How and how to paint OSB: choose a reliable paint and coating method (Photo & Video) + Reviews

Oriented strand boards are often used for exterior decoration of building facades and interior work. Their characteristic, rough structure is not always...

All ways to imitate brickwork for interior decoration: expensive and budget, simple and virtuoso. Installation instructions (80+ Photos & Videos)

Brickwork appears in many fashionable interior styles. Imitation brick for interior decoration is an effective way to create a cozy and harmonious ...

We make liquid wallpaper with our own hands: step-by-step instructions, tips, application techniques, as well as useful ones (85 Photos & Videos)

How to add a creative touch to a regular renovation? Create an individual style, bright decor, and show artistic taste. Try cooking trendy...

Furnace in development: views, device, drawings, instructions for making your own hands (Photo & Video) + Reviews

Reusing engine oil saves a lot of money. To do this, it is enough to do it yourself or buy a ready-made oven for ...

Iron door: how to make, insulate and install with your own hands. Step-by-step instruction as well (Photos & Videos)

If you have a welding machine and at least some skills in working with it, it would be simply unreasonable to purchase a Chinese product that is not very durable. Entrance ...

Fiber cement panels for exterior home decoration: high-quality cladding with unique properties (65+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

The most common material for cladding facades of buildings - plaster, is not always the best solution. In winter, it is impossible to carry out "wet work" ...

Popular options for finishing window slopes outside and inside: materials and technologies

After installing the window block and filling the gap around the perimeter of the structure with mounting foam, you need to take care of finishing the window slopes from the outside ...

Doorway without a door: arrangement, ideas for decoration and decoration in the kitchen, balcony, in the hall (105+ Photo Video) + Reviews

Hinged and even some types of sliding doors take up too much free space, so in recent years such structures have been installed ...

How to hang roller blinds on plastic windows without drilling: all about installation and product selection

The popularity of roller blinds is due to their low cost, huge assortment, aesthetic appearance and ease of installation. There are designs that...

Latex paint or acrylic: what is the difference and which one is better to choose for different types of work (Photo & Video) + Reviews

Painting the surfaces of buildings, structures, objects is one of the first types of decoration that appeared in history. Today there are thousands of varieties of colors ...

Wooden staircase to the second floor: types, device, step-by-step instructions for making your own hands (100+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Even if you have at least once held a saw and a hammer in your hands, you are quite capable of making a simple wooden staircase to the second floor. The main thing is to strictly follow ...

We create a cozy workplace with our own hands: creatively, ergonomically and without harm to health (100 Photos & Videos)

How many people do you think are working from home today? Statistics show that every year more and more people leave stuffy offices and start ...

How to fix corrugated board on the roof correctly: do-it-yourself step-by-step chicken breeding of fasteners, cutting, mounting on self-tapping screws, tips (Photo & Video) + Reviews

Profiled rolled metal is perhaps the most commonly used roofing material in recent years. This is due not only to its high strength and ...

Two-pipe heating system of a private house: device, types of systems, schemes, layout, wiring, installation and launch of the system (Photo & Video) + Reviews

Solving the issue of independent heat supply, private developers in most cases prefer classic water heating in the form of a two-pipe ...

Installation of siding: step-by-step instructions for arranging the facade with your own hands. Online calculator for calculating the necessary materials (Photo & Video) + Reviews

This inexpensive material for finishing facades is capable of performing not only a decorative function. It is strong enough and able to protect the building from drafts ...

What to make an apron in the kitchen from: choosing a durable and beautiful option (150+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

The kitchen is one of the most functional places in the house, in the arrangement of which much attention is paid to convenience and comfort. In addition to buying modern...

The face of your home: finishing materials for facades. Description of the most popular types with their advantages and disadvantages (Photo & Video) + Reviews

Many people think that the most important thing in building a house is the walls, the roof, and even communications. Undoubtedly, this is true, however, how the house will look ...

The best antiseptics for wood: how to choose a protective impregnation against fungus + Reviews

Wood is a reliable, durable and the most common building material of natural origin. Natural and durable, this material still needs ...

What is better to build a bath from: blocks, bricks, logs, timber and other materials? Review and recommendations (70 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Bath in Russia has long enjoyed a well-deserved honor. It was believed that regular visits to the steam room not only improves health, but also contributes to the spiritual ...

