Let's talk about cherries, and describe its best varieties. There are sweet, with a slight sourness, crispy, soft, different colors. Thanks to selection, new forms of this amazing tree are being developed every year.

Cherry varieties: description and photo
To get a bountiful harvest, it is necessary to choose varieties taking into account the characteristics of the climate in a particular region. So, frost-resistant varieties are suitable for central Russia, and more heat-loving plants can be grown in Ukraine.
Unlike cherries, sweet cherries ripen much earlier, its tasty and fragrant fruits can already be enjoyed in early summer - June. It is a real source of useful trace elements (iron, iodine, potassium, magnesium, calcium) The fruits of the plant grow in the form of a single-celled drupe with a juicy pericarp.
Taking into account the late term for the exit of sweet cherry fruit buds from the state of forced dormancy, the yield of this crop is characterized as stable. Another advantage of cherries is the presence of reliable protection against recurrent frosts in anthers and pistils, which cherries do not have.
The leaves of the fruit crop are very large in size, they are distinguished by an elongated-oval or elongated-obovate shape and brown glands on the petioles.
It is not so common to find self-fertile varieties on the market. You can buy them by order from abroad. Among the popular hybrid forms are: Alex, Peter, Stella, Sandor, Sweet Hart.
Below is a list of the most popular cherry varieties with descriptions and photos.
and the way
- medium stature
- Early fruit ripening
- High yield (up to 30 kg of berries are harvested from one tree)
- High palatability (fruits are black in color and dark red juicy pulp)
- The berry is removed along with the stalk
- Harvest is not afraid of transportation
- High degree of resistance to fungal infections
- It tolerates low temperatures (up to -28 degrees)
- The average indicator of precocity (yields a crop for 5 years after planting)
- With an excess of moisture, the fruits crack
- The pulp is difficult to separate from the stone
According to reviews:
Valery Chkalov
- Early berry ripening
- Large fruit size (weight up to 6-8 g)
- High taste characteristics of fruits (the pulp is dark red in color, juicy, semi-cartilaginous consistency)
- dessert type
- Versatile use of berries
- High degree of productivity (62 kg per tree on average)
- High level of frost resistance (-23.5 degrees
- Tall (up to 5 m)
- Wet separation of the berry from the fruit, juice is released
- The level of precocity is average (yields a crop for 5 years)
- Self-infertile variety
- The average level of resistance to diseases, including fungal
Pollinators: Dneprovskaya, Bigarro Burlat, April, June early early ripening
- Medium sized, compact tree
- The crown has no sharp forks
- Unpretentious in care
- Fruits are distinguished by high taste and consumer qualities.
- Due to the dense skin, the crop is transportable over long distances.
- High level of frost resistance (up to -30 degrees)
- High degree of resistance to frost crack, sunburn
- Tree resistance to fungal infections
- Medium late harvest
- self-infertility
Its best pollinators: Raditsy, Compact, Iput, Veniaminova, Tyutchevka, Ovstuzhenki
- Medium tree
- The fruits are very large, their weight is up to 18 g
- The taste is sweet and sour, the color of the fruit is dark red, the pulp is of medium density
- High commodity characteristics
- Increased frost resistance
- Dry detachment of the stalk
- Portability is good
- Not affected by moniliosis
- Drought tolerant, no loss of crop flavor
- late ripening
- self infertile
The best pollinators: Bugaro Oratovsky, Surprise, Francis,
- Mid-season
- The berries are very large, their weight is up to 15 g
- Taste and commercial qualities are excellent (the fruits have a rich red color, glossy sheen, the pulp is dense, fleshy, juicy)
- Tasting score 4.5 points
- Fruiting period 20 years
- Berries with heavy rainfall are subject to shedding
- Requires additional pollination
- Low resistance to fungal diseases and garden pests
The best pollinators: Early ripening, Burlat, April, Homestead, Bigarro early
- Early harvest time
- It does not require special care
- The tree is medium-sized, with a rapid growth rate
- Berries are large, weight up to 7 g
- The pulp is quite sweet, juicy
- Berry color maroon
- Commodity and taste characteristics are high
- Good disease resistance
- Frost resistance high
- Average yield, on average 15 kg per tree
- Late-ripening variety
- The size of the tree is medium, growth is gradual
- Does not create difficulties in care and harvesting
- High level of presentation and taste
- Berries are not afraid of transportation
- The structure of the berries is firm, the pulp is tasty and fragrant.
