Homemade step-up transformer: increase the voltage ⚡⚡⚡ at the output by 5000 times!

step-up transformer

Do you have an old non-working TV set with a cathode-beam kinescope in your country house? Don't rush to throw it away. Indeed, from the core of his high-voltage transformer, you can make a home-made step-up transformer, which is capable of increasing the input voltage five thousand times. Are you interested? Then this article is for you.


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Materials for manufacturing

In order to make a homemade step-up transformer, you will need:

  • collapsible transformer core from an old kinescope TV;
  • thick paper or cardboard;
  • Scotch;
  • scissors;
  • a coil of copper wire with a cross section of 0.2 mm;
  • soldering iron;
  • heat shrink cambric;
  • solder and rosin;
  • Super glue;
  • tip 41 bipolar transistor with heatsink;
  • two 10 ohm resistors (or one 22 ohm);
  • 220 ohm resistor;
  • diode 1N4007.

Step 1. Create a secondary winding


We wind thick paper on one side of the core and glue its edge with glue. If the paper is thick, then two wraps will be enough.

We wind paper


After the glue dries, remove the resulting sleeve by disassembling the core, and wrap it with three layers of adhesive tape. For the convenience of winding tape and, in the future, winding, you can use a marker or any other rod of the desired thickness.

We wind the adhesive tape


We tin the edge of the wire on the coil and solder it to the output wire of the transformer.

Soldering the wires


We isolate the place of soldering with heat-shrinkable cambric.

Isolate the wires


We wrap the output wire with adhesive tape to the sleeve.

We wind the wire to the sleeve


We wind a winding of copper wire with a cross section of 2 mm. We do it carefully, because. the wire is thin and can break. After winding the first 5 turns, we fix them with superglue.

We wind the winding


We make the first winding layer of 200 turns.

We make 200 turns


We wrap them with tape.

We wrap with tape


Add 3 layers of electrical tape.

3 layers of electrical tape


We repeat the process of winding winding layers of 200 turns and insulating them 4 more times. The total number of turns of secondary wire should be 1000.

Making 1000 turns


We cut off the copper wire, tin it and solder it to the second output wire of the transformer. We isolate the junction with a thermocambric.

Soldering the wire


We wind the output wire to the sleeve and wrap it with electrical tape. The secondary winding is ready.

Secondary winding ready


We put the sleeve on the core of the transformer.

Putting a sleeve on the core

Step 2. Making the primary winding


On the opposite side of the transformer core, closer to the edge, we wind 6 turns with an ordinary wire (blue wire).

We make 6 turns of blue wire


Fix with superglue.

We fix with superglue


We bite the excess edge of the wire.

We bite the wire


With a wire of a different color, but of the same section (yellow), we wind 5 turns closer to the opposite edge. Fix with superglue.

We wind the yellow wire

Step 3. Assemble the pulse converter


Assembly is carried out according to the scheme.



First, solder the diode and resistors.

Solder the diode and transistors


Then we solder the wires of the primary winding of the transformer to the corresponding contacts.

Soldering the wires


And, finally, we solder two wires, to which we will supply an input voltage of 6 V. For convenient connection to a power source, the second ends of the wires are equipped with special alligator clips.

Soldering the wires

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We connect our transformer to a 6 V battery.

Connecting the transformer to the battery


We close the wires of the secondary winding and see the arc formed on them.

Watching the arc

Wear rubber gloves to avoid electric shock.

As you can see, the power of the electric arc is enough to melt the wire insulation.

melting insulation

Video: Homemade step-up transformer

Homemade step-up transformer: increase the voltage ⚡⚡⚡ at the output by 5000 times!

Homemade step-up transformer

Homemade step-up transformer: increase the voltage ⚡⚡⚡ at the output by 5000 times!

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