Spectacular ornamental plant called kampsis refers to perennial deciduous vines. Its unusual name was formed from the Greek word "kamptein", which means "to bend, twist or bend." From our article you will learn how to grow kampsis, about planting, caring for, propagating and using this heat-loving plant in landscape design.

Campsis belongs to the genus of the same name in the Bignoniaceae family. This large fast growing vine reaching 10-15 meters is cultivated for its bright flowers. They are odorless, form short paniculate inflorescences of 10-15 pieces and produce a lot of nectar that attracts insects.

Bright and beautiful flowers of the plant
Basically, Kampsis is grown in the southern regions, although it can withstand temperatures as low as -20 ° C, and even as low as -25 ° C. The plant is decorative, viable and resistant to adverse urban conditions.
It tolerates gas, dust and other environmental pollution, can grow in the shade, but blooms better in well-lit places.
Kampsis leaves grow up to 20 cm. They consist of 9-11 small, elongated leaf blades that are dark green in color, up to 6 cm long and have serrated edges. Large tubular funnel-shaped flowers give decorativeness, because of which this plant is valued. They reach 9 cm in length and 5 cm in diameter.
There are many varieties with flowers of different colors. They are yellow, pink, yellow-orange, raspberry and red-gold. But the most common varieties are orange and orange-red in color.

plant leaves
The first flowers on the flexible stems of this creeper begin to bloom in mid-June, and the Kampsis continues to bloom until September. Sometimes this plant is called the second name - tekoma.
The genus includes only two species: kampsis large-flowered and rooting.
This creeper is native to North America. It was from there that it was brought to Europe, where it has been grown in gardens and parks as an ornamental plant since the 17th century.
Vigorous climber has small pointed serrated leaves and blooms luxuriantly with large tubular orange-red flowers. It is fixed on supports with the help of air roots.
The homeland of this species is the Far Eastern region, namely Japan and China, where the liana is found in natural growing conditions. The large-flowered variety is more thermophilic and less hardy than the rooting one.
This liana has a second name - Chinese campsis, and is practically not found in our country. It is mainly cultivated as an ornamental plant in India, Pakistan, Vietnam, Taiwan and some other regions of Southeast Asia.
There is also a hybrid of the two above species, which is called Kampsis hybrid. It looks more like a fast-growing sprawling shrub than a creeper.
The plant reaches a height of 4-6 meters and practically does not need supports. The hybrid was first described 160 years ago, and in culture this plant has been successfully grown for more than 130 years.

Kampsis breeds easily. Among the methods are propagation by seeds, layering, root shoots and cuttings.. Let's dwell on each of them in more detail.

plant seeds
After flowering, fruits are formed on the plant in the form of elongated bivalve pods, in which seeds ripen.. They are sown in March in a container with a substrate. To do this, grooves are made in it, having a depth of not more than 0.5 cm.
After sowing the seeds, the grooves are covered with sand. Shoots usually appear in 3-6 weeks. After the appearance of 5-6 leaves, the plants can be planted in open ground.
This breeding method is used extremely rarely. Plants grown from seeds begin to bloom only at 7-8 years. Most often, vegetative propagation methods are used.
Root shoots and layering
Kampsis produces numerous root shoots that grow very quickly. Sometimes it appears at a sufficiently large distance from the mother plant, which is up to several meters. This shoot is dug up in the spring along with part of the root and planted.

This method of reproduction is the fastest and easiest. Young plants bloom already 2-3 years after planting. You can also propagate Kampsis by layering, but, as a rule, with a large number of young shoots, this method is not necessary.

Reproduction by cuttings
With this method in June-July harvest cuttings of kampsis without buds and plant them in open ground or pots with sandypeat soil.
The survival rate of such cuttings is very high: rooted almost 90% of the shoots. After the roots appear, young plants can be planted in open ground.

Choosing a place to land
The plant is photophilous, and for its planting it is required to allocate a warm and sunny area. Kampsis grows well both in open places, protected from the wind, and in partial shade.