- The size of the fruits are large, their weight reaches 10 g
- The level of frost resistance is sufficient
- Excellent disease resistance to garden pests
- Low resistance to viral diseases
- Requires additional pollination
Pollinators: Karina, Bianca, Silvia, Nefris, Coral Lotivka
bull heart
- Large-fruited, average berry size 8 g
- The color of the fruit is dark burgundy, the pulp is of medium density, the skin is moderately dense with a smooth surface.
- Type of detachment from the stalk dry
- Universal purpose of fruits
- High degree of productivity
- The size of the tree is medium, but tall plants are also found.
- The degree of frost resistance is good, up to -25 degrees
- Not susceptible to coccomycosis
- Low transport rate despite dense skin
- Berries have a short shelf life, prompt processing is required
- Self-infertile variety
The best pollinators: Tyutchevka, Iput, Ovstuzhenka
- Late berry ripening
- Increased winter hardiness
- Taste qualities are excellent (the pulp is distinguished by amber color, dense structure, juiciness and pronounced aroma)
- The degree of transportability is low
- The pulp does not separate well from the stone
- Requires additional pollination
- Invaded by the cherry fly
Pollinators: Bagration, Napoleon pink. Denissena yellow, Cassini early
early pink
- Early ripe fruit
- Taste characteristics are high (the pulp is distinguished by a cream color, the structure is medium-dense, the juice is transparent)
- High degree of resistance to low temperatures
- A fairly good level of resistance to monoliosis, coccomycosis
- Dessert type of berries
- High yield, up to 40 kg per tree on average
- The berries are medium in size, their weight reaches an average of 5 g
- Trees grow up to 5 m
- Low crop transportability
- Poor keeping quality of berries, processing is required in a short time after full ripening
- Large-fruited, their average weight is 4.5 g, maximum 6 g
- Fruit tasting score 4.7 points
- The pulp is easily separated from the stone
- Fruiting begins at 3-4 years of tree life.
- The yield indicator reaches 50 kg per tree per season
- The level of winter hardiness is high -30 degrees
- Not susceptible to fungal infections, coccomycosis, moniliosis
- Berries are not afraid of transportation over long distances
- Requires additional pollination
Recommended pollinators: Chermashnaya, Iput, Revna, Crimean, Raditsa.
Leningrad black
- The variety is medium tall, spreading crown
- The first harvest can be harvested in the third year after landing in a permanent place, in June
- Tasting assessment of the harvest 4.2 points
- Taste and commercial characteristics are high (average weight of berries is 5 g, color is dark burgundy, the pulp is sweet, juicy, there is a slight bitterness)
- The purpose of the fruits is universal, they are excellent for fresh consumption, and for compotes, jams
- High resistance to garden pests and various diseases
- The variety is unpretentious in care
- Increased degree of frost resistance, withstands low temperatures up to -30 degrees
- The variety is self-fertile
- Requires additional pollination
Required pollinators: Leningradskaya yellow, Leningradskaya pink, Red dense, Fatezh Berries are prone to cracking, with excessive moisture.
Dibera black
- High level of productivity, most often up to 90 kg of tasty and fragrant berries are harvested from trees, but under favorable conditions, 170 kg of crop can be harvested from one tree
- The fruits are large in size, their average weight is 6 g
- The pulp is distinguished by medium density, juiciness, dark burgundy color, there is a slight sourness.
- The frost resistance index is quite high, up to -30 degrees
- Poor resistance to negative temperatures
- Mature trees reach a height of almost 6 m, which complicates their care and harvesting.
- The tree begins to bear fruit 5 years after planting in a permanent place.
- Requires additional pollination
- Insufficient immunity to various types of diseases, including fungal, garden pests
- Requires regular pruning
Recommended pollinators: Drogana yellow, Bull's heart, Napoleon pink, Fatezh,
- "Queen" of late varieties
- Universal fruits
- Taste and product characteristics are high
- The berries are quite large in size, their weight can reach 8-10 g.
