Tea-hybrid roses: description with photo 25 best varieties | +Reviews

hybrid tea roses

Hybrid tea varieties of roses are considered the most popular variety of this culture.

The popularity of this flower is quite understandable - it has a royal appearance and a sophisticated aroma.

There are a huge number of hybrid varieties of roses, which allows the gardener to choose a plant to his taste and decorate the site with it.

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The history of the emergence of culture

Hybrid varieties are actively used in landscape design

Hybrid varieties are actively used in landscape design

Hybrid tea roses (pictured with names) are certain varieties of roses from the Modern Garden Roses group according to a special classification adopted in 1976 by the World Federation of the Rose Society. The ancestor of the class can be considered the La France variety, which was obtained in 1867 as a result of crossing a remontant and a tea rose. Its creator is the famous French rose breeder Jean-Baptiste Andre Guyot.

empress farah rose

Variety Empress Farah (Imperatrice Farah)

Many are interested in how Floribunda differs from hybrid tea varieties of roses. The name of this group of roses sounds like "abundantly blooming", because it has an almost uninterrupted bloom. The result was a culture as a result of crossing polyanthus and tea roses. Floribunda is considered one of the best varieties for the Moscow region.

cherry brandy rose

The famous variety Cherry Brandy (Cherry Brandy)

The famous Bourbon rose deserves special attention. It is directly related to the Old Roses group. They are considered all those varieties that grew before the advent of La France. Bourbon rose develops as a shrub, the shoots are long, with small thorns. The leaves are medium in size, oval in shape. The flowers are fragrant, double or densely double. Shoots can grow climbing.

nostalgia rose

Variety Nostalgie ( Nostalgie )

Worthy of special attention climbing roses. Their progenitors are considered wild rose hips. But now, as a result of selection, the characteristics have been changed, as well as the appearance. Representatives are varieties from the Cordesa group, Blue Moon climbing (Blue Moon).

Shrub translates as shrub. Shrub roses are popular because rose growers claim they are easier to care for and can handle winter more easily. Shrabs or spray (park roses) include all varieties that are not included in other groups.

"Shrub" is translated as a bush. Shrub roses are popular because rose growers claim they are easier to care for and can handle winter more easily.

To scrubs or bush (park roses) include all varieties that are not included in other groups.

David Austin's English roses also belong to this group of semi-climbing roses. Shrubs are suitable for growing in the unstable climate of the Moscow region, for example, the Charles Austin rose. A prominent representative can be considered a rose Gloria Day (Gloria Dei) breeder Francis Meyan or rose Crown Princess Margaret.

abracadabra abracadabra

Amazing variety Abracadabra (Abracadabra)

As for ground cover roses, they are distinguished by a creeping structure. They are in demand in landscape design, as they are frost-resistant varieties.

grand gala

Beauty Grand Gala (Grand Gala)

At that time, the appearance of hybrid tea roses made a lot of noise, because they surpassed all other varieties in all characteristics. Until today, these varieties remain leading and are actively used in greenhouses, as well as in landscape design.

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plant description

Classic bud shape

Classic bud shape

The resulting varieties of tea-hybrid roses received from one parent (tea rose) a unique bud shape, a delicate aristocratic aroma, long flowering, and from the second (remontant rose) resistance to diseases and pests, adverse weather conditions.

Most varieties have certain characteristics that are characteristic only for this type of roses:

  • high decorative qualities;
  • rich palette of shades;
  • terry inflorescences;
  • the shape of a flower in the form of a glass;
  • revealing smell;
  • petal resistance to color retention;
  • long flowering period;
  • high resistance to attack by pests and fungal diseases.

In some varieties, flowering is remontant, that is, repetitive, which is a valuable quality for many flower growers. In addition to these features, roses are characterized by high winter hardiness, but this does not mean that the culture will not require preparation for the cold season.

The bush is upright, slender, with high shoots. Height from 80 to 160 cm. All hybrids have good productivity.

hybrid tea roses

hybrid tea roses

The shoots in the upper part are painted dark red, the spikes are rare, but they are quite large. The sheet plate is dark green in color, with a glossy surface.

