[Instruction] Soldering aluminum at home

Aluminum is a fairly common metal widely used in the national economy. Its alloys are predominantly used, but sometimes it ...

Recreation area in the country: varieties and options for arranging your own hands (65+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

With the onset of warm seasons, you don’t really want to be in the closeness of the city. Each of us tries to escape to nature as much as possible. Very lucky to...

Do-it-yourself summer shower in the country: step-by-step instructions for construction and arrangement

With the advent of the sun and the first warm days, there is a massive movement of summer residents from the stuffy, gray city to suburban areas. Here you can safely...

Do-it-yourself drip irrigation device in a greenhouse: from a barrel, a plastic bottle, and even an automatic system. For tomatoes and other crops (Photo & Video) + Reviews

Tired of running around the yard with a watering can, dragging gallons of water every day? Organize drip irrigation in the greenhouse with your own hands. This system is not only...

A place for a fire in the country: we observe safety, maintain ergonomics, create comfort with our own hands (60+ Photos & Videos)

A bonfire is an important component of a cozy landscape design in a summer cottage. A place for a fire in the country is chosen based on safety parameters, ...

How to make a children's house with your own hands: from wood and other materials. Dimensional drawings

We used to build structures for games out of chairs, pillows and blankets. So why not help the younger generation today and build a real children's ...

We build a house for a cat with our own hands. Interesting ideas and step-by-step instructions: from plywood, cardboard boxes, fabric. Dimensional Drawings (120+ Photos & Videos)

A cat is a rather capricious animal, and it is not so easy to please her. She hates drafts, cannot stand harsh extraneous sounds, smells, and with caution ...

editor's choice
How to make garden paths in the country with your own hands? (80+ Photo options for great ideas) + Reviews

A variety of do-it-yourself garden paths in the country house will not only become a real decoration of your site, but also provide a safe ...

Drip irrigation: step-by-step installation of a do-it-yourself system from ready-made materials, plastic bottles (Photo & Video)

With drip irrigation, there is a continuous supply of moisture to plants. In order not to exceed the daily norm, water is supplied in scanty portions - drop by drop. For ...

Making a compost box with your own hands: a description of the main technical points, recipes for making compost (50 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Experienced gardeners always monitor the level of soil fertility. After all, a depleted plot is unlikely to give a good harvest. DIY compost bins...

How to make a trellis with your own hands? Original ideas and drawings (110+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Cucumbers, grapes, peas, most varieties of tomatoes, blackberries and raspberries, some types of flowers require mandatory garters or ropes for ...

A septic tank for the home - a sewer pit without pumping out: a device, a phased do-it-yourself production of concrete rings and other options (15 Photos & Videos)

In private households, in the absence of a centralized sewage system, it is better to equip not an ordinary cesspool, but to make a septic tank with your own hands for a house with ...

Do-it-yourself construction and arrangement of a summer kitchen in the country: projects, design, device, with barbecue and barbecue (60+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Cooking in the heat, and even in a cramped room, is not a pleasant occupation. Especially if you have to do it quite often. Summer kitchen in the country created ...

How to make a greenhouse with your own hands: for seedlings, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers and other plants. From polycarbonate, window frames, plastic pipes (75 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

In the possessions of any self-respecting gardener there is always one or two greenhouses for growing seedlings and heat-loving plants. If you haven't already...

How to make and decorate beautiful beds in the country with your own hands: simple, tall, smart. For flowers and vegetables. Original Ideas (80+ Photos & Videos)

The yield of plants depends not only on the time of planting seeds, their germination, but also on the place of planting and the height of the embankment. We hope our gardening tips ...

Do-it-yourself playground in the country: playground, sports

Do-it-yourself playground in the country You can relax from the hustle and bustle of the city in a country house or in the country. In addition, fresh air and beautiful landscapes ...

How to make flower pots for flowers with your own hands: outdoor, for home, hanging

To grow plants and create extraordinary flower arrangements, different types of containers are required. Some of them can be found in the nearest store. But in...

Do-it-yourself furniture and other wood products: drawings of benches, tables, swings, birdhouses and other household items (85+ Photos & Videos)

If you have long dreamed of learning how to work with wood, do not waste time. Get started today. After all, simple furniture and handicrafts made of wood with your own hands (see ...

How to make a beautiful and inexpensive fence in the country with your own hands: from wood, metal and polycarbonate

The fence of the garden plot does not apply to complex structures, so you can make the simplest fence in the country with your own hands. The choice of material for it ...

