How and how to paint OSB: choose a reliable paint and coating method (Photo & Video) + Reviews

How and how to paint OSB

Oriented strand boards are often used for exterior decoration of building facades and interior work. Their characteristic, rough structure does not always correspond to the style of the room or the desire of the owner of the house, so the surface is covered with paints and varnishes. Tips on how and how to paint OSB, how to properly prepare the material for coating, are collected in the material.

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Material characteristics

Particle board surface

Particle board surface

OSB (OSB) or oriented strand board - this is a sheet building material made of woodworking products (most often, flat shavings of coniferous species), glued together in 3-4 layers.

The material is formed by hot pressing. The binding element is a waterproof phenol-formaldehyde resin with the addition of synthetic wax and boric acid.

The name OSB is a transliteration of the English name OSB - oriented strand board.

The entire slab is up to 3.8 cm thick and up to 2.5 m long. For production, shavings of a strictly defined size are used: from 0.6 to 4 cm in width and 18 cm in length. The order of the layers in the sheet also matters: the inner ones are laid transversely, and the outer ones are laid along.

This structure gives the material the properties of a sheet of plywood:

  • increases rigidity
  • prevents deformation during installation
  • increases resistance to mechanical damage

Application of OSB panels

Application of OSB panels

OSB is used as a rough flooring (for laminate, carpet, linoleum) or wall material for construction:

  • temporary structures
  • frames
  • small architectural forms
  • converting an attic into a living room

The material is also used as a raw material for the production of sandwich panels, I-beams, as a flooring for bituminous tiles on the roof and load-bearing structures of shield formwork.

OSB compete with bakelite and conventional plywood as a structural material, and fiberboard, chipboard and drywall - as a finishing.

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Advantages and disadvantages

Pressed particle boards

Pressed particle boards

Oriented strand boards are superior to other building materials from wood products in some performance characteristics:

  • Show higher resistance to fire than fiberboard, chipboard, incombustibility
  • They do not have defects in the structure of the material (laminations, air voids, knots), unlike solid wood
  • Less time consuming compared to other finishes
  • Provide high heat and sound insulation
  • Cheaper than other wood chip materials
  • Looks a little different from wood
  • Unaffected by carpenter insects
  • Easy to process (drill, cut, glue and paint)
  • Lighter than cement particle board/

  • However, OSB does not provide vapor permeability.
  • When heated, it can release harmful substances (due to the phenol-formaldehyde resin in the composition).
  • When used in interior decoration, the sheets must be painted or covered with other decorative material.

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Types of plates

Chip Laminated Board

Chip Laminated Board

There are 4 types of plates, depending on the indicators of resistance to moisture and mechanical stress.

ViewCharacteristicApplication area
OSB-1 Low resistance to moisture, shock, deformation Manufacture of furniture items, used as packaging material, upholstery
OSB-2 High strength, but inability to withstand moisture For the manufacture of load-bearing structures, ceilings, only in dry rooms
OSB-3 High resistance to damage and moisture For the production of load-bearing beams and structures in any premises
OSB-4 The highest rates of moisture resistance and strength Can be used for any premises and purposes
For finishing, the preferred choice is oriented strand sheets of types 2 and 3.

Sheet material, depending on the outer coating, is:

  1. lacquered

  2. Laminated

  3. grooved

According to the method of finishing, the elements are distinguished:

  • with straight edges
  • milled (to simplify installation) on both sides
  • milled on four sides

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Manufacturers and prices

Finishing building materials

Finishing building materials

The most widespread on the market are chip sheets produced in Germany, Romania, Canada and Russia. The main brands with prices for 1 sheet are presented in the table:

brand nameManufacturer countryPrice for 1 sheet
Glyunts Germany from 1200 rub.
Arbeck Canada from 800 rub.
norbord Canada from 1000 rub.
Egger Romania from 1000 rub.
Talion Russia from 500 rub.
Kronospan Austria from 550 rub.
Kalevala Russia from 600 rubles

German Glyuntz sheets are considered the highest quality (but also the most expensive), Canadian products have proven themselves well: Arbeck and Norbord. Among Russian-made building materials, OSB of the Kalevala and Talion brands are popular.