Extension to the house: a step-by-step description of the stages of construction with your own hands. List of suitable materials with their description (85+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Sometimes it becomes necessary to modify your home. The goals are different - to expand the kitchen, attach a veranda, equip a technical room or ...

Installing a gas boiler in a private house: all the necessary requirements for a quick and legal launch of the heating system (Photo & Video) + Reviews

Scheduled central heating, unfortunately, is not available in all homes. Homeowners in the private sector are left to take care of...

Fence: main types, made of wood, brick, profiled sheet, plastic, chain-link, concrete. DIY Construction Instructions (105+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

The fence performs several basic functions: hides the plot from prying eyes, protects from hooligans, thieves, stray animals. Market ...

Barn: a device with and without a foundation, step-by-step instructions on how to build your own hands (50+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

It makes no sense to spend significant funds for the construction of a building in which it is planned to store only garden tools and household trifles. Enough ...

Sliding gates: making a practical design with your own hands. Schemes, drawings and sketches (100+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

When choosing a gate for arranging the entrance to the courtyard of a private house, sliding (retractable) structures are increasingly preferred. They are practical, durable, their ...

Which floor in the kitchen is better: an overview of modern views. Tiles, self-leveling floor, laminate, parquet and other materials (100+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

The kitchen is a room that is visited more often than other rooms. It is used for cooking and eating. Here they work, play with children. Max...

Shelves in the garage: order first. General design issues, simple options, step-by-step instructions for making your own hands (75+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Garage is a place to store a car. However, no one ever designs garages to fit only a car. Usually after parking...

Greenhouse heating: types of heating, step-by-step recommendations for arranging your own hands (20 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

In central Russia, it is simply impossible to get a good harvest of heat-loving crops without greenhouses. If they are also heated, then from the beginning of March you ...

How to install a water-heated floor with your own hands: step-by-step installation instructions for all types of coatings (20+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Underfloor heating is used as the main or additional source of heat in an apartment or house. If active use is expected...

Children's sandboxes: description, types, sizes, step-by-step instructions on how to build your own hands (90+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

If there are small children in a private house, you simply cannot do without a sandbox. After all, if older kids can find something to do on their own, then for kids ...

Do-it-yourself sewerage in a private house - quickly and without problems. Description of the device, what are the types and schemes (20 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Sewerage in a private house can be done in various ways. In order not to get confused in the variety of choices, it is worth understanding the issue. There are the following...

The blind area around the house: views, device, schematic drawings, instructions on how to do it yourself (30 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Regardless of the type of foundation, it needs additional protection from moisture in the form of a blind area. Otherwise, when freezing, cracks will quickly appear in it, and the base ...

Canopy over the porch: what are the types, device, drawings, step-by-step instructions for making your own hands (80 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

The canopy over the entrance is the most important architectural element of any building. After all, it performs not only an aesthetic, but also a protective function. For ...

Canopy attached to the house: what are the types, choice of materials and installation tips (95 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Buildings on a personal plot should be functional and fit into the architectural ensemble. A beautiful canopy attached to the house can ...

Building a garage with your own hands: details of each of the stages. Description, step-by-step instructions, drawings of the roof, inspection hole, interior arrangement (75 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

For the construction of this type of building, it is not at all necessary to use expensive building materials. When building a garage with your own hands, most often ...

Self-leveling floor: device, recommendations and step-by-step instructions on how to do it yourself (50 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

self-leveling floor The self-leveling floor is of high quality and aesthetic appearance. Knowing the technology, you can fill it with your own hands, without the involvement of specialists. ...

Building a chicken coop: description, tips, room arrangement for 5, 10 and 20 chickens (105 Photo Ideas) + Reviews

Keeping chickens is not very difficult even for beginner poultry farmers. However, it also has its own subtleties. One of the most important conditions for breeding ...

We make vertical beds with our own hands: the best ideas of 2018. For vegetables, berries, herbs and flowers (65+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

vertical beds Even in small areas of garden, garden plots, you can grow a considerable crop. For these purposes, build with your own hands ...

Making a well in the country with your own hands: detailed instructions, plumbing from a well, original ideas for decorative design (75 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Dig a well in the country with your own hands - at first glance, the task is simple. In fact, this process has many subtleties, without knowing which to get ...

Making and laying paving slabs with your own hands: step by step instructions for dry and wet mix. Making a mold, vibrating table (Photo & Video) + Reviews

Paved garden paths not only look attractive, but also increase the comfort of movement. Ways to lay paving slabs with your own ...




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