A flower with a rich aroma, from 8 to 16 cm in diameter, elongated buds, dense, densely double petals. As a rule, they are single or collected in small inflorescences.

Most hybrid varieties are unpretentious in care, however, rose seedlings will require special care. They should be covered for the winter.

For adult bushes, a special regime of watering and fertilizing, timely pruning and preventive treatment is necessary. You need to plant a crop in a certain place, taking into account the requirements of roses to the ground. Seedlings should be purchased only from trusted nurseries.

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Varieties of hybrid tea varieties

Classifying varieties of hybrid tea roses, they are divided by height into short, medium and tall., as well as in the form of a bush. But the main classification is the division by shades.

It looks like this:

  • red, burgundy, scarlet;
  • pink;
  • white;
  • yellow, orange;
  • lilac, purple, lilac;
  • bicolor, transitional.

The following is a description of hybrid tea roses with a photo.

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Red varieties of hybrid tea roses

The red color of the rose is considered traditional and therefore the most popular. This shade symbolizes love, passion and has a strong emotional impact on a person.

Grade Admiral (Admiral)

Variety Admiral

Variety Admiral

Grade Admiral (Admiral)

Rose variety Admiral looks good in any rose garden, harmoniously combined with other varieties. It is rightfully considered the queen of the flower bed. Coniferous crops and deciduous shrubs can be planted next to it.

It was bred in 2015 for cutting and growing indoors in cold areas and for outdoors in Africa and Australia. It belongs to the best varieties of hybrid tea roses for growing in the Moscow region.

The rose has a cup-shaped bud, consisting of 60 purple petals. However, initially their shade is much lighter, and as the flower opens, they darken significantly. In the bright sun, their color fades a little, but this does not affect the beauty of the rose.

The flower in diameter reaches 15 cm. The height of the bush is from 90 cm -1 m, but can grow higher. The variety does not require special shelter in the winter in the southern regions.

Black Baccara (Black Baccara)

Baccarat is the blackest rose

Baccarat is the blackest rose

Black Baccara (Black Baccara)

Black Baccarat is considered the blackest rose, despite the fact that that classify it as red.A medium-sized flower - up to 10 cm in diameter, of a classical shape, the aroma is very light, barely perceptible.

Feels great in the garden in a shaded area. Leaf blades are red when young, mature foliage turns green. The height of the bush is up to 70 cm, it can grow higher in warm weather.

Roses look good cut. Flowering is abundant and quite long throughout the summer and early autumn. Therefore, the variety is so popular with gardeners and summer residents. However, the shape of the bush is uneven, which reduces its value for flower beds and mixborders.

Dame de Coeur

Belgian beauty

Belgian beauty

Dame de Coeur

The rose first appeared in Belgium in 1958. It belongs to the standard culture and is characterized by high yield, persistent aroma. In the process of flowering, the rose shows beautiful cherry blossom petals.

The standard form is grown up to 100 centimeters, that is, the culture is also suitable for cutting. It perfectly coexists with other varieties of roses and is resistant to weather changes, as well as to many diseases.

Osiria (Osiria)

Osiria bright scarlet color with a delicate aroma

Osiria bright scarlet color with a delicate aroma

Osiria (Osiria)

Scarlet roses adorn any garden, and cut flowers look perfect too. The advantages of this rose are in the pleasant aroma of a blossoming flower, in resistance to many diseases, in abundant waves of flowering during the season.

The variety is not afraid of frost, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. The cuttings take root well in nutrient soil, from the grown bushes they form ornamental sprawling plants that look great on the site.

You can cut wilted flowers all summer, in the fall it is better not to do this, otherwise it will provoke the growth of new shoots. The correct pruning is considered to be a cut to the first bud below the bud.

Mr. Lincoln

Variety Mister Lincoln

Variety Mister Lincoln

Mr. Lincoln

Mr. Lincoln rose with dark red velvet petals. The bush reaches a height of 2 m, so the culture is planted in the background. It has a strong pronounced aroma that interrupts the smell of other varieties of roses.