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Preparing for painting

Painting of shaving sheets

Painting of shaving sheets

Before you start applying the coloring product to the material indoors, it is prepared. The quality of the preparation depends on the adhesion of the paint and the durability of the operation of the structure.

Prepare already mounted elements in the following sequence:

  1. Grinding with sandpaper or a grinder to eliminate roughness and mask the recognizable OSB texture. OSB-3 and OSB-4 sheets are especially carefully polished, where it is necessary to remove the wax (lacquer) protective coating. By skipping this step, there is a risk of flaking chips and large chips.

  2. Blowing out joints from wood dust after sanding

  3. Alignment at the attachment points with self-tapping screws using putty mixtures based on glue and oil, “liquid nails”

  4. Cleaning dried putty with fine sandpaper to obtain a smooth surface

  5. Processing with specialized emulsions, which give the material additional resistance to moisture, combustion, fungi, mold

  6. Primer with a mixture of alkyd varnish with water or white spirit (in a ratio of 1 to 10). An adhesive primer is also suitable, which will not allow the essential oils in the structure of the plate to show through the light pigment. If OSB-3 and OSB-4 are primed, then choose the compositions for applying decorative plaster or mosaic

  7. Along the perimeter, each element is painted over with a brush in 3 layers, the inner space is worked out with a roller in 1 layer in one direction

  8. Allow the paint to dry completely and cover with a second coat.

If the material is covered with water-dispersion compositions, then only 1 layer is placed over the entire surface of the slab - so the slab will swell evenly.

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How to choose a composition for coloring

The choice of paint for wood board

The choice of paint for wood board

To choose a paint for coating sheet chip material, it is recommended to pay attention to its following properties:

  • UV Protection, negative effects of the atmosphere (rain, snow sticking), fire, decay, mold
  • the presence of additives with fire-retardant, as well as traction-enhancing characteristics
  • surface adhesion parameters
  • number of layers (to calculate consumption per 1 m2)

It is also worth considering the age of the plates (the older the OSB, the worse it lies on the surface) and their condition (before painting, the surface is cleaned of dirt, a layer of old paint, treated with antiseptics).

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How to paint indoors

Particle boards in interior decoration

Particle boards in interior decoration

OSB is coated with paints and varnishes in order to:

  1. Additionally protect the material from moisture and reduce the risk of fire

  2. Disguise the texture of the plates during interior decoration and add decorative effect to them

  3. Save on plasterboard or MDF paneling

Experts do not recommend covering building materials with water-dispersed acrylic compounds in several layers for outdoor work - the plate may swell.
OSB wall panels

OSB wall panels

For interior work, particle boards cover:

  1. Oil paint - it has high viscosity and is not absorbed into the material. Provides a reliable, durable coating, but dries for a long time

  2. Alkyd paint or enamel. Penetrates deep into the structure of the chips, so it is no longer necessary to varnish the material from above

  3. Stain. With this type of painting, the natural texture of the plate remains visible. From above, the building material is coated with polyurethane or vinyl varnish for fixing. The desired tone can be obtained by diluting the composition with water, acetone or a solvent

  4. Glazing azure. Transparent thin paint allows the chips to retain their structure and only slightly shades the color

  5. Transparent varnish or impregnation to preserve the natural texture of the plates

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How to paint panels on the outside

Painting plates outside

Painting plates outside

For outdoor finishing work - facade decoration, installation of partitions and floors - oriented strand boards are coated with impregnations, varnishes and paints:

  • alkyd
  • oily
  • water emulsion
  • acrylic
  • latex

When choosing a material for painting, it is better to dwell on such compositions that contain special additives, protection boards from UV radiation.

The coating must also be vapor permeable, otherwise mold will appear on the plates. An impermeable coating may cause warping of the building sheet.

Alkyd paint

Alkyd paint

Alkyd paint

Alkyd paint

It consists of vegetable resins, film formers (glyphthalic or pentaphthalic), pigments, purified kerosene, fillers and antiseptics. After coating and drying, a film remains on the surface of the material, which provides additional strength to OSB.

Dries quickly, non-toxic, creates a waterproof layer, protects against temperature changes. However, it has a strong odor and is prone to flammability.

If such a composition is applied to the slab until it dries completely, then bubbles and peeling will form on the surface. Such a coating significantly reduces the cost of finishing, because the alkyd composition eliminates the finishing impregnation with varnish.

Water emulsion mixture

Water based paint

Water based paint

Water emulsion mixture

The composition of the two-phase mixture includes water and acrylic, fillers, film formers, pigments and a number of functional additives. After drying, the water evaporates, and the polymer layer gives the board improved performance.

In addition to such advantages of paint as quick drying, non-toxicity and the absence of a pungent odor, the advantages include:

  • low price
  • variety of colors
  • high resistance to fire and moisture
  • ease of application
  • service life up to 10 years and more

Outdoor work is carried out at a temperature not lower than +5. In the cold, the composition becomes unusable.

For finishing, water-dispersion embossed paint with the addition of marble dust or fine-grained chips is also used. Its cost is higher than that of traditional water-based paint, but due to the relief, a beautiful decorative look is obtained.

latex compound

latex composition

latex compound

latex compound

A kind of water-based paint, but instead of acrylic, the binder is a latex additive (based on vinyl, polyvinyl, silicone). The composition is elastic, viscous and durable, endowing the surface with the characteristics of resistance to moisture, aggressive chemicals, UV radiation and temperature extremes.

The paint is non-toxic and has no unpleasant odor. Using latex, you can get both a smooth coating and a relief one.

Acrylic based finish

Acrylic copolymer based paints

Acrylic copolymer based paints

Acrylic based finish

Such raw materials cover the irregularities of the structure well and give a uniform tone. It consists of polymers, water and dye, after drying leaves a strong film on the surface of the material. It can be matte and glossy, there are many colors in the assortment that do not need additional tinting.

The acrylic composition does not spread, does not fade, dries quickly, has the ability to pass steam, but be resistant to moisture. It is more often used for interior work, since it is non-toxic and does not emit harmful substances into the atmosphere when heated.

Oil paint

Oil paints

Oil paints

Oil paint

Raw materials using drying oil are rarely used due to high toxicity and a long drying time.

The oil composition leaves a lot of streaks and bumps, while the coating does not last long, quickly crumbling and flaking off the surface.

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Fire bioprotection

Soppka paint material

Soppka paint material

In addition to giving decorativeness to the plates, painting can also improve the operational characteristics of OSB. Chipboards, when ignited, emit acrid phenolic smoke, which is dangerous for humans, so it is important to cover the material with fire-retardant solutions.

Soppka paint is produced specifically to increase the fire resistance of particle board. The composition also prevents the development of mold in poorly ventilated areas.

The paint is much more viscous and thicker than conventional antiseptics, and creates a protective transparent film on the surface of the material. The mixture is evenly absorbed into the OSB, despite the presence of resins in it, and is not washed out by rain over time.

For fire bioprotection, non-specialized, but high-quality facade azure Valtti Color Satin from the manufacturer Tikkurila is also suitable. It has high hiding power, does not fade in the sun and prevents wood from rotting.

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The best paints for OSB



Paints and varnishes that are best suited for painting OSB-boards with their performance characteristics:

  1. Cetol Filter 7 Plus by Sikkens – transparent paint for outdoor use based on alkyd resins. The composition includes inhibitors and additives that enhance the moisture resistance of the material. Drying at 20 degrees of heat and 65% humidity occurs in 15-16 hours

  2. Topazur from Belinka - thick-layer coating with natural wax in the composition. Suitable for both indoor and outdoor work. It dries completely in 10-12 hours after application. When updating, you only need to sand the surface from dirt and dust, and then cover the old layer of azure with a new one.

  3. Drevolak - water-based protective acrylic lacquer. Elastic, antiseptic and moisture resistant, imparts dirt-repellent properties. To achieve the desired consistency and viscosity, the composition is diluted with water.

  4. Oil paint MA-5 from Lakra - linseed oil coating. Completely dries in 24 hours, consumption with a single layer coating - 1 l per 10 m2. Characterized by high abrasion resistance, high adhesion

  5. Facade silicone paint from Southern Accent LLC - water-dispersion paint that combines the performance characteristics of acrylic and silicate coatings. Reduces the effects of mold, fungus, UV radiation and moisture on particle sheets

  6. Facade latex Element F-8 – coating based on acrylic copolymers. Weatherproof, consumption is 1 liter per 8 m2

The nuances of painting

Wide brush

Wide brush

For applying each coating, it is better to use a separate tool that is suitable for the characteristics of viscosity, relief and absorbency.

You can apply coloring compositions using:

  • roller
  • wide brush
  • spray gun

Recommended combinations of paint and tools are shown in the table.

paint typeWhat is the best way to apply
water emulsion Roller with pile from 1.5 cm and above
Alkyd Felt roller or fine-pored foam tool
Embossed water-dispersion Fleecy roller
Latex Wide flat bristle brush
embossed Spatula with a blade width of 500 mm

Tips for the dyeing process:

  1. When using alkyd paint, the roller is first dipped into the solution, and then rolled out on a horizontal surface so that the mixture is evenly distributed

  2. The recommended trajectory of the roller along the wall is in the form of the letter W: a vertical strip from top to bottom, two stripes at an inclination of 20 degrees and again a vertical strip from bottom to top

  3. When painting with silicone paint, the primer should also be based on silicone for better adhesion.

  4. Relief paint is applied with a spatula, but spread over the surface with a roller. The thickness of the paint layer and the nature of the relief depend on the forces applied to press the roller.

  5. The edges of the building material absorb more paint than the front surface, so they need to be covered very carefully.

  6. Paint structural elements from OSB at a humidity of not more than 60%

  7. When using transparent paints, it is better to choose those where there are inhibitors in the composition.

  8. It is preferable to apply 2-3 thin layers of paint than 1 thick

Plate decoration methods

Facing with flexible stone

Facing with flexible stone

In addition to simple painting with a plain color scheme, you can use the following methods for decorating oriented strand sheets:

  1. Coloring with an artificial effect of aging. Acrylic lacquer is used, which is covered with a patina on top with an airbrush, and then polished.

  2. Use of primer paint. Looks decorative on the facades of frame buildings, applied with a fur roller

  3. Application of liquid wallpaper. Reduces the board's emission class and extends the life of the finish

  4. Covering with a layer of decorative plaster. With its help, you can create relief, patterns and drawings on the surface of the plate

  5. Creating bas-reliefs using mounting foam or putty

  6. Facing with flexible stone

What kind of paint or varnish to cover OSB-plates, each owner should decide based on the nature of the work (internal or external) and the conditions of use. When choosing a paintwork material, you should pay attention to its composition, performance characteristics and consumption rates per 1 m2. It is also important to consider the particle board structure and environmental factors.

Experts talk about different ways of decorative finishing of oriented strand boards in the video:

How and how to paint OSB: choose a reliable paint and coating method (Photo & Video) + Reviews

Different ways of decorative coating of OSB panels

How and how to paint OSB: choose a reliable paint and coating method (Photo & Video) + Reviews

Users share their own experience in painting and long-term operation of painted OSB in the video:

How and how to paint OSB: choose a reliable paint and coating method (Photo & Video) + Reviews

OSB painting - pros and cons, statistics for 5 years

How and how to paint OSB: choose a reliable paint and coating method (Photo & Video) + Reviews

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how and how to paint OSB

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1 comment
  1. I used stapled reinforcement mesh coated with styrofoam glue. Then a layer of mineral bark beetle plaster. Covered with facade acrylic paint. Ten years is a normal flight.

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