- Color carmine black, skin tone bronze
- Fruits are not subject to cracking, do not rot
- Excellent for transporting long distances
- When grown on vigorous rootstocks, the variety is characterized by rapid growth
- Productivity is regular, high enough
- The variety is self-fertile, additional pollination is required.
- There is a need for short pruning, shoot growth is greatly enhanced
- Winter hardiness index is average
- The crop is moderately resistant to cracking
The best pollinators: Van, Summit, Karina, Regina, Burlat.
- Medium late harvest
- Tree of medium size, crown semi-spreading, rare, spherical
- The beginning of the fruiting period falls on the 3-4th year of the plant's life.
- The berries are medium in size, their weight is 5-6 g, but under favorable growing conditions they can reach 7 g.
- Taste and commercial characteristics are excellent (the color of the pulp is dark red, the structure is dense, the aroma is pronounced)
- Tasting assessment of the harvest 4.9 points
- Harvest is not afraid of transportation over long distances, fruit keeping quality is good
- The indicator of resistance to major diseases is good
- The average productivity indicator is over 97 centners/ha, with proper agricultural technology this indicator can reach 275 centners/ha
- High level of resistance to moniliosis
- Low self-pollination, up to 6%
- The average degree of resistance to clasterosporiasis, coccomycosis
The best pollinators: Iput, Raditsa, Revna, Ovstuzhenka
- Variety with medium-late ripening berries
- The size of the fruits is quite large, their weight is 9-12 g
- The color is yellow, there is a carmine blush
- The pulp stands out with a sweet and sour taste, dense structure, very juicy.
- Tasting score - 4.6 points
- The index of drought resistance and frost resistance is very high
- Fruiting begins 3 years after planting in a permanent place
- Unpretentiousness when growing
- Resistance to characteristic diseases and garden pests is sufficient
- Fruits cannot retain their taste and commercial qualities for a long time, they do not tolerate transportation over long distances
Pollinators: Tyutchevka, Ovstuzhenka, Iput, Crimean, Lapinz
- The variety is self-fertile
- Early fruit ripening
- Taste and commercial qualities are excellent (the color of the berries is deep red, the pulp is moderately dense, tender, fleshy, well separated from the stone)
- Fruits of large sizes, weight up to 6 g
- Productivity is high
- High resistance to major diseases and garden pests
- Frost resistance is good, up to -28 degrees
- There are no obvious shortcomings, based on the reviews of gardeners.
- Harvest ripens early, in the first - in the second decade of May
- The tree grows very quickly, the degree of foliage is medium, the crown is rounded
- The fruiting period begins in the fourth year after planting in a permanent place.
- The size of the fruits is quite large 8-9 g, their color is dark red, broadly obtuse heart-shaped
- The color of the pulp is dark red, the structure is medium density, very juicy, stands out with a sweet taste, there is a slight sourness.
- The pulp is well separated from the stone
- Due to the dense skin, the crop is not afraid of transportation over long distances, it retains its marketable appearance for a long time.
- Fruits can be used both for fresh use and for compotes, jams, preserves
- Tasting score 5 points
- Dessert type harvest
- Planting material is grown from seedlings
- Good resistance to fungal diseases
- Frost resistance is sufficient, up to -25 degrees
- Vigorous, height 5-6 m
- The yield is average, up to 45 kg of fruits can be removed from one tree
- Cherry with early ripening, is very popular among gardeners and consumers
- He is valued for his unpretentiousness in care.
- Excellent taste of fruits, large-fruited, high drought resistance and winter hardiness
- High yield, up to 95 kg of crop is harvested from one tree
- The fruits are excellent for fresh use, for winter harvesting.
- The size of the berries is quite large, weight up to 13 g
- Color red, flesh color yellow
- The taste is sweet, harmonious, the aroma is pronounced, there is a wine-sweet aftertaste
- The pulp is easily separated from the stone
- The tasting score is 4.5 points
- The variety is fast growing
- The yield is high, after 10 years the figure is about 100 kg
- Due to the dense skin, which protects the pulp well, the crop can be stored for a long time and is not afraid of transportation over long distances.