The flower reaches a diameter of 10 cm, the petals are collected in a dense bud. The flowering of this culture is repeated, it continues throughout the summer period with short intervals.

The variety is recommended for single plantings and for planting in a rose garden. Likes nutritious, well-drained soils. Requires landing in a sunny area, devoid of drafts.

Black Magic

Black magic

Black magic

Black Magic

Variety Black Magic fully justifies its name - the bud takes on a different shade as the petals open. As a result, the middle of the flower is bright red, it is framed by petals of a darker, almost black shade. Flower diameter is about 12 cm.

It was bred in 1995 and was originally planned as a cut copy, however, she has interested many gardeners and is successfully grown on plots. The bush grows up to 1 m, the stems are erect, the leaves are leathery, with a glossy sheen.

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Pink varieties of hybrid tea roses

A palette of pink varieties of culture - from rich shades of raspberry to delicate cream.

Pink always symbolizes a special, touching tenderness, Therefore, flowers of this color attract attention.





Roses of this variety bloom for a long time, their shade is soft peach with a small border of pink. The flowers are neatly shaped and have a sweet fruity aroma when in bloom.

The bush is low - up to 130 cm, cup-shaped buds, belongs to the large-flowered group of roses. Suitable for many climatic zones, immunity is well developed in relation to a number of diseases.

Gaujar (Rosen Gaujard)



Gaujar (Rosen Gaujard)

A flower of pink-cherry color, with a light underside. The stems of the plant are erect.

Buds grow on a peduncle one at a time. The flowers are quite large, densely double, consist of 80 petals. Their diameter is about 12 cm. The aroma is delicate, barely perceptible.

The variety is characterized by abundant flowering, and can please with the repeated dissolution of the buds. No culture deficiencies were found, since the rose does not require special care and is resistant to frost.


Vivaldi has his own indescribable charm

Vivaldi has his own indescribable charm


The rose of this variety has no fragrance, but its pastel colors attract the attention of rose growers. Rose large-flowered, cup-shaped.

They note her capriciousness and requirements for care. She will need special care, as the bushes are susceptible to rain, powdery mildew and black spot.

The variety does not tolerate partial shade, so you need to plant a bush on the sunny side, in a pre-prepared hole with a nutritious soil mixture. Before planting, it is required to hold the seedling in a special solution for the root system.


Osiana looks attractive in flower arrangements

Osiana looks attractive in flower arrangements


Osiana is characterized by the lush flowering of flower baskets. The shape is goblet, the stem is straight, the leaves are glossy bright green.

The aroma is weak, but in the heat it is more intense. The color is initially creamy, but when the bud opens, the shade becomes more like pink.

The bush is vigorous, upright - up to 2 m in height. The flower has appealed to many rose growers, and breeders are still developing new varieties of this unique rose to add a greater variety of bred hybrids to the catalog. They note its frost resistance, its resistance to powdery mildew, black spot.





The Flamingo variety has a very elegant flower in color and shape. It blooms with ivory petals. The diameter of the flower is about 12 cm, flowering is quite long.

Originally grown as a cut variety, but more accustomed to the flower beds of suburban areas in group plantings. It has strong and stable shoots, which allows the bush not to break with abundant flowering.

Leaf plates are dark green in color with a leathery structure. They harmonize well with pink petals, which fade a little in the sun, acquire a silvery sheen. It is considered a winter-hardy variety.

Prima ballerina (Prima ballerina)

Prima Ballerina

Prima Ballerina

Prima ballerina (Prima ballerina)

Prima ballerina - a variety of roses with small flowers that are unremarkable one by one, but since the bush is completely strewn with them, it remains so until late autumn, many rose growers fell in love with it. It has high decorative properties, so it is often used as a hedge or for borders.

Unpretentious in care. Its peculiarity is in flowering. The bud has a rich pink hue, but when opened under the rays of the sun, it turns pale, acquiring a delicate color.

Lancom (Lancom)



Lancom (Lancom)

Variety Lankom was bred in 1973. It has a very refined fuchsia color. The diameter of the flower is about 10 cm goblet-shaped. It also has no odor.

It goes well with warm shades of roses. Bush up to 1 m high, has the ability to long flowering.

It was bred as one of the best roses for cutting, but also grows well indoors. It is considered a rather demanding culture for care and maintenance.

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White varieties of hybrid tea roses

White roses symbolize tenderness and purity, sincerity and special romance. White color and its basic shades are always refined and sophisticated.

Evening Star

Pure white rose of the Evening Star variety

Pure white rose of the Evening Star variety

Evening Star

The Evening Star variety has a wide range of uses.. It looks spectacular in the form of a border, on lawns and in the cut.

The flowers are large - up to 10 cm, white, goblet-shaped. The center is high with a yellowish sheen, the petals are beautifully arranged in a spiral.

The bush is well branched with dark green leathery foliage. The width can reach 80 cm. The height of the bush is up to 1.5 m. The aroma is subtle, barely perceptible.

Bianca (Fair Bianca)

Gustomarovaya Bianca

Gustomarovaya Bianca

Bianca (Fair Bianca)

Bianca has dense double flowers of a traditional shape. The color when opening the bud is white, but initially with a greenish tint.

The bush is quite dense with an abundance of leaf plates of dark green color. The spikes are large, but in small numbers. Flowering is abundant and long.

Roses look more spectacular if planted in small groups at a distance of 0.5 m from each other. This will allow them to develop and bloom as a single bush with several main points. The variety is very resistant to fungal infections and parasite attacks.

Bagatelle Gardens (Jardins de Bagatelle)

Variety Sady Bagatelle apricot hue

Variety Sady Bagatelle apricot hue

Bagatelle Gardens (Jardins de Bagatelle)

Bagatelle gardens are another resistant variety of roses to diseases and insects. It blooms for a long time and profusely both for the first time in a season, and in the subsequent time. Therefore, the variety is actively used in landscape design.

The flower is large, beautifully shaped. Its color on top has a delicate cream shade, and on the other side of the petals, the color is close to apricot. When the bud fully opens, it fades a little under the influence of the sun, but the creamy center of the flower remains the same.

Versilia (Versilia)

Coloring Versilia delicate peach shade

Coloring Versilia delicate peach shade

Versilia (Versilia)

The color of this rose is monophonic, blossoming petals have a peach hue. The perennial blooms luxuriantly and continuously throughout the season.

The variety was bred by French breeders as a cut flower. Therefore, many florists use elegant bouquets in a vase.

The main advantage of the variety is that it has a magnificent appearance and long flowering. The rose bush is upright, more than a meter long, shoots with a small number of thorns. Leaf blades are shiny, dark green.

Each peduncle is powerful, on each flower, velvety petals up to 30 pieces. Resistant to rain, and almost do not fade in the sun, while maintaining brightness. The flower thins out an unobtrusive fruity aroma.

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Yellow and orange varieties of hybrid tea roses

Rose lovers note that yellow and orange shades of flowers stand out favorably among other varieties.. They are filled with sun and light and go well with most plants.

Christopher Columbus

Rose variety Christopher Columbus

Rose variety Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus is one of the brightest representatives of roses. It is a spectacular bright orange hue, with a yellow base at the petal.

Not capricious in care, has a pleasant aroma. Terry moderate, one flower up to 30 petals. It belongs to the re-flowering varieties, so it is readily grown as a decoration for the garden, although it is also suitable for cutting.

The rose does not tolerate rainy weather, during this period it does not open buds. However, many rose lovers note that it was then that she was especially beautiful - the bud is quite elegant with tightly pressed petals.

Doris Tysterman

Orange Doris Tisterman

Orange Doris Tisterman

Doris Tysterman

Doris Tisterman - orange rose to be more precise, the petals are bright yellow on top, and crimson below. When the sun's rays play in the flowers, it seems that the flowers are a juicy orange color.

There is another unusual feature of this variety - petals on the outside are larger than the inside. This gives the impression that they border the flower from all sides.

It is noteworthy that the color may be different depending on the quality of the soil and the place of growth. The bush grows up to 1 m high and looks beautiful in groups and in a single planting.

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Lilac varieties of hybrid tea roses

There are a lot of purple and lilac shades of roses and each one looks great, both in the garden and on the cut.

Mainzer Fastnacht

Variety Mainzer Fastnacht

Variety Mainzer Fastnacht

Mainzer Fastnacht

Mainzer Fastnacht differs from other varieties in its compactness. The height of the bush is from 60 to 120 cm, its diameter is 80 cm. The shoots are quite strong with small, rare thorns. The leaves are saturated green, matte.

Flowers in bud have 25 petals, diameter - 10 cm. The hue changes: the lilac color casts blue in the sun, and acquires a crimson color in the shade. When the bud is not yet open, it is purple.

As the bud opens, the shape of the rose becomes goblet. The aroma is strong, rich, persists until the end of the flowering period.

Big Purple

Up to 45 petals can grow in a flower

Up to 45 petals can grow in a flower

Big Purple

Roses in bloom, both outside and inside, a bright purple color with a pinkish tint, quite fragrant. The bush is small in size, grows no more than 1.80 cm in height.

Differs in a strong stem, located straight. The leaf plates are large, dark green in color with a gray bloom. The number of petals in one flower reaches 45 pieces.

The rose tolerates frosts and hot summers well. It is susceptible to fungal diseases, therefore it requires prophylaxis against powdery mildew and other diseases.


Purple Paradise

Purple Paradise


Variety Paradise is recommended for decoration of gardens, parks, squares. The rose looks rather unusual, as it gradually changes color as it blooms and opens the bud.

Its main color is lavender with a silver sheen. It changes to a more saturated one, and the border located along the edges acquires a crimson color. Rose growers note that the bush changes daily.

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Transitional shades of tea-hybrid varieties

Transitional hybrid variety

Transitional hybrid variety

These roses are also called bicolor, since their feature is the transition from one shade to another, or a contrasting combination of colors.

Double Delight

Double Delight

Double Delight

Double Delight

The most famous variety among two-color hybrids is Double Delight. This is one of the most beautiful roses.

Flower diameter - 12-13 cm, goblet shape. The saturation of the color of the border depends on the sun's rays, light and soil.

The main color of the rose is creamy white with a small red edging. But as it opens, the edging becomes wider and brighter. Gardeners note that the bush is unpretentious in care and has good immunity.

New Fensh (New Fashion)

New Fensh

New Fensh

New Fensh (New Fashion)

New Fensh is a two-tone rose with a subtle fragrance. Flowers up to 10 cm in diameter, leaf plates are dark green with a slight glossy sheen. The inner side of the petals is a rich red color, and the outer side is creamy.

Flowers bloom one at a time throughout the season. The bud is dense and has about 40 petals.

Bush up to 120 cm high, width in diameter - 50 cm. The variety is resistant to diseases and pests. Widely used in floristry.

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Classification of hybrid tea roses according to the height of the bush

Variety Timelis

Variety Timelis

When choosing a particular variety of roses from a huge range, pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • height and volume of the bush;
  • resistance to diseases and pests;
  • tolerance to frost and excessive moisture;
  • the duration of the flowering period;
  • aroma;
  • appearance of inflorescences.

The list of tall varieties includes roses that reach at least a meter in length. First of all, it is worth noting the Dallas variety with raspberry-red flowers, the delicate creamy Timelis with unscented double buds, the transitional Queen Amazon with a white base and red edging.

Medium-sized varieties include roses that are from 35 cm to 1 m high. All varieties included in this category are the most popular among flower growers. These are Virginia with its cone-shaped buds and extraordinary brilliance of foliage, tall buds of apricot-colored Ambians variety, which is capable of re-blooming and other equally popular varieties.


hybrid tea roses

hybrid tea roses

Hybrid tea roses are the most preferred varieties in many gardeners' gardens. Such popularity is due to the lack of strict requirements for the care and maintenance of culture.

In addition, these varieties are resistant to fungal diseases and parasites, tolerate frost well. Each flower is beautiful and unique, and is able to decorate the appearance and aroma of any garden.

Hybrid tea roses: description with photo of 25 best varieties


Tea-hybrid roses: description with photo 25 best varieties | +Reviews

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