Flowers attract bees
When choosing a site on which this vine will grow for many years, two important points should be considered:
The correct choice of landing site is of great importance, and, in different climatic zones, the requirements for the site are different. In regions where there is not enough heat, soils warm up slowly in spring, and precipitation falls evenly and in large quantities, areas that have a slight slope to the south, southwest or southeast are allotted for planting kampsis. Such places receive much more heat.
In the area, which is located in the lower parts of the relief, plants tend to suffer from cold night fogs. In the absence of wind, moisture particles thicken and accumulate in the lowland near any obstacle, for example, at a solid barrier.
In these areas, even undemanding plants such as campsis will develop poorly. Under these conditions, heat-loving vines can be affected by fungal diseases, which often lead to the death of plants.
In the southern regions where precipitation during the summer months is very uneven and there is not enough of it, it is necessary to choose sites on flat terrain for planting kampsis.It is better to give preference to loamy soils, which are considered more moisture-intensive.
For planting, areas with a high location of groundwater are unsuitable. After heavy rains, moisture will come to the surface of the soil and stagnate for several days. This will adversely affect the growth and development of plants. Wetlands should also not be used if they have not previously been drained.


Planting and plant care
The plant can be planted both in spring and autumn. In the southern regions, autumn planting is preferable, and in the northern regions, spring planting. An ornamental liana is a perennial plant that will be grown in one place for the entire period of its life, and it often lasts for several decades. That is why the landing site must be carefully prepared.
Planting holes are usually dug 7-10 days before planting. For spring planting, pits can be prepared even in autumn. The size of the planting holes depends on the age and size of the seedlings. As a rule, the distance from the walls of the pit to the roots or earthen clod should be at least 15-25 cm. Pits are prepared with a diameter of 40-60 cm and a depth of 40 cm.

Campsis in the landing pit
The landing site should be freed from perennial weeds, filled with organic and mineral fertilizers. On heavy loamy soils, you can make a drainage layer of broken bricks, stones and other materials that lay out the bottom of the planting pit. Potassium, phosphorus fertilizers and compost can be added to the soil.
Planting kampsis is best done in a leafless state. In southern regions with warm and long autumn, autumn planting is preferred.
It is produced in October-November, since in autumn the planted plants fall into the most favorable conditions for rooting, namely:
- high soil and air humidity
- moderate positive temperature
These conditions promote the rapid formation of new roots and ensure their contact with the soil. In spring, such plants begin to grow earlier and develop well in the first growing season.
If the landing is made without an earthen clod, then soil is poured into the center of the dug hole almost to the top edge and a support is installed. The roots of the plant are placed on the ground and spread them in different directions.
The root neck should be located 5-10 cm above the soil level. After falling asleep, settling and compacting the soil, it will be at ground level. Too deep planting negatively affects the flow of air to the roots. In this case, the plants will develop poorly, form a short growth and will not bloom for a long time.
When backfilling, the seedling is periodically shaken so that soil particles fill the gaps between the roots. After the pit is filled with soil, it is well compacted, starting from the edges. Do this carefully to prevent damage to the roots. After planting, the plant is watered and tied to a support. The trunk circle is sprinkled with soil and mulched with peat.


Campsis - unpretentious plant
In terms of unpretentiousness, endurance and vitality, campsis, perhaps, has no equal. Even novice flower growers can safely take on the cultivation of this plant.
According to the owners of garden plots where this perennial liana grows, in part it can even be called aggressive due to the numerous and fast-growing root shoots.

Campsis refers to heat-loving plants
Campsis can withstand temperatures drop to -20-25°C in winter. Despite such frost resistance, this vigorous vine belongs to heat-loving plants. It is the heat-loving nature that prevents the wide distribution of this plant, which grows beautifully and blooms luxuriantly in a mild climate.
In colder conditions, the vine can also be grown, but in this case, it will need to provide shelter for the winter. In regions with too low winter temperatures and harsh weather conditions, campsis is not cultivated.
The soil

The plant has no special requirements for the soil
The plant is unpretentious and has no special requirements for soils. It can grow even on heavy loam, but still responds well to fertile soil, such as humus.
It is desirable that the soil in the area is not acidic and too wet. Excessive moisture can cause the development of rot on the roots of the plant.