- High degree of resistance to coccomycosis
- Increased degree of frost resistance
- The tree is very vigorous, which makes it difficult to pick berries
- The variety is self-infertile, additional pollination is required.
- Average resistance to fungal infections
Pollinator varieties: Donetsk coal, Valery Chkalov, Donetsk beauty, Sister, Valeria, Donetsk Yaroslavna, Ethics, Early birth, Aelita, Annushka, Donchanka
- The tree is medium-sized, its height does not exceed 3.5 m
- Does not require special conditions for growing, care
- Yield is high, annual
- Type of detachment from the stalk dry
- Taste and commercial qualities are excellent
- Fruit size is large, weight is 8-9 g
- The pulp is very sweet, pleasant, medium density, red color
- The color of sweet cherries is garnet-red, the stone is small in size, it is well separated
- Increased degree of frost resistance, drought resistance, resistance to coccomycosis
- Berries in conditions of high humidity do not crack
- Transportability is good
- The variety is vigorous, the crown is spherical - expanding, the branches are curved
- Requires additional pollination
- Average resistance to fungal infections
Pollinators: Ovstuzhenka, Raditsa, Iput, Chermashnaya, Fatezh.
Landing and Care
Sweet cherry: description of the 20 best varieties (Photo & Video) + Reviews
We have not planted sweet cherries, but my neighbors in the country house grow and bear abundantly fruits of the Leningrad early variety. I'll tell you. what compared to cherries. the tree is very large. Every year they harvest a good harvest, enough for them and us to eat plenty more and prepare compotes for future use.
From this list they tried to grow Chkalov and Regina. Chkalov was, in principle, the first cherry that was taken. We stopped at it, because. very popular, long-established variety. What can I say. The harvest is not bad, the variety practically does not shrink, but the tree is simply huge. Especially compared to the cherries you are used to. And the shadow from him, respectively, is strong. If a large area is allocated for the garden, you can choose Chkalov, but if 6 acres, you will break your head what to do with it.
We also tried Regina. Here, of course, the tree is smaller, but still powerful. There are a lot of berries (at least we had), but, alas, sour ones are often found. Considering that they ripen a little late, they did not see any special advantages over cherries.
Now we are growing columnar cherries - to eat in the summer. Three small trees are enough for us, they do not shade anything, the berries are large, sweet, good. And we grow cherries for blanks as before.
For a long time I wanted to plant cherries in my garden and finally I got a cherry seedling, but unfortunately I don’t remember the name of the variety. It is a pity that I did not read this article before buying cherries, because each variety is different in its own way.The most annoying thing is that when I planted a young tree last year, for some reason it disappeared. I thought everything would need to be bought new, but in the spring it pleased me and began to sprout a new sprout from the ground. I think not everything is lost, maybe it will please me someday with a harvest. I really liked the variety of large-fruited sweet cherries, I think next year I will plant it again, got acquainted with its characteristics and found what I needed. I could not even think that there are varieties that need pollination, I think it is much more difficult with them. I like cherries more than cherries, so one more will not be superfluous.
After all, it is very tasty, sweet, and even compote will turn out good from it. The main thing is to plant correctly and provide good care so that the tree brings a good harvest.
I have been growing on the site for about 10 years and every year pleases with its fruits Early Pink. Indeed, the tree grows large, up to 5 meters, does not require additional pollination, which is a big plus for me, and gives a good harvest of cherries in late May and early June. The cherry itself is crispy and juicy, but a little sour, so you can’t eat a lot of it at one time, oscomas may appear on your teeth. I also tried to plant other varieties - Revna and Large-fruited, but somehow without much success, they either do not take root or do not give any crop. Perhaps the matter is in the wrong pollination, I'm not special in this, but I try very hard. I’m also looking at the Bull’s Heart, it tastes just great cherries, and frost resistance is good, plus they say it gives a good harvest. I hope it takes root, but no, so the Early Pink will continue to please me, although unfortunately it deteriorates quite quickly if the crop is not harvested in time.
MARI A, Are there other cherries in the neighboring plots?