DIY bunk bed: how to assemble functional wood and metal furniture, simple drawings and diagrams

The life of a large family with children in a small apartment forces many owners to look for ways to use space wisely. One of the interesting...

Great opportunities for creativity: we make a table for giving with our own hands

An integral part of the interior, without which it is impossible to do without, is the table. This is a place where you can gather all your loved ones, where we meet guests. And on...

How to glue wallpaper correctly: the secrets of fast and high-quality do-it-yourself wall decoration

Wallpaper has long been the only way to decorate walls in apartments and houses. Until now, they do not lose popularity, although they have undergone a number of ...

Lampshade: a unique piece of furniture that you can make with your own hands from available materials

Original pieces of furniture have always been considered interior decoration. The cost of author's products is high, but such decorative elements as a lampshade on ...

How to make a bed with your own hands: step-by-step instructions for assembling designer furniture

The bed is perhaps the most important piece of furniture in the apartment, designed for sleeping and relaxing. However, it is not always possible to find in the assortment of finished products ...

Installing an air conditioner in an apartment or a private house: step-by-step instructions for do-it-yourself installation

Probably, everyone who appreciates comfort has such a device as an air conditioner. In hot weather, this is the best. You don't have an air conditioner yet and want to install ...

Tandoor: a device, step-by-step instructions on how to build the famous Uzbek brick oven, do-it-yourself barrels

Food cooked in a real oven always tastes better. This statement is also true for national treats from the tandoor, which is popular today. Maybe ...

Foundation: types, device, step-by-step instructions for laying a strip foundation with your own hands

The base of the building is the most important part of it.The slightest mistake in the construction of such structures can end in failure. Not only is it necessary to...

Coffee table: drawings, detailed instructions for making your own hands from improvised materials (125+ Photos & Videos)

This piece of furniture has long served not only as a place to store and view the press. A DIY coffee table can be used for...

Doors for wardrobes: step-by-step instructions for calculating, assembling and installing do-it-yourself (Photo & Video)

Accessories for it can be purchased at any specialized store. The principle of assembling such products is simple - the main thing is to strictly adhere to ...

Extension to the house: a step-by-step description of the stages of construction with your own hands. List of suitable materials with their description (85+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Sometimes it becomes necessary to modify your home. The goals are different - to expand the kitchen, attach a veranda, equip a technical room or ...

Barn: a device with and without a foundation, step-by-step instructions on how to build your own hands (50+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

It makes no sense to spend significant funds for the construction of a building in which it is planned to store only garden tools and household trifles. Enough ...

Shelves in the garage: order first. General design issues, simple options, step-by-step instructions for making your own hands (75+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Garage is a place to store a car. However, no one ever designs garages to fit only a car. Usually after parking...

Greenhouse heating: types of heating, step-by-step recommendations for arranging your own hands (20 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

In central Russia, it is simply impossible to get a good harvest of heat-loving crops without greenhouses. If they are also heated, then from the beginning of March you ...

Children's sandboxes: description, types, sizes, step-by-step instructions on how to build your own hands (90+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

If there are small children in a private house, you simply cannot do without a sandbox. After all, if older kids can find something to do on their own, then for kids ...

Do-it-yourself sewerage in a private house - quickly and without problems. Description of the device, what are the types and schemes (20 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Sewerage in a private house can be done in various ways. In order not to get confused in the variety of choices, it is worth understanding the issue. There are the following...

Canopy attached to the house: what are the types, choice of materials and installation tips (95 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Buildings on a personal plot should be functional and fit into the architectural ensemble. A beautiful canopy attached to the house can ...

Building a garage with your own hands: details about each of the stages. Description, step-by-step instructions, drawings of the roof, inspection pit, interior arrangement (75 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

For the construction of this type of building, it is not at all necessary to use expensive building materials. When building a garage with your own hands, most often ...

Self-leveling floor: device, recommendations and step-by-step instructions on how to do it yourself (50 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

self-leveling floor The self-leveling floor is of high quality and aesthetic appearance. Knowing the technology, you can fill it with your own hands, without the involvement of specialists. ...

Building a chicken coop: description, tips, room arrangement for 5, 10 and 20 chickens (105 Photo Ideas) + Reviews

Keeping chickens is not very difficult even for beginner poultry farmers. However, it also has its own subtleties.One of the most important conditions for breeding ...




landscape design