are watered once a week, it is advisable to add food acids to the water when watering, in this way the soil will further oxidize and the plant will receive the necessary dose of moisture.
If the place of growth of the shrub is in an area open to the sun, watering is carried out more often, 2-3 times a week. In this case, it is not necessary to add acids each time. In addition to watering for blueberries, this cultivation will also require spraying. In the hot period, it is carried out at least a couple of times a day, plentifully spraying water over a shrub plantation.
With a decrease in temperature, the frequency of irrigation is reduced, but the state of the soil is monitored, it should not be allowed to dry out.
It is also not recommended to fill blueberries, plants react poorly to stagnant water. The leaves begin to turn yellow on the trunks, then they crumble.If you continue to water, then the berries will also fall off, this will already become a warning that the roots of the shrub are rotting.
Top dressing
Blueberries in the garden for normal fruiting and active development should receive all the necessary minerals and trace elements. They will provide the shrub with the strength for flowering and the ovary of the crop.

Timely and correct application of top dressing is the key to a good harvest.
So that the berries do not shrink, the fruiting was plentiful blueberries must be fed. The plant responds well to both mineral and organic substances, the main thing is to apply them correctly and in a timely manner.
From organics for blueberries apply:
They are introduced at intervals of 3 years, while the amount depends on the quality of the soil. Usually 3-4 kg per square meter is sufficient. After that, it is desirable to water the fertilized area, and the day before, for top dressing, it is necessary to loosen the top layer of soil.
Minerals for blueberries use the following:
- superphosphate
- ammonium superphosphate
- potassium magnesia
Particular attention is paid to the acidity of the soil, with insufficient indicators, it is periodically recommended to apply 50-60 g of powdered sulfur annually for each bush in the spring.
Mulching will help in regulating acidity. If you regularly use sawdust for this, you will not need to use sulfur. In order for the acidity of the soil under the blueberry to be normal, the layer of mulch should be at least 10 cm.
A mixture of sawdust and peat will give a good result, it will not only prevent the evaporation of moisture, but will normalize the acidity of the soil around the blueberry bushes.
One of the important components of shrub care is the timely harvest of a ripe crop. The ripening period of berries in blueberries is long, it begins in mid-June and can last until the end of August. The berries ripen and are poured at intervals of 7-10 days.

Berries must be picked carefully without damaging them.
The indicators of ripeness are:
- rich blue, almost black fruit color
- large berry size
The berries are picked carefully, trying not to damage. Usually, the fruit is clamped between the thumb and forefinger and slightly scrolled, so for a year it will better and faster move away from the branch and not be damaged.
The trunk is not needed for winter care. Blueberries are frost-resistant plants; they are not afraid of the winter cold even in the Arctic. That is why the bushes do not cover for the winter, it is enough to slightly cover the soil around the bushes with fallen leaves. This will preserve the root system of the plant and introduce additional acids into the soil.

Diseases and pests

Improper plant care can cause spider mites to attack it.
Blueberries are not afraid of pests and diseases, the shrub has a strong immunity to most diseases. Sometimes, with improper care and untimely pruning of old branches, the stem can be attacked by a spider mite. There are several ways to deal with this:
- carefully inspect and remove all diseased branches on the bushes
- process boles with products from stores
Subsequently, in order to prevent the appearance of a tick, it is necessary to prune branches in a timely manner, carefully clear the shrub from old specimens.
Abundant watering and poor soil drainage can cause root rot. There is only one way to deal with this, to dig up diseased bushes. It is possible to prevent the disease, it is necessary to strictly observe the irrigation regime and carefully examine the condition of the soil before carrying out the procedure. With sufficiently moist soil, it is better to postpone watering for a couple of days.

Blueberries in the landscape

Blueberries are not often found in landscape design.
Nowadays landscape designers use a variety of plants to create a unique and individual image in each courtyard. Increasingly, they are turning to natural plants. Which grow without problems in all latitudes, blueberries belong to these.
Planted in a specific sequence, blueberry bushes will help create the most incredible ideas for landscaping a yard or a specific section of the garden.
Most often, blueberries are used for landscaping in shady places, it goes well with conifers, creates a living carpet under the trees. Sometimes a few blueberry bushes can be used on flowerbeds, bright berries will favorably emphasize the greens of other plants.
Growing blueberries on a plot is not difficult, the shrub will be an excellent decoration for any garden, and even provide the whole family with healthy and tasty berries.
VIDEO: Blueberries - useful properties
Blueberries - useful properties
Growing blueberries in the garden: the secrets of planting in the open field, reproduction and care (20 Photos & Videos) + Reviews