Adult campsis easily tolerates drought
- in the first two decades of May, the plants are watered at intervals of 3-4 days
- from the end of May to the first half of June - with an interval of 5 days
- in the second half of June and July - once a week
During the hot summer months, the frequency of watering should be left unchanged, and the water rate should be increased. At the same time, it is necessary to avoid waterlogging and stagnant water, as this can lead to negative consequences for the campsis.
Between waterings, the plant responds well to a refreshing "shower" from the spray nozzles with fine sprays in the morning or evening hours. As a rule, starting from August, regular watering is stopped, however, if the weather continues to be warm during the autumn months, they should be done occasionally.
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Loosening, mulching and removing weeds

Loosening the soil should be regular
It must be remembered that watering leads to soil compaction. For this reason, plants require regular loosening of the soil. It contributes to a better penetration of air to actively growing roots. Weeds should be removed periodically during the growing season.
Mulching not only protects the root system from overheating and improves aeration, but also helps to retain moisture in the soil. This allows you to water the campsis less often, without worsening the moisture supply of the plants. You can plant several undersized perennials near the trunk of the vine. They will shade the roots and cover the bare parts of the shoots.
top dressing

Nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer
In the first year, feeding, as a rule, is not carried out., since the root system of plants is still not sufficiently developed, and all the necessary nutrition of the vines is obtained from well-filled planting pits.
Such care ensures intensive development of the root system, a good annual growth in the first year after planting and the subsequent penetration of the roots into deeper soil horizons.
Mature plants do not need to be fed. However, for long and lush flowering, you can fertilize the vine with nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer at least once during the spring-summer season. In this case, the abundance of bright colorful flowers - "gramophone" on the shoots of the campsis will be guaranteed.
Pruning and crown shaping

Kampsis pruning
During the flowering period, it is necessary to remove all faded flowers from the shoots of the Kampsis. Their regular removal allows you to prolong the flowering of the vine. Abundant flowering is also facilitated by anti-aging pruning, which is carried out by removing and shortening old stems before the onset of spring.
Kampsis grows at a very fast pace, and the annual growth of lashes can reach several meters. For this reason, pruning the plant is essential. Like most vines, Kampsis is quite resistant to this procedure, which is carried out in the spring, before bud break.
If desired, the plant can be given a certain shape with the help of forming pruning. If the campsis grows in the form of a hedge, then pruning of fast-growing shoots should be done 2-3 times during the summer.
Aging plantations are pruned in autumn or spring to rejuvenate and stimulate vegetative growth, since flowers appear only on young shoots. To do this, carry out a strong pruning, leaving only lignified stems.
In addition to rejuvenating and shaping pruning, sanitary cleaning of the crown is also carried out. This operation is carried out to remove dry, dead and damaged shoots. In addition, after pruning, the vine is easier to prepare for winter.
Preparing for winter

Preparing for winter
Kampsis withstands short-term temperature drops to -20-25 ° C.
However, if low temperatures persist in your area for a long time, the plant should be covered with warming materials for the winter. They cover both the roots and shoots of the plant.
To do this, before the onset of cold weather, you need to remove the shoots from the supports, tie and tilt them to the ground. From above, the vine is covered with a thick layer of spruce branches, and a film or agrofiber is placed on top of it.

Diseases and pests

Aphids on a leaf
Campsis is a plant resistant to many pests and diseases. With proper care, this vine rarely gets sick, and even pests are not particularly interested in them.
With excessive watering, root rot can occur, and the only insects that give campsis trouble are aphids.
In dry weather, these small pests, together with their larvae, can accumulate on the leaves of young shoots and stick around flower buds.
You can get rid of them by spraying the plants with a solution of laundry soap, an alcohol solution, or chemicals from pests. Chemical treatment of the plant should be carried out with means that do not pose a danger to humans.

Use in landscape design
Kampsis is widely used for vertical gardening fences, walls of buildings, arbors and arches. Buildings on your site will look very decorative if they are entwined with climbing plants, and kampsis is the best suited for this purpose.

Campsis in landscape design
With the help of this creeper, you can disguise nondescript outbuildings and give an attractive look to a blank fence. The plant can also be grown as a small tree, giving it a standard shape.

Arch from kampsis
Kampsis is also used as a hedge. It will grow, bloom and bush on its own, and you will only have to cut the thickets of fast-growing shoots. Hedge it will be a great option if you need to hide a recreation area on your site from prying eyes, but you don’t want to build a stone fence or build a brick wall for this.
A Kampsis hedge will protect against dust, reduce extraneous noise and become a beautiful backdrop for other plants. With its help, you can create a cozy place to relax.
To create a hedge, you can apply two options:
Since kampsis is a liana, it needs support. In order to make a hedge from this plant, you can put a chain-link fence and form a hedge on it. In the warm season, and especially during the flowering period, this element of landscape design will look very picturesque and attractive.
Fast growing creepers. Beauty or hassle?
Campsis: description, types, planting in the open field, reproduction and care for a beautiful liana